Bug#374986: Removing "dri" preset for recent ATI radeon cars

Eduard Bloch edi at gmx.de
Sun Nov 19 11:34:14 PST 2006

#include <hallo.h>
* Michel Dänzer [Sun, Nov 19 2006, 03:39:24PM]:
> On Sun, 2006-11-19 at 15:25 +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> > 
> > Sure, sure. But then, please tell me how. I am just a dumb user when it
> > comes to the X11 internals.
> Doesn't really matter, it's just about finding other people with the
> same card and seeing whether it works for them or not.

Aha. So my case is just collateral damage, and as long as not more than
one person is affected, it does not matter? Or maybe you can point me to
someone who does care and can communicate with newbies?

I mean, what would you do if someone else can reproduce it? Look for
similarities in hardware components and guess? Is there nothing I can do
to help on resolving it?

<forcer> das lambda-kalkuel ist es das einer programmiersprache ihre staerke
	verleiht. es umgibt sie, durchdringt sie, es haelt die funktionen
	zusammen. first-class-funktionen sind wir, nicht diese rohen adressen...

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