[PATCH 1/3] Add vroot.h.

Julien Cristau jcristau at debian.org
Mon Mar 29 09:53:43 PDT 2010

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 12:06:36 +1100, Daniel Stone wrote:

> > +/**    Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and    **/
> > +/**    its documentation  for  any  purpose  and  without  fee is hereby    **/
> > +/**    granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear  in  all    **/
> > +/**    copies and that both  that  copyright  notice  and  this  permis-    **/
> > +/**    sion  notice appear in supporting  documentation,  and  that  the    **/
> > +/**    name of Solbourne not be used in advertising                         **/
> > +/**    in publicity pertaining to distribution of the  software  without    **/
> > +/**    specific, written prior permission.                                  **/
> The 'without fee' bit is the problem: they've not given you permission
> to use/copy/modify/distribute in exchange for money.
hmm?  All it's saying is they're not asking you for money in exchange for
the permission to use/copy/modify/distribute, AIUI.


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