Radeon 9600 S-video out: TVStandard ntsc issues [Fixed]

Robert Nelson robertcnelson at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 17:13:07 PST 2008

Just an update, I swapped cards from a couple machines laying around.
While doing that i just happened to notice the little jumper on this
specific card.. Yeah, Sapphire ati cards have a little jumper for NTSC
or PAL settings.  Card will now boot up in NTSC mode, (before the bios
screen was all black and white), and works with the d972cc92 commit.
I wonder if this jumper overrides the process in which the
xf86-driver-ati sets the s-video mode or something.  Something the ati
closed driver overrides.  Maybe add a little hint to this condition in
the man pages for future users.

Robert Nelson

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