Bug#497209: xserver-xorg-video-radeon: Strange behaviour using dvi-port only with Radeon 9200 pro

Brice Goglin Brice.Goglin at ens-lyon.org
Sun Aug 31 09:33:09 PDT 2008

Felix Schueller wrote:
> I can simply switch to an tty and call xrandr there. But, i think you
> want the output of "xrandr -display :0 -q" because the output without
> '-q' is empty in both cases. The output ist attached.

The chosen rate is different in these xrandr output, 59.9 when working,
while 60.0 when not working. Maybe your monitor doesn't like 60.0.

Can you try:
1) plugin the VGA cable so that X works
2) changing the rate from 59.9 to 60.0 with xrandr --rate

That said, it looks like having the VGA output detected with preferred
rate = 59.9 would cause the DVI chosen rate to change from 60 and 59.9.


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