Adding new mode for tv-out

Songmao Tian tiansm at
Fri Oct 12 02:39:08 PDT 2007

Hello Alex Deucher,

     I am adding a new mode 640x480 for tv-out function, with the 
following const I can see s-video output, but not good, there's a 
picture at

	640,                /* horResolution */
	480,                /* verResolution */
	TV_STD_NTSC,        /* standard */
	802,                /* horTotal */
	599,                /* verTotal */
	645,                /* horStart */
	660,                /* horSyncStart */
	506,                /* verSyncStart */
	399888,             /* defRestart */
	388,                /* crtcPLL_N */
	91,                 /* crtcPLL_M */
	4,                  /* crtcPLL_postDiv */
	1022,               /* pixToTV */

I am using an old card Radeon 7000M, latest ati driver git tree, NTSC 

Would you please give me some hint on what's the problem?

Looking at the picture, and since I am using NTSC output, I think 
there's some sync problem with the field 1 and field 2. I suspect the 
f/h/v restart para is not correct, but I have no idea how to calculate 
these parameters.

And another problem is mplayer is using overlay, and it seems the the 
overlay is related to crtc0, not crtc1, so when there's video on vga 
output, but none on s-video. how to specify tv-out using crtc0?


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