[PATCH smproxy] Add ice and x11 to PKG_CHECK_MODULES

Robert Hooker robert.hooker at canonical.com
Thu Dec 9 14:16:06 PST 2010

On Thu, 2010-12-09 at 15:00 -0500, Gaetan Nadon wrote:
> What is your version of pkg-config? Version 0.22 or higher is
> required. 


>         $ pkg-config --libs sm
>         -L/home/nadon/xorg/src/lib -lSM -lICE  

$ pkg-config --libs sm 

>         $ pkg-config --libs xt
>         -L/home/nadon/xorg/src/lib -lXt -lX11  

$ pkg-config --libs xt 

>         $ pkg-config --libs xmuu
>         -L/home/nadon/xorg/src/lib -lXmuu -lX11  

$ pkg-config --libs xmuu

> In libSM/sm.pc: 
>         Requires: ice xproto
>         Requires.private: ice
>         Cflags: -I${includedir}
>         Libs: -L${libdir} -lSM
> libICE is pulled in when returning cflags for libSM due to the
> Requires statement.

$ cat /usr/lib/pkgconfig/sm.pc 

Name: SM
Description: X Session Management Library
Version: 1.2.0
Requires.private: ice xproto
Cflags: -I${includedir}
Libs: -L${libdir} -lSM

Turns out this is caused by the Requires: in the .pc's being patched in
Debian and it's being fixed there instead, sorry for the noise!

Robert Hooker
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