Please revert Xorg decision to disable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace

David Miller davem at
Fri Mar 27 22:30:38 PDT 2009

From: Gerry Reno <greno at>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 23:42:13 -0400

> This is smoke and mirrors.  This is not about worrying about people
> accidentally hitting Ctrl-Alt-Backspace while working on their
> papers.  I've never in thirty years of *nix experience working in
> companies with tens of thousands of employees ever see this happen.
> This is about implementing a change for Emacs users so that "their"
> similar keystroke combinations don't conflict.  And that's not
> something that is affecting tens of millions of people.  That is
> affecting only the tiny Emacs community.

Wrong and wrong and wrong.

People here, like me, have told you that whilst they've used X for
years, and that they know what the keysequence is and what it does,
they have still hit it by accident and lost work.

I have fat fingers, other people do too.  It's not about user
education either, like you continually claim.

And unlike the reset button and the power cord, the X server ZAP
sequence isn't protected in any "reasonable" way from accidental use.
Your fingers are flying over the "big red button" every time you type,
and that's what makes it a bad default.

You can keep ignoring all of this, and I know you will since it
doesn't help support your position.

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