Can't get 1440x900 on ATI Radeon 9200SE-DT

Kenny Bentley kbentleyjr at
Sat Dec 29 18:17:37 PST 2007

I am using an ABIT ATI Radeon 9200SE-DT graphics card on Gentoo Linux
with xorg-server v1.3.0.0 and xf86-video-ati v6.6.3.  I was previously
using 1280x1024 on my old monitor, but I got a wide-screen monitor for
Christmas, and its native resolution is 1440x900.  I was able to get
that on the kernel with the radeonfb driver, but I can't get it to go
there in X.  The best I can do is 1280x960, which isn't a true
wide-screen resolution, at least not for my monitor, because I see
photos of people and they look fatter than they should.  I can't do
1280x800 either, which my monitor supports and would be a true
wide-screen resolution.  When I try to use 1440x900, I get this message
in my X log:

(II) RADEON(0): Not using mode "1440x900" (no mode of this name)

Same token with 1280x800, but I really want 1440x900.  I ordered a DVI
cable online and am expecting it some time next week, but right now I'm
using VGA, since it only came with a VGA cable.  Does this only with
with DVI?  I don't see why that would be the case, because I got the
frame buffer console on the kernel's radeonfb driver at 1440x900 with a
VGA connection.  Or is there a work-around that would enable me to get
1440x900?  Or does the driver just not support it?  My video card should
support it, because it supports a resolution of
2048xSomething-or-other.  (I don't remember the height, just the width.)

Please let me know if there is a way to get that resolution, or if the
driver doesn't support that, I want to ask that it be added to a future
version.  I've attached my xorg.conf file in case it helps.  If you also
need my Xorg.0.log file, let me know.  I tried to send that attached
before, but I got a response saying my message was too big and needed to
be approved, so I cancelled it and tried again with just my xorg.conf file.

Thanks a lot.

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