Xorg glx module: GLVND, EGL, or ... ?

Adam Jackson ajax at redhat.com
Fri Dec 16 22:02:18 UTC 2016

On Thu, 2016-12-15 at 16:08 +0000, Emil Velikov wrote:

> Example:
> Would happen if we one calls glXMakeCurrent which internally goes down
> to eglMakeCurrent ? Are we going to clash since (iirc) one is not
> allowed to do both on the same GL ctx ?

No, for the same reason this already isn't a problem. If you
glXMakeCurrent an indirect context, the X server does not itself call
glXMakeCurrent. All it does is record the client's binding. Only when
we go do to actual indirect rendering (or mutate context state) does
libglx actually make that context "current". That context is a tuple of
the protocol state and a DRI driver context; it could just as easily be
an EGL context instead of DRI.

- ajax

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