Thank You!

Duncan Findlay duncf at
Mon Jan 7 23:39:36 PST 2008

For months I've been struggling to set up a MythTV box with the old  
desktop I had lying around. The missing piece has always been some way  
to get video to display on my TV. The TV Out with my TV Tuner card  
never worked very well (limited to just playing video, drivers were  
flaky and it would freeze often), and I was never able to convince X  
to work with my video card (ATI Radeon 9200) with only TV out and no  
monitors connected.

Thanks to Alex's work over the weekend and the last few months (it  
looks like commit d972cc... was the last piece I needed), it works  
amazingly well, and my xorg.conf is astonishingly simple. So thank you  
Alex, and thank you to the rest of the team and everyone that made  
this possible. :-)

Duncan Findlay

P.S. For anyone coming across this trying to get their Radeon 9200 to  
work using only TV Out, make sure you get a recent verison of the xorg  
ati driver (after Jan 5, 2008) and your xorg.conf should contain  
*only* the following section:

Section "Device"
     Identifier  "ATI TV-Out"
     Option      "TVStandard" "ntsc"
     Driver      "ati"
     Option      "TVDACLoadDetect" "on"
     BusId       "PCI:1:0:0"

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