libXfont: Changes to 'master'

Alan Coopersmith alanc at
Fri Dec 19 17:02:48 PST 2008

 include/X11/fonts/bitmap.h   |    4 --
 include/X11/fonts/fntfilst.h |    2 -
 include/X11/fonts/fontmisc.h |   11 -------
 src/FreeType/ft.h            |    4 --
 src/FreeType/ftenc.c         |    6 ----
 src/FreeType/ftfuncs.c       |    6 ----
 src/FreeType/fttools.c       |    6 ----
 src/FreeType/xttcap.c        |   24 ----------------
 src/Speedo/out_bl2d.c        |    4 +-
 src/Speedo/out_blk.c         |    6 +---
 src/Speedo/out_outl.c        |   61 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 src/Speedo/out_scrn.c        |    9 ++----
 src/Speedo/out_util.c        |   18 ++++--------
 src/Speedo/reset.c           |    3 --
 src/Speedo/set_trns.c        |   11 ++-----
 src/Speedo/spdo_prv.h        |   32 +++++++++++-----------
 src/Speedo/sperr.c           |    2 -
 src/Speedo/spfile.c          |    4 --
 src/Speedo/spfont.c          |   11 -------
 src/Speedo/spfuncs.c         |    4 --
 src/Speedo/spglyph.c         |    2 -
 src/Speedo/spinfo.c          |    6 ----
 src/Speedo/spint.h           |    4 --
 src/Type1/arith.c            |    3 --
 src/Type1/curves.c           |    3 --
 src/Type1/curves.h           |    3 --
 src/Type1/fontfcn.c          |    6 ----
 src/Type1/hints.c            |    3 --
 src/Type1/lines.c            |   10 ++++---
 src/Type1/objects.c          |    9 ------
 src/Type1/objects.h          |    2 -
 src/Type1/paths.c            |    3 --
 src/Type1/paths.h            |    7 ----
 src/Type1/regions.c          |    9 ++----
 src/Type1/regions.h          |    8 -----
 src/Type1/scanfont.c         |    8 -----
 src/Type1/spaces.c           |    7 ----
 src/Type1/t1funcs.c          |   16 -----------
 src/Type1/t1info.c           |    4 --
 src/Type1/t1io.c             |    6 ----
 src/Type1/t1malloc.c         |   29 ++------------------
 src/Type1/t1stdio.h          |   42 +++++++++--------------------
 src/Type1/token.c            |    4 +-
 src/Type1/type1.c            |    6 ----
 src/Type1/util.c             |    8 -----
 src/Type1/util.h             |    6 ++--
 src/bitmap/bdfread.c         |    2 -
 src/bitmap/bdfutils.c        |    2 -
 src/bitmap/bitscale.c        |    8 -----
 src/bitmap/pcfread.c         |    5 ---
 src/bitmap/snfread.c         |    3 --
 src/fontfile/fontscale.c     |    6 ----
 52 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 366 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 99bad52b592f4f11887bf9033590b61880c3c976
Author: Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade <pcpa at>
Date:   Sat Mar 1 16:45:55 2008 -0300

    Disable some fun stdio wrapping.
      The code is still there but no magic with macros is attempted anymore
    to handle files.
      This should really be changed to just use stdio, and properly adapt
     functions like T1Decript, T1eexec, etc.

commit 95760fbe45a700ea4cc118daa536604393721a59
Author: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersmith at>
Date:   Fri Dec 19 16:24:39 2008 -0800

    Restore comment deleted by b6f793d7d5

commit b6f793d7d5c7f7c55911e6524dede41b92dcbc22
Author: Paulo Cesar Pereira de Andrade <pcpa at>
Date:   Fri Mar 14 01:30:24 2008 -0300

    libXfont ansification and removal of xf86_ansic.h dependency
      Basically the code is now compiled as if FONTMODULE was never defined,
    but also removed some "magic" defining _XOPEN_SOURCE before including
      Also removed some #if 0'ed code instead of fixing prototypes inside
    the "dead code".
      Changes to spdo_prv.h were due to defines like:
      <hash>define foo() sp_foo()
      that would not compile with the ansification in the format:
      type foo(void)
      due to the macro receiving "void" as an argument.

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