[PATCH] Use new pixman_glyph_cache_t API that will be in pixman 0.28.0

Søren Sandmann sandmann at cs.au.dk
Thu Sep 20 17:02:19 PDT 2012

From: Søren Sandmann Pedersen <ssp at redhat.com>

This new API allows glyphs to be cached in a data structure in pixman,
and entire glyph strings to be composited in one go.

Also bump pixman dependency to 0.27.2.

Results from the cairo peformance test suite running against Xvfb with
a screen size of 1680x1050 at 32bpp:

 xlib          firefox-talos-gfx  12416.63 -> 3603.93   3.45x speedup
 xlib          xfce4-terminal-a1   1727.57 -> 1048.85:  1.65x speedup
 xlib                  evolution   1370.49 -> 869.34:   1.58x speedup
 xlib         gnome-terminal-vim   1832.83 -> 1251.94:  1.46x speedup
 xlib                    poppler   1519.70 -> 1204.05:  1.26x speedup
 xlib       firefox-planet-gnome   6982.55 -> 5598.16:  1.25x speedup
 xlib                  ocitysmap   1142.77 -> 1071.53:  1.07x speedup

No slowdowns were reported.

Results of x11perf -aa10text:


      8000000 reps @   0.0007 msec (1450000.0/sec)
      8000000 reps @   0.0007 msec (1460000.0/sec)
      8000000 reps @   0.0007 msec (1460000.0/sec)
      8000000 reps @   0.0007 msec (1470000.0/sec)
      8000000 reps @   0.0007 msec (1480000.0/sec)
     40000000 trep @   0.0007 msec (1460000.0/sec)


     32000000 reps @   0.0002 msec (4910000.0/sec)
     32000000 reps @   0.0002 msec (4830000.0/sec)
     32000000 reps @   0.0002 msec (4890000.0/sec)
     32000000 reps @   0.0002 msec (4830000.0/sec)
     32000000 reps @   0.0002 msec (4900000.0/sec)
    160000000 trep @   0.0002 msec (4870000.0/sec)

Acked-by: Aaron Plattner <aplattner at nvidia.com>
Signed-off-by: Soren Sandmann <ssp at redhat.com>
 configure.ac |    2 +-
 fb/fbpict.c  |  143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index ac3bf26..ca1b438 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ LIBPCIACCESS="pciaccess >= 0.12.901"
 LIBUDEV="libudev >= 143"
 LIBSELINUX="libselinux >= 2.0.86"
 LIBDBUS="dbus-1 >= 1.0"
-LIBPIXMAN="pixman-1 >= 0.21.8"
+LIBPIXMAN="pixman-1 >= 0.27.2"
 dnl Pixman is always required, but we separate it out so we can link
 dnl specific modules against it
diff --git a/fb/fbpict.c b/fb/fbpict.c
index 097a1a6..a70fa18 100644
--- a/fb/fbpict.c
+++ b/fb/fbpict.c
@@ -70,6 +70,146 @@ fbComposite(CARD8 op,
     free_pixman_pict(pDst, dest);
+static pixman_glyph_cache_t *glyphCache;
+static void
+fbUnrealizeGlyph(ScreenPtr pScreen,
+		 GlyphPtr pGlyph)
+    if (glyphCache)
+	pixman_glyph_cache_remove (glyphCache, pGlyph, NULL);
+static void
+fbGlyphs(CARD8 op,
+	 PicturePtr pSrc,
+	 PicturePtr pDst,
+	 PictFormatPtr maskFormat,
+	 INT16 xSrc,
+	 INT16 ySrc, int nlist,
+	 GlyphListPtr list,
+	 GlyphPtr *glyphs)
+#define N_STACK_GLYPHS 512
+    ScreenPtr pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
+    pixman_glyph_t stack_glyphs[N_STACK_GLYPHS];
+    pixman_glyph_t *pglyphs = stack_glyphs;
+    pixman_image_t *srcImage, *dstImage;
+    int srcXoff, srcYoff, dstXoff, dstYoff;
+    GlyphPtr glyph;
+    int n_glyphs;
+    int x, y;
+    int i, n;
+    int xDst = list->xOff, yDst = list->yOff;
+    miCompositeSourceValidate(pSrc);
+    n_glyphs = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < nlist; ++i)
+	n_glyphs += list[i].len;
+    if (!glyphCache)
+	glyphCache = pixman_glyph_cache_create();
+    pixman_glyph_cache_freeze (glyphCache);
+    if (n_glyphs > N_STACK_GLYPHS) {
+	if (!(pglyphs = malloc (n_glyphs * sizeof (pixman_glyph_t))))
+	    goto out;
+    }
+    i = 0;
+    x = y = 0;
+    while (nlist--) {
+        x += list->xOff;
+        y += list->yOff;
+        n = list->len;
+        while (n--) {
+	    const void *g;
+            glyph = *glyphs++;
+	    if (!(g = pixman_glyph_cache_lookup (glyphCache, glyph, NULL))) {
+		pixman_image_t *glyphImage;
+		PicturePtr pPicture;
+		int xoff, yoff;
+		pPicture = GetGlyphPicture(glyph, pScreen);
+		if (!pPicture) {
+		    n_glyphs--;
+		    goto next;
+		}
+		if (!(glyphImage = image_from_pict(pPicture, FALSE, &xoff, &yoff)))
+		    goto out;
+		g = pixman_glyph_cache_insert(glyphCache, glyph, NULL,
+					      glyph->info.x,
+					      glyph->info.y,
+					      glyphImage);
+		free_pixman_pict(pPicture, glyphImage);
+		if (!g)
+		    goto out;
+	    }
+	    pglyphs[i].x = x;
+	    pglyphs[i].y = y;
+	    pglyphs[i].glyph = g;
+	    i++;
+	next:
+            x += glyph->info.xOff;
+            y += glyph->info.yOff;
+	}
+	list++;
+    }
+    if (!(srcImage = image_from_pict(pSrc, FALSE, &srcXoff, &srcYoff)))
+	goto out;
+    if (!(dstImage = image_from_pict(pDst, TRUE, &dstXoff, &dstYoff)))
+	goto out_free_src;
+    if (maskFormat) {
+	pixman_format_code_t format;
+	pixman_box32_t extents;
+	int x, y;
+	format = maskFormat->format | (maskFormat->depth << 24);
+	pixman_glyph_get_extents(glyphCache, n_glyphs, pglyphs, &extents);
+	x = extents.x1;
+	y = extents.y1;
+	pixman_composite_glyphs(op, srcImage, dstImage, format,
+				xSrc + srcXoff + xDst, ySrc + srcYoff + yDst,
+				x, y,
+				x + dstXoff, y + dstYoff,
+				extents.x2 - extents.x1,
+				extents.y2 - extents.y1,
+				glyphCache, n_glyphs, pglyphs);
+    }
+    else {
+	pixman_composite_glyphs_no_mask(op, srcImage, dstImage,
+					xSrc + srcXoff - xDst, ySrc + srcYoff - yDst,
+					dstXoff, dstYoff,
+					glyphCache, n_glyphs, pglyphs);
+    }
+    free_pixman_pict(pDst, dstImage);
+    free_pixman_pict(pSrc, srcImage);
+    pixman_glyph_cache_thaw(glyphCache);
+    if (pglyphs != stack_glyphs)
+	free(pglyphs);
 static pixman_image_t *
 create_solid_fill_image(PicturePtr pict)
@@ -357,7 +497,8 @@ fbPictureInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, PictFormatPtr formats, int nformats)
         return FALSE;
     ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
     ps->Composite = fbComposite;
-    ps->Glyphs = miGlyphs;
+    ps->Glyphs = fbGlyphs;
+    ps->UnrealizeGlyph = fbUnrealizeGlyph;
     ps->CompositeRects = miCompositeRects;
     ps->RasterizeTrapezoid = fbRasterizeTrapezoid;
     ps->Trapezoids = fbTrapezoids;

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