Creation of subwindow

Aaron Gomez aarongomez at
Thu Feb 13 08:33:21 UTC 2025

Hello, I am Aarón, engineer of the Rother Industries and Technology company.

I would like to know how to create a window with X11 that is useful as a 
subwindow for another application. Now, I created a window in my 
application, but when I run this window, the main window does not work 
because the window created with X11 is "blocking" the main window. I 
need to create the subwindow (window create with X11) so that it does 
not affect the functionality of the main window.

How do you ensure that I can still have interaction in both windows? Is 
it possible?


*Aarón Gómez Payán
*Dpto. I+D
Tlf: + (34) 957 088 221
Rother Industries & Technology
C/ Fausto García Tena Nº16-C
14014 - Córdoba (Pol.Quemadas)
España / Spain

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