[PATCH modular] Implement a classification for scripts using subdirectories

Dirk Wallenstein halsmit at t-online.de
Thu Sep 23 23:56:28 PDT 2010

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 02:47:52PM -0400, Gaetan Nadon wrote:
>    On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 17:05 +0200, Dirk Wallenstein wrote:
>      X-JHBuild can generate a list of modules to skip for your current or
>      another platform/os combination.  It does so implicitly with the
>      'init'
>      subcommand for the current system.
>    Pardon me as I am not familiar with X-JBuild. What is needed for new
>    contributors who follow build instructions for the first time is a list
>    modules for X (similar to what is in build.sh or tinderbox) and run it
>    on whatever platform they build on without breakage or manual
>    intervention. They are not even aware some modules build only on some
>    platforms.
>    This would go a long way in giving people a good first impression.

Concerning build instructions: For the last release it's all in the
README in the package attached here [1].  In the upcoming release it's
just 'git clone' and 'make install'.

For a HTML-tinderbox-log-first-impression, after installation, just do:
    cd <source-destination-path>
    xjh init
    xjh tinderwrap  [list-of-modules-you-want-with-deps]
That's all.  Omitting a list of modules will build all of Xorg.  Modules
that can't be build will be skipped.  The result is in the INSTALL
subdirectory.  It is possible to easily work with multiple
repository-groups (think about a pure testing repo-group and one for
your own work).  Plug-ins can be any executable, and they can get their
context info from the environment.  The -h/--help options of the main
script and the subcommand contain a lot of more info.

Matt did test x-jhbuild before the init subcommand existed.  The issues
he faced are no longer a problem.

[1] http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg-devel/2010-July/011216.html


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