Merged repo for protocol headers? Why are they split?

Emil Velikov emil.l.velikov at
Thu Dec 7 16:18:01 UTC 2017

On 6 December 2017 at 12:37, Daniel Martin <consume.noise at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> if anyone would like to have a look, I've pushed my current work on
> the merged proto repo here:
> It's generated as is with:
> I used git-filter-branch to:
> - move files to specific directories and
> - prefix commit subjects with the proto name.
> Lots of files have been moved to tmp/, which was removed at the end.
> See commit "Remove temporary files (tmp/)".
> Atm, it just installs:
> - headers (+handling Xfuncproto.h and Xpoll.h) and
> - pkg-configs for each proto (haven't found any notable diff'erences
> to my distro pkg-configs)
> Now:
> - What should I do with the {AUTHORS,COPYING}.$proto files?
> - Should I remove some protos (i.e. trapproto)? The current list is:
> - Anything else I should change?
> Next:
> - I'm working on generating the specs.
Silly question: why are you moving things around?

Perhaps I misread something, but it seemed that devs prefer to have
the different repos in separate folders.
Aka something like
for repo in $repos; do
    mv .../old/to/old/repo/$repo .../new/to/newrepo/$repo

The repo you're prepared looks quite messy IMHO.


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