Another protocol repository merge attempt

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at
Fri Dec 15 00:48:11 UTC 2017

On 12/14/17 04:21 PM, Keith Packard wrote:
> Of course, bugs in the fonts will involve copying new versions into our
> repo. I don't have a great solution here. I do suspect the Oracle has
> their AWT configured to find local fonts so that the docbook toolchain
> works, but that isn't true for me, and relies on having the right fonts
> on the build system anyways.

Honestly, I think the versions of Java I've used for generating the docs
just uses fontconfig to find local fonts, but we do ship with a bunch of
commercially licensed fonts from way back when that should be automatically
added to those paths.

	-Alan Coopersmith-               alan.coopersmith at
	 Oracle Solaris Engineering -

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