[PATCH libX11] config: Add an option to initialize threads by default.

Julien Cristau jcristau at debian.org
Mon Jan 31 03:13:45 PST 2011

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 12:46:56 +0200, Rami Ylimäki wrote:

> This change makes it possible to guard a system against a missing
> XInitThreads call in X clients. One might argue that this is a client
> problem and that all X clients should call XInitThreads if it's
> possible that they could use Xlib from multiple threads. However,
> experience has shown that it's just too easy for developers to
> overlook the need for this call.
This change means that somebody developing their apps on a system with
it on will never see they need to call XInitThreads(), and stuff will
break when moving to an Xlib without that option.  I don't think that's
a good idea.


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