[PATCH xserver] xinerama: Implement graphics exposures for window->pixmap copies (v3)

Adam Jackson ajax at redhat.com
Thu Jun 30 15:45:41 UTC 2016

This code is using GetImage to accumulate a logical view of the window
image (since the windows will be clipped to their containing screen),
and then PutImage to load that back into the pixmap.  What it wasn't
doing was constructing a region for the obscured areas of the window and
emitting graphics exposures for same.

v2: Fix coordinate translation when the source is the root window
v3: Create sourceBox with the right coordinates initially instead of
translating (Keith Packard)

Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
 Xext/panoramiXprocs.c | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Xext/panoramiXprocs.c b/Xext/panoramiXprocs.c
index 18f3ac7..357a59d 100644
--- a/Xext/panoramiXprocs.c
+++ b/Xext/panoramiXprocs.c
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ PanoramiXClearToBackground(ClientPtr client)
 PanoramiXCopyArea(ClientPtr client)
-    int j, result, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty;
+    int j, result, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, width, height;
     PanoramiXRes *gc, *src, *dst;
     Bool srcIsRoot = FALSE;
     Bool dstIsRoot = FALSE;
@@ -1091,6 +1091,8 @@ PanoramiXCopyArea(ClientPtr client)
     srcy = stuff->srcY;
     dstx = stuff->dstX;
     dsty = stuff->dstY;
+    width = stuff->width;
+    height = stuff->height;
     if ((dst->type == XRT_PIXMAP) && (src->type == XRT_WINDOW)) {
         DrawablePtr drawables[MAXSCREENS];
         DrawablePtr pDst;
@@ -1105,13 +1107,12 @@ PanoramiXCopyArea(ClientPtr client)
                 return rc;
-        pitch = PixmapBytePad(stuff->width, drawables[0]->depth);
-        if (!(data = calloc(stuff->height, pitch)))
+        pitch = PixmapBytePad(width, drawables[0]->depth);
+        if (!(data = calloc(height, pitch)))
             return BadAlloc;
-        XineramaGetImageData(drawables, srcx, srcy,
-                             stuff->width, stuff->height, ZPixmap, ~0, data,
-                             pitch, srcIsRoot);
+        XineramaGetImageData(drawables, srcx, srcy, width, height, ZPixmap, ~0,
+                             data, pitch, srcIsRoot);
             stuff->gc = gc->info[j].id;
@@ -1123,14 +1124,63 @@ PanoramiXCopyArea(ClientPtr client)
             (*pGC->ops->PutImage) (pDst, pGC, pDst->depth, dstx, dsty,
-                                   stuff->width, stuff->height,
-                                   0, ZPixmap, data);
+                                   width, height, 0, ZPixmap, data);
             if (dstShared)
+        if (pGC->graphicsExposures) {
+            RegionRec rgn;
+            int dx, dy;
+            BoxRec sourceBox;
+            dx = drawables[0]->x;
+            dy = drawables[0]->y;
+            if (srcIsRoot) {
+                dx += screenInfo.screens[0]->x;
+                dy += screenInfo.screens[0]->y;
+            }
+            sourceBox.x1 = srcx + dx;
+            sourceBox.y1 = srcy + dy;
+            sourceBox.x2 = sourceBox.x1 + width;
+            sourceBox.y2 = sourceBox.y1 + height;
+            RegionInit(&rgn, &sourceBox, 1);
+            /* subtract the (screen-space) clips of the source drawables */
+            FOR_NSCREENS(j) {
+                ScreenPtr screen = screenInfo.screens[j];
+                RegionPtr sd;
+                if (pGC->subWindowMode == IncludeInferiors)
+                    sd = NotClippedByChildren((WindowPtr)drawables[j]);
+                else
+                    sd = &((WindowPtr)drawables[j])->clipList;
+                if (srcIsRoot)
+                    RegionTranslate(&rgn, -screen->x, -screen->y);
+                RegionSubtract(&rgn, &rgn, sd);
+                if (srcIsRoot)
+                    RegionTranslate(&rgn, screen->x, screen->y);
+                if (pGC->subWindowMode == IncludeInferiors)
+                    RegionDestroy(sd);
+            }
+            /* -dx/-dy to get back to dest-relative, plus request offsets */
+            RegionTranslate(&rgn, -dx + dstx, -dy + dsty);
+            /* intersect with gc clip; just one screen is fine because pixmap */
+            RegionIntersect(&rgn, &rgn, pGC->pCompositeClip);
+            /* and expose */
+            SendGraphicsExpose(client, &rgn, dst->info[0].id, X_CopyArea, 0);
+            RegionUninit(&rgn);
+        }
     else {
         DrawablePtr pDst = NULL, pSrc = NULL;

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