Nomination Period for the X.Org Foundation BoD Election ENDS

Egbert Eich eich at
Thu Feb 12 22:47:36 PST 2015

Just as a reminder, the nomination period for the X.Org Foundation
Board of Directors election ends on 

 Monday, Feb 16 2015, 23:59 UTC (12:59 PM UTC).

If you would like to nominate yourself, please send email to
elections at
Please note that to be a candidate in this election your have
to be a member. If you have not done so, please register or 
renew your membership by above time by visiting:

Please note, that all memberships have been expired before
the initial election announcement went out.
Therefore, if you want to participate in the election as a
voter, please register or renew your membership!

For further information please visit:


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