Does anyone still feel strongly about -Wdeclaration-after-statement ?

Keith Packard keithp at
Thu Aug 8 16:41:28 UTC 2024

> > Having said that, sticking with the local code style still trumps
> > anything, if you have 6 temp variables declared at the top mixed with 5
> > declared later that's more confusing than if all were at the top.
> But also try to avoid gratuitous churn. I'm opposed to commit to just
> move variable declaration around "because we can".

At least the two of you seem to be in pretty strong agreement. Allow
people to use mixed code/decls where it improves readability during
larger work, but also strongly encourage people to preserve the existing
local style when making only minor changes.

I think we can all agree that the worst style is one which mixes
multiple conflicting elements together. A function with a dozen
declarations at the top of the block and then one random declaration
inserted in the middle at random is something we should avoid.

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