Smooth scrolling again

Simon Thum simon.thum at
Thu Nov 11 10:46:43 PST 2010

On 11/09/10 06:07, Peter Hutterer wrote:
> I don't understand the no_integration stuff. aside from it being a bit of a
> misnomer, I'm missing the point of what is supposed to do. if the axis is in
> relative mode, you can go past the axis ranges anyway. In absolute mode,
> well, are wheels ever in absolute mode? I know there's ABS_WHEEL, but I
> think we convert them over to relative events too, no?
Hi Peter,

I don't really think it's a misnomer. The point is that here's no point
in integrating said axes. We don't track how far one scrolls in the
current code, since one only ever cares about what is happening _now_.

Programs may track the scroll buttons, but this usually affects state
which is also subject to other input, at the discretion of the app. No
app cares how much a user scrolled since the server started, except
maybe for a mouse-o-meter. Delivering such values is just distracting.

So IMO the question is how to deal with axes which don't "add up". The
no_integration code seems to be a good match to me, although I think it
really is another axis mode (which happens to mostly behave like relative).



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