[PATCH] damageext: Xineramify (v3)

Adam Jackson ajax at redhat.com
Fri Sep 27 11:20:37 PDT 2013

Optimize pixmaps by only watching for them on screen 0
Accumulate window reports across all screens

Screen 0 holds the "real" damage for all drawable types; the window
report hooks for other screens look up screen 0 and pile on.  Therefore
we don't need to wrap Subtract, though we do have to be careful how we
subtract since the internal DamageSubtract clips to the per-screen root
window.  The real compexity is the cleverness required for deferring
writing the events until just before FlushAllOutput, but there's no
getting around that.

Add is probably (still) somewhat broken since it will only hit screen 0,
but Add really only exists for DRI1's sake, and DRI1 disables itself
with Xinerama enabled anyway.  In the absence of a use case, I'm leaving
it unwrapped under Xinerama; if someone wants to define how it ought to
work, be my guest.

Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
 Xext/panoramiX.c         |   3 +
 Xext/panoramiX.h         |   3 +
 damageext/damageext.c    | 310 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 damageext/damageextint.h |   4 +
 4 files changed, 282 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Xext/panoramiX.c b/Xext/panoramiX.c
index 7f888e3..35f5ff6 100644
--- a/Xext/panoramiX.c
+++ b/Xext/panoramiX.c
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ Equipment Corporation.
 #ifdef XFIXES
 #include "xfixesint.h"
+#include "damageextint.h"
 #include "compint.h"
@@ -586,6 +587,7 @@ PanoramiXExtensionInit(void)
 #ifdef XFIXES
+    PanoramiXDamageInit();
@@ -893,6 +895,7 @@ PanoramiXResetProc(ExtensionEntry * extEntry)
 #ifdef XFIXES
+    PanoramiXDamageReset();
     PanoramiXCompositeReset ();
diff --git a/Xext/panoramiX.h b/Xext/panoramiX.h
index 6578dfa..b06fce4 100644
--- a/Xext/panoramiX.h
+++ b/Xext/panoramiX.h
@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ typedef struct {
         struct {
             Bool root;
         } pict;
+        struct {
+            Bool queued;
+        } damage;
         char raw_data[4];
     } u;
 } PanoramiXRes;
diff --git a/damageext/damageext.c b/damageext/damageext.c
index cf6b63b..d735ab0 100644
--- a/damageext/damageext.c
+++ b/damageext/damageext.c
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
  * Copyright © 2002 Keith Packard
+ * Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
  * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
  * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
@@ -28,6 +29,15 @@
 #include "protocol-versions.h"
 #include "extinit.h"
+#include "panoramiX.h"
+#include "panoramiXsrv.h"
+static int (*PanoramiXSaveDamageVector[XDamageNumberRequests]) (ClientPtr);
 static unsigned char DamageReqCode;
 static int DamageEventBase;
 static RESTYPE DamageExtType;
@@ -38,10 +48,21 @@ static DevPrivateKeyRec DamageClientPrivateKeyRec;
 #define DamageClientPrivateKey (&DamageClientPrivateKeyRec)
 static void
+DamageNoteCritical(ClientPtr pClient)
+    DamageClientPtr pDamageClient = GetDamageClient(pClient);
+    /* Composite extension marks clients with manual Subwindows as critical */
+    if (pDamageClient->critical > 0) {
+        SetCriticalOutputPending();
+        pClient->smart_priority = SMART_MAX_PRIORITY;
+    }
+static void
 DamageExtNotify(DamageExtPtr pDamageExt, BoxPtr pBoxes, int nBoxes)
     ClientPtr pClient = pDamageExt->pClient;
-    DamageClientPtr pDamageClient = GetDamageClient(pClient);
     DrawablePtr pDrawable = pDamageExt->pDrawable;
     xDamageNotifyEvent ev;
     int i;
@@ -51,7 +72,7 @@ DamageExtNotify(DamageExtPtr pDamageExt, BoxPtr pBoxes, int nBoxes)
         .type = DamageEventBase + XDamageNotify,
         .level = pDamageExt->level,
         .drawable = pDamageExt->drawable,
-        .damage = pDamageExt->id,
+        .damage = pDamageExt->report_id,
         .timestamp = currentTime.milliseconds,
         .geometry.x = pDrawable->x,
         .geometry.y = pDrawable->y,
@@ -77,11 +98,8 @@ DamageExtNotify(DamageExtPtr pDamageExt, BoxPtr pBoxes, int nBoxes)
         ev.area.height = pDrawable->height;
         WriteEventsToClient(pClient, 1, (xEvent *) &ev);
-    /* Composite extension marks clients with manual Subwindows as critical */
-    if (pDamageClient->critical > 0) {
-        SetCriticalOutputPending();
-        pClient->smart_priority = SMART_MAX_PRIORITY;
-    }
+    DamageNoteCritical(pClient);
 static void
@@ -163,19 +181,56 @@ ProcDamageQueryVersion(ClientPtr client)
     return Success;
+static DamageExtPtr
+DamageExtCreate(DrawablePtr pDrawable, DamageReportLevel level,
+                ClientPtr client, XID id, XID drawable, XID report_id,
+                DamageReportFunc reportFunc)
+    DamageExtPtr pDamageExt = malloc(sizeof(DamageExtRec));
+    if (!pDamageExt)
+        return NULL;
+    pDamageExt->id = id;
+    pDamageExt->report_id = report_id;
+    pDamageExt->drawable = drawable;
+    pDamageExt->pDrawable = pDrawable;
+    pDamageExt->level = level;
+    pDamageExt->pClient = client;
+    pDamageExt->pDamage = DamageCreate(reportFunc, DamageExtDestroy, level,
+                                       FALSE, pDrawable->pScreen, pDamageExt);
+    if (!pDamageExt->pDamage) {
+        free(pDamageExt);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!AddResource(id, DamageExtType, (pointer) pDamageExt))
+        return NULL;
+    DamageSetReportAfterOp(pDamageExt->pDamage, TRUE);
+    DamageRegister(pDrawable, pDamageExt->pDamage);
+    if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
+        RegionPtr pRegion = &((WindowPtr) pDrawable)->borderClip;
+        RegionTranslate(pRegion, -pDrawable->x, -pDrawable->y);
+        DamageReportDamage(pDamageExt->pDamage, pRegion);
+        RegionTranslate(pRegion, pDrawable->x, pDrawable->y);
+    }
+    return pDamageExt;
 static int
-ProcDamageCreate(ClientPtr client)
+doDamageCreate(ClientPtr client, XID reportDrawable, XID reportDamage,
+               DamageReportFunc reportFunc)
     DrawablePtr pDrawable;
     DamageExtPtr pDamageExt;
     DamageReportLevel level;
-    RegionPtr pRegion;
     int rc;
-    LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->damage, client);
     rc = dixLookupDrawable(&pDrawable, stuff->drawable, client, 0,
                            DixGetAttrAccess | DixReadAccess);
     if (rc != Success)
@@ -199,39 +254,25 @@ ProcDamageCreate(ClientPtr client)
         return BadValue;
-    pDamageExt = malloc(sizeof(DamageExtRec));
+    pDamageExt = DamageExtCreate(pDrawable, level, client, stuff->damage,
+                                 reportDrawable, reportDamage, reportFunc);
     if (!pDamageExt)
         return BadAlloc;
-    pDamageExt->id = stuff->damage;
-    pDamageExt->drawable = stuff->drawable;
-    pDamageExt->pDrawable = pDrawable;
-    pDamageExt->level = level;
-    pDamageExt->pClient = client;
-    pDamageExt->pDamage = DamageCreate(DamageExtReport,
-                                       DamageExtDestroy,
-                                       level,
-                                       FALSE, pDrawable->pScreen, pDamageExt);
-    if (!pDamageExt->pDamage) {
-        free(pDamageExt);
-        return BadAlloc;
-    }
-    if (!AddResource(stuff->damage, DamageExtType, (pointer) pDamageExt))
-        return BadAlloc;
-    DamageSetReportAfterOp(pDamageExt->pDamage, TRUE);
-    DamageRegister(pDamageExt->pDrawable, pDamageExt->pDamage);
-    if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
-        pRegion = &((WindowPtr) pDrawable)->borderClip;
-        RegionTranslate(pRegion, -pDrawable->x, -pDrawable->y);
-        DamageReportDamage(pDamageExt->pDamage, pRegion);
-        RegionTranslate(pRegion, pDrawable->x, pDrawable->y);
-    }
     return Success;
 static int
+ProcDamageCreate(ClientPtr client)
+    REQUEST(xDamageCreateReq);
+    REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDamageCreateReq);
+    LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->damage, client);
+    return doDamageCreate(client, stuff->drawable, stuff->damage,
+                          DamageExtReport);
+static int
 ProcDamageDestroy(ClientPtr client)
@@ -243,6 +284,24 @@ ProcDamageDestroy(ClientPtr client)
     return Success;
+ * DamageSubtract clips to the window border, which is wrong for Xinerama
+ * since that clips you to the ScreenRec.
+ */
+static Bool
+DamageExtSubtract(DamagePtr pDamage, const RegionPtr pRegion)
+    if (!noPanoramiXExtension) {
+        RegionPtr damageRegion = DamageRegion(pDamage);
+        RegionSubtract(damageRegion, damageRegion, pRegion);
+        return RegionNotEmpty(damageRegion);
+    }
+    return DamageSubtract(pDamage, pRegion);
 static int
 ProcDamageSubtract(ClientPtr client)
@@ -262,7 +321,7 @@ ProcDamageSubtract(ClientPtr client)
         if (pRepair) {
             if (pParts)
                 RegionIntersect(pParts, DamageRegion(pDamage), pRepair);
-            if (DamageSubtract(pDamage, pRepair))
+            if (DamageExtSubtract(pDamage, pRepair))
                 DamageExtReport(pDamage, DamageRegion(pDamage),
                                 (void *) pDamageExt);
@@ -272,6 +331,7 @@ ProcDamageSubtract(ClientPtr client)
     return Success;
@@ -468,6 +528,175 @@ SDamageNotifyEvent(xDamageNotifyEvent * from, xDamageNotifyEvent * to)
     cpswaps(from->geometry.height, to->geometry.height);
+static void
+damageFlushCallback(CallbackListPtr *cbl, void *closure, void *unused)
+    DamageExtPtr pDamageExt = closure;
+    RegionPtr pRegion = DamageRegion(pDamageExt->pDamage);
+    PanoramiXRes *damage = NULL;
+    DamageExtReport(pDamageExt->pDamage, pRegion, pDamageExt);
+    DeleteCallback(&FlushCallback, damageFlushCallback, pDamageExt);
+    dixLookupResourceByType((void **)&damage, pDamageExt->id, XRT_DAMAGE,
+                            serverClient, DixWriteAccess);
+    if (damage)
+        damage->u.damage.queued = FALSE;
+/* for screen 0 */
+static void
+PanoramiXDamageQueue(DamagePtr pDamage, RegionPtr pRegion, void *closure)
+    DamageExtPtr pDamageExt = closure;
+    PanoramiXRes *damage = NULL;
+    /* happens on unmap? sigh xinerama */
+    if (RegionNil(pRegion))
+        return;
+    dixLookupResourceByType((void **)&damage, pDamageExt->report_id, XRT_DAMAGE,
+                            serverClient, DixWriteAccess);
+    if (damage) {
+        if (!damage->u.damage.queued) {
+            AddCallback(&FlushCallback, damageFlushCallback, pDamageExt);
+            damage->u.damage.queued = TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    DamageNoteCritical(pDamageExt->pClient);
+/* for screens 1 to n */
+static void
+PanoramiXDamageAccumulate(DamagePtr pDamage, RegionPtr pRegion, void *closure)
+    DamageExtPtr pDamageExt = closure, pDamageExt0 = NULL;
+    PanoramiXRes *damage = NULL;
+    /* happens on unmap? sigh xinerama */
+    if (RegionNil(pRegion))
+        return;
+    dixLookupResourceByType((void **)&damage, pDamageExt->report_id, XRT_DAMAGE,
+                            serverClient, DixWriteAccess);
+    if (damage) {
+        dixLookupResourceByType((void **)&pDamageExt0, damage->info[0].id,
+                                DamageExtType, serverClient, DixWriteAccess);
+        if (pDamageExt0) {
+            DamageReportDamage(pDamageExt0->pDamage, pRegion);
+            DamageEmpty(pDamageExt->pDamage);
+        }
+    }
+static int
+PanoramiXDamageCreate(ClientPtr client)
+    PanoramiXRes *draw, *damage;
+    int i, rc;
+    REQUEST(xDamageCreateReq);
+    REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDamageCreateReq);
+    LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->damage, client);
+    rc = dixLookupResourceByClass((void **)&draw, stuff->drawable, XRC_DRAWABLE,
+                                  client, DixGetAttrAccess | DixReadAccess);
+    if (rc != Success)
+        return rc;
+    if (!(damage = calloc(1, sizeof(PanoramiXRes))))
+        return BadAlloc;
+    damage->type = XRT_DAMAGE;
+    if (!AddResource(stuff->damage, XRT_DAMAGE, damage))
+        return BadAlloc;
+    /* pixmaps exist on all screens, so just watching screen 0 works */
+    if (draw->type == XRT_PIXMAP) {
+        damage->info[0].id = stuff->damage;
+        rc = PanoramiXSaveDamageVector[X_DamageCreate](client);
+        if (rc != Success) {
+            FreeResource(damage->info[0].id, None);
+            return rc;
+        }
+    } else {
+        rc = doDamageCreate(client, stuff->drawable, stuff->damage,
+                            PanoramiXDamageQueue);
+        if (rc == Success) {
+            panoramix_setup_ids(damage, client, stuff->damage);
+                stuff->damage = damage->info[i].id;
+                stuff->drawable = draw->info[i].id;
+                rc = doDamageCreate(client, draw->info[0].id,
+                                    damage->info[0].id,
+                                    PanoramiXDamageAccumulate);
+                if (rc != Success)
+                    FreeResource(damage->info[0].id, None);
+            }
+        } else {
+            FreeResource(damage->info[0].id, None);
+        }
+    }
+    return rc;
+static int
+PanoramiXDamageDestroy(ClientPtr client)
+    REQUEST(xDamageDestroyReq);
+    PanoramiXRes *damage;
+    int i, rc = Success;
+    REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDamageDestroyReq);
+    rc = dixLookupResourceByType((void **)&damage, stuff->damage, XRT_DAMAGE,
+                                 client, DixDestroyAccess);
+    if (rc != Success)
+        return rc;
+        if ((stuff->damage = damage->info[i].id)) {
+            rc = PanoramiXSaveDamageVector[X_DamageDestroy](client);
+            if (rc != Success)
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    return rc;
+    XRT_DAMAGE = CreateNewResourceType(XineramaDeleteResource,
+                                       "XineramaDamage");
+    memcpy(PanoramiXSaveDamageVector, ProcDamageVector,
+           sizeof(ProcDamageVector));
+    ProcDamageVector[X_DamageCreate] = PanoramiXDamageCreate;
+    ProcDamageVector[X_DamageDestroy] = PanoramiXDamageDestroy;
+    memcpy(ProcDamageVector, PanoramiXSaveDamageVector,
+           sizeof(ProcDamageVector));
+#endif /* PANORAMIX */
@@ -502,5 +731,10 @@ DamageExtensionInit(void)
             (EventSwapPtr) SDamageNotifyEvent;
                                   extEntry->errorBase + BadDamage);
+        if (XRT_DAMAGE)
+            SetResourceTypeErrorValue(XRT_DAMAGE,
+                                      extEntry->errorBase + BadDamage);
diff --git a/damageext/damageextint.h b/damageext/damageextint.h
index 2723379..7319a1d 100644
--- a/damageext/damageextint.h
+++ b/damageext/damageextint.h
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ typedef struct _DamageExt {
     DamageReportLevel level;
     ClientPtr pClient;
     XID id;
+    XID report_id;
     XID drawable;
 } DamageExtRec, *DamageExtPtr;
@@ -67,4 +68,7 @@ typedef struct _DamageExt {
  DamageExtSetCritical(ClientPtr pClient, Bool critical);
+void PanoramiXDamageInit(void);
+void PanoramiXDamageReset(void);
 #endif                          /* _DAMAGEEXTINT_H_ */

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