Ptr accel API changes

Simon Thum simon.thum at
Wed Jun 24 03:38:50 PDT 2009

> big NACK to this patch. there's two completely unrelated changes here, one
> is the search/replace of the hungarian notation and the other one the actual
> API change. The API change is well hidden behind lots of variable renaming
> (I think the first interesting bit is in hunk 27 or so, way after the point
> where concentration has gone home).
> please split it up into one patch with all the renaming and then the other
> one with the actual API changes.
Attached. The API/renaming is not 100% untangled, but it compiles 
in-between and only has renames where API changes also.

BTW, how do you edit unpushed commits which have dependent follow-ups?

I use a git format-patch, reset, commit, am sequence. You know a smarter 
way, particularly one avoiding reset?


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Name: 0001-dix-improve-pointer-acceleration-API.patch

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