Becoming a developer or not

tlaronde at tlaronde at
Wed Jul 3 16:44:07 UTC 2024

As Alan Coopersmith has foreseen, trying to ask on the xcb mailing
list for the changes I made to xcbproto ("peripheral" changes: the
code per se is unchanged; it's just the compilation framework that is
extended to provide Meson too, and the C.I. script adjusted to test
and check Autotools vs. Meson) results in silence...

What is unclear for me is what "provides" the status of Xorg
developer: is an Xorg developer, after doing the work, explaining what
he has done, providing the code for review in a fork, allowed to merge
in, whatever project is under the Xorg umbrella? Or are there
"chappels" i.e. a Xorg developer has only rights on a subset of the

>From the modules, I put aside Wayland since it is not X11. I put aside
Mesa, since it is linked to an external API.

I put also aside what is not userland, since the kernel part (called
DRMKMS in Linux, but the name will probably decay too) is... kernel
dependent and false starts are already piling up in this area.

Chesterton once described the two opposing camps as "conservatism
refuses to correct errors from the past while progressim insists for 
adding new ones".

I'm quite on this line, being neither a conservative man: I like
errors to be corrected, neither a progressist: I don't brand
"progress" every change made or every departure from legacy; it has to
be a change in the right direction...

Seeing that on the GPU side, a lot of people are simply following what
is made _today_ (while advertising the system for _tomorrow_),
while what provide GPUs today is not linked to graphics only,
without questioning whether SIMD is the correct solution and if
vectorial would not be better (see RISCV discussions),
and whether what is called GPU will not end up being another auxiliary
processor (other auxiliary specialized cores), with the displaying
stuff (a clock and a dedicated bus to acces a bitmap and display
it at a defined frequency) decoupled from it; seeing all this, I'm
a bit circumspect---not mentioning that due to the size of the code, a
false direction is fatal.

So: is it possible to become a Xorg developer and to have stuff
committed once no objection is heard during a probation period? If
yes, what is the set of modules accessible to the developer? Or is
the field now totally split between tribes and "legacy" code that some
of us still use condamned to bit-rot with the only two solutions
being:  switch to something else or fork?
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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