[PATCH dix] dix: Added a "flat" acceleration profile that provides a linear pointer response.

Orhan Kavrakoglu orhan at tart.com.tr
Tue Mar 29 07:41:02 PDT 2011

On 03/29/2011 02:56 PM, Simon Thum wrote:
> I don't have much problems with the patch as-is, except that a
> corresponding xorg.conf man page entry should be added.
> The bigger problem is that I don't even like to have
> ConstantDeceleration within the accel code, so adding scaling as a "flat
> profile" is making the mess worse.
> What I'd like to see are input transformation matrices as recently
> discussed (or similar). See
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg-devel/2011-March/020680.html
> for my input on peter's request.
> This would solve the problem as a side-effect, and allow for much more.
> I mean, why would scaling/sensitivity "be" a single profile, and not be
> available as an add-on to all profiles?
> It's technically correct, and I welcome people to patch it into distros,
> but for master I'd prefer a conceptually clean solution. But if it turns
> out there's no support for the concept as described, we should probably
> add it to master (given you provide a man page entry).

I see. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near familiar enough with the input 
code to implement this. Though I'm willing to try, it will take some 
time, to say the least. (Some reading pointers would be great, at this 

There's another thing: The profile I posted is equivalent to the "none" 
profile (-1) when acc = 1.0. Do you think it is feasible to merge the two?

As this was my first patch, there was bound to be something missing. I 
will update the man entry in any case.

Thanks for your help,

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