[PATCH] xrandr: display gamma and brightness

Éric Piel E.A.B.Piel at tudelft.nl
Tue Jan 12 16:17:36 PST 2010

Op 10-01-10 13:02, Mikhail Gusarov schreef:
> Twas brillig at 00:59:32 10.01.2010 UTC+01 when E.A.B.Piel at tudelft.nl did gyre and gimble:
>  ÉP> Do you think it could be useful? If so, I can try to clean it up
>  ÉP> and send it again :-)
> It would be useful. Some remarks:
>  * do not output raw gamma values or at least make it use less screen
>    estate and put it after the output it belongs to.
>  * it would be nice to mark gamma/brightness fields as approximate in
>    output, unless it can be rounded in a useful manner (I have got gamma
>    1.0000006 and brightness 0.6999985 instead of 1.0 and 0.7).
Here is complete version. I've refined the math behind, and tried my
best to have the code understandable. My conclusion: it's amazing how
complicated it can be to keep things simple!

It should work with mostly any value, excepted negative brightnesses
(which are not very common, and would make the code much more complex).

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