Six screens from two HD5850s

Richard Palmer richard.d.palmer at
Mon Jan 10 05:43:48 PST 2011

Dear list,

	I'd like to drive six screens (projectors actually) using two HD5850s,
	should this be possible with the current driver code ?. I only need
	2D at the moment, so should I set them up in crossfire configuration?.
	I understand xrandr 1.3 doesn't handle multiple cards, so presumably
	I will just need to manually configure xorg.conf as in the good/bad 
	old days (Using Xinerama to join the screens together into one

	Any example xorg.confs would be very helpful.

	(I'm using the 4 DVI outputs and the two DisplayPort outputs with
	active adaptors to convert to HDMI).


Richard Palmer			| Centre for E-Research 
Systems Manager			| 
richard.d.palmer at	| King's College London
Tel: 0207 848 1973 

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