[PATCH] xkb: Check and load precompiled .xkm during startup if available

Pat Suwalski pat at suwalski.net
Tue Mar 16 08:20:30 PDT 2010

On 16/03/10 09:58 AM, Pat Suwalski wrote:
> I wrote a very similar patch, but I based the name of the
> cached/precompiled file on a sha1 hash of source file.

Actually, I had forgotten that in the most recent revision of my method, 
I got tired of patching the X server.

Instead, I wrote the attached wrapper to xkbcomp (with a packaging 
diversion of the actual xkbcomp to xkbcomp.real). That way, I didn't 
have to patch anything.

Ideally, this methodology would be in the real xkbcomp, and then the 
rather ugly parameter parsing could be avoided. I'm sure it's error 
prone; this program is only meant to react to the "-xkm" switch and pass 
everything else along.

In my testing, this was enough to get just about all of the performance 
advantage of the patch to the X server itself. Timing tests didn't show 
any difference, in fact.

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