FreeBSD officially became 1st class support citizen for Xorg :) :) :)

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult info at
Fri Sep 6 10:21:41 UTC 2024

Hello friends,

I'd like to know that FreeBSD now has been added to Xorg CI, thus all
branches and merge requests will now automatically built-tested
on FreeBSD 14 :)

Before that change, this all had to be done manually, and so could be
only be done occiasionally.

Many thanks to Peter Hutterer, who's been a great help - also for lots
of previous BSD related fixed and cleanups.

I really wish to do the same for Solaris - unfortunately we haven't
managed to acquire licenses needed for running it publicy in the f.d.o
cloud. If some Sun/Oracle representative could help us out here, this
would be a great step forward.

I'd also like to thank everybody of the many people around the world
who'd been helping us with testing and critique on many issues,
especially the many, many small contributions that usually stay under
the radar and don't get the credit they deserve. The Xorg project
wouldn't be where it is without you :)

Small things are big, huge things are small, tiny acts have huge
effects, everything counts, nothing's lost.


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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at -- +49-151-27565287

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