xf86-video-intel: src/sna/sna_accel.c

Chris Wilson ickle at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Nov 3 08:36:32 PDT 2011

 src/sna/sna_accel.c |  305 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 303 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit fa0fefd638d148d48760c95fe05520cddd96e5a4
Author: Chris Wilson <chris at chris-wilson.co.uk>
Date:   Thu Nov 3 15:33:25 2011 +0000

    sna: Restore the lowlevel glyph routines for the sake of Damage
    Damage bypasses the Text interface, preventing the backend from hooking
    into the font and storing private glyph representations, and calls
    directly into the Glyph routines. So to prevent a segfault we have to
    restore them.
    Signed-off-by: Chris Wilson <chris at chris-wilson.co.uk>

diff --git a/src/sna/sna_accel.c b/src/sna/sna_accel.c
index 397a2d8..a2e9dc2 100644
--- a/src/sna/sna_accel.c
+++ b/src/sna/sna_accel.c
@@ -7352,6 +7352,307 @@ fallback:
+/* XXX Damage bypasses the Text interface and so we lose our custom gluphs */
+static bool
+sna_reversed_glyph_blt(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc,
+		       int _x, int _y, unsigned int _n,
+		       CharInfoPtr *_info, pointer _base,
+		       struct sna_damage **damage,
+		       RegionPtr clip,
+		       bool transparent)
+	struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_drawable(drawable);
+	PixmapPtr pixmap = get_drawable_pixmap(drawable);
+	struct sna_pixmap *priv = sna_pixmap(pixmap);
+	const BoxRec *extents, *last_extents;
+	uint32_t *b;
+	int16_t dx, dy;
+	uint8_t rop = transparent ? copy_ROP[gc->alu] : ROP_S;
+	if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) {
+		DBG(("%s -- fallback, dst uses Y-tiling\n", __FUNCTION__));
+		return false;
+	}
+	get_drawable_deltas(drawable, pixmap, &dx, &dy);
+	_x += drawable->x + dx;
+	_y += drawable->y + dy;
+	RegionTranslate(clip, dx, dy);
+	extents = REGION_RECTS(clip);
+	last_extents = extents + REGION_NUM_RECTS(clip);
+	kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT);
+	if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 16) ||
+	    !kgem_check_bo_fenced(&sna->kgem, priv->gpu_bo, NULL) ||
+	    !kgem_check_reloc(&sna->kgem, 1)) {
+		_kgem_submit(&sna->kgem);
+		_kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT);
+	}
+	b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch;
+	b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 1 << 20;
+	b[1] = priv->gpu_bo->pitch;
+	if (sna->kgem.gen >= 40) {
+		if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling)
+			b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED;
+		b[1] >>= 2;
+	}
+	b[1] |= 1 << 30 | transparent << 29 | blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24 | rop << 16;
+	b[2] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1;
+	b[3] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2;
+	b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4,
+			      priv->gpu_bo,
+			      I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 |
+			      I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER |
+			      0);
+	b[5] = gc->bgPixel;
+	b[6] = gc->fgPixel;
+	b[7] = 0;
+	sna->kgem.nbatch += 8;
+	do {
+		CharInfoPtr *info = _info;
+		int x = _x, y = _y, n = _n;
+		do {
+			CharInfoPtr c = *info++;
+			uint8_t *glyph = FONTGLYPHBITS(base, c);
+			int w = GLYPHWIDTHPIXELS(c);
+			int stride = GLYPHWIDTHBYTESPADDED(c);
+			int w8 = (w + 7) >> 3;
+			int x1, y1, len, i;
+			uint8_t *byte;
+			if (w == 0 || h == 0)
+				goto skip;
+			len = (w8 * h + 7) >> 3 << 1;
+			DBG(("%s glyph: (%d, %d) x (%d[%d], %d), len=%d\n" ,__FUNCTION__,
+			     x,y, w, w8, h, len));
+			x1 = x + c->metrics.leftSideBearing;
+			y1 = y - c->metrics.ascent;
+			if (x1 >= extents->x2 || y1 >= extents->y2)
+				goto skip;
+			if (x1 + w <= extents->x1 || y1 + h <= extents->y1)
+				goto skip;
+			if (!kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 3+len)) {
+				_kgem_submit(&sna->kgem);
+				_kgem_set_mode(&sna->kgem, KGEM_BLT);
+				b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch;
+				b[0] = XY_SETUP_BLT | 1 << 20;
+				b[1] = priv->gpu_bo->pitch;
+				if (sna->kgem.gen >= 40) {
+					if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling)
+						b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED;
+					b[1] >>= 2;
+				}
+				b[1] |= 1 << 30 | transparent << 29 | blt_depth(drawable->depth) << 24 | rop << 16;
+				b[2] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1;
+				b[3] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2;
+				b[4] = kgem_add_reloc(&sna->kgem, sna->kgem.nbatch + 4,
+						      priv->gpu_bo,
+						      I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER << 16 |
+						      I915_GEM_DOMAIN_RENDER |
+						      KGEM_RELOC_FENCED,
+						      0);
+				b[5] = gc->bgPixel;
+				b[6] = gc->fgPixel;
+				b[7] = 0;
+				sna->kgem.nbatch += 8;
+			}
+			b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch;
+			sna->kgem.nbatch += 3 + len;
+			b[0] = XY_TEXT_IMMEDIATE_BLT | (1 + len);
+			if (priv->gpu_bo->tiling && sna->kgem.gen >= 40)
+				b[0] |= BLT_DST_TILED;
+			b[1] = (uint16_t)y1 << 16 | (uint16_t)x1;
+			b[2] = (uint16_t)(y1+h) << 16 | (uint16_t)(x1+w);
+			byte = (uint8_t *)&b[3];
+			stride -= w8;
+			do {
+				i = w8;
+				do {
+					*byte++ = byte_reverse(*glyph++);
+				} while (--i);
+				glyph += stride;
+			} while (--h);
+			while ((byte - (uint8_t *)&b[3]) & 7)
+				*byte++ = 0;
+			assert((uint32_t *)byte == sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch);
+			if (damage) {
+				BoxRec r;
+				r.x1 = x1;
+				r.y1 = y1;
+				r.x2 = x1 + w;
+				r.y2 = y1 + h;
+				if (box_intersect(&r, extents))
+					sna_damage_add_box(damage, &r);
+			}
+			x += c->metrics.characterWidth;
+		} while (--n);
+		if (++extents == last_extents)
+			break;
+		if (kgem_check_batch(&sna->kgem, 3)) {
+			b = sna->kgem.batch + sna->kgem.nbatch;
+			sna->kgem.nbatch += 3;
+			b[0] = XY_SETUP_CLIP;
+			b[1] = extents->y1 << 16 | extents->x1;
+			b[2] = extents->y2 << 16 | extents->x2;
+		}
+	} while (1);
+	sna->blt_state.fill_bo = 0;
+	return true;
+static void
+sna_image_glyph(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc,
+		int x, int y, unsigned int n,
+		CharInfoPtr *info, pointer base)
+	struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_drawable(drawable);
+	ExtentInfoRec extents;
+	RegionRec region;
+	struct sna_damage **damage;
+	if (n == 0)
+		return;
+	QueryGlyphExtents(gc->font, info, n, &extents);
+	region.extents.x1 = x + extents.overallLeft;
+	region.extents.y1 = y - extents.overallAscent;
+	region.extents.x2 = x + extents.overallRight;
+	region.extents.y2 = y + extents.overallDescent;
+	translate_box(&region.extents, drawable);
+	clip_box(&region.extents, gc);
+	if (box_empty(&region.extents))
+		return;
+	DBG(("%s: extents(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__,
+	     region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1,
+	     region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2));
+		goto fallback_clip;
+	if (wedged(sna)) {
+		DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__));
+		goto fallback_clip;
+	}
+	region.data = NULL;
+	region_maybe_clip(&region, gc->pCompositeClip);
+	if (!RegionNotEmpty(&region))
+		return;
+	if (sna_drawable_use_gpu_bo(drawable, &region.extents, &damage) &&
+	    sna_reversed_glyph_blt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, base,
+				   damage, &region, false)) {
+		RegionUninit(&region);
+		return;
+	}
+	DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__));
+	sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable);
+	sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, &region, true);
+	RegionUninit(&region);
+	DBG(("%s: fallback -- fbImageGlyphBlt\n", __FUNCTION__));
+	fbImageGlyphBlt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, base);
+	return;
+	region.data = NULL;
+	region_maybe_clip(&region, gc->pCompositeClip);
+	if (!RegionNotEmpty(&region))
+		return;
+	goto fallback;
+static void
+sna_poly_glyph(DrawablePtr drawable, GCPtr gc,
+	       int x, int y, unsigned int n,
+	       CharInfoPtr *info, pointer base)
+	struct sna *sna = to_sna_from_drawable(drawable);
+	ExtentInfoRec extents;
+	RegionRec region;
+	struct sna_damage **damage;
+	if (n == 0)
+		return;
+	QueryGlyphExtents(gc->font, info, n, &extents);
+	region.extents.x1 = x + extents.overallLeft;
+	region.extents.y1 = y - extents.overallAscent;
+	region.extents.x2 = x + extents.overallRight;
+	region.extents.y2 = y + extents.overallDescent;
+	translate_box(&region.extents, drawable);
+	clip_box(&region.extents, gc);
+	if (box_empty(&region.extents))
+		return;
+	DBG(("%s: extents(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__,
+	     region.extents.x1, region.extents.y1,
+	     region.extents.x2, region.extents.y2));
+		goto fallback_clip;
+	if (wedged(sna)) {
+		DBG(("%s: fallback -- wedged\n", __FUNCTION__));
+		goto fallback_clip;
+	}
+	region.data = NULL;
+	region_maybe_clip(&region, gc->pCompositeClip);
+	if (!RegionNotEmpty(&region))
+		return;
+	if (sna_drawable_use_gpu_bo(drawable, &region.extents, &damage) &&
+	    sna_reversed_glyph_blt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, base,
+				   damage, &region, true)) {
+		RegionUninit(&region);
+		return;
+	}
+	DBG(("%s: fallback\n", __FUNCTION__));
+	sna_gc_move_to_cpu(gc, drawable);
+	sna_drawable_move_region_to_cpu(drawable, &region, true);
+	RegionUninit(&region);
+	DBG(("%s: fallback -- fbPolyGlyphBlt\n", __FUNCTION__));
+	fbPolyGlyphBlt(drawable, gc, x, y, n, info, base);
+	region.data = NULL;
+	region_maybe_clip(&region, gc->pCompositeClip);
+	if (!RegionNotEmpty(&region))
+		return;
+	goto fallback;
 static bool
 sna_push_pixels_solid_blt(GCPtr gc,
 			  PixmapPtr bitmap,
@@ -7538,8 +7839,8 @@ static const GCOps sna_gc_ops = {
+	sna_image_glyph,
+	sna_poly_glyph,

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