proto/randrproto: Branch 'get-set-primary' - 2 commits

Keith Packard keithp at
Mon Dec 8 16:45:22 PST 2008

On Mon, 2008-12-08 at 14:47 -0800, Adam Jackson wrote:

> -	If the named output is not connected to any CRTC, BadMatch is
> -	generated.
> +	If the named output is not connected to any CRTC, or if the Window
> +	and Output are not attached to the same screen, BadMatch is generated.
> +	In the latter case, errorValue will be the Window, not the Output.

I also think it's fine to set 'primary' on an output not attached to a
crtc, the semantics are well defined, and when you do attach it to a
screen, the changes make sense. Note that xrandr will often detach
outputs from crtcs during mode reconfiguration, so having the primary
bit lost during that operation would be annoying.

Errors in the protocol specs are not prefixed with 'Bad', so you'd get a
Match error, and Match errors don't generally include an error value.

>     Remove useless length from GetOutputProperty reply

The first 8 bytes of the reply must include type, sequence number and
length as the protocol libraries use those to read stuff, so this change
will not work.

I think this low-level detail of the X encoding is probably defined in
the master X11 protocol spec.

keith.packard at
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