radeon RV516 dual head support

Andreas Gajda andreas_gajda at web.de
Wed Jun 24 06:53:37 PDT 2009

Hello List Members!

I have some problems getting my radeon X1300 card running with dual head
enabled. I don't know were to start, so I decided to start at x.org
list, rather than on the kernel list.

As far I can tell from the X-logfile(attached together with the
configuration), the radeon driver recognizes the card at the PCI
interfaces PCI:2:0:0 and PCI:2:0:1.  (I have an unused Nvidea-card on
board as well). Since Xinerama is enabled an clone mode off, I expected
to get two different screens. But I get a cloned desktop with the same
resolution. (this is a little annoying since only one of the monitors is
a widescreen...)

I recently switched to gentoo, but had this card running as dual-head
under Ubuntu already. Unfortunedly I didn't save the xorg.conf and
kernel setup. The current kernel is installed with drm and radeon as
modules, but lsmod says there not loaded at this point. This is
something confusing for me, since I thought the radeon xorg server
module relies on this modules.

Can you provide me please some pointers, what I am missing? Thanks in

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