connect xserver socket

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at
Thu Jul 21 10:19:54 PDT 2011

On 07/21/11 02:43 AM, 刘杰 wrote:
> Hello, every one.
>         This days I am studying the oldest version of x-window realization, with
> the purpose of getting a insight of the internal machanism. From the website of
> picked up X.V10R3 to get start of my work.

X version 10 and version 11 are not compatible.   Studying 25 year old X version
10 sources will not teach you how X11 works today.

>        My pc is now working with i386 arch and Fedora15 linux desktop system,
> which of that X.V10R3 not supported. So first i must rebuild Xlib.To test with a
> x-client program, the XOpenDisplay fucntion gave a "connect to x server error.".
> Things like this:
> I derectly test with the x-server on Fedora15.So i needn't wrote a xserver
> program first.

> By myself, I have two reason for this:
> 1.x-server needs a authentication that my test program didn't add.

Yes, the X server authentication mechanisms we use now were added later.
You need to use an X11 library to connect to an X11 server, an X10 library
cannot work.

>  2. In the program of mine, the port which i tried to connect is not a correct one.

Also correct - X11 does not use the ports 5800 & 5900 you listed in your program.

	-Alan Coopersmith-        alan.coopersmith at
	 Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System

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