X server testing

Simon Thum simon.thum at gmx.de
Fri Jun 12 11:25:30 PDT 2009

Peter Hutterer wrote:
> I encourage you to have a look at the patches (which will be merged when I
> have the complete set for all requests) and start thinking about how to
> apply this method of testing to your parts of the code. There's plenty of
> stuff in the server that could deal with some tests, especially considering
> how long it takes to develop a simple test and how long it takes to triage
> bugs...
Hi Peter,

this really looks good. I'll see if I can add a bit to it. There's one 
thing I think could be improved, maybe some autokung-foo master has a 
good idea how.

For each test you need to declare overwritten methods like :

protocol_xiselectevents_CFLAGS=$(AM_CFLAGS) -Wl,-wrap,dixLookupWindow 

It would be cooler if that was less verbose, like:

protocol_xiselectevents_overrides=(dixLookupWindow, XISetEventMask)

and CFLAGS would be made up by macro magic.

 > Cheers,
 >   Peter
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