xserver: Branch 'master' - 6 commits

Keith Packard keithp at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Mar 3 14:31:55 PST 2011

 configure.ac        |    2 
 dix/region.c        |  234 ----------------------------------------------------
 fb/fbpict.c         |    2 
 fb/fbpict.h         |   20 ++++
 fb/fbtrap.c         |  201 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 include/regionstr.h |   10 --
 render/mipict.c     |    4 
 render/mipict.h     |   27 ------
 render/mitrap.c     |  110 ------------------------
 render/mitri.c      |   59 -------------
 10 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 518 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 3f41f4adea4bbb90d4bda4dab600595b655e3ed8
Merge: 8e4c3ce... dae24ab...
Author: Keith Packard <keithp at keithp.com>
Date:   Thu Mar 3 14:12:36 2011 -0800

    Merge remote branch 'sandmann/for-keithp'

commit dae24abcd44f3bb1966faa88222f851c784b37dc
Author: Søren Sandmann Pedersen <ssp at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 28 11:10:38 2011 -0500

    Delete RegionClipSpans()
    Nothing uses it.
    Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
    Signed-off-by: Søren Sandmann Pedersen <ssp at redhat.com>

diff --git a/dix/region.c b/dix/region.c
index 5ba3457..6820c1e 100644
--- a/dix/region.c
+++ b/dix/region.c
@@ -1423,237 +1423,3 @@ RegionFromRects(int nrects, xRectangle *prect, int ctype)
     return pRgn;
-#define ExchangeSpans(a, b)				    \
-{							    \
-    DDXPointRec	tpt;				    	    \
-    int    	tw;					    \
-							    \
-    tpt = spans[a]; spans[a] = spans[b]; spans[b] = tpt;    \
-    tw = widths[a]; widths[a] = widths[b]; widths[b] = tw;  \
-/* ||| I should apply the merge sort code to rectangle sorting above, and see
-   if mapping time can be improved.  But right now I've been at work 12 hours,
-   so forget it.
-static void QuickSortSpans(
-    DDXPointRec spans[],
-    int	    	widths[],
-    int	    	numSpans)
-    int	    y;
-    int	    i, j, m;
-    DDXPointPtr    r;
-    /* Always called with numSpans > 1 */
-    /* Sorts only by y, doesn't bother to sort by x */
-    do
-    {
-	if (numSpans < 9)
-	{
-	    /* Do insertion sort */
-	    int yprev;
-	    yprev = spans[0].y;
-	    i = 1;
-	    do
-	    { /* while i != numSpans */
-		y = spans[i].y;
-		if (yprev > y)
-		{
-		    /* spans[i] is out of order.  Move into proper location. */
-		    DDXPointRec tpt;
-		    int	    tw, k;
-		    for (j = 0; y >= spans[j].y; j++) {}
-		    tpt = spans[i];
-		    tw  = widths[i];
-		    for (k = i; k != j; k--)
-		    {
-			spans[k] = spans[k-1];
-			widths[k] = widths[k-1];
-		    }
-		    spans[j] = tpt;
-		    widths[j] = tw;
-		    y = spans[i].y;
-		} /* if out of order */
-		yprev = y;
-		i++;
-	    } while (i != numSpans);
-	    return;
-	}
-	/* Choose partition element, stick in location 0 */
-	m = numSpans / 2;
-	if (spans[m].y > spans[0].y)		ExchangeSpans(m, 0);
-	if (spans[m].y > spans[numSpans-1].y)   ExchangeSpans(m, numSpans-1);
-	if (spans[m].y > spans[0].y)		ExchangeSpans(m, 0);
-	y = spans[0].y;
-        /* Partition array */
-        i = 0;
-        j = numSpans;
-        do
-	{
-	    r = &(spans[i]);
-	    do
-	    {
-		r++;
-		i++;
-            } while (i != numSpans && r->y < y);
-	    r = &(spans[j]);
-	    do
-	    {
-		r--;
-		j--;
-            } while (y < r->y);
-            if (i < j)
-		ExchangeSpans(i, j);
-        } while (i < j);
-        /* Move partition element back to middle */
-        ExchangeSpans(0, j);
-	/* Recurse */
-        if (numSpans-j-1 > 1)
-	    QuickSortSpans(&spans[j+1], &widths[j+1], numSpans-j-1);
-        numSpans = j;
-    } while (numSpans > 1);
-#define NextBand()						    \
-{								    \
-    clipy1 = pboxBandStart->y1;					    \
-    clipy2 = pboxBandStart->y2;					    \
-    pboxBandEnd = pboxBandStart + 1;				    \
-    while (pboxBandEnd != pboxLast && pboxBandEnd->y1 == clipy1) {  \
-	pboxBandEnd++;						    \
-    }								    \
-    for (; ppt != pptLast && ppt->y < clipy1; ppt++, pwidth++) {} \
-    Clip a list of scanlines to a region.  The caller has allocated the
-    space.  FSorted is non-zero if the scanline origins are in ascending
-    order.
-    returns the number of new, clipped scanlines.
-    RegionPtr	prgnDst,
-    DDXPointPtr ppt,
-    int	    	*pwidth,
-    int		nspans,
-    DDXPointPtr	pptNew,
-    int		*pwidthNew,
-    int		fSorted)
-    DDXPointPtr pptLast;
-    int	*pwidthNewStart;	/* the vengeance of Xerox! */
-    int	y, x1, x2;
-    int	numRects;
-    good(prgnDst);
-    pptLast = ppt + nspans;
-    pwidthNewStart = pwidthNew;
-    if (!prgnDst->data)
-    {
-	/* Do special fast code with clip boundaries in registers(?) */
-	/* It doesn't pay much to make use of fSorted in this case, 
-	   so we lump everything together. */
-	int clipx1, clipx2, clipy1, clipy2;
-	clipx1 = prgnDst->extents.x1;
-	clipy1 = prgnDst->extents.y1;
-	clipx2 = prgnDst->extents.x2;
-	clipy2 = prgnDst->extents.y2;
-	for (; ppt != pptLast; ppt++, pwidth++)
-	{
-	    y = ppt->y;
-	    x1 = ppt->x;
-	    if (clipy1 <= y && y < clipy2)
-	    {
-		x2 = x1 + *pwidth;
-		if (x1 < clipx1)    x1 = clipx1;
-		if (x2 > clipx2)    x2 = clipx2;
-		if (x1 < x2)
-		{
-		    /* part of span in clip rectangle */
-		    pptNew->x = x1;
-		    pptNew->y = y;
-		    *pwidthNew = x2 - x1;
-		    pptNew++;
-		    pwidthNew++;
-		}
-	    }
-	} /* end for */
-    }
-    else if ((numRects = prgnDst->data->numRects))
-    {
-	/* Have to clip against many boxes */
-	BoxPtr pboxBandStart, pboxBandEnd;
-	BoxPtr pbox;
-	BoxPtr pboxLast;
-	int clipy1, clipy2;
-	/* In this case, taking advantage of sorted spans gains more than
-	   the sorting costs. */
-	if ((! fSorted) && (nspans > 1))
-	    QuickSortSpans(ppt, pwidth, nspans);
-	pboxBandStart = RegionBoxptr(prgnDst);
-	pboxLast = pboxBandStart + numRects;
-	NextBand();
-	for (; ppt != pptLast; )
-	{
-	    y = ppt->y;
-	    if (y < clipy2)
-	    {
-		/* span is in the current band */
-		pbox = pboxBandStart;
-		x1 = ppt->x;
-		x2 = x1 + *pwidth;
-		do
-		{ /* For each box in band */
-		    int newx1, newx2;
-		    newx1 = x1;
-		    newx2 = x2;
-		    if (newx1 < pbox->x1)   newx1 = pbox->x1;
-		    if (newx2 > pbox->x2)   newx2 = pbox->x2;
-		    if (newx1 < newx2)
-		    {
-			/* Part of span in clip rectangle */
-			pptNew->x = newx1;
-			pptNew->y = y;
-			*pwidthNew = newx2 - newx1;
-			pptNew++;
-			pwidthNew++;
-		    }
-		    pbox++;
-		} while (pbox != pboxBandEnd);
-		ppt++;
-		pwidth++;
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		/* Move to next band, adjust ppt as needed */
-		pboxBandStart = pboxBandEnd;
-		if (pboxBandStart == pboxLast)
-		    break; /* We're completely done */
-		NextBand();
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return pwidthNew - pwidthNewStart;
diff --git a/include/regionstr.h b/include/regionstr.h
index 627941b..3759fe1 100644
--- a/include/regionstr.h
+++ b/include/regionstr.h
@@ -318,16 +318,6 @@ extern _X_EXPORT Bool RegionIsValid(
 extern _X_EXPORT void RegionPrint(
     RegionPtr /*pReg*/);
-extern _X_EXPORT int RegionClipSpans(
-    RegionPtr /*prgnDst*/,
-    DDXPointPtr /*ppt*/,
-    int * /*pwidth*/,
-    int /*nspans*/,
-    DDXPointPtr /*pptNew*/,
-    int * /*pwidthNew*/,
-    int /*fSorted*/
commit 7dff79e39564b403c3afbc5e7bacffa0df190a23
Author: Søren Sandmann Pedersen <ssp at redhat.com>
Date:   Fri Feb 11 09:00:10 2011 -0500

    Implement fbAddTriangles() in terms of pixman_add_triangles()
    This allows the remaining triangle-to-trap conversion code to be
    Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
    Signed-off-by: Søren Sandmann <ssp at redhat.com>

diff --git a/fb/fbtrap.c b/fb/fbtrap.c
index 3b197b4..2554fcc 100644
--- a/fb/fbtrap.c
+++ b/fb/fbtrap.c
@@ -65,32 +65,6 @@ fbRasterizeTrapezoid (PicturePtr    pPicture,
     free_pixman_pict (pPicture, image);
-static int
-_GreaterY (xPointFixed *a, xPointFixed *b)
-    if (a->y == b->y)
-	return a->x > b->x;
-    return a->y > b->y;
- * Note that the definition of this function is a bit odd because
- * of the X coordinate space (y increasing downwards).
- */
-static int
-_Clockwise (xPointFixed *ref, xPointFixed *a, xPointFixed *b)
-    xPointFixed	ad, bd;
-    ad.x = a->x - ref->x;
-    ad.y = a->y - ref->y;
-    bd.x = b->x - ref->x;
-    bd.y = b->y - ref->y;
-    return ((xFixed_32_32) bd.y * ad.x - (xFixed_32_32) ad.y * bd.x) < 0;
-/* FIXME -- this could be made more efficient */
 fbAddTriangles (PicturePtr  pPicture,
 		INT16	    x_off,
@@ -98,63 +72,16 @@ fbAddTriangles (PicturePtr  pPicture,
 		int	    ntri,
 		xTriangle *tris)
-    xPointFixed	  *top, *left, *right, *tmp;
-    xTrapezoid	    trap;
+    int image_xoff, image_yoff;
+    pixman_image_t *image =
+	image_from_pict (pPicture, FALSE, &image_xoff, &image_yoff);
-    for (; ntri; ntri--, tris++)
-    {
-	top = &tris->p1;
-	left = &tris->p2;
-	right = &tris->p3;
-	if (_GreaterY (top, left)) {
-	    tmp = left; left = top; top = tmp;
-	}
-	if (_GreaterY (top, right)) {
-	    tmp = right; right = top; top = tmp;
-	}
-	if (_Clockwise (top, right, left)) {
-	    tmp = right; right = left; left = tmp;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Two cases:
-	 *
-	 *		+		+
-	 *	       / \             / \
-	 *	      /   \           /   \
-	 *	     /     +         +     \
-	 *          /    --           --    \
-	 *         /   --               --   \
-	 *        / ---                   --- \
-	 *	 +--                         --+
-	 */
-	trap.top = top->y;
-	trap.left.p1 = *top;
-	trap.left.p2 = *left;
-	trap.right.p1 = *top;
-	trap.right.p2 = *right;
-	if (right->y < left->y)
-	    trap.bottom = right->y;
-	else
-	    trap.bottom = left->y;
-	fbRasterizeTrapezoid (pPicture, &trap, x_off, y_off);
-	if (right->y < left->y)
-	{
-	    trap.top = right->y;
-	    trap.bottom = left->y;
-	    trap.right.p1 = *right;
-	    trap.right.p2 = *left;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    trap.top = left->y;
-	    trap.bottom = right->y;
-	    trap.left.p1 = *left;
-	    trap.left.p2 = *right;
-	}
-	fbRasterizeTrapezoid (pPicture, &trap, x_off, y_off);
-    }
+    if (!image)
+	return;
+    pixman_add_triangles (image, x_off, y_off, ntri, (pixman_triangle_t *)tris);
+    free_pixman_pict (pPicture, image);
 typedef void (* CompositeShapesFunc) (pixman_op_t op,
commit 566f1931ee2916269e164e114bffaf2da1d039d1
Author: Søren Sandmann Pedersen <ssp at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Jan 11 10:33:57 2011 -0500

    Move miTriangles to fb as fbTriangles()
    The fb version simply calls the new pixman_composite_triangles(). This
    allows us to get rid of miCreateAlphaPicture().
    Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
    Signed-off-by: Søren Sandmann <ssp at redhat.com>

diff --git a/fb/fbpict.c b/fb/fbpict.c
index 6e66db8..312f3df 100644
--- a/fb/fbpict.c
+++ b/fb/fbpict.c
@@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ fbPictureInit (ScreenPtr pScreen, PictFormatPtr formats, int nformats)
     ps->Trapezoids = fbTrapezoids;
     ps->AddTraps = fbAddTraps;
     ps->AddTriangles = fbAddTriangles;
+    ps->Triangles = fbTriangles;
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/fb/fbpict.h b/fb/fbpict.h
index 03d2665..b880ebb 100644
--- a/fb/fbpict.h
+++ b/fb/fbpict.h
@@ -75,4 +75,14 @@ fbTrapezoids (CARD8	    op,
 	      int	    ntrap,
 	      xTrapezoid    *traps);
+extern _X_EXPORT void
+fbTriangles (CARD8	    op,
+	     PicturePtr     pSrc,
+	     PicturePtr     pDst,
+	     PictFormatPtr  maskFormat,
+	     INT16	    xSrc,
+	     INT16	    ySrc,
+	     int	    ntris,
+	     xTriangle     *tris);
 #endif /* _FBPICT_H_ */
diff --git a/fb/fbtrap.c b/fb/fbtrap.c
index 687de55..3b197b4 100644
--- a/fb/fbtrap.c
+++ b/fb/fbtrap.c
@@ -157,51 +157,56 @@ fbAddTriangles (PicturePtr  pPicture,
+typedef void (* CompositeShapesFunc) (pixman_op_t op,
+				      pixman_image_t *src,
+				      pixman_image_t *dst,
+				      pixman_format_code_t mask_format,
+				      int x_src, int y_src,
+				      int x_dst, int y_dst,
+				      int n_shapes, const uint8_t *shapes);
-fbTrapezoids (CARD8	    op,
-	      PicturePtr    pSrc,
-	      PicturePtr    pDst,
-	      PictFormatPtr maskFormat,
-	      INT16	    xSrc,
-	      INT16	    ySrc,
-	      int	    ntrap,
-	      xTrapezoid    *traps)
+static void
+fbShapes (CompositeShapesFunc	composite,
+	  pixman_op_t		op,
+	  PicturePtr		pSrc,
+	  PicturePtr		pDst,
+	  PictFormatPtr		maskFormat,
+	  int16_t		xSrc,
+	  int16_t		ySrc,
+	  int16_t		xDst,
+	  int16_t		yDst,
+	  int			nshapes,
+	  int			shape_size,
+	  const uint8_t *	shapes)
     pixman_image_t *src, *dst;
     int src_xoff, src_yoff;
     int dst_xoff, dst_yoff;
-    if (ntrap == 0)
-	return;
     src = image_from_pict (pSrc, FALSE, &src_xoff, &src_yoff);
     dst = image_from_pict (pDst, TRUE, &dst_xoff, &dst_yoff);
     if (src && dst)
 	pixman_format_code_t format;
-	int x_dst, y_dst;
-	int i;
-	x_dst = traps[0].left.p1.x >> 16;
-	y_dst = traps[0].left.p1.y >> 16;
 	if (!maskFormat)
+	    int i;
 	    if (pDst->polyEdge == PolyEdgeSharp)
 		format = PIXMAN_a1;
 		format = PIXMAN_a8;
-	    for (i = 0; i < ntrap; ++i)
+	    for (i = 0; i < nshapes; ++i)
-		pixman_composite_trapezoids (op, src, dst, format,
-					     xSrc + src_xoff,
-					     ySrc + src_yoff,
-					     x_dst + dst_xoff,
-					     y_dst + dst_yoff,
-					     1, (pixman_trapezoid_t *)traps++);
+		composite (op, src, dst, format,
+			   xSrc + src_xoff,
+			   ySrc + src_yoff,
+			   xDst + dst_xoff,
+			   yDst + dst_yoff,
+			   1, shapes + i * shape_size);
@@ -221,16 +226,58 @@ fbTrapezoids (CARD8	    op,
 		format = PIXMAN_a8;
-	    pixman_composite_trapezoids (op, src, dst, format,
-					 xSrc + src_xoff,
-					 ySrc + src_yoff,
-					 x_dst + dst_xoff,
-					 y_dst + dst_yoff,
-					 ntrap, (pixman_trapezoid_t *)traps);
+	    composite (op, src, dst, format,
+		       xSrc + src_xoff,
+		       ySrc + src_yoff,
+		       xDst + dst_xoff,
+		       yDst + dst_yoff,
+		       nshapes, shapes);
     free_pixman_pict (pSrc, src);
     free_pixman_pict (pDst, dst);
+fbTrapezoids (CARD8	    op,
+	      PicturePtr    pSrc,
+	      PicturePtr    pDst,
+	      PictFormatPtr maskFormat,
+	      INT16	    xSrc,
+	      INT16	    ySrc,
+	      int	    ntrap,
+	      xTrapezoid    *traps)
+    int xDst, yDst;
+    xDst = traps[0].left.p1.x >> 16;
+    yDst = traps[0].left.p1.y >> 16;
+    fbShapes ((CompositeShapesFunc)pixman_composite_trapezoids,
+	      op, pSrc, pDst, maskFormat,
+	      xSrc, ySrc, xDst, yDst,
+	      ntrap, sizeof (xTrapezoid), (const uint8_t *)traps);
+fbTriangles (CARD8	    op,
+	     PicturePtr    pSrc,
+	     PicturePtr    pDst,
+	     PictFormatPtr maskFormat,
+	     INT16	    xSrc,
+	     INT16	    ySrc,
+	     int	    ntris,
+	     xTriangle    *tris)
+    int xDst, yDst;
+    xDst = tris[0].p1.x >> 16;
+    yDst = tris[0].p1.y >> 16;
+    fbShapes ((CompositeShapesFunc)pixman_composite_triangles,
+	      op, pSrc, pDst, maskFormat,
+	      xSrc, ySrc, xDst, yDst,
+	      ntris, sizeof (xTriangle), (const uint8_t *)tris);
diff --git a/render/mipict.c b/render/mipict.c
index 46b45b5..3b73888 100644
--- a/render/mipict.c
+++ b/render/mipict.c
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ miPictureInit (ScreenPtr pScreen, PictFormatPtr formats, int nformats)
     ps->Glyphs		= miGlyphs;
     ps->CompositeRects	= miCompositeRects;
     ps->Trapezoids	= 0;
-    ps->Triangles	= miTriangles;
+    ps->Triangles	= 0;
     ps->TriStrip	= miTriStrip;
     ps->TriFan		= miTriFan;
diff --git a/render/mipict.h b/render/mipict.h
index be7b20b..d149589 100644
--- a/render/mipict.h
+++ b/render/mipict.h
@@ -152,16 +152,6 @@ extern _X_EXPORT void
 miTriangleBounds (int ntri, xTriangle *tris, BoxPtr bounds);
 extern _X_EXPORT void
-miTriangles (CARD8	    op,
-	     PicturePtr	    pSrc,
-	     PicturePtr	    pDst,
-	     PictFormatPtr  maskFormat,
-	     INT16	    xSrc,
-	     INT16	    ySrc,
-	     int	    ntri,
-	     xTriangle	    *tris);
-extern _X_EXPORT void
 miTriStrip (CARD8	    op,
 	    PicturePtr	    pSrc,
 	    PicturePtr	    pDst,
@@ -181,13 +171,6 @@ miTriFan (CARD8		op,
 	  int		npoint,
 	  xPointFixed	*points);
-extern _X_EXPORT PicturePtr
-miCreateAlphaPicture (ScreenPtr	    pScreen, 
-		      PicturePtr    pDst,
-		      PictFormatPtr pPictFormat,
-		      CARD16	    width,
-		      CARD16	    height);
 extern _X_EXPORT Bool
 miInitIndexed (ScreenPtr	pScreen,
 	       PictFormatPtr	pFormat);
diff --git a/render/mitrap.c b/render/mitrap.c
index 1f09a1e..445f236 100644
--- a/render/mitrap.c
+++ b/render/mitrap.c
@@ -34,55 +34,6 @@
 #include "picturestr.h"
 #include "mipict.h"
-miCreateAlphaPicture (ScreenPtr	    pScreen, 
-		      PicturePtr    pDst,
-		      PictFormatPtr pPictFormat,
-		      CARD16	    width,
-		      CARD16	    height)
-    PixmapPtr	    pPixmap;
-    PicturePtr	    pPicture;
-    GCPtr	    pGC;
-    int		    error;
-    xRectangle	    rect;
-    if (width > 32767 || height > 32767)
-	return 0;
-    if (!pPictFormat)
-    {
-	if (pDst->polyEdge == PolyEdgeSharp)
-	    pPictFormat = PictureMatchFormat (pScreen, 1, PICT_a1);
-	else
-	    pPictFormat = PictureMatchFormat (pScreen, 8, PICT_a8);
-	if (!pPictFormat)
-	    return 0;
-    }
-    pPixmap = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, width, height, 
-					pPictFormat->depth, 0);
-    if (!pPixmap)
-	return 0;
-    pGC = GetScratchGC (pPixmap->drawable.depth, pScreen);
-    if (!pGC)
-    {
-	(*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPixmap);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    ValidateGC (&pPixmap->drawable, pGC);
-    rect.x = 0;
-    rect.y = 0;
-    rect.width = width;
-    rect.height = height;
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect)(&pPixmap->drawable, pGC, 1, &rect);
-    FreeScratchGC (pGC);
-    pPicture = CreatePicture (0, &pPixmap->drawable, pPictFormat,
-			      0, 0, serverClient, &error);
-    (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPixmap);
-    return pPicture;
 static xFixed
 miLineFixedX (xLineFixed *l, xFixed y, Bool ceil)
diff --git a/render/mitri.c b/render/mitri.c
index a805a71..b258c21 100644
--- a/render/mitri.c
+++ b/render/mitri.c
@@ -68,65 +68,6 @@ miTriangleBounds (int ntri, xTriangle *tris, BoxPtr bounds)
-miTriangles (CARD8	    op,
-	     PicturePtr	    pSrc,
-	     PicturePtr	    pDst,
-	     PictFormatPtr  maskFormat,
-	     INT16	    xSrc,
-	     INT16	    ySrc,
-	     int	    ntri,
-	     xTriangle	    *tris)
-    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
-    PictureScreenPtr    ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
-    /*
-     * Check for solid alpha add
-     */
-    if (op == PictOpAdd && miIsSolidAlpha (pSrc))
-    {
-	(*ps->AddTriangles) (pDst, 0, 0, ntri, tris);
-    }
-    else if (maskFormat)
-    {
-	BoxRec		bounds;
-	PicturePtr	pPicture;
-	INT16		xDst, yDst;
-	INT16		xRel, yRel;
-	xDst = tris[0].p1.x >> 16;
-	yDst = tris[0].p1.y >> 16;
-	miTriangleBounds (ntri, tris, &bounds);
-	if (bounds.x2 <= bounds.x1 || bounds.y2 <= bounds.y1)
-	    return;
-	pPicture = miCreateAlphaPicture (pScreen, pDst, maskFormat,
-					 bounds.x2 - bounds.x1,
-					 bounds.y2 - bounds.y1);
-	if (!pPicture)
-	    return;
-	(*ps->AddTriangles) (pPicture, -bounds.x1, -bounds.y1, ntri, tris);
-	xRel = bounds.x1 + xSrc - xDst;
-	yRel = bounds.y1 + ySrc - yDst;
-	CompositePicture (op, pSrc, pPicture, pDst,
-			  xRel, yRel, 0, 0, bounds.x1, bounds.y1,
-			  bounds.x2 - bounds.x1, bounds.y2 - bounds.y1);
-	FreePicture (pPicture, 0);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	if (pDst->polyEdge == PolyEdgeSharp)
-	    maskFormat = PictureMatchFormat (pScreen, 1, PICT_a1);
-	else
-	    maskFormat = PictureMatchFormat (pScreen, 8, PICT_a8);
-	for (; ntri; ntri--, tris++)
-	    miTriangles (op, pSrc, pDst, maskFormat, xSrc, ySrc, 1, tris);
-    }
 miTriStrip (CARD8	    op,
 	    PicturePtr	    pSrc,
 	    PicturePtr	    pDst,
commit 788ccb9a8bcf6a4fb4054c507111eec3338fb969
Author: Søren Sandmann Pedersen <ssp at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Jan 11 09:46:46 2011 -0500

    Move miTrapezoids() into fb as fbTrapezoids()
    The main consumer of trapezoids, cairo, is using the Trapezoids
    request, which is currently implemented in the miTrapezoids()
    function. That function splits the request into smaller bits and calls
    lower level functions such as AddTrap.
    By moving the implementation of the whole request into fb, we can
    instead call pixman_composite_trapezoids() to do the whole request in
    one step.
    There are no callers of miTrapezoids in any of the open source
    drivers, although exa and uxa have their own copies of the function.
    Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
    Signed-off-by: Søren Sandmann <ssp at redhat.com>

diff --git a/fb/fbpict.c b/fb/fbpict.c
index 7636040..6e66db8 100644
--- a/fb/fbpict.c
+++ b/fb/fbpict.c
@@ -364,6 +364,7 @@ fbPictureInit (ScreenPtr pScreen, PictFormatPtr formats, int nformats)
     ps->Glyphs = miGlyphs;
     ps->CompositeRects = miCompositeRects;
     ps->RasterizeTrapezoid = fbRasterizeTrapezoid;
+    ps->Trapezoids = fbTrapezoids;
     ps->AddTraps = fbAddTraps;
     ps->AddTriangles = fbAddTriangles;
diff --git a/fb/fbpict.h b/fb/fbpict.h
index 9abced1..03d2665 100644
--- a/fb/fbpict.h
+++ b/fb/fbpict.h
@@ -65,4 +65,14 @@ fbAddTriangles (PicturePtr  pPicture,
 		int	    ntri,
 		xTriangle   *tris);
+extern _X_EXPORT void
+fbTrapezoids (CARD8	    op,
+	      PicturePtr    pSrc,
+	      PicturePtr    pDst,
+	      PictFormatPtr maskFormat,
+	      INT16	    xSrc,
+	      INT16	    ySrc,
+	      int	    ntrap,
+	      xTrapezoid    *traps);
 #endif /* _FBPICT_H_ */
diff --git a/fb/fbtrap.c b/fb/fbtrap.c
index c309ceb..687de55 100644
--- a/fb/fbtrap.c
+++ b/fb/fbtrap.c
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ fbAddTriangles (PicturePtr  pPicture,
 	 *	       / \             / \
 	 *	      /   \           /   \
 	 *	     /     +         +     \
-	 *      /    --           --    \
-	 *     /   --               --   \
-	 *    / ---                   --- \
+	 *          /    --           --    \
+	 *         /   --               --   \
+	 *        / ---                   --- \
 	 *	 +--                         --+
@@ -157,3 +157,80 @@ fbAddTriangles (PicturePtr  pPicture,
+fbTrapezoids (CARD8	    op,
+	      PicturePtr    pSrc,
+	      PicturePtr    pDst,
+	      PictFormatPtr maskFormat,
+	      INT16	    xSrc,
+	      INT16	    ySrc,
+	      int	    ntrap,
+	      xTrapezoid    *traps)
+    pixman_image_t *src, *dst;
+    int src_xoff, src_yoff;
+    int dst_xoff, dst_yoff;
+    if (ntrap == 0)
+	return;
+    src = image_from_pict (pSrc, FALSE, &src_xoff, &src_yoff);
+    dst = image_from_pict (pDst, TRUE, &dst_xoff, &dst_yoff);
+    if (src && dst)
+    {
+	pixman_format_code_t format;
+	int x_dst, y_dst;
+	int i;
+	x_dst = traps[0].left.p1.x >> 16;
+	y_dst = traps[0].left.p1.y >> 16;
+	if (!maskFormat)
+	{
+	    if (pDst->polyEdge == PolyEdgeSharp)
+		format = PIXMAN_a1;
+	    else
+		format = PIXMAN_a8;
+	    for (i = 0; i < ntrap; ++i)
+	    {
+		pixman_composite_trapezoids (op, src, dst, format,
+					     xSrc + src_xoff,
+					     ySrc + src_yoff,
+					     x_dst + dst_xoff,
+					     y_dst + dst_yoff,
+					     1, (pixman_trapezoid_t *)traps++);
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    switch (PICT_FORMAT_A (maskFormat->format))
+	    {
+	    case 1:
+		format = PIXMAN_a1;
+		break;
+	    case 4:
+		format = PIXMAN_a4;
+		break;
+	    default:
+	    case 8:
+		format = PIXMAN_a8;
+		break;
+	    }
+	    pixman_composite_trapezoids (op, src, dst, format,
+					 xSrc + src_xoff,
+					 ySrc + src_yoff,
+					 x_dst + dst_xoff,
+					 y_dst + dst_yoff,
+					 ntrap, (pixman_trapezoid_t *)traps);
+	}
+    }
+    free_pixman_pict (pSrc, src);
+    free_pixman_pict (pDst, dst);
diff --git a/render/mipict.c b/render/mipict.c
index de5eea6..46b45b5 100644
--- a/render/mipict.c
+++ b/render/mipict.c
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ miPictureInit (ScreenPtr pScreen, PictFormatPtr formats, int nformats)
     ps->Composite	= 0;			/* requires DDX support */
     ps->Glyphs		= miGlyphs;
     ps->CompositeRects	= miCompositeRects;
-    ps->Trapezoids	= miTrapezoids;
+    ps->Trapezoids	= 0;
     ps->Triangles	= miTriangles;
     ps->TriStrip	= miTriStrip;
     ps->TriFan		= miTriFan;
diff --git a/render/mipict.h b/render/mipict.h
index eb6b664..be7b20b 100644
--- a/render/mipict.h
+++ b/render/mipict.h
@@ -146,16 +146,6 @@ extern _X_EXPORT void
 miTrapezoidBounds (int ntrap, xTrapezoid *traps, BoxPtr box);
 extern _X_EXPORT void
-miTrapezoids (CARD8	    op,
-	      PicturePtr    pSrc,
-	      PicturePtr    pDst,
-	      PictFormatPtr maskFormat,
-	      INT16	    xSrc,
-	      INT16	    ySrc,
-	      int	    ntrap,
-	      xTrapezoid    *traps);
-extern _X_EXPORT void
 miPointFixedBounds (int npoint, xPointFixed *points, BoxPtr bounds);
 extern _X_EXPORT void
diff --git a/render/mitrap.c b/render/mitrap.c
index 8bdc8a8..1f09a1e 100644
--- a/render/mitrap.c
+++ b/render/mitrap.c
@@ -126,64 +126,3 @@ miTrapezoidBounds (int ntrap, xTrapezoid *traps, BoxPtr box)
 	    box->x2 = x2;
-miTrapezoids (CARD8	    op,
-	      PicturePtr    pSrc,
-	      PicturePtr    pDst,
-	      PictFormatPtr maskFormat,
-	      INT16	    xSrc,
-	      INT16	    ySrc,
-	      int	    ntrap,
-	      xTrapezoid    *traps)
-    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
-    PictureScreenPtr    ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
-    /*
-     * Check for solid alpha add
-     */
-    if (op == PictOpAdd && miIsSolidAlpha (pSrc))
-    {
-	for (; ntrap; ntrap--, traps++)
-	    (*ps->RasterizeTrapezoid) (pDst, traps, 0, 0);
-    } 
-    else if (maskFormat)
-    {
-	PicturePtr	pPicture;
-	BoxRec		bounds;
-	INT16		xDst, yDst;
-	INT16		xRel, yRel;
-	xDst = traps[0].left.p1.x >> 16;
-	yDst = traps[0].left.p1.y >> 16;
-	miTrapezoidBounds (ntrap, traps, &bounds);
-	if (bounds.y1 >= bounds.y2 || bounds.x1 >= bounds.x2)
-	    return;
-	pPicture = miCreateAlphaPicture (pScreen, pDst, maskFormat,
-					 bounds.x2 - bounds.x1,
-					 bounds.y2 - bounds.y1);
-	if (!pPicture)
-	    return;
-	for (; ntrap; ntrap--, traps++)
-	    (*ps->RasterizeTrapezoid) (pPicture, traps, 
-				       -bounds.x1, -bounds.y1);
-	xRel = bounds.x1 + xSrc - xDst;
-	yRel = bounds.y1 + ySrc - yDst;
-	CompositePicture (op, pSrc, pPicture, pDst,
-			  xRel, yRel, 0, 0, bounds.x1, bounds.y1,
-			  bounds.x2 - bounds.x1,
-			  bounds.y2 - bounds.y1);
-	FreePicture (pPicture, 0);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	if (pDst->polyEdge == PolyEdgeSharp)
-	    maskFormat = PictureMatchFormat (pScreen, 1, PICT_a1);
-	else
-	    maskFormat = PictureMatchFormat (pScreen, 8, PICT_a8);
-	for (; ntrap; ntrap--, traps++)
-	    miTrapezoids (op, pSrc, pDst, maskFormat, xSrc, ySrc, 1, traps);
-    }
commit 197df069a4037d6faa2723c31ffba09c95d71166
Author: Søren Sandmann Pedersen <ssp at redhat.com>
Date:   Wed Feb 23 10:36:57 2011 -0500

    Require pixman 0.21.6
    The following patches need pixman_composite_trapezoids() and
    Signed-off-by: Soren Sandmann <ssp at redhat.com>

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 85d5c98..f1bfbde 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ LIBGLIB="glib-2.0 >= 2.16"
 LIBUDEV="libudev >= 143"
 LIBSELINUX="libselinux >= 2.0.86"
 LIBDBUS="dbus-1 >= 1.0"
-LIBPIXMAN="pixman-1 >= 0.15.20"
+LIBPIXMAN="pixman-1 >= 0.21.6"
 dnl Pixman is always required, but we separate it out so we can link
 dnl specific modules against it

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