xserver: Branch 'master'

Adam Jackson ajax at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Jul 15 08:32:16 PDT 2008

 configure.ac                  |    1 
 hw/xfree86/Makefile.am        |    5 
 hw/xfree86/common/Makefile.am |    4 
 hw/xfree86/common/xf86RAC.c   | 1169 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hw/xfree86/common/xf86RAC.h   |   17 
 hw/xfree86/rac/Makefile.am    |    8 
 hw/xfree86/rac/xf86RAC.c      | 1169 ------------------------------------------
 hw/xfree86/rac/xf86RAC.h      |   17 
 8 files changed, 1190 insertions(+), 1200 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit ccec16e519c143f4c0017a37e93ebc52ac472e4e
Author: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Jul 15 11:24:08 2008 -0400

    Bug #7300: Move xf86RAC to hw/xfree86/common

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index a90848c..ec2b062 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1942,7 +1942,6 @@ hw/xfree86/os-support/solaris/Makefile
diff --git a/hw/xfree86/Makefile.am b/hw/xfree86/Makefile.am
index b013906..98d7ec8 100644
--- a/hw/xfree86/Makefile.am
+++ b/hw/xfree86/Makefile.am
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ endif
-SUBDIRS = common ddc dummylib i2c x86emu int10 fbdevhw os-support parser rac \
+SUBDIRS = common ddc dummylib i2c x86emu int10 fbdevhw os-support parser \
 	  ramdac shadowfb vbe vgahw xaa \
 	  xf8_16bpp loader dixmods exa modes \
 DIST_SUBDIRS = common ddc dummylib i2c x86emu int10 fbdevhw os-support \
-               parser rac ramdac shadowfb vbe vgahw xaa \
+               parser ramdac shadowfb vbe vgahw xaa \
                xf8_16bpp loader dixmods dri dri2 exa modes \
 	       utils doc
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ XORG_LIBS = \
             common/libinit.a \
             loader/libloader.a \
             libosandcommon.la \
-	    rac/librac.a \
             parser/libxf86config.a \
 	    dixmods/libdixmods.la \
 	    modes/libxf86modes.a \
diff --git a/hw/xfree86/common/Makefile.am b/hw/xfree86/common/Makefile.am
index c4be599..82c51b4 100644
--- a/hw/xfree86/common/Makefile.am
+++ b/hw/xfree86/common/Makefile.am
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ libcommon_la_SOURCES = xf86Configure.c xf86Bus.c xf86Config.c \
                       xf86Globals.c xf86AutoConfig.c \
                       xf86MiscExt.c xf86Option.c \
                       xf86VidMode.c xf86fbman.c xf86cmap.c \
-                      xf86Helper.c xf86PM.c \
+                      xf86Helper.c xf86PM.c xf86RAC.c \
                       xf86Mode.c xf86Build.h xorgHelper.c xf86Versions.c \
                       $(XVSOURCES) $(BUSSOURCES) $(XKBSOURCES) \
                       $(DEBUGSOURCES) $(XISOURCES) $(RANDRSOURCES)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ INCLUDES = $(XORG_INCS) -I$(srcdir)/../ddc -I$(srcdir)/../i2c \
 sdk_HEADERS = compiler.h fourcc.h xf86.h xf86Module.h xf86Opt.h \
               xf86PciInfo.h xf86Priv.h xf86Privstr.h xf86Resources.h \
-              xf86cmap.h xf86fbman.h xf86str.h $(XISDKINCS) \
+              xf86cmap.h xf86fbman.h xf86str.h $(XISDKINCS) xf86RAC.h \
               $(XVSDKINCS) atKeynames.h xf86Version.h xorgVersion.h \
               xf86sbusBus.h xf86xv.h xf86xvmc.h xf86xvpriv.h
diff --git a/hw/xfree86/common/xf86RAC.c b/hw/xfree86/common/xf86RAC.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8215f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/xfree86/common/xf86RAC.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1169 @@
+#include <xorg-config.h>
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "xf86.h"
+#include "xf86_OSproc.h"
+#include <X11/X.h>
+#include "colormapst.h"
+#include "scrnintstr.h"
+#include "screenint.h"
+#include "gcstruct.h"
+#include "pixmapstr.h"
+#include "pixmap.h"
+#include "windowstr.h"
+#include "window.h"
+#include "xf86str.h"
+#include "xf86RAC.h"
+#include "mipointer.h"
+#include "mipointrst.h"
+#ifdef RENDER
+# include "picturestr.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define DPRINT_S(x,y) ErrorF(x ": %i\n",y);
+#define DPRINT(x) ErrorF(x "\n");
+#define DPRINT_S(x,y)
+#define DPRINT(x)
+#define WRAP_SCREEN(x,y)     {pScreenPriv->x = pScreen->x;\
+                              pScreen->x = y;}
+#define WRAP_SCREEN_COND(x,y,cond) \
+                             {pScreenPriv->x = pScreen->x;\
+                                if (flag & (cond))\
+                                  pScreen->x = y;}
+#define UNWRAP_SCREEN(x)    pScreen->x = pScreenPriv->x
+#define SCREEN_PROLOG(x) pScreen->x = ((RACScreenPtr) \
+    dixLookupPrivate(&(pScreen)->devPrivates, RACScreenKey))->x
+#define SCREEN_EPILOG(x,y) pScreen->x = y;
+#define WRAP_PICT_COND(x,y,cond) if (ps)\
+				{pScreenPriv->x = ps->x;\
+					if (flag & (cond))\
+					ps->x = y;}
+#define UNWRAP_PICT(x) 	if (ps) {ps->x = pScreenPriv->x;}
+#define PICTURE_PROLOGUE(field) ps->field = \
+	((RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&(pScreen)->devPrivates, RACScreenKey))->field
+#define PICTURE_EPILOGUE(field, wrap) \
+	ps->field = wrap
+#define WRAP_SCREEN_INFO(x,y) {pScreenPriv->x = pScrn->x;\
+                                   pScrn->x = y;}
+#define WRAP_SCREEN_INFO_COND(x,y,cond) \
+                              {pScreenPriv->x = pScrn->x;\
+	                          if (flag & (cond))\
+                                     pScrn->x = y;}
+#define UNWRAP_SCREEN_INFO(x)    pScrn->x = pScreenPriv->x
+#define SPRITE_PROLOG     miPointerScreenPtr PointPriv = \
+    (miPointerScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, miPointerScreenKey); \
+    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = \
+    ((RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&(pScreen)->devPrivates, RACScreenKey));\
+			PointPriv->spriteFuncs = pScreenPriv->miSprite;
+#define SPRITE_EPILOG pScreenPriv->miSprite = PointPriv->spriteFuncs;\
+	              PointPriv->spriteFuncs  = &RACSpriteFuncs;
+#define WRAP_SPRITE_COND(cond){pScreenPriv->miSprite = PointPriv->spriteFuncs;\
+	                      if(flag & (cond))\
+	                      PointPriv->spriteFuncs  = &RACSpriteFuncs;}
+#define UNWRAP_SPRITE PointPriv->spriteFuncs = pScreenPriv->miSprite
+#define GC_WRAP(x) pGCPriv->wrapOps = (x)->ops;\
+		 pGCPriv->wrapFuncs = (x)->funcs;\
+                           (x)->ops = &RACGCOps;\
+                         (x)->funcs = &RACGCFuncs;
+#define GC_UNWRAP(x)\
+    RACGCPtr  pGCPriv = (RACGCPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&(x)->devPrivates, RACGCKey);\
+                    (x)->ops = pGCPriv->wrapOps;\
+	          (x)->funcs = pGCPriv->wrapFuncs;
+#define GC_SCREEN register ScrnInfoPtr pScrn \
+                           = xf86Screens[pGC->pScreen->myNum]
+#define ENABLE xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum])
+#define ENABLE_GC  xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[pGC->pScreen->myNum])
+typedef struct _RACScreen {
+    CreateGCProcPtr 		CreateGC;
+    CloseScreenProcPtr 		CloseScreen;
+    GetImageProcPtr 		GetImage;
+    GetSpansProcPtr 		GetSpans;
+    SourceValidateProcPtr 	SourceValidate;
+    CopyWindowProcPtr 		CopyWindow;
+    ClearToBackgroundProcPtr 	ClearToBackground;
+    CreatePixmapProcPtr         CreatePixmap;
+    SaveScreenProcPtr           SaveScreen;
+    /* Colormap */
+    StoreColorsProcPtr          StoreColors;
+    /* Cursor */
+    DisplayCursorProcPtr         DisplayCursor;
+    RealizeCursorProcPtr         RealizeCursor;
+    UnrealizeCursorProcPtr       UnrealizeCursor;
+    RecolorCursorProcPtr         RecolorCursor;
+    SetCursorPositionProcPtr     SetCursorPosition;
+    void                         (*AdjustFrame)(int,int,int,int);
+    Bool                         (*SwitchMode)(int, DisplayModePtr,int);
+    Bool                         (*EnterVT)(int, int);
+    void                         (*LeaveVT)(int, int);
+    void                         (*FreeScreen)(int, int);
+    miPointerSpriteFuncPtr       miSprite;
+#ifdef RENDER
+    CompositeProcPtr			Composite;
+    GlyphsProcPtr			Glyphs;
+    CompositeRectsProcPtr		CompositeRects;
+} RACScreenRec, *RACScreenPtr;
+typedef struct _RACGC {
+    GCOps 	*wrapOps;
+    GCFuncs 	*wrapFuncs;
+/* Screen funcs */		     
+static Bool RACCloseScreen (int i, ScreenPtr pScreen);
+static void RACGetImage (DrawablePtr pDrawable, int sx, int sy,
+			 int w, int h, unsigned int format,
+			 unsigned long planemask, char *pdstLine);
+static void RACGetSpans (DrawablePtr pDrawable, int wMax, DDXPointPtr	ppt,
+			 int *pwidth, int nspans, char	*pdstStart);
+static void RACSourceValidate (DrawablePtr	pDrawable,
+			       int x, int y, int width, int height );
+static void RACCopyWindow(WindowPtr pWin, DDXPointRec ptOldOrg,
+			  RegionPtr prgnSrc );
+static void RACClearToBackground (WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y,
+				  int w, int h, Bool generateExposures );
+static PixmapPtr RACCreatePixmap(ScreenPtr pScreen, int w, int h, int depth,
+				 unsigned usage_hint);
+static Bool  RACCreateGC(GCPtr pGC);
+static Bool RACSaveScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, Bool unblank);
+static void RACStoreColors (ColormapPtr pmap, int ndef, xColorItem *pdefs);
+static void RACRecolorCursor (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
+                              CursorPtr pCurs, Bool displayed);
+static Bool RACRealizeCursor (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr   pScreen, 
+                              CursorPtr pCursor);
+static Bool RACUnrealizeCursor (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr   pScreen, 
+                                CursorPtr pCursor);
+static Bool RACDisplayCursor (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
+                              CursorPtr pCursor);
+static Bool RACSetCursorPosition (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr   pScreen, 
+                                  int x, int y, Bool generateEvent);
+static void RACAdjustFrame(int index, int x, int y, int flags);
+static Bool RACSwitchMode(int index, DisplayModePtr mode, int flags);
+static Bool RACEnterVT(int index, int flags);
+static void RACLeaveVT(int index, int flags);
+static void RACFreeScreen(int index, int flags);
+/* GC funcs */
+static void RACValidateGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr pDraw);
+static void RACChangeGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long mask);
+static void RACCopyGC(GCPtr pGCSrc, unsigned long mask, GCPtr pGCDst);
+static void RACDestroyGC(GCPtr pGC);
+static void RACChangeClip(GCPtr pGC, int type, pointer pvalue, int nrects);
+static void RACDestroyClip(GCPtr pGC);
+static void RACCopyClip(GCPtr pgcDst, GCPtr pgcSrc);
+/* GC ops */
+static void RACFillSpans( DrawablePtr pDraw, GC *pGC, int nInit,	
+			  DDXPointPtr pptInit, int *pwidthInit, int fSorted );
+static void RACSetSpans(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, char *pcharsrc,
+			register DDXPointPtr ppt, int *pwidth, int nspans,
+			int fSorted );
+static void RACPutImage(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int depth, 
+			int x, int y, int w, int h, int	leftPad,
+			int format, char *pImage );
+static RegionPtr RACCopyArea(DrawablePtr pSrc, DrawablePtr pDst,
+			     GC *pGC, int srcx, int srcy,
+			     int width, int height,
+			     int dstx, int dsty );
+static RegionPtr RACCopyPlane(DrawablePtr pSrc, DrawablePtr pDst,
+			      GCPtr pGC, int srcx, int srcy,
+			      int width, int height, int dstx, int dsty,
+			      unsigned long bitPlane );
+static void RACPolyPoint(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int mode,
+			 int npt, xPoint *pptInit );
+static void RACPolylines(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int mode,
+			 int npt, DDXPointPtr pptInit );
+static void RACPolySegment(DrawablePtr	pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int nseg,
+			   xSegment	*pSeg );
+static void RACPolyRectangle(DrawablePtr  pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int  nRectsInit,
+			     xRectangle  *pRectsInit );
+static void RACPolyArc(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr	pGC, int narcs,
+		       xArc *parcs );
+static void RACFillPolygon(DrawablePtr	pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int shape, int mode,
+			   int count, DDXPointPtr ptsIn );
+static void RACPolyFillRect( DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr	pGC, int nrectFill, 
+			     xRectangle	*prectInit );
+static void RACPolyFillArc(DrawablePtr	pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int	narcs,
+			   xArc	*parcs );
+static int RACPolyText8(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
+			int count,  char *chars );
+static int RACPolyText16(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
+			 int count, unsigned short *chars );
+static void RACImageText8(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
+			  int 	count, char *chars );
+static void RACImageText16(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
+			   int 	count, unsigned short *chars );
+static void RACImageGlyphBlt(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int xInit,
+			     int yInit, unsigned int nglyph,
+			     CharInfoPtr *ppci, pointer pglyphBase );
+static void RACPolyGlyphBlt(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int xInit,
+			    int yInit, unsigned int nglyph,
+			    CharInfoPtr *ppci, pointer pglyphBase );
+static void RACPushPixels(GCPtr pGC, PixmapPtr pBitMap, DrawablePtr pDraw,
+			  int dx, int dy, int xOrg, int yOrg );
+/* miSpriteFuncs */
+static Bool RACSpriteRealizeCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen,
+                                   CursorPtr pCur); 
+static Bool RACSpriteUnrealizeCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
+                                     CursorPtr pCur);
+static void RACSpriteSetCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
+                               CursorPtr pCur, int x, int y);
+static void RACSpriteMoveCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
+                                int x, int y); 
+#ifdef RENDER
+static void RACComposite(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc,  PicturePtr pMask,
+			 PicturePtr pDst, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc,
+			 INT16 xMask, INT16 yMask, INT16 xDst,
+			 INT16 yDst, CARD16 width, CARD16 height);
+static void RACGlyphs(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pDst,
+		      PictFormatPtr maskFormat, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc,
+		      int nlist, GlyphListPtr list, GlyphPtr *glyphs);
+static void RACCompositeRects(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pDst, xRenderColor *color,
+			      int nRect, xRectangle *rects);
+static GCFuncs RACGCFuncs = {
+    RACValidateGC, RACChangeGC, RACCopyGC, RACDestroyGC,
+    RACChangeClip, RACDestroyClip, RACCopyClip
+static GCOps RACGCOps = {
+    RACFillSpans, RACSetSpans, RACPutImage, RACCopyArea, 
+    RACCopyPlane, RACPolyPoint, RACPolylines, RACPolySegment, 
+    RACPolyRectangle, RACPolyArc, RACFillPolygon, RACPolyFillRect, 
+    RACPolyFillArc, RACPolyText8, RACPolyText16, RACImageText8, 
+    RACImageText16, RACImageGlyphBlt, RACPolyGlyphBlt, RACPushPixels,
+    {NULL}		/* devPrivate */
+static miPointerSpriteFuncRec RACSpriteFuncs = {
+    RACSpriteRealizeCursor, RACSpriteUnrealizeCursor, RACSpriteSetCursor,
+    RACSpriteMoveCursor
+static DevPrivateKey RACScreenKey = &RACScreenKey;
+static DevPrivateKey RACGCKey = &RACGCKey;
+xf86RACInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, unsigned int flag)
+    ScrnInfoPtr pScrn;
+    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv;
+    miPointerScreenPtr PointPriv;
+#ifdef RENDER
+    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen);
+    pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum];
+    PointPriv = (miPointerScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates,
+						     miPointerScreenKey);
+    DPRINT_S("RACInit",pScreen->myNum);
+    if (!dixRequestPrivate(RACGCKey, sizeof(RACGCRec)))
+	return FALSE;
+    if (!(pScreenPriv = xalloc(sizeof(RACScreenRec))))
+	return FALSE;
+    dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey, pScreenPriv);
+    WRAP_SCREEN(CloseScreen, RACCloseScreen);
+    WRAP_SCREEN(SaveScreen, RACSaveScreen);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(GetImage, RACGetImage, RAC_FB);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(GetSpans, RACGetSpans, RAC_FB);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(SourceValidate, RACSourceValidate, RAC_FB);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(CopyWindow, RACCopyWindow, RAC_FB);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(ClearToBackground, RACClearToBackground, RAC_FB);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(CreatePixmap, RACCreatePixmap, RAC_FB);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(StoreColors, RACStoreColors, RAC_COLORMAP);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(DisplayCursor, RACDisplayCursor, RAC_CURSOR);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(RealizeCursor, RACRealizeCursor, RAC_CURSOR);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(UnrealizeCursor, RACUnrealizeCursor, RAC_CURSOR);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(RecolorCursor, RACRecolorCursor, RAC_CURSOR);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(SetCursorPosition, RACSetCursorPosition, RAC_CURSOR);
+#ifdef RENDER
+    WRAP_PICT_COND(Composite,RACComposite,RAC_FB);
+    WRAP_PICT_COND(Glyphs,RACGlyphs,RAC_FB);    
+    WRAP_PICT_COND(CompositeRects,RACCompositeRects,RAC_FB);    
+    WRAP_SCREEN_INFO(SwitchMode, RACSwitchMode);
+    WRAP_SCREEN_INFO(FreeScreen, RACFreeScreen);
+    return TRUE;
+/* Screen funcs */
+static Bool
+RACCloseScreen (int i, ScreenPtr pScreen)
+    ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum];
+    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
+	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
+    miPointerScreenPtr PointPriv = (miPointerScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
+	&pScreen->devPrivates, miPointerScreenKey);
+#ifdef RENDER
+    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen);
+    DPRINT_S("RACCloseScreen",pScreen->myNum);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(CloseScreen);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(GetImage);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(GetSpans);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(SourceValidate);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(CopyWindow);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(ClearToBackground);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(SaveScreen);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(StoreColors);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(DisplayCursor);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(RealizeCursor);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(UnrealizeCursor);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(RecolorCursor);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN(SetCursorPosition);
+#ifdef RENDER
+    UNWRAP_PICT(Composite);
+    UNWRAP_PICT(Glyphs);    
+    UNWRAP_PICT(CompositeRects);    
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN_INFO(AdjustFrame);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN_INFO(SwitchMode);
+    UNWRAP_SCREEN_INFO(FreeScreen);
+    xfree ((pointer) pScreenPriv);
+    if (xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]->vtSema) {
+	xf86EnterServerState(SETUP);
+    }
+    return (*pScreen->CloseScreen) (i, pScreen);
+static void
+RACGetImage (
+    DrawablePtr pDrawable,
+    int	sx, int sy, int w, int h,
+    unsigned int    format,
+    unsigned long   planemask,
+    char	    *pdstLine 
+    )
+    ScreenPtr pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen;
+    DPRINT_S("RACGetImage",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG(GetImage);
+    if (xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]->vtSema) {
+    }
+    (*pScreen->GetImage) (pDrawable, sx, sy, w, h,
+			  format, planemask, pdstLine);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG (GetImage, RACGetImage);
+static void
+RACGetSpans (
+    DrawablePtr	pDrawable,
+    int		wMax,
+    DDXPointPtr	ppt,
+    int		*pwidth,
+    int		nspans,
+    char	*pdstStart
+    )
+    ScreenPtr	    pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen;
+    DPRINT_S("RACGetSpans",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG (GetSpans);
+    ENABLE;
+    (*pScreen->GetSpans) (pDrawable, wMax, ppt, pwidth, nspans, pdstStart);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG (GetSpans, RACGetSpans);
+static void
+RACSourceValidate (
+    DrawablePtr	pDrawable,
+    int	x, int y, int width, int height )
+    ScreenPtr	pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen;
+    DPRINT_S("RACSourceValidate",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG (SourceValidate);
+    ENABLE;
+    if (pScreen->SourceValidate)
+	(*pScreen->SourceValidate) (pDrawable, x, y, width, height);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG (SourceValidate, RACSourceValidate);
+static void
+    WindowPtr pWin,
+    DDXPointRec ptOldOrg,
+    RegionPtr prgnSrc )
+    ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
+    DPRINT_S("RACCopyWindow",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG (CopyWindow);
+    ENABLE;
+    (*pScreen->CopyWindow) (pWin, ptOldOrg, prgnSrc);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG (CopyWindow, RACCopyWindow);
+static void
+RACClearToBackground (
+    WindowPtr pWin,
+    int x, int y,
+    int w, int h,
+    Bool generateExposures )
+    ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
+    DPRINT_S("RACClearToBackground",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG ( ClearToBackground);
+    ENABLE;
+    (*pScreen->ClearToBackground) (pWin, x, y, w, h, generateExposures);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG (ClearToBackground, RACClearToBackground);
+static PixmapPtr 
+RACCreatePixmap(ScreenPtr pScreen, int w, int h, int depth, unsigned usage_hint)
+    PixmapPtr pPix;
+    DPRINT_S("RACCreatePixmap",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG ( CreatePixmap);
+    ENABLE;
+    pPix = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, w, h, depth, usage_hint);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG (CreatePixmap, RACCreatePixmap);
+    return pPix;
+static Bool 
+RACSaveScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, Bool unblank)
+    Bool val;
+    DPRINT_S("RACSaveScreen",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG (SaveScreen);
+    ENABLE;
+    val = (*pScreen->SaveScreen) (pScreen, unblank);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG (SaveScreen, RACSaveScreen);
+    return val;
+static void
+RACStoreColors (
+    ColormapPtr        pmap,
+    int                ndef,
+    xColorItem         *pdefs)
+    ScreenPtr pScreen = pmap->pScreen;
+    DPRINT_S("RACStoreColors",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG (StoreColors);
+    ENABLE;
+    (*pScreen->StoreColors) (pmap,ndef,pdefs);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG ( StoreColors, RACStoreColors);
+static void
+RACRecolorCursor (    
+    DeviceIntPtr pDev,
+    ScreenPtr pScreen,
+    CursorPtr pCurs,
+    Bool displayed
+    )
+    DPRINT_S("RACRecolorCursor",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG (RecolorCursor);
+    ENABLE;
+    (*pScreen->RecolorCursor) (pDev, pScreen,pCurs,displayed);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG ( RecolorCursor, RACRecolorCursor);
+static Bool
+RACRealizeCursor (    
+    DeviceIntPtr pDev,
+    ScreenPtr    pScreen,
+    CursorPtr    pCursor
+    )
+    Bool val;
+    DPRINT_S("RACRealizeCursor",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG (RealizeCursor);
+    ENABLE;
+    val = (*pScreen->RealizeCursor) (pDev, pScreen,pCursor);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG ( RealizeCursor, RACRealizeCursor);
+    return val;
+static Bool
+RACUnrealizeCursor (    
+    DeviceIntPtr pDev,
+    ScreenPtr    pScreen,
+    CursorPtr    pCursor
+    )
+    Bool val;
+    DPRINT_S("RACUnrealizeCursor",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG (UnrealizeCursor);
+    ENABLE;
+    val = (*pScreen->UnrealizeCursor) (pDev, pScreen,pCursor);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG ( UnrealizeCursor, RACUnrealizeCursor);
+    return val;
+static Bool
+RACDisplayCursor (    
+    DeviceIntPtr pDev,
+    ScreenPtr    pScreen,
+    CursorPtr    pCursor
+    )
+    Bool val;
+    DPRINT_S("RACDisplayCursor",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG (DisplayCursor);
+    ENABLE;
+    val = (*pScreen->DisplayCursor) (pDev, pScreen,pCursor);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG ( DisplayCursor, RACDisplayCursor);
+    return val;
+static Bool
+RACSetCursorPosition (    
+    DeviceIntPtr pDev,
+    ScreenPtr   pScreen,
+    int x, int y,
+    Bool generateEvent)
+    Bool val;
+    DPRINT_S("RACSetCursorPosition",pScreen->myNum);
+    SCREEN_PROLOG (SetCursorPosition);
+    ENABLE;
+    val = (*pScreen->SetCursorPosition) (pDev, pScreen,x,y,generateEvent);
+    SCREEN_EPILOG ( SetCursorPosition, RACSetCursorPosition);
+    return val;
+static void
+RACAdjustFrame(int index, int x, int y, int flags)
+    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
+    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
+	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
+    DPRINT_S("RACAdjustFrame",index);
+    xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[index]);
+    (*pScreenPriv->AdjustFrame)(index, x, y, flags);
+static Bool
+RACSwitchMode(int index, DisplayModePtr mode, int flags)
+    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
+    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
+	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
+    DPRINT_S("RACSwitchMode",index);
+    xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[index]);
+    return (*pScreenPriv->SwitchMode)(index, mode, flags);
+static Bool
+RACEnterVT(int index, int flags)
+    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
+    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
+	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
+    DPRINT_S("RACEnterVT",index);
+    xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[index]);
+    return (*pScreenPriv->EnterVT)(index, flags);
+static void
+RACLeaveVT(int index, int flags)
+    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
+    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
+	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
+    DPRINT_S("RACLeaveVT",index);
+    xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[index]);
+    (*pScreenPriv->LeaveVT)(index, flags);
+static void
+RACFreeScreen(int index, int flags)
+    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
+    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
+	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
+    DPRINT_S("RACFreeScreen",index);
+    xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[index]);
+    (*pScreenPriv->FreeScreen)(index, flags);
+static Bool
+RACCreateGC(GCPtr pGC)
+    ScreenPtr    pScreen = pGC->pScreen;
+    RACGCPtr pGCPriv = (RACGCPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pGC->devPrivates, RACGCKey);
+    Bool         ret;
+    DPRINT_S("RACCreateGC",pScreen->myNum);
+    ret = (*pScreen->CreateGC)(pGC);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+    return ret;
+/* GC funcs */
+static void
+   GCPtr         pGC,
+   unsigned long changes,
+   DrawablePtr   pDraw )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACValidateGC");
+    (*pGC->funcs->ValidateGC)(pGC, changes, pDraw);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+RACDestroyGC(GCPtr pGC)
+    GC_UNWRAP (pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACDestroyGC");
+    (*pGC->funcs->DestroyGC)(pGC);
+    GC_WRAP (pGC);
+static void
+RACChangeGC (
+    GCPtr	    pGC,
+    unsigned long   mask)
+    GC_UNWRAP (pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACChangeGC");
+    (*pGC->funcs->ChangeGC) (pGC, mask);
+    GC_WRAP (pGC);
+static void
+RACCopyGC (
+    GCPtr	    pGCSrc, 
+    unsigned long   mask,
+    GCPtr	    pGCDst)
+    GC_UNWRAP (pGCDst);
+    DPRINT("RACCopyGC");
+    (*pGCDst->funcs->CopyGC) (pGCSrc, mask, pGCDst);
+    GC_WRAP (pGCDst);
+static void
+RACChangeClip (
+    GCPtr   pGC,
+    int		type,
+    pointer	pvalue,
+    int		nrects )
+    GC_UNWRAP (pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACChangeClip");
+    (*pGC->funcs->ChangeClip) (pGC, type, pvalue, nrects);
+    GC_WRAP (pGC);
+static void
+RACCopyClip(GCPtr pgcDst, GCPtr pgcSrc)
+    GC_UNWRAP (pgcDst);
+    DPRINT("RACCopyClip");
+    (* pgcDst->funcs->CopyClip)(pgcDst, pgcSrc);
+    GC_WRAP (pgcDst);
+static void
+RACDestroyClip(GCPtr pGC)
+    GC_UNWRAP (pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACDestroyClip");
+    (* pGC->funcs->DestroyClip)(pGC);
+    GC_WRAP (pGC);
+/* GC Ops */
+static void
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    GC		*pGC,
+    int		nInit,	
+    DDXPointPtr pptInit,	
+    int *pwidthInit,		
+    int fSorted )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACFillSpans");
+    (*pGC->ops->FillSpans)(pDraw, pGC, nInit, pptInit, pwidthInit, fSorted);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    DrawablePtr		pDraw,
+    GCPtr		pGC,
+    char		*pcharsrc,
+    register DDXPointPtr ppt,
+    int			*pwidth,
+    int			nspans,
+    int			fSorted )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACSetSpans");
+    (*pGC->ops->SetSpans)(pDraw, pGC, pcharsrc, ppt, pwidth, nspans, fSorted);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		depth, 
+    int x, int y, int w, int h,
+    int		leftPad,
+    int		format,
+    char 	*pImage )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPutImage");
+    (*pGC->ops->PutImage)(pDraw, pGC, depth, x, y, w, h, 
+			  leftPad, format, pImage);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static RegionPtr
+    DrawablePtr pSrc,
+    DrawablePtr pDst,
+    GC *pGC,
+    int srcx, int srcy,
+    int width, int height,
+    int dstx, int dsty )
+    RegionPtr ret;
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACCopyArea");
+    ret = (*pGC->ops->CopyArea)(pSrc, pDst,
+				pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+    return ret;
+static RegionPtr
+    DrawablePtr	pSrc,
+    DrawablePtr	pDst,
+    GCPtr pGC,
+    int	srcx, int srcy,
+    int	width, int height,
+    int	dstx, int dsty,
+    unsigned long bitPlane )
+    RegionPtr ret;
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACCopyPlane");
+    ret = (*pGC->ops->CopyPlane)(pSrc, pDst, pGC, srcx, srcy,
+				 width, height, dstx, dsty, bitPlane);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+    return ret;
+static void
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    GCPtr pGC,
+    int mode,
+    int npt,
+    xPoint *pptInit )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPolyPoint");
+    (*pGC->ops->PolyPoint)(pDraw, pGC, mode, npt, pptInit);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		mode,		
+    int		npt,		
+    DDXPointPtr pptInit )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPolylines");
+    (*pGC->ops->Polylines)(pDraw, pGC, mode, npt, pptInit);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void 
+    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		nseg,
+    xSegment	*pSeg )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPolySegment");
+    (*pGC->ops->PolySegment)(pDraw, pGC, nseg, pSeg);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    DrawablePtr  pDraw,
+    GCPtr        pGC,
+    int	         nRectsInit,
+    xRectangle  *pRectsInit )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPolyRectangle");
+    (*pGC->ops->PolyRectangle)(pDraw, pGC, nRectsInit, pRectsInit);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		narcs,
+    xArc	*parcs )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPolyArc");
+    (*pGC->ops->PolyArc)(pDraw, pGC, narcs, parcs);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		shape,
+    int		mode,
+    int		count,
+    DDXPointPtr	ptsIn )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACFillPolygon");
+    (*pGC->ops->FillPolygon)(pDraw, pGC, shape, mode, count, ptsIn);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void 
+    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		nrectFill, 
+    xRectangle	*prectInit )  
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPolyFillRect");
+    (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect)(pDraw, pGC, nrectFill, prectInit);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		narcs,
+    xArc	*parcs )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPolyFillArc");
+    (*pGC->ops->PolyFillArc)(pDraw, pGC, narcs, parcs);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static int
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		x, 
+    int 	y,
+    int 	count,
+    char	*chars )
+    int ret;
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPolyText8");
+    ret = (*pGC->ops->PolyText8)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+    return ret;
+static int
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		x,
+    int		y,
+    int 	count,
+    unsigned short *chars )
+    int ret;
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPolyText16");
+    ret = (*pGC->ops->PolyText16)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+    return ret;
+static void
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		x, 
+    int		y,
+    int 	count,
+    char	*chars )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACImageText8");
+    (*pGC->ops->ImageText8)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    int		x,
+    int		y,
+    int 	count,
+    unsigned short *chars )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACImageText16");
+    (*pGC->ops->ImageText16)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    GCPtr pGC,
+    int xInit, int yInit,
+    unsigned int nglyph,
+    CharInfoPtr *ppci,
+    pointer pglyphBase )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACImageGlyphBlt");
+    (*pGC->ops->ImageGlyphBlt)(pDraw, pGC, xInit, yInit,
+			       nglyph, ppci, pglyphBase);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    GCPtr pGC,
+    int xInit, int yInit,
+    unsigned int nglyph,
+    CharInfoPtr *ppci,
+    pointer pglyphBase )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPolyGlyphBlt");
+    (*pGC->ops->PolyGlyphBlt)(pDraw, pGC, xInit, yInit,
+			      nglyph, ppci, pglyphBase);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+static void
+    GCPtr	pGC,
+    PixmapPtr	pBitMap,
+    DrawablePtr pDraw,
+    int	dx, int dy, int xOrg, int yOrg )
+    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
+    DPRINT("RACPushPixels");
+    (*pGC->ops->PushPixels)(pGC, pBitMap, pDraw, dx, dy, xOrg, yOrg);
+    GC_WRAP(pGC);
+/* miSpriteFuncs */
+static Bool
+RACSpriteRealizeCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, CursorPtr pCur)
+    Bool val;
+    DPRINT_S("RACSpriteRealizeCursor",pScreen->myNum);
+    ENABLE;
+    val = PointPriv->spriteFuncs->RealizeCursor(pDev, pScreen, pCur);
+    return val;
+static Bool
+RACSpriteUnrealizeCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, CursorPtr pCur)
+    Bool val;
+    DPRINT_S("RACSpriteUnrealizeCursor",pScreen->myNum);
+    ENABLE;
+    val = PointPriv->spriteFuncs->UnrealizeCursor(pDev, pScreen, pCur);
+    return val;
+static void
+RACSpriteSetCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
+                   CursorPtr pCur, int x, int y) 
+    DPRINT_S("RACSpriteSetCursor",pScreen->myNum);
+    ENABLE;
+    PointPriv->spriteFuncs->SetCursor(pDev, pScreen, pCur, x, y);
+static void
+RACSpriteMoveCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, int x, int y)
+    DPRINT_S("RACSpriteMoveCursor",pScreen->myNum);
+    ENABLE;
+    PointPriv->spriteFuncs->MoveCursor(pDev, pScreen, x, y);
+#ifdef RENDER
+static void
+RACComposite(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pMask,
+	     PicturePtr pDst, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, INT16 xMask,
+	     INT16 yMask, INT16 xDst, INT16 yDst, CARD16 width,
+	     CARD16 height)
+    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
+    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
+    PICTURE_PROLOGUE(Composite);
+    ENABLE;
+    (*ps->Composite) (op, pSrc, pMask, pDst, xSrc, ySrc, xMask, yMask, xDst,
+		      yDst, width, height);
+    PICTURE_EPILOGUE(Composite, RACComposite);
+static void
+RACGlyphs(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pDst,
+	  PictFormatPtr maskFormat, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, int nlist,
+	  GlyphListPtr list, GlyphPtr *glyphs)
+    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
+    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
+    ENABLE;
+    (*ps->Glyphs)(op, pSrc, pDst, maskFormat, xSrc, ySrc, nlist, list, glyphs);
+    PICTURE_EPILOGUE (Glyphs, RACGlyphs);
+static void
+RACCompositeRects(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pDst, xRenderColor *color, int nRect,
+		  xRectangle *rects)
+    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
+    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
+    PICTURE_PROLOGUE(CompositeRects);
+    ENABLE;
+    (*ps->CompositeRects)(op, pDst, color, nRect, rects);
+    PICTURE_EPILOGUE (CompositeRects, RACCompositeRects);
diff --git a/hw/xfree86/common/xf86RAC.h b/hw/xfree86/common/xf86RAC.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..366c214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/xfree86/common/xf86RAC.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#ifndef __XF86RAC_H
+#define __XF86RAC_H 1
+#include "screenint.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "xf86.h"
+Bool xf86RACInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, unsigned int flag);
+/* flags */
+#define RAC_FB       0x01
+#define RAC_CURSOR   0x02
+#define RAC_COLORMAP 0x04
+#define RAC_VIEWPORT 0x08
+#endif /* __XF86RAC_H */
diff --git a/hw/xfree86/rac/Makefile.am b/hw/xfree86/rac/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index b250682..0000000
--- a/hw/xfree86/rac/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-noinst_LIBRARIES = librac.a
-librac_a_SOURCES = xf86RAC.c
-sdk_HEADERS = xf86RAC.h
diff --git a/hw/xfree86/rac/xf86RAC.c b/hw/xfree86/rac/xf86RAC.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8215f98..0000000
--- a/hw/xfree86/rac/xf86RAC.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1169 +0,0 @@
-#include <xorg-config.h>
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "xf86.h"
-#include "xf86_OSproc.h"
-#include <X11/X.h>
-#include "colormapst.h"
-#include "scrnintstr.h"
-#include "screenint.h"
-#include "gcstruct.h"
-#include "pixmapstr.h"
-#include "pixmap.h"
-#include "windowstr.h"
-#include "window.h"
-#include "xf86str.h"
-#include "xf86RAC.h"
-#include "mipointer.h"
-#include "mipointrst.h"
-#ifdef RENDER
-# include "picturestr.h"
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define DPRINT_S(x,y) ErrorF(x ": %i\n",y);
-#define DPRINT(x) ErrorF(x "\n");
-#define DPRINT_S(x,y)
-#define DPRINT(x)
-#define WRAP_SCREEN(x,y)     {pScreenPriv->x = pScreen->x;\
-                              pScreen->x = y;}
-#define WRAP_SCREEN_COND(x,y,cond) \
-                             {pScreenPriv->x = pScreen->x;\
-                                if (flag & (cond))\
-                                  pScreen->x = y;}
-#define UNWRAP_SCREEN(x)    pScreen->x = pScreenPriv->x
-#define SCREEN_PROLOG(x) pScreen->x = ((RACScreenPtr) \
-    dixLookupPrivate(&(pScreen)->devPrivates, RACScreenKey))->x
-#define SCREEN_EPILOG(x,y) pScreen->x = y;
-#define WRAP_PICT_COND(x,y,cond) if (ps)\
-				{pScreenPriv->x = ps->x;\
-					if (flag & (cond))\
-					ps->x = y;}
-#define UNWRAP_PICT(x) 	if (ps) {ps->x = pScreenPriv->x;}
-#define PICTURE_PROLOGUE(field) ps->field = \
-	((RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&(pScreen)->devPrivates, RACScreenKey))->field
-#define PICTURE_EPILOGUE(field, wrap) \
-	ps->field = wrap
-#define WRAP_SCREEN_INFO(x,y) {pScreenPriv->x = pScrn->x;\
-                                   pScrn->x = y;}
-#define WRAP_SCREEN_INFO_COND(x,y,cond) \
-                              {pScreenPriv->x = pScrn->x;\
-	                          if (flag & (cond))\
-                                     pScrn->x = y;}
-#define UNWRAP_SCREEN_INFO(x)    pScrn->x = pScreenPriv->x
-#define SPRITE_PROLOG     miPointerScreenPtr PointPriv = \
-    (miPointerScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, miPointerScreenKey); \
-    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = \
-    ((RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&(pScreen)->devPrivates, RACScreenKey));\
-			PointPriv->spriteFuncs = pScreenPriv->miSprite;
-#define SPRITE_EPILOG pScreenPriv->miSprite = PointPriv->spriteFuncs;\
-	              PointPriv->spriteFuncs  = &RACSpriteFuncs;
-#define WRAP_SPRITE_COND(cond){pScreenPriv->miSprite = PointPriv->spriteFuncs;\
-	                      if(flag & (cond))\
-	                      PointPriv->spriteFuncs  = &RACSpriteFuncs;}
-#define UNWRAP_SPRITE PointPriv->spriteFuncs = pScreenPriv->miSprite
-#define GC_WRAP(x) pGCPriv->wrapOps = (x)->ops;\
-		 pGCPriv->wrapFuncs = (x)->funcs;\
-                           (x)->ops = &RACGCOps;\
-                         (x)->funcs = &RACGCFuncs;
-#define GC_UNWRAP(x)\
-    RACGCPtr  pGCPriv = (RACGCPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&(x)->devPrivates, RACGCKey);\
-                    (x)->ops = pGCPriv->wrapOps;\
-	          (x)->funcs = pGCPriv->wrapFuncs;
-#define GC_SCREEN register ScrnInfoPtr pScrn \
-                           = xf86Screens[pGC->pScreen->myNum]
-#define ENABLE xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum])
-#define ENABLE_GC  xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[pGC->pScreen->myNum])
-typedef struct _RACScreen {
-    CreateGCProcPtr 		CreateGC;
-    CloseScreenProcPtr 		CloseScreen;
-    GetImageProcPtr 		GetImage;
-    GetSpansProcPtr 		GetSpans;
-    SourceValidateProcPtr 	SourceValidate;
-    CopyWindowProcPtr 		CopyWindow;
-    ClearToBackgroundProcPtr 	ClearToBackground;
-    CreatePixmapProcPtr         CreatePixmap;
-    SaveScreenProcPtr           SaveScreen;
-    /* Colormap */
-    StoreColorsProcPtr          StoreColors;
-    /* Cursor */
-    DisplayCursorProcPtr         DisplayCursor;
-    RealizeCursorProcPtr         RealizeCursor;
-    UnrealizeCursorProcPtr       UnrealizeCursor;
-    RecolorCursorProcPtr         RecolorCursor;
-    SetCursorPositionProcPtr     SetCursorPosition;
-    void                         (*AdjustFrame)(int,int,int,int);
-    Bool                         (*SwitchMode)(int, DisplayModePtr,int);
-    Bool                         (*EnterVT)(int, int);
-    void                         (*LeaveVT)(int, int);
-    void                         (*FreeScreen)(int, int);
-    miPointerSpriteFuncPtr       miSprite;
-#ifdef RENDER
-    CompositeProcPtr			Composite;
-    GlyphsProcPtr			Glyphs;
-    CompositeRectsProcPtr		CompositeRects;
-} RACScreenRec, *RACScreenPtr;
-typedef struct _RACGC {
-    GCOps 	*wrapOps;
-    GCFuncs 	*wrapFuncs;
-/* Screen funcs */		     
-static Bool RACCloseScreen (int i, ScreenPtr pScreen);
-static void RACGetImage (DrawablePtr pDrawable, int sx, int sy,
-			 int w, int h, unsigned int format,
-			 unsigned long planemask, char *pdstLine);
-static void RACGetSpans (DrawablePtr pDrawable, int wMax, DDXPointPtr	ppt,
-			 int *pwidth, int nspans, char	*pdstStart);
-static void RACSourceValidate (DrawablePtr	pDrawable,
-			       int x, int y, int width, int height );
-static void RACCopyWindow(WindowPtr pWin, DDXPointRec ptOldOrg,
-			  RegionPtr prgnSrc );
-static void RACClearToBackground (WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y,
-				  int w, int h, Bool generateExposures );
-static PixmapPtr RACCreatePixmap(ScreenPtr pScreen, int w, int h, int depth,
-				 unsigned usage_hint);
-static Bool  RACCreateGC(GCPtr pGC);
-static Bool RACSaveScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, Bool unblank);
-static void RACStoreColors (ColormapPtr pmap, int ndef, xColorItem *pdefs);
-static void RACRecolorCursor (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
-                              CursorPtr pCurs, Bool displayed);
-static Bool RACRealizeCursor (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr   pScreen, 
-                              CursorPtr pCursor);
-static Bool RACUnrealizeCursor (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr   pScreen, 
-                                CursorPtr pCursor);
-static Bool RACDisplayCursor (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
-                              CursorPtr pCursor);
-static Bool RACSetCursorPosition (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr   pScreen, 
-                                  int x, int y, Bool generateEvent);
-static void RACAdjustFrame(int index, int x, int y, int flags);
-static Bool RACSwitchMode(int index, DisplayModePtr mode, int flags);
-static Bool RACEnterVT(int index, int flags);
-static void RACLeaveVT(int index, int flags);
-static void RACFreeScreen(int index, int flags);
-/* GC funcs */
-static void RACValidateGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr pDraw);
-static void RACChangeGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long mask);
-static void RACCopyGC(GCPtr pGCSrc, unsigned long mask, GCPtr pGCDst);
-static void RACDestroyGC(GCPtr pGC);
-static void RACChangeClip(GCPtr pGC, int type, pointer pvalue, int nrects);
-static void RACDestroyClip(GCPtr pGC);
-static void RACCopyClip(GCPtr pgcDst, GCPtr pgcSrc);
-/* GC ops */
-static void RACFillSpans( DrawablePtr pDraw, GC *pGC, int nInit,	
-			  DDXPointPtr pptInit, int *pwidthInit, int fSorted );
-static void RACSetSpans(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, char *pcharsrc,
-			register DDXPointPtr ppt, int *pwidth, int nspans,
-			int fSorted );
-static void RACPutImage(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int depth, 
-			int x, int y, int w, int h, int	leftPad,
-			int format, char *pImage );
-static RegionPtr RACCopyArea(DrawablePtr pSrc, DrawablePtr pDst,
-			     GC *pGC, int srcx, int srcy,
-			     int width, int height,
-			     int dstx, int dsty );
-static RegionPtr RACCopyPlane(DrawablePtr pSrc, DrawablePtr pDst,
-			      GCPtr pGC, int srcx, int srcy,
-			      int width, int height, int dstx, int dsty,
-			      unsigned long bitPlane );
-static void RACPolyPoint(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int mode,
-			 int npt, xPoint *pptInit );
-static void RACPolylines(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int mode,
-			 int npt, DDXPointPtr pptInit );
-static void RACPolySegment(DrawablePtr	pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int nseg,
-			   xSegment	*pSeg );
-static void RACPolyRectangle(DrawablePtr  pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int  nRectsInit,
-			     xRectangle  *pRectsInit );
-static void RACPolyArc(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr	pGC, int narcs,
-		       xArc *parcs );
-static void RACFillPolygon(DrawablePtr	pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int shape, int mode,
-			   int count, DDXPointPtr ptsIn );
-static void RACPolyFillRect( DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr	pGC, int nrectFill, 
-			     xRectangle	*prectInit );
-static void RACPolyFillArc(DrawablePtr	pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int	narcs,
-			   xArc	*parcs );
-static int RACPolyText8(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
-			int count,  char *chars );
-static int RACPolyText16(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
-			 int count, unsigned short *chars );
-static void RACImageText8(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
-			  int 	count, char *chars );
-static void RACImageText16(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
-			   int 	count, unsigned short *chars );
-static void RACImageGlyphBlt(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int xInit,
-			     int yInit, unsigned int nglyph,
-			     CharInfoPtr *ppci, pointer pglyphBase );
-static void RACPolyGlyphBlt(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int xInit,
-			    int yInit, unsigned int nglyph,
-			    CharInfoPtr *ppci, pointer pglyphBase );
-static void RACPushPixels(GCPtr pGC, PixmapPtr pBitMap, DrawablePtr pDraw,
-			  int dx, int dy, int xOrg, int yOrg );
-/* miSpriteFuncs */
-static Bool RACSpriteRealizeCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen,
-                                   CursorPtr pCur); 
-static Bool RACSpriteUnrealizeCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
-                                     CursorPtr pCur);
-static void RACSpriteSetCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
-                               CursorPtr pCur, int x, int y);
-static void RACSpriteMoveCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
-                                int x, int y); 
-#ifdef RENDER
-static void RACComposite(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc,  PicturePtr pMask,
-			 PicturePtr pDst, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc,
-			 INT16 xMask, INT16 yMask, INT16 xDst,
-			 INT16 yDst, CARD16 width, CARD16 height);
-static void RACGlyphs(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pDst,
-		      PictFormatPtr maskFormat, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc,
-		      int nlist, GlyphListPtr list, GlyphPtr *glyphs);
-static void RACCompositeRects(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pDst, xRenderColor *color,
-			      int nRect, xRectangle *rects);
-static GCFuncs RACGCFuncs = {
-    RACValidateGC, RACChangeGC, RACCopyGC, RACDestroyGC,
-    RACChangeClip, RACDestroyClip, RACCopyClip
-static GCOps RACGCOps = {
-    RACFillSpans, RACSetSpans, RACPutImage, RACCopyArea, 
-    RACCopyPlane, RACPolyPoint, RACPolylines, RACPolySegment, 
-    RACPolyRectangle, RACPolyArc, RACFillPolygon, RACPolyFillRect, 
-    RACPolyFillArc, RACPolyText8, RACPolyText16, RACImageText8, 
-    RACImageText16, RACImageGlyphBlt, RACPolyGlyphBlt, RACPushPixels,
-    {NULL}		/* devPrivate */
-static miPointerSpriteFuncRec RACSpriteFuncs = {
-    RACSpriteRealizeCursor, RACSpriteUnrealizeCursor, RACSpriteSetCursor,
-    RACSpriteMoveCursor
-static DevPrivateKey RACScreenKey = &RACScreenKey;
-static DevPrivateKey RACGCKey = &RACGCKey;
-xf86RACInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, unsigned int flag)
-    ScrnInfoPtr pScrn;
-    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv;
-    miPointerScreenPtr PointPriv;
-#ifdef RENDER
-    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen);
-    pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum];
-    PointPriv = (miPointerScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates,
-						     miPointerScreenKey);
-    DPRINT_S("RACInit",pScreen->myNum);
-    if (!dixRequestPrivate(RACGCKey, sizeof(RACGCRec)))
-	return FALSE;
-    if (!(pScreenPriv = xalloc(sizeof(RACScreenRec))))
-	return FALSE;
-    dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey, pScreenPriv);
-    WRAP_SCREEN(CloseScreen, RACCloseScreen);
-    WRAP_SCREEN(SaveScreen, RACSaveScreen);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(GetImage, RACGetImage, RAC_FB);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(GetSpans, RACGetSpans, RAC_FB);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(SourceValidate, RACSourceValidate, RAC_FB);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(CopyWindow, RACCopyWindow, RAC_FB);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(ClearToBackground, RACClearToBackground, RAC_FB);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(CreatePixmap, RACCreatePixmap, RAC_FB);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(StoreColors, RACStoreColors, RAC_COLORMAP);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(DisplayCursor, RACDisplayCursor, RAC_CURSOR);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(RealizeCursor, RACRealizeCursor, RAC_CURSOR);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(UnrealizeCursor, RACUnrealizeCursor, RAC_CURSOR);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(RecolorCursor, RACRecolorCursor, RAC_CURSOR);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_COND(SetCursorPosition, RACSetCursorPosition, RAC_CURSOR);
-#ifdef RENDER
-    WRAP_PICT_COND(Composite,RACComposite,RAC_FB);
-    WRAP_PICT_COND(Glyphs,RACGlyphs,RAC_FB);    
-    WRAP_PICT_COND(CompositeRects,RACCompositeRects,RAC_FB);    
-    WRAP_SCREEN_INFO(SwitchMode, RACSwitchMode);
-    WRAP_SCREEN_INFO(FreeScreen, RACFreeScreen);
-    return TRUE;
-/* Screen funcs */
-static Bool
-RACCloseScreen (int i, ScreenPtr pScreen)
-    ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum];
-    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
-	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
-    miPointerScreenPtr PointPriv = (miPointerScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
-	&pScreen->devPrivates, miPointerScreenKey);
-#ifdef RENDER
-    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen);
-    DPRINT_S("RACCloseScreen",pScreen->myNum);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(CloseScreen);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(GetImage);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(GetSpans);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(SourceValidate);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(CopyWindow);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(ClearToBackground);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(SaveScreen);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(StoreColors);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(DisplayCursor);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(RealizeCursor);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(UnrealizeCursor);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(RecolorCursor);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN(SetCursorPosition);
-#ifdef RENDER
-    UNWRAP_PICT(Composite);
-    UNWRAP_PICT(Glyphs);    
-    UNWRAP_PICT(CompositeRects);    
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN_INFO(AdjustFrame);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN_INFO(SwitchMode);
-    UNWRAP_SCREEN_INFO(FreeScreen);
-    xfree ((pointer) pScreenPriv);
-    if (xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]->vtSema) {
-	xf86EnterServerState(SETUP);
-    }
-    return (*pScreen->CloseScreen) (i, pScreen);
-static void
-RACGetImage (
-    DrawablePtr pDrawable,
-    int	sx, int sy, int w, int h,
-    unsigned int    format,
-    unsigned long   planemask,
-    char	    *pdstLine 
-    )
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen;
-    DPRINT_S("RACGetImage",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG(GetImage);
-    if (xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]->vtSema) {
-    }
-    (*pScreen->GetImage) (pDrawable, sx, sy, w, h,
-			  format, planemask, pdstLine);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG (GetImage, RACGetImage);
-static void
-RACGetSpans (
-    DrawablePtr	pDrawable,
-    int		wMax,
-    DDXPointPtr	ppt,
-    int		*pwidth,
-    int		nspans,
-    char	*pdstStart
-    )
-    ScreenPtr	    pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen;
-    DPRINT_S("RACGetSpans",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG (GetSpans);
-    ENABLE;
-    (*pScreen->GetSpans) (pDrawable, wMax, ppt, pwidth, nspans, pdstStart);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG (GetSpans, RACGetSpans);
-static void
-RACSourceValidate (
-    DrawablePtr	pDrawable,
-    int	x, int y, int width, int height )
-    ScreenPtr	pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen;
-    DPRINT_S("RACSourceValidate",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG (SourceValidate);
-    ENABLE;
-    if (pScreen->SourceValidate)
-	(*pScreen->SourceValidate) (pDrawable, x, y, width, height);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG (SourceValidate, RACSourceValidate);
-static void
-    WindowPtr pWin,
-    DDXPointRec ptOldOrg,
-    RegionPtr prgnSrc )
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
-    DPRINT_S("RACCopyWindow",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG (CopyWindow);
-    ENABLE;
-    (*pScreen->CopyWindow) (pWin, ptOldOrg, prgnSrc);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG (CopyWindow, RACCopyWindow);
-static void
-RACClearToBackground (
-    WindowPtr pWin,
-    int x, int y,
-    int w, int h,
-    Bool generateExposures )
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
-    DPRINT_S("RACClearToBackground",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG ( ClearToBackground);
-    ENABLE;
-    (*pScreen->ClearToBackground) (pWin, x, y, w, h, generateExposures);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG (ClearToBackground, RACClearToBackground);
-static PixmapPtr 
-RACCreatePixmap(ScreenPtr pScreen, int w, int h, int depth, unsigned usage_hint)
-    PixmapPtr pPix;
-    DPRINT_S("RACCreatePixmap",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG ( CreatePixmap);
-    ENABLE;
-    pPix = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, w, h, depth, usage_hint);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG (CreatePixmap, RACCreatePixmap);
-    return pPix;
-static Bool 
-RACSaveScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, Bool unblank)
-    Bool val;
-    DPRINT_S("RACSaveScreen",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG (SaveScreen);
-    ENABLE;
-    val = (*pScreen->SaveScreen) (pScreen, unblank);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG (SaveScreen, RACSaveScreen);
-    return val;
-static void
-RACStoreColors (
-    ColormapPtr        pmap,
-    int                ndef,
-    xColorItem         *pdefs)
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = pmap->pScreen;
-    DPRINT_S("RACStoreColors",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG (StoreColors);
-    ENABLE;
-    (*pScreen->StoreColors) (pmap,ndef,pdefs);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG ( StoreColors, RACStoreColors);
-static void
-RACRecolorCursor (    
-    DeviceIntPtr pDev,
-    ScreenPtr pScreen,
-    CursorPtr pCurs,
-    Bool displayed
-    )
-    DPRINT_S("RACRecolorCursor",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG (RecolorCursor);
-    ENABLE;
-    (*pScreen->RecolorCursor) (pDev, pScreen,pCurs,displayed);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG ( RecolorCursor, RACRecolorCursor);
-static Bool
-RACRealizeCursor (    
-    DeviceIntPtr pDev,
-    ScreenPtr    pScreen,
-    CursorPtr    pCursor
-    )
-    Bool val;
-    DPRINT_S("RACRealizeCursor",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG (RealizeCursor);
-    ENABLE;
-    val = (*pScreen->RealizeCursor) (pDev, pScreen,pCursor);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG ( RealizeCursor, RACRealizeCursor);
-    return val;
-static Bool
-RACUnrealizeCursor (    
-    DeviceIntPtr pDev,
-    ScreenPtr    pScreen,
-    CursorPtr    pCursor
-    )
-    Bool val;
-    DPRINT_S("RACUnrealizeCursor",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG (UnrealizeCursor);
-    ENABLE;
-    val = (*pScreen->UnrealizeCursor) (pDev, pScreen,pCursor);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG ( UnrealizeCursor, RACUnrealizeCursor);
-    return val;
-static Bool
-RACDisplayCursor (    
-    DeviceIntPtr pDev,
-    ScreenPtr    pScreen,
-    CursorPtr    pCursor
-    )
-    Bool val;
-    DPRINT_S("RACDisplayCursor",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG (DisplayCursor);
-    ENABLE;
-    val = (*pScreen->DisplayCursor) (pDev, pScreen,pCursor);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG ( DisplayCursor, RACDisplayCursor);
-    return val;
-static Bool
-RACSetCursorPosition (    
-    DeviceIntPtr pDev,
-    ScreenPtr   pScreen,
-    int x, int y,
-    Bool generateEvent)
-    Bool val;
-    DPRINT_S("RACSetCursorPosition",pScreen->myNum);
-    SCREEN_PROLOG (SetCursorPosition);
-    ENABLE;
-    val = (*pScreen->SetCursorPosition) (pDev, pScreen,x,y,generateEvent);
-    SCREEN_EPILOG ( SetCursorPosition, RACSetCursorPosition);
-    return val;
-static void
-RACAdjustFrame(int index, int x, int y, int flags)
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
-    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
-	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
-    DPRINT_S("RACAdjustFrame",index);
-    xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[index]);
-    (*pScreenPriv->AdjustFrame)(index, x, y, flags);
-static Bool
-RACSwitchMode(int index, DisplayModePtr mode, int flags)
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
-    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
-	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
-    DPRINT_S("RACSwitchMode",index);
-    xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[index]);
-    return (*pScreenPriv->SwitchMode)(index, mode, flags);
-static Bool
-RACEnterVT(int index, int flags)
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
-    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
-	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
-    DPRINT_S("RACEnterVT",index);
-    xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[index]);
-    return (*pScreenPriv->EnterVT)(index, flags);
-static void
-RACLeaveVT(int index, int flags)
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
-    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
-	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
-    DPRINT_S("RACLeaveVT",index);
-    xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[index]);
-    (*pScreenPriv->LeaveVT)(index, flags);
-static void
-RACFreeScreen(int index, int flags)
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
-    RACScreenPtr pScreenPriv = (RACScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(
-	&pScreen->devPrivates, RACScreenKey);
-    DPRINT_S("RACFreeScreen",index);
-    xf86EnableAccess(xf86Screens[index]);
-    (*pScreenPriv->FreeScreen)(index, flags);
-static Bool
-RACCreateGC(GCPtr pGC)
-    ScreenPtr    pScreen = pGC->pScreen;
-    RACGCPtr pGCPriv = (RACGCPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&pGC->devPrivates, RACGCKey);
-    Bool         ret;
-    DPRINT_S("RACCreateGC",pScreen->myNum);
-    ret = (*pScreen->CreateGC)(pGC);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-    return ret;
-/* GC funcs */
-static void
-   GCPtr         pGC,
-   unsigned long changes,
-   DrawablePtr   pDraw )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACValidateGC");
-    (*pGC->funcs->ValidateGC)(pGC, changes, pDraw);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-RACDestroyGC(GCPtr pGC)
-    GC_UNWRAP (pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACDestroyGC");
-    (*pGC->funcs->DestroyGC)(pGC);
-    GC_WRAP (pGC);
-static void
-RACChangeGC (
-    GCPtr	    pGC,
-    unsigned long   mask)
-    GC_UNWRAP (pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACChangeGC");
-    (*pGC->funcs->ChangeGC) (pGC, mask);
-    GC_WRAP (pGC);
-static void
-RACCopyGC (
-    GCPtr	    pGCSrc, 
-    unsigned long   mask,
-    GCPtr	    pGCDst)
-    GC_UNWRAP (pGCDst);
-    DPRINT("RACCopyGC");
-    (*pGCDst->funcs->CopyGC) (pGCSrc, mask, pGCDst);
-    GC_WRAP (pGCDst);
-static void
-RACChangeClip (
-    GCPtr   pGC,
-    int		type,
-    pointer	pvalue,
-    int		nrects )
-    GC_UNWRAP (pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACChangeClip");
-    (*pGC->funcs->ChangeClip) (pGC, type, pvalue, nrects);
-    GC_WRAP (pGC);
-static void
-RACCopyClip(GCPtr pgcDst, GCPtr pgcSrc)
-    GC_UNWRAP (pgcDst);
-    DPRINT("RACCopyClip");
-    (* pgcDst->funcs->CopyClip)(pgcDst, pgcSrc);
-    GC_WRAP (pgcDst);
-static void
-RACDestroyClip(GCPtr pGC)
-    GC_UNWRAP (pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACDestroyClip");
-    (* pGC->funcs->DestroyClip)(pGC);
-    GC_WRAP (pGC);
-/* GC Ops */
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GC		*pGC,
-    int		nInit,	
-    DDXPointPtr pptInit,	
-    int *pwidthInit,		
-    int fSorted )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACFillSpans");
-    (*pGC->ops->FillSpans)(pDraw, pGC, nInit, pptInit, pwidthInit, fSorted);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr		pDraw,
-    GCPtr		pGC,
-    char		*pcharsrc,
-    register DDXPointPtr ppt,
-    int			*pwidth,
-    int			nspans,
-    int			fSorted )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACSetSpans");
-    (*pGC->ops->SetSpans)(pDraw, pGC, pcharsrc, ppt, pwidth, nspans, fSorted);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		depth, 
-    int x, int y, int w, int h,
-    int		leftPad,
-    int		format,
-    char 	*pImage )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPutImage");
-    (*pGC->ops->PutImage)(pDraw, pGC, depth, x, y, w, h, 
-			  leftPad, format, pImage);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static RegionPtr
-    DrawablePtr pSrc,
-    DrawablePtr pDst,
-    GC *pGC,
-    int srcx, int srcy,
-    int width, int height,
-    int dstx, int dsty )
-    RegionPtr ret;
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACCopyArea");
-    ret = (*pGC->ops->CopyArea)(pSrc, pDst,
-				pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-    return ret;
-static RegionPtr
-    DrawablePtr	pSrc,
-    DrawablePtr	pDst,
-    GCPtr pGC,
-    int	srcx, int srcy,
-    int	width, int height,
-    int	dstx, int dsty,
-    unsigned long bitPlane )
-    RegionPtr ret;
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACCopyPlane");
-    ret = (*pGC->ops->CopyPlane)(pSrc, pDst, pGC, srcx, srcy,
-				 width, height, dstx, dsty, bitPlane);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-    return ret;
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr pGC,
-    int mode,
-    int npt,
-    xPoint *pptInit )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPolyPoint");
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyPoint)(pDraw, pGC, mode, npt, pptInit);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		mode,		
-    int		npt,		
-    DDXPointPtr pptInit )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPolylines");
-    (*pGC->ops->Polylines)(pDraw, pGC, mode, npt, pptInit);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void 
-    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		nseg,
-    xSegment	*pSeg )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPolySegment");
-    (*pGC->ops->PolySegment)(pDraw, pGC, nseg, pSeg);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr  pDraw,
-    GCPtr        pGC,
-    int	         nRectsInit,
-    xRectangle  *pRectsInit )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPolyRectangle");
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyRectangle)(pDraw, pGC, nRectsInit, pRectsInit);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		narcs,
-    xArc	*parcs )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPolyArc");
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyArc)(pDraw, pGC, narcs, parcs);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		shape,
-    int		mode,
-    int		count,
-    DDXPointPtr	ptsIn )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACFillPolygon");
-    (*pGC->ops->FillPolygon)(pDraw, pGC, shape, mode, count, ptsIn);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void 
-    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		nrectFill, 
-    xRectangle	*prectInit )  
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPolyFillRect");
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect)(pDraw, pGC, nrectFill, prectInit);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		narcs,
-    xArc	*parcs )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPolyFillArc");
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyFillArc)(pDraw, pGC, narcs, parcs);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static int
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		x, 
-    int 	y,
-    int 	count,
-    char	*chars )
-    int ret;
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPolyText8");
-    ret = (*pGC->ops->PolyText8)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-    return ret;
-static int
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		x,
-    int		y,
-    int 	count,
-    unsigned short *chars )
-    int ret;
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPolyText16");
-    ret = (*pGC->ops->PolyText16)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-    return ret;
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		x, 
-    int		y,
-    int 	count,
-    char	*chars )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACImageText8");
-    (*pGC->ops->ImageText8)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		x,
-    int		y,
-    int 	count,
-    unsigned short *chars )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACImageText16");
-    (*pGC->ops->ImageText16)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr pGC,
-    int xInit, int yInit,
-    unsigned int nglyph,
-    CharInfoPtr *ppci,
-    pointer pglyphBase )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACImageGlyphBlt");
-    (*pGC->ops->ImageGlyphBlt)(pDraw, pGC, xInit, yInit,
-			       nglyph, ppci, pglyphBase);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr pGC,
-    int xInit, int yInit,
-    unsigned int nglyph,
-    CharInfoPtr *ppci,
-    pointer pglyphBase )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPolyGlyphBlt");
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyGlyphBlt)(pDraw, pGC, xInit, yInit,
-			      nglyph, ppci, pglyphBase);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-static void
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    PixmapPtr	pBitMap,
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    int	dx, int dy, int xOrg, int yOrg )
-    GC_UNWRAP(pGC);
-    DPRINT("RACPushPixels");
-    (*pGC->ops->PushPixels)(pGC, pBitMap, pDraw, dx, dy, xOrg, yOrg);
-    GC_WRAP(pGC);
-/* miSpriteFuncs */
-static Bool
-RACSpriteRealizeCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, CursorPtr pCur)
-    Bool val;
-    DPRINT_S("RACSpriteRealizeCursor",pScreen->myNum);
-    ENABLE;
-    val = PointPriv->spriteFuncs->RealizeCursor(pDev, pScreen, pCur);
-    return val;
-static Bool
-RACSpriteUnrealizeCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, CursorPtr pCur)
-    Bool val;
-    DPRINT_S("RACSpriteUnrealizeCursor",pScreen->myNum);
-    ENABLE;
-    val = PointPriv->spriteFuncs->UnrealizeCursor(pDev, pScreen, pCur);
-    return val;
-static void
-RACSpriteSetCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, 
-                   CursorPtr pCur, int x, int y) 
-    DPRINT_S("RACSpriteSetCursor",pScreen->myNum);
-    ENABLE;
-    PointPriv->spriteFuncs->SetCursor(pDev, pScreen, pCur, x, y);
-static void
-RACSpriteMoveCursor(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, int x, int y)
-    DPRINT_S("RACSpriteMoveCursor",pScreen->myNum);
-    ENABLE;
-    PointPriv->spriteFuncs->MoveCursor(pDev, pScreen, x, y);
-#ifdef RENDER
-static void
-RACComposite(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pMask,
-	     PicturePtr pDst, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, INT16 xMask,
-	     INT16 yMask, INT16 xDst, INT16 yDst, CARD16 width,
-	     CARD16 height)
-    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
-    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
-    PICTURE_PROLOGUE(Composite);
-    ENABLE;
-    (*ps->Composite) (op, pSrc, pMask, pDst, xSrc, ySrc, xMask, yMask, xDst,
-		      yDst, width, height);
-    PICTURE_EPILOGUE(Composite, RACComposite);
-static void
-RACGlyphs(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pDst,
-	  PictFormatPtr maskFormat, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, int nlist,
-	  GlyphListPtr list, GlyphPtr *glyphs)
-    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
-    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
-    ENABLE;
-    (*ps->Glyphs)(op, pSrc, pDst, maskFormat, xSrc, ySrc, nlist, list, glyphs);
-    PICTURE_EPILOGUE (Glyphs, RACGlyphs);
-static void
-RACCompositeRects(CARD8 op, PicturePtr pDst, xRenderColor *color, int nRect,
-		  xRectangle *rects)
-    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
-    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
-    PICTURE_PROLOGUE(CompositeRects);
-    ENABLE;
-    (*ps->CompositeRects)(op, pDst, color, nRect, rects);
-    PICTURE_EPILOGUE (CompositeRects, RACCompositeRects);
diff --git a/hw/xfree86/rac/xf86RAC.h b/hw/xfree86/rac/xf86RAC.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 366c214..0000000
--- a/hw/xfree86/rac/xf86RAC.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __XF86RAC_H
-#define __XF86RAC_H 1
-#include "screenint.h"
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "xf86.h"
-Bool xf86RACInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, unsigned int flag);
-/* flags */
-#define RAC_FB       0x01
-#define RAC_CURSOR   0x02
-#define RAC_COLORMAP 0x04
-#define RAC_VIEWPORT 0x08
-#endif /* __XF86RAC_H */

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