Radeon/PowerPC: No video output after update 6.12.1 -> 6.12.99; 6.12.192

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at arcor.de
Wed Apr 14 11:52:21 PDT 2010

Am 13.04.10 23:01 schrieb(en) Alex Deucher:
> Do either of these options help?
> Option "ConnectorTable" "100,2,1,2,96,1,0,1"
> Option "ConnectorTable" "100,2,2,2,96,1,0,1"

They don't make any difference, same effects as before  - greenish shades, vertical blue line.  Switching to the text console works (as I can type "reboot", so the kb input goes the right way), but the display just flickers shortly, and then the shade/line does appear there, too.

I also tried some other options (like 'Option "BusType" "PCI"' and 'DefaultDepth 8'), but they also don't make any difference - same effects, again.

> Do you have a VGA monitor by any chance you could test with?

Hmm, maybe we have one left in some distant corner at work, will have a look...

Thanks, Albrecht.
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