[PATCH v2] Fix Xdmx and Xephyr build when DTrace support is enabled

Nicolas PENINGUY nico at lostgeeks.org
Tue Nov 23 16:36:51 PST 2010

On 11/24/2010 12:25 AM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> $(DLOPEN_LIBS) is empty on Solaris, since dlopen() is in libc, so I never
> noticed that.   Seems fine to me.   (Is this a sign of work to make the
> dtrace probes usuable with SystemTap on Linux?  If so, cool!)

Well, it already works :)

probe process("/usr/bin/Xorg").mark("request__start")
     printf("request__start %s %d %d %d %d\n", user_string($arg1), 
$arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5)

request__start RENDER 148 2 26 27450544
request__start SetClipRectangles 59 5 26 27450552
request__start CopyArea 62 7 26 27450572
request__start ChangeGC 56 4 26 27450600
request__start FreePixmap 54 2 26 27450616
request__start CreatePixmap 53 4 26 27450288

Since Xorg binary is -rws--x--x here (Fedora), you have to be root. 
Being in the stap group is not enough.

I'm going to make a nice tapset and propose it for inclusion when it's 
ready (might take some time since I learn autotools, git, systemtap and 
rpm packaging in the process ;-)


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