Integration of libpointing with Xorg

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at
Mon Aug 28 07:21:55 UTC 2017

On Sat, 26 Aug 2017 18:02:52 -0600
Tim Stowell <stowellt at> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I had several questions:
>    1. Does anyone know if there has been an effort to integrate
> with Xorg?
>    2. If not, how would I go about attempting this integration? Libpointing
>    basically outputs x and y displacements based on selected transfer
>    functions. I would need to find out where Xorg currently handles mouse
>    input and sets the cursor position so I could somehow intercept it and
>    modify those coordinates.
> I would appreciate any pointers in the right directions, such as which
> file(s) in the Xorg codebase handlle mouse movement events and actually
> move the cursor? Thanks.


what is the advantage of libpointing you are seeking over, say, libinput?

I had a quick glance over the libpointing README and wiki and but did
not quite understand the project's benefits.

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