Modesetting patch still awaiting review

Michael Thayer michael.thayer at
Wed Apr 6 13:19:17 UTC 2016


I submitted this a month ago, but so far no reviews, so please consider 
this a polite ping.  (I will be off-line for three weeks now, so will 
not respond immediately - thanks in advance to anyone who reviews it in 
that time.)

modesetting: allow switching from software to hardware cursors.

Currently if modesetting ever fails to set a hardware cursor it will 
switch to using a software cursor and never go back.  Change this to try 
a hardware cursor first every time a new one is set.  This is needed 
because hardware may be able to handle some cursors in hardware and 
others not, or virtual hardware may be able to handle hardware cursors 
at some times and not others.

Thanks and regards,

Michael Thayer | VirtualBox engineer
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | D-71384 Weinstadt

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