libICE: Changes to 'master'

Alan Coopersmith alanc at
Wed Oct 6 22:53:15 PDT 2010

 include/X11/ICE/ICE.h      |    1 -
 include/X11/ICE/ICEconn.h  |    1 -
 include/X11/ICE/ICElib.h   |    2 --
 include/X11/ICE/ICEmsg.h   |    2 --
 include/X11/ICE/ICEproto.h |    1 -
 include/X11/ICE/ICEutil.h  |    2 --
 src/ICElibint.h            |    2 --
 src/accept.c               |    1 -
 src/authutil.c             |    3 ---
 src/connect.c              |    2 --
 src/error.c                |    3 ---
 src/getauth.c              |    2 --
 src/globals.h              |    2 --
 src/iceauth.c              |    2 --
 src/listen.c               |    1 -
 src/listenwk.c             |    3 ---
 src/locking.c              |    1 -
 src/misc.c                 |    2 --
 src/ping.c                 |    1 -
 src/process.c              |    2 --
 src/protosetup.c           |    2 --
 src/register.c             |    1 -
 src/replywait.c            |    1 -
 src/setauth.c              |    2 --
 src/shutdown.c             |    2 --
 src/watch.c                |    1 -
 26 files changed, 45 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 4a6f7a357222b2c1fa289d6e7b5fcc8c361e20e9
Author: Jesse Adkins <jesserayadkins at>
Date:   Tue Sep 28 13:30:01 2010 -0700

    Purge cvs tags.
    Signed-off-by: Jesse Adkins <jesserayadkins at>
    Signed-off-by: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersmith at>

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