xcbproto: Meson added + doc

tlaronde at kergis.com tlaronde at kergis.com
Thu Jun 6 20:07:24 UTC 2024

On Thu, Jun 06, 2024 at 07:46:11PM +0000, Peter Harris wrote:
> > For the python related utilities: find_vpython.sh (find a python
> > interpreter matching a version condition) and compile_py.sh (self
> > explanatory), they have to be distributed.
> I haven't looked at your repository, so please forgive me if I've missed
> something important. But shouldn't these be handled by the Meson Python
> module instead of shelling out to a script?
> https://mesonbuild.com/Python-module.html

The problem is that the Python installations are generally more
involved than what allows this python module: you may have several
distinct versioned of python interpreters and, if I read the module
correctly, there is no way to specify a specific version of Python to

Furthermore, the byte-compile code is not portable between arch and/or
systems, so byte-compiling should be done in a separate install time,
on perhaps a different node, and this is not address either.

It was far simpler for me to address these by writing POSIX.2 scripts,
allowing to do exactly what I wanted with the added benefits of being
usable without Meson altogether (they have nothing Meson specific).
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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