Fonts: Pango Drops Bitmap Support.

Ralph Corderoy ralph at
Mon Jul 29 13:36:39 UTC 2019


Pango has just dropped its support for bitmap fonts.  As it uses
Harfbuzz, it can still use Harfbuzz's support for OpenType's bitmap

This Pango change has caused some grief, e.g. terminal emulators
displaying boxes instead of the user's font, gimp unable to paint bitmap
fonts, etc.

Is there any chance can ship their super collection of fonts as
OpenType bitmaps as well?  I understand it's a mechanical conversion.
That would allow distro packagers to make them readily available to
users alongside the existing BDFs, etc., so they can continue to use
their decade-old favourites.

Fonts aren't my speciality, nor Pango, so apologies if I've grasped the
stick wrong.  Pango 1.44 is when this change will hit most users.
As I run Arch Linux, I've already met it!

Cheers, Ralph.

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