r128 or new card

Alberto Hernando pajaro.go at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 12:07:23 PDT 2008

El Lunes, 23 de Junio de 2008 06:02, Alex Deucher escribió:
> IIRC the gl requirements of the mplayer gl output are probably more
> than the r128 3D engine can handle without software fallbacks, and I'd
> imaging you are hitting quite a few.


If this is so, considering that glxgears asks for a lot of cpu too... does it 
mean that the driver lacks a few features?
OTOH, I've built the same in another box. It's one with and igp9100 chipset. 
And I get more or less the same: glxgears not too fast (I don't have numbers, 
sorry) but also asking for a lot of cpu. That one is ati-6.8.191. But in this 
case what I really want is tv-out, so I don't care much.


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