xserver: Branch 'master'

Adam Jackson ajax at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sat Apr 19 01:08:15 PDT 2008

 fb/Makefile.am     |    4 
 fb/fbpseudocolor.c | 2248 -----------------------------------------------------
 fb/fbpseudocolor.h |   20 
 fb/wfbrename.h     |    8 
 4 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 2279 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 5bdc4198795ffd011bb07cffe3817e4cded87f60
Author: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
Date:   Sat Apr 19 04:06:19 2008 -0400

    Remove fbpseudocolor
    "An experimental pseudocolor emulation layer.  Not fully completed,
    currently only works for 16bpp."  That was almost four years ago.
    It still doesn't work, only one driver even attempts to use it, it
    contains an ad-hoc implementation of damage, and should really be
    done up in Composite now anyway.

diff --git a/fb/Makefile.am b/fb/Makefile.am
index e34aaba..2f03238 100644
--- a/fb/Makefile.am
+++ b/fb/Makefile.am
@@ -49,9 +49,7 @@ libfb_la_SOURCES = 	\
 	fbtile.c	\
 	fbtrap.c	\
 	fbutil.c	\
-	fbwindow.c	\
-	fbpseudocolor.c \
-	fbpseudocolor.h
+	fbwindow.c
 libwfb_la_SOURCES = $(libfb_la_SOURCES)
diff --git a/fb/fbpseudocolor.c b/fb/fbpseudocolor.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 06cf159..0000000
--- a/fb/fbpseudocolor.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2248 +0,0 @@
-#include <dix-config.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <X11/X.h>
-#include <X11/Xproto.h>
-#include "scrnintstr.h"
-#include "colormapst.h"
-#include "glyphstr.h"
-#include "resource.h"
-#include <X11/fonts/font.h>
-#include "dixfontstr.h"
-#include <X11/fonts/fontstruct.h>
-#include "micmap.h"
-#include "fb.h"
-#include "fbpseudocolor.h"
-static Bool xxCreateGC(GCPtr pGC);
-static void xxValidateGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr pDraw);
-static void xxDestroyGC(GCPtr pGC);
-static void xxChangeGC (GCPtr pGC, unsigned long   mask);
-static void xxCopyGC (GCPtr pGCSrc, unsigned long   mask, GCPtr pGCDst);
-static void xxChangeClip (GCPtr pGC, int type, pointer pvalue, int nrects);
-static void xxCopyClip(GCPtr pgcDst, GCPtr pgcSrc);
-static void xxDestroyClip(GCPtr pGC);
-static void xxFillSpans(DrawablePtr pDraw, GC *pGC, int nInit,
-			DDXPointPtr pptInit, int *pwidthInit, int fSorted);
-static void xxSetSpans(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr	pGC, char *pcharsrc,
-		       DDXPointPtr pptInit, int	*pwidthInit, int nspans,
-		       int fSorted);
-static void xxPutImage(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr	pGC, int depth, int x, int y,
-		       int w, int h,int	leftPad, int format, char *pImage);
-static RegionPtr xxCopyPlane(DrawablePtr pSrc,
-			     DrawablePtr pDst, GCPtr pGC,int srcx, int srcy,
-			     int width, int height, int	dstx, int dsty,
-			     unsigned long bitPlane);
-static void xxPolyPoint(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int mode, int npt,
-			xPoint *pptInit);
-static void xxPolylines(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int mode,
-			int npt, DDXPointPtr pptInit);
-static void xxPolySegment(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int nseg,
-			  xSegment *pSeg);
-static void xxPolyRectangle(DrawablePtr  pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int nRects,
-			    xRectangle  *pRects);
-static void xxPolyArc( DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr	pGC, int narcs, xArc *parcs);
-static void xxFillPolygon(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int shape,
-			  int mode, int count, DDXPointPtr pptInit);
-static void xxPolyFillRect(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int nRectsInit, 
-			   xRectangle *pRectsInit);
-static RegionPtr xxCopyArea(DrawablePtr pSrc, DrawablePtr pDst, GC *pGC,
-			    int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height,
-			    int dstx, int dsty);
-static void xxPolyFillArc(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int narcs,
-			  xArc *parcs);
-static int xxPolyText8(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr	pGC, int x, int	y, int count,
-		       char *chars);
-static int xxPolyText16(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
-			int count, unsigned short *chars);
-static void xxImageText8(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, 
-			 int y, int count, char	*chars);
-static void xxImageText16(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
-			  int count, unsigned short *chars);
-static void xxImageGlyphBlt(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
-			    unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr *ppci,
-			    pointer pglyphBase);
-static void xxPolyGlyphBlt(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
-			   unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr *ppci,
-			   pointer pglyphBase);
-static void xxPushPixels(GCPtr pGC, PixmapPtr pBitMap, DrawablePtr pDraw,
-			 int	dx, int dy, int xOrg, int yOrg);
-static void
-xxComposite (CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pMask, PicturePtr pDst,
-	     INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, INT16 xMask, INT16 yMask,
-	     INT16 xDst, INT16 yDst, CARD16 width, CARD16 height);
-static void
-xxGlyphs (CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pDst,
-	  PictFormatPtr maskFormat, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, int nlist,
-	  GlyphListPtr list, GlyphPtr *glyphs);
-typedef struct _xxCmapPrivRec {
-    CARD32* cmap;
-    ColormapPtr pmap;
-    Bool dirty;
-    struct _xxCmapPrivRec *next;
-} xxCmapPrivRec, *xxCmapPrivPtr;
-typedef struct {
-    CloseScreenProcPtr		CloseScreen;
-    CreateScreenResourcesProcPtr CreateScreenResources;
-    CreateWindowProcPtr		CreateWindow;
-    CopyWindowProcPtr		CopyWindow;
-    WindowExposuresProcPtr	WindowExposures;
-    CreateGCProcPtr		CreateGC;
-    CreateColormapProcPtr	CreateColormap;
-    DestroyColormapProcPtr	DestroyColormap;
-    InstallColormapProcPtr	InstallColormap;
-    UninstallColormapProcPtr	UninstallColormap;
-    ListInstalledColormapsProcPtr ListInstalledColormaps;
-    StoreColorsProcPtr		StoreColors;
-#ifdef RENDER
-    CompositeProcPtr		Composite;
-    GlyphsProcPtr		Glyphs;
-    PixmapPtr			pPixmap;
-    char *			addr;
-    pointer			pBits;
-    RegionRec			region;
-    VisualPtr			bVisual;
-    RegionRec			bRegion;
-    int				myDepth;
-    int				depth;
-    ColormapPtr			baseCmap;
-    ColormapPtr*		InstalledCmaps;
-    xxCmapPrivPtr		Cmaps;
-    int				numInstalledColormaps;
-    int				colormapDirty;
-    xxSyncFunc			sync;
-} xxScrPrivRec, *xxScrPrivPtr;
-#define xxGetScrPriv(s)	((xxScrPrivPtr) \
-    dixLookupPrivate(&(s)->devPrivates, xxScrPrivateKey))
-#define xxScrPriv(s)     xxScrPrivPtr pScrPriv = xxGetScrPriv(s)
-#define xxGetCmapPriv(s) ((xxCmapPrivPtr) \
-    dixLookupPrivate(&(s)->devPrivates, xxColormapPrivateKey))
-#define xxCmapPriv(s)    xxCmapPrivPtr pCmapPriv = xxGetCmapPriv(s);
-typedef struct _xxGCPriv {
-    GCOps   *ops;
-    GCFuncs *funcs;
-} xxGCPrivRec, *xxGCPrivPtr;
-#define xxGetGCPriv(pGC) ((xxGCPrivPtr) \
-    dixLookupPrivate(&(pGC)->devPrivates, xxGCPrivateKey))
-#define xxGCPriv(pGC)   xxGCPrivPtr  pGCPriv = xxGetGCPriv(pGC)
-static DevPrivateKey xxScrPrivateKey = &xxScrPrivateKey;
-static DevPrivateKey xxGCPrivateKey = &xxGCPrivateKey;
-static DevPrivateKey xxColormapPrivateKey = &xxColormapPrivateKey;
-#define wrap(priv,real,mem,func) {\
-    priv->mem = real->mem; \
-    real->mem = func; \
-#define unwrap(priv,real,mem) {\
-    real->mem = priv->mem; \
-#define MARK_DIRTY (1 << 31)
-/* #define DEBUG  */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-# define DBG ErrorF
-# define DBG_ARGS(x) ErrorF x
-# define PRINT_RECTS(rec) {\
-       int i;\
-       BoxPtr box;\
-       ErrorF("RECTS: %i\n",REGION_NUM_RECTS(&rec));\
-       if (REGION_NUM_RECTS(&rec) > 1)  { \
-          for (i = 0; i < REGION_NUM_RECTS(&rec); i++ ) {\
-             box = REGION_BOX(&rec,i);\
-	     ErrorF("x1: %hi x2: %hi y1: %hi y2: %hi\n", \
-             box->x1,box->x2,box->y1,box->y2);\
-          }\
-       } else { \
-             box = &(rec.extents); \
-	     ErrorF("x1: %hi x2: %hi y1: %hi y2: %hi\n", \
-             box->x1,box->x2,box->y1,box->y2);\
-       } \
-# define DBG(x)
-# define DBG_ARGS(x)
-# define PRINT_RECTS(rec)
-#if 0
-static void xxCopyPseudocolorRegion(ScreenPtr pScreen, RegionPtr pReg,
-				    xxCmapPrivPtr pCmapPriv);
-static void xxUpdateFb(ScreenPtr pScreen);
-static void
-xxUpdateWindowImmediately(WindowPtr pWin)
-    xxScrPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen);
-    xxCmapPrivPtr pCmapPriv;
-    ColormapPtr pmap;
-    pmap = (ColormapPtr)LookupIDByType(wColormap(pWin),RT_COLORMAP);
-    if (pmap && (pCmapPriv = xxGetCmapPriv(pmap)) != (pointer)-1) {
-	xxCopyPseudocolorRegion(pWin->drawable.pScreen,
-				&pScrPriv->region, pCmapPriv);
-    }
-# define xxUpdateWindowImmediately(x)
-static ColormapPtr
-xxGetBaseColormap(ScreenPtr pScreen)
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    DepthPtr pDepth = pScreen->allowedDepths;
-    int i,j,k;
-    ColormapPtr pDefMap
-	=  (ColormapPtr) LookupIDByType(pScreen->defColormap,RT_COLORMAP);
-    ColormapPtr cmap = NULL;
-    VisualPtr pVisual = NULL;
-    for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numDepths; i++, pDepth++)
-	if (pDepth->depth == pScrPriv->depth) {
-	    for (j = 0; j < pDepth->numVids; j++) {
-		if (pDefMap->pVisual->vid == pDepth->vids[j]
-		    && pDefMap->pVisual->class == TrueColor) {
-		    cmap = pDefMap;
-		    break;
-		}
-		if (!pVisual) {
-		    for (k = 0; k < pScreen->numVisuals; k++) {
-			if (pScreen->visuals[k].class == TrueColor
-			    && pScreen->visuals[k].vid
-			    == pDepth->vids[j]) {
-			    pVisual = &pScreen->visuals[k];
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (cmap)
-		break;
-	}
-    if (!cmap) {
-	CreateColormap(FakeClientID(0),pScreen,pVisual,&cmap,AllocNone,0);
-    }
-    return cmap;
-static Bool
-xxCreateScreenResources(ScreenPtr pScreen)
-    PixmapPtr		pPix;
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    Bool		ret;
-    PixmapPtr		pPixmap;
-    BoxRec		box;
-    int			depth = pScrPriv->myDepth;
-    pointer		pBits;
-    unwrap (pScrPriv,pScreen, CreateScreenResources);
-    ret = pScreen->CreateScreenResources(pScreen);
-    wrap(pScrPriv,pScreen,CreateScreenResources,xxCreateScreenResources);
-    if (!ret) return FALSE;
-    pScrPriv->pBits = NULL;
-    if (pScrPriv->addr)
-	pBits = pScrPriv->addr;
-    else
-	pBits = xalloc(pScreen->width * pScreen->height
-		       * (BitsPerPixel(depth) >> 3));
-    if (!pBits) return FALSE;
-    pPixmap = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap)(pScreen, 0, 0, depth, 0);
-    if (!pPixmap) {
-	xfree(pBits);
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-    if (!(*pScreen->ModifyPixmapHeader)(pPixmap, pScreen->width,
-					pScreen->height, depth,
-					BitsPerPixel(depth),
-					PixmapBytePad(pScreen->width, depth),
-					pBits)) {
-	xfree(pBits);
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-    if (pScreen->rootDepth == pScrPriv->myDepth) {
-	pPix = (PixmapPtr)pScreen->devPrivate;    
-	if (!(*pScreen->ModifyPixmapHeader)(pPix, 0,0, pScrPriv->depth,
-					    BitsPerPixel(pScrPriv->depth),
-					    PixmapBytePad(pScreen->width,
-							  pScrPriv->depth),
-					    0)) {
-	    xfree(pBits);
-	    return FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-    pScrPriv->baseCmap = xxGetBaseColormap(pScreen);
-    pScrPriv->pBits = pBits;
-    pScrPriv->pPixmap = pPixmap;
-    box.x1 = 0;
-    box.y1 = 0;
-    box.x2 = pScreen->width;
-    box.y2 = pScreen->height;
-    REGION_NULL(pScreen, &pScrPriv->region);
-    REGION_INIT(pScreen, &pScrPriv->bRegion, &box, 0);
-    return TRUE;
-static Bool
-xxCloseScreen (int iScreen, ScreenPtr pScreen)
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    Bool		ret;
-    (*pScreen->DestroyPixmap)(pScrPriv->pPixmap);
-    /* We don't need to free the baseColormap as FreeClientResourcess
-       will have taken care of it. */
-    REGION_UNINIT (pScreen, &pScrPriv->region);
-    unwrap (pScrPriv,pScreen, CloseScreen);
-    ret = pScreen->CloseScreen(iScreen,pScreen);
-    xfree(pScrPriv->pBits);
-    xfree(pScrPriv->InstalledCmaps);
-    xfree(pScrPriv);
-    return TRUE;
-static Bool
-xxMyVisual(ScreenPtr pScreen, VisualID vid)
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    DepthPtr pDepth = pScreen->allowedDepths;
-    int i,j;
-    for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numDepths; i++, pDepth++)
-	if (pDepth->depth == pScrPriv->myDepth) {
-	    for (j = 0; j < pDepth->numVids; j++) {
-		if (vid == pDepth->vids[j]) {
-		    return TRUE;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    return FALSE;
-static Bool
-xxInitColormapPrivate(ColormapPtr pmap)
-    xxScrPriv(pmap->pScreen);
-    xxCmapPrivPtr	pCmapPriv;
-    pointer		cmap;
-    dixSetPrivate(&pmap->devPrivates, xxColormapPrivateKey, (pointer) -1);
-    if (xxMyVisual(pmap->pScreen,pmap->pVisual->vid)) {
-	DBG("CreateColormap\n");
-	pCmapPriv = (xxCmapPrivPtr) xalloc (sizeof (xxCmapPrivRec));
-	if (!pCmapPriv)
-	    return FALSE;
-	dixSetPrivate(&pmap->devPrivates, xxColormapPrivateKey, pCmapPriv);
-	cmap = xalloc(sizeof (CARD32) * (1 << pScrPriv->myDepth));
-	if (!cmap)
-	return FALSE;
-	memset(cmap,0,sizeof (CARD32) * (1 << pScrPriv->myDepth));
-	pCmapPriv->cmap = cmap;
-	pCmapPriv->dirty = FALSE;
-	pCmapPriv->pmap = pmap;
-	pCmapPriv->next = pScrPriv->Cmaps;
-	pScrPriv->Cmaps = pCmapPriv;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-static Bool
-xxCreateColormap(ColormapPtr pmap)
-    xxScrPriv(pmap->pScreen);
-    Bool		ret;
-    if (!xxInitColormapPrivate(pmap)) return FALSE;
-    unwrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen, CreateColormap);
-    ret = pmap->pScreen->CreateColormap(pmap);
-    wrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen,CreateColormap,xxCreateColormap);
-    return ret;
-static int
-xxCmapInstalled(ColormapPtr pmap)
-    xxScrPriv(pmap->pScreen);
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps; i++)
-	if (pScrPriv->InstalledCmaps[i] == pmap)
-	    break;
-	if (i == pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps) /* not installed */
-	    return -1;
-	return i;
-static void
-xxInstalledCmapDelete(ScreenPtr pScreen, int num)
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    int i;
-    pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps--;
-    for (i = num; i < pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps; i++)
-	pScrPriv->InstalledCmaps[i] = pScrPriv->InstalledCmaps[i+1];
-static void
-xxDestroyColormap(ColormapPtr pmap)
-    xxScrPriv(pmap->pScreen);
-    xxCmapPriv(pmap);
-    if (pCmapPriv != (pointer) -1) {
-	xxCmapPrivPtr tmpCmapPriv = pScrPriv->Cmaps;
-	xxCmapPrivPtr *prevCmapPriv = &pScrPriv->Cmaps;
-	int n;
-	DBG("DestroyColormap\n");
-	if ((n = xxCmapInstalled(pmap)) != -1)
-	    xxInstalledCmapDelete(pmap->pScreen,n);
-	while (tmpCmapPriv) {
-	    if (tmpCmapPriv->pmap == pmap) {
-		*prevCmapPriv = tmpCmapPriv->next;
-		break;
-	    }
-	    prevCmapPriv = &tmpCmapPriv->next;
-	    tmpCmapPriv = tmpCmapPriv->next;
-	}
-	xfree(pCmapPriv->cmap);
-	xfree(pCmapPriv);
-    }
-    unwrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen, DestroyColormap);
-    pmap->pScreen->DestroyColormap(pmap);
-    wrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen,DestroyColormap,xxDestroyColormap);
-#define Shift(v,d)  ((d) < 0 ? ((v) >> (-d)) : ((v) << (d)))
-static int
-xxComputeCmapShift (unsigned long mask)
-    int	shift;
-    unsigned long   bit;
-    shift = 16;
-    bit = 0x80000000;
-    while (!(mask & bit))
-    {
-	shift--;
-	bit >>= 1;
-    }
-    return shift;
-static void
-xxStoreColors(ColormapPtr pmap, int nColors, xColorItem *pColors)
-    xxScrPriv(pmap->pScreen);
-    xxCmapPriv(pmap);
-    if (pCmapPriv != (pointer) -1) {
-	xColorItem	*expanddefs;
-	int		i;
-	VisualPtr	bVisual;
-	int		rs, gs, bs;
-	if (nColors == 0) return;
-	DBG("StoreColors\n");
-	expanddefs = xalloc(sizeof(xColorItem)
-				    * (1 <<  pScrPriv->myDepth));
-	if (!expanddefs) return;
-	bVisual = pScrPriv->bVisual;
-	DBG("StoreColors\n");
-	rs = xxComputeCmapShift(bVisual->redMask);
-	gs = xxComputeCmapShift(bVisual->greenMask);
-	bs = xxComputeCmapShift(bVisual->blueMask);
-	if ((pmap->pVisual->class | DynamicClass) == DirectColor) {
-	    nColors = miExpandDirectColors(pmap, nColors, pColors, expanddefs);
-	    pColors = expanddefs;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < nColors; i++) {
-	    DBG_ARGS(("index: %i r 0x%x g 0x%x b 0x%x\n", pColors->pixel,
-		   pColors->red, pColors->green, pColors->blue));
-	    pCmapPriv->cmap[pColors->pixel] = MARK_DIRTY
-		| (Shift(pColors->red, rs) & bVisual->redMask)
-		| (Shift(pColors->green, gs) & bVisual->greenMask)
-		| (Shift(pColors->blue, bs)  & bVisual->blueMask);
-	    pColors++;
-	}
-	xfree(expanddefs);
-	pCmapPriv->dirty = TRUE;
-	pScrPriv->colormapDirty = TRUE;
-	return;
-    }
-    unwrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen, StoreColors);
-    pmap->pScreen->StoreColors(pmap,nColors,pColors);
-    wrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen,StoreColors,xxStoreColors);
-static void
-xxInstallColormap(ColormapPtr pmap)
-    int i;
-    xxScrPriv(pmap->pScreen);
-    xxCmapPriv(pmap);
-    if (pCmapPriv != (pointer) -1) {
-	Pixel		*pixels;
-	xrgb		*colors;
-	int		i;
-	VisualPtr	pVisual;
-	xColorItem	*defs;
-	DBG("InstallColormap\n");
-	if (xxCmapInstalled(pmap) != -1)
-	    return;
-	if (!pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps) {
-	    unwrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen, InstallColormap);
-	    pmap->pScreen->InstallColormap(pScrPriv->baseCmap);
-	    wrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen,InstallColormap,xxInstallColormap);
-	}
-	pixels = xalloc(sizeof(Pixel) * (1 <<  pScrPriv->myDepth));
-	colors = xalloc(sizeof(xrgb) * (1 <<  pScrPriv->myDepth));
-	defs = xalloc(sizeof(xColorItem) * (1 << pScrPriv->myDepth));
-	if (!pixels || !colors)
-	    return;
-	/* if we have more than max installed delete the oldest */
-	if (pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps == MAX_NUM_XX_INSTALLED_CMAPS)
-	    xxInstalledCmapDelete(pmap->pScreen,0);
-	pScrPriv->InstalledCmaps[pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps] = pmap;
-	pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps++;
-	pVisual = pScrPriv->bVisual;
-	for (i = 0; i < (1 <<  pScrPriv->myDepth); i++)
-	    pixels[i] = i;
-	QueryColors (pmap, (1 << pScrPriv->myDepth), pixels, colors);
-	for (i = 0; i < (1 <<  pScrPriv->myDepth); i++) {
-	    defs[i].pixel = pixels[i];
-            defs[i].red = colors[i].red;
-            defs[i].green = colors[i].green;
-            defs[i].blue = colors[i].blue;
-            defs[i].flags =  DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
-        }
-	xxStoreColors(pmap,(1 <<  pScrPriv->myDepth),defs);
-	xfree(pixels);
-	xfree(colors);
-	xfree(defs);
-	return;
-    } 
-    for (i = pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps; i ; i--)
-	WalkTree(pmap->pScreen, TellLostMap,
-		 (char *)&pScrPriv->InstalledCmaps[i-1]->mid);
-    pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps = 0;
-    unwrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen, InstallColormap);
-    pmap->pScreen->InstallColormap(pmap);
-    wrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen,InstallColormap,xxInstallColormap);
-static void
-xxUninstallColormap(ColormapPtr pmap)
-    xxScrPriv(pmap->pScreen);
-    xxCmapPriv(pmap);
-    if (pCmapPriv != (pointer) -1) {
-	int num;
-	if ((num = xxCmapInstalled(pmap)) == -1)
-	    return;
-	DBG("UninstallColormap\n");
-	xxInstalledCmapDelete(pmap->pScreen,num);
-	return;
-    } 
-    unwrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen, UninstallColormap);
-    pmap->pScreen->UninstallColormap(pmap);
-    wrap(pScrPriv,pmap->pScreen,UninstallColormap,xxUninstallColormap);
-static int
-xxListInstalledColormaps(ScreenPtr pScreen, Colormap *pCmapIds)
-    int			n,i;
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    unwrap(pScrPriv,pScreen, ListInstalledColormaps);
-    n = pScreen->ListInstalledColormaps(pScreen, pCmapIds);
-    wrap (pScrPriv,pScreen,ListInstalledColormaps,xxListInstalledColormaps);
-    pCmapIds += n;
-    for (i = 0; i < pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps; i++) {
-	*pCmapIds++ = pScrPriv->InstalledCmaps[i]->mid;
-	n++;
-    }
-    return n;
-static Bool
-xxCreateWindow(WindowPtr pWin)
-    xxScrPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen);
-    if (pWin->drawable.class != InputOutput
-	|| pScrPriv->myDepth != pWin->drawable.depth) {
-	Bool ret;
-	DBG("CreateWindow NoPseudo\n");
-	unwrap (pScrPriv, pWin->drawable.pScreen, CreateWindow);
-	ret = pWin->drawable.pScreen->CreateWindow(pWin);
-	wrap(pScrPriv, pWin->drawable.pScreen, CreateWindow, xxCreateWindow);
-	return ret;
-    }
-    DBG("CreateWindow\n");
-    dixSetPrivate(&pWin->devPrivates, fbGetWinPrivateKey(), pScrPriv->pPixmap);
-    PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);
-	if (!pWin->parent) {
-	REGION_EMPTY (pWin->drawable.pScreen, &pScrPriv->region);
-    }
-    PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);
-    return TRUE;
-static void
-xxWalkChildren(WindowPtr pWin, RegionPtr pReg, PixmapPtr pPixmap)
-    WindowPtr		pCurWin = pWin;
-    do {
-	if (fbGetWindowPixmap(pCurWin) == pPixmap) {
-	    DBG("WalkWindow Add\n");
-	    REGION_UNION(pWin->drawable.pScreen,pReg,pReg,
-			 &pCurWin->borderClip);
-	} else {
-	    DBG("WalkWindow Sub\n");
-	    REGION_SUBTRACT(pWin->drawable.pScreen,pReg,pReg,
-			    &pCurWin->borderClip);
-	}
-	if (pCurWin->lastChild)
-	    xxWalkChildren(pCurWin->lastChild,pReg, pPixmap);
-    } while ((pCurWin = pCurWin->prevSib));
-static void
-xxPickMyWindows(WindowPtr pWin, RegionPtr pRgn)
-    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    if (fbGetWindowPixmap(pWin) == pScrPriv->pPixmap) {
-	REGION_UNION(pWin->drawable.pScreen,pRgn,pRgn,&pWin->borderClip);
-    }
-    if (pWin->lastChild)
-	xxWalkChildren(pWin->lastChild,pRgn,pScrPriv->pPixmap);
-static void
-xxCopyWindow(WindowPtr	pWin,
-	     DDXPointRec	ptOldOrg,
-	     RegionPtr	prgnSrc)
-    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    RegionRec		rgn;
-    RegionRec		rgn_new;
-    int			dx, dy;
-    PixmapPtr pPixmap = fbGetWindowPixmap(pWin);
-    DBG("xxCopyWindow\n");
-    dx = ptOldOrg.x - pWin->drawable.x;
-    dy = ptOldOrg.y - pWin->drawable.y;
-    REGION_NULL(pScreen, &rgn_new);
-    REGION_UNION(pScreen, &rgn_new,&rgn_new,prgnSrc);
-    REGION_TRANSLATE(pScreen,&rgn_new,-dx,-dy);
-    REGION_NULL(pScreen, &rgn);
-    xxPickMyWindows(pWin,&rgn);
-    unwrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, CopyWindow);
-    dixSetPrivate(&pWin->devPrivates, fbGetWinPrivateKey(),
-		  fbGetScreenPixmap(pScreen));
-    pScreen->CopyWindow(pWin, ptOldOrg, prgnSrc);
-    dixSetPrivate(&pWin->devPrivates, fbGetWinPrivateKey(), pPixmap);
-    wrap(pScrPriv, pScreen, CopyWindow, xxCopyWindow);
-    REGION_INTERSECT(pScreen,&rgn,&rgn,&rgn_new);
-    if (REGION_NOTEMPTY (pScreen,&rgn)) {
-	fbCopyRegion(&pScrPriv->pPixmap->drawable,&pScrPriv->pPixmap->drawable,
-		     0,&rgn,dx,dy,fbCopyWindowProc,0,(void*)0);
-	REGION_TRANSLATE(pScreen,&rgn,dx,dy);
-	REGION_INTERSECT(pScreen,&rgn_new,&pScrPriv->region,&rgn);
-	REGION_SUBTRACT(pScreen,&pScrPriv->region,&pScrPriv->region,&rgn);
-	REGION_TRANSLATE(pScreen,&rgn_new,-dx,-dy);
-	REGION_UNION(pScreen,&pScrPriv->region,&pScrPriv->region,&rgn_new);
-    }
-#if 1
-    REGION_UNINIT(pScreen,&rgn_new);
-    REGION_UNINIT(pScreen,&rgn);
-static void
-xxWindowExposures (WindowPtr	pWin,
-			  RegionPtr	prgn,
-			  RegionPtr	other_exposed)
-    xxScrPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen);
-    if (fbGetWindowPixmap(pWin) == pScrPriv->pPixmap) {
-	DBG("WindowExposures\n");
-	PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);
-	REGION_UNION(pWin->drawable.pScreen,&pScrPriv->region,
-		     &pScrPriv->region,
-		     prgn);
-	PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);
-    } else {
-	DBG("WindowExposures NonPseudo\n");
-	PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);
-	REGION_SUBTRACT(pWin->drawable.pScreen,&pScrPriv->region,
-		     &pScrPriv->region,
-		     prgn);
-	PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);
-    }
-    unwrap (pScrPriv, pWin->drawable.pScreen, WindowExposures);
-    pWin->drawable.pScreen->WindowExposures(pWin, prgn, other_exposed);
-    wrap(pScrPriv, pWin->drawable.pScreen, WindowExposures, xxWindowExposures);
-static void
-xxCopyPseudocolorRegion(ScreenPtr pScreen, RegionPtr pReg,
-			xxCmapPrivPtr pCmapPriv)
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    CARD32		mask = (1 << pScrPriv->myDepth) - 1;
-    int			num = REGION_NUM_RECTS(pReg);
-    BoxPtr		pbox = REGION_RECTS(pReg);
-    int			width, height;
-    CARD8		*src;
-    CARD16		*dst, *dst_base;
-    int			dst_stride;
-    register CARD32	*cmap = pCmapPriv->cmap;
-    register CARD8      *s;
-    register CARD16     *d;
-    int w;
-    fbPrepareAccess((DrawablePtr)pScreen->devPrivate);
-    dst_base = (CARD16*) ((PixmapPtr)pScreen->devPrivate)->devPrivate.ptr;
-    dst_stride = (int)((PixmapPtr)pScreen->devPrivate)->devKind
-	/ sizeof (CARD16);
-    while (num--) {
-	height = pbox->y2 - pbox->y1;
-	width = pbox->x2 - pbox->x1;
-	src = (unsigned char *) pScrPriv->pBits
-	    + (pbox->y1 * pScreen->width) + pbox->x1;
-	dst = dst_base + (pbox->y1 * dst_stride) + pbox->x1;
-	while (height--) {
-	    w = width;
-	    s = src;
-	    d = dst;
-	    while(w--) {
-		*(d++) = (CARD16)*(cmap + ((*(s++)) & mask));
-	    }
-	    src += pScreen->width;
-	    dst += dst_stride;
-	}
-	pbox++;
-    }
-    fbFinishAccess(&((PixmapPtr)pScreen->devPrivate)->drawable);
-static void
-xxUpdateCmapPseudocolorRegion(ScreenPtr pScreen, RegionPtr pReg,
-			xxCmapPrivPtr pCmapPriv)
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    CARD32		mask = (1 << pScrPriv->myDepth) - 1;
-    int			num = REGION_NUM_RECTS(pReg);
-    BoxPtr		pbox = REGION_RECTS(pReg);
-    int			width, height;
-    CARD8		*src;
-    CARD16		*dst, *dst_base;
-    int			dst_stride;
-    register CARD32	val;
-    register CARD32	*cmap = pCmapPriv->cmap;
-    register CARD8      *s;
-    register CARD16     *d;
-    int w;
-    dst_base = (CARD16*) ((PixmapPtr)pScreen->devPrivate)->devPrivate.ptr;
-    dst_stride = (int)((PixmapPtr)pScreen->devPrivate)->devKind
-	/ sizeof (CARD16);
-    while (num--) {
-	height = pbox->y2 - pbox->y1;
-	width = pbox->x2 - pbox->x1;
-	src = (unsigned char *) pScrPriv->pBits
-	    + (pbox->y1 * pScreen->width) + pbox->x1;
-	dst = dst_base + (pbox->y1 * dst_stride) + pbox->x1;
-	while (height--) {
-	    w = width;
-	    s = src;
-	    d = dst;
-	    while(w--) {
-		val = *(cmap + ((*(s++)) & mask));
-      		if (val & MARK_DIRTY) {
-		    *d = (CARD16) val;
-		}
-		d++;
-	    }
-	    src += pScreen->width;
-	    dst += dst_stride;
-	}
-	pbox++;
-    }
-static void
-xxGetWindowRegion(WindowPtr pWin,RegionPtr winreg)
-    REGION_NULL(pWin->drawable.pScreen,winreg);
-    /* get visible part of the border ...Argh */
-    REGION_SUBTRACT(pWin->drawable.pScreen,winreg,&pWin->borderSize,
-		    &pWin->winSize);
-    REGION_INTERSECT(pWin->drawable.pScreen,winreg,winreg,
-		     &pWin->borderClip);
-    /* add window interior excluding children */
-    REGION_UNION(pWin->drawable.pScreen,winreg,winreg,
-		 &pWin->clipList);
-static int
-xxUpdateRegion(WindowPtr pWin, pointer unused)
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    ColormapPtr pmap = (pointer) -1;
-    RegionRec		winreg, rgni;
-    if (pScrPriv->myDepth == pWin->drawable.depth) {
-	xxCmapPrivPtr pCmapPriv = (pointer)-1;
-	xxGetWindowRegion(pWin,&winreg);
-	if (pScrPriv->colormapDirty) {
-	    pmap = (ColormapPtr)LookupIDByType(wColormap(pWin),RT_COLORMAP);
-	    if (!pmap)
-		goto CONTINUE; /* return ? */
-	    pCmapPriv = xxGetCmapPriv(pmap);
-	    if (pCmapPriv == (pointer) -1)
-	    if (!pCmapPriv->dirty)
-		goto CONTINUE;
-	    REGION_NULL (pScreen, &rgni);
-	    /* This will be taken care of when damaged regions are updated */
-	    REGION_SUBTRACT(pScreen, &rgni, &winreg, &pScrPriv->region);
-	    if (REGION_NOTEMPTY (pScreen,&rgni))
-		xxUpdateCmapPseudocolorRegion(pScreen,&rgni, pCmapPriv);
-	}
-	REGION_NULL (pScreen, &rgni);
-	REGION_INTERSECT (pScreen, &rgni, &winreg, &pScrPriv->region);
-	if (REGION_NOTEMPTY (pScreen,&rgni)) {
-	    if (pmap == (pointer) -1) {
-		pmap =
-		    (ColormapPtr)LookupIDByType(wColormap(pWin),RT_COLORMAP);
-		if (!pmap) /* return ? */
-		    pmap = (ColormapPtr)LookupIDByType(pScreen->defColormap,
-						       RT_COLORMAP);
-		pCmapPriv = xxGetCmapPriv(pmap);
-	    }
-	    if (pCmapPriv != (pointer)-1)
-		xxCopyPseudocolorRegion(pScreen,&rgni, pCmapPriv);
-	    REGION_SUBTRACT(pScreen, &pScrPriv->region, &pScrPriv->region,
-			    &rgni);
-	}
-#if 1
-	REGION_UNINIT(pScreen,&rgni);
-	REGION_UNINIT(pScreen,&winreg);
-    }
-    return WT_WALKCHILDREN;
-static void
-xxUpdateFb(ScreenPtr pScreen)
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    DBG("Update FB\n");
-    PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);
-    if (pScrPriv->sync)
-	pScrPriv->sync(pScreen); /*@!@*/
-    WalkTree(pScreen,xxUpdateRegion,NULL);
-#if 0
-    if (REGION_NOTEMPTY (pScreen,&pScrPriv->region)) {
-	ColormapPtr pmap = (pointer) -1;
-	xxCmapPrivPtr pCmapPriv;
-	pmap = (ColormapPtr)LookupIDByType(pScreen->defColormap,
-					   RT_COLORMAP);
-	pCmapPriv = xxGetCmapPriv(pmap);
-	if (pCmapPriv != (pointer)-1)
-	    xxCopyPseudocolorRegion(pScreen,&pScrPriv->region, pCmapPriv);
-	REGION_SUBTRACT(pScreen, &pScrPriv->region, &pScrPriv->region,
-			&pScrPriv->region);
-    }
-    if (pScrPriv->colormapDirty) {
-	xxCmapPrivPtr pCmap = pScrPriv->Cmaps;
-	while (pCmap) {
-	    int j;
-	    if (pCmap->dirty) {
-		for (j = 0; j < (1 <<  pScrPriv->myDepth); j++) 
-		    pCmap->cmap[j] &= ~MARK_DIRTY;
-		pCmap->dirty = FALSE;
-	    }
-	    pCmap = pCmap->next;
-	}
-	pScrPriv->colormapDirty = FALSE;
-    }
-static void
-xxBlockHandler (pointer	data,
-		OSTimePtr pTimeout,
-		pointer pRead)
-    ScreenPtr	pScreen = (ScreenPtr) data;
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    if (REGION_NOTEMPTY (pScreen,&pScrPriv->region) || pScrPriv->colormapDirty)
-	xxUpdateFb (pScreen);
-static void
-xxWakeupHandler (pointer data, int i, pointer LastSelectMask)
-xxSetup(ScreenPtr pScreen, int myDepth, int baseDepth, char* addr, xxSyncFunc sync)
-    xxScrPrivPtr	pScrPriv;
-    DepthPtr		pDepths;
-    ColormapPtr		pDefMap;
-    int i,j,k;
-#ifdef RENDER
-    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen);
-    if (!dixRequestPrivate(xxGCPrivateKey, sizeof (xxGCPrivRec)))
-	return FALSE;
-    pScrPriv = (xxScrPrivPtr) xalloc (sizeof (xxScrPrivRec));
-    if (!pScrPriv)
-	return FALSE;
-    if (baseDepth)
-	pScrPriv->depth = baseDepth;
-    else {
-	pDepths = pScreen->allowedDepths;
-        for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numDepths; i++, pDepths++)
-	    if (pDepths->depth != myDepth)
-		pScrPriv->depth = pDepths->depth;
-    }
-    if (!pScrPriv->depth)
-	return FALSE;
-    pDepths = pScreen->allowedDepths;
-    for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numDepths; i++, pDepths++)
-	if (pDepths->depth == pScrPriv->depth) {
-	    for (j = 0; i < pDepths->numVids; j++) {
-		for (k = 0; k < pScreen->numVisuals; k++) {
-		    if (pScreen->visuals[k].vid
-			== pDepths[i].vids[j]
-			&& pScreen->visuals[k].class == TrueColor) {
-			pScrPriv->bVisual =  &pScreen->visuals[k];
-			goto DONE;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    if (!pScrPriv->bVisual)
-	return FALSE;
-    pScrPriv->myDepth = myDepth;
-    pScrPriv->numInstalledColormaps = 0;
-    pScrPriv->colormapDirty = FALSE;
-    pScrPriv->Cmaps = NULL;
-    pScrPriv->sync = sync;
-    pScreen->maxInstalledCmaps += MAX_NUM_XX_INSTALLED_CMAPS;
-    pScrPriv->InstalledCmaps = xcalloc(MAX_NUM_XX_INSTALLED_CMAPS,
-				       sizeof(ColormapPtr));
-    if (!pScrPriv->InstalledCmaps)
-	return FALSE;
-    if (!RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers (xxBlockHandler,
-					 xxWakeupHandler,
-					 (pointer) pScreen))
-	return FALSE;
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, CloseScreen, xxCloseScreen);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, CreateScreenResources, xxCreateScreenResources);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, CreateWindow, xxCreateWindow);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, CopyWindow, xxCopyWindow);
-#if 0 /* can we leave this out even with backing store enabled ? */
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, WindowExposures, xxWindowExposures);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, CreateGC, xxCreateGC);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, CreateColormap, xxCreateColormap);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, DestroyColormap, xxDestroyColormap);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, InstallColormap, xxInstallColormap);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, UninstallColormap, xxUninstallColormap);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, ListInstalledColormaps, xxListInstalledColormaps);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, StoreColors, xxStoreColors);
-#ifdef RENDER
-    if (ps) {
-	wrap (pScrPriv, ps, Glyphs, xxGlyphs);
-	wrap (pScrPriv, ps, Composite, xxComposite);
-    }
-    pScrPriv->addr = addr;
-    dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, xxScrPrivateKey, pScrPriv);
-    pDefMap = (ColormapPtr) LookupIDByType(pScreen->defColormap, RT_COLORMAP);
-    if (!xxInitColormapPrivate(pDefMap))
-	return FALSE;
-    return TRUE;
-GCFuncs xxGCFuncs = {
-    xxValidateGC, xxChangeGC, xxCopyGC, xxDestroyGC,
-    xxChangeClip, xxDestroyClip, xxCopyClip
-static GCOps xxGCOps = {
-    xxFillSpans, xxSetSpans, 
-    xxPutImage, xxCopyArea, 
-    xxCopyPlane, xxPolyPoint, 
-    xxPolylines, xxPolySegment, 
-    xxPolyRectangle, xxPolyArc, 
-    xxFillPolygon, xxPolyFillRect, 
-    xxPolyFillArc, xxPolyText8, 
-    xxPolyText16, xxImageText8, 
-    xxImageText16, xxImageGlyphBlt, 
-    xxPolyGlyphBlt, xxPushPixels,
-    {NULL}		/* devPrivate */
-#define IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) (pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW \
-	   && (fbGetWindowPixmap((WindowPtr) pDraw) == pScrPriv->pPixmap))
-#define TRANSLATE_BOX(box, pDraw) { \
-    box.x1 += pDraw->x; \
-    box.x2 += pDraw->x; \
-    box.y1 += pDraw->y; \
-    box.y2 += pDraw->y; \
-    }
-#define TRIM_BOX(box, pGC) { \
-    BoxPtr extents = &pGC->pCompositeClip->extents;\
-    if(box.x1 < extents->x1) box.x1 = extents->x1; \
-    if(box.x2 > extents->x2) box.x2 = extents->x2; \
-    if(box.y1 < extents->y1) box.y1 = extents->y1; \
-    if(box.y2 > extents->y2) box.y2 = extents->y2; \
-    }
-#define BOX_NOT_EMPTY(box) \
-    (((box.x2 - box.x1) > 0) && ((box.y2 - box.y1) > 0))
-#define _ADD_BOX(box,pGC) {\
-    if (BOX_NOT_EMPTY(box)) { \
-       RegionRec region; \
-       ScreenPtr pScreen = pGC->pScreen;\
-       REGION_INIT (pScreen, &region, &box, 1); \
-       REGION_INTERSECT(pScreen,&region,&region,\
-                                 (pGC)->pCompositeClip);\
-       if (REGION_NOTEMPTY(pScreen,&region)) { \
-           xxScrPriv(pScreen);\
-	   PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);\
-           REGION_UNION(pScreen,&pScrPriv->region,&pScrPriv->region,&region);\
-	   PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);\
-           REGION_UNINIT(pScreen,&region);\
-       }\
-   }\
-#define TRANSLATE_AND_ADD_BOX(box,pGC) {\
-         TRANSLATE_BOX(box,pDraw); \
-         TRIM_BOX(box,pGC); \
-         _ADD_BOX(box,pGC); \
-#define ADD_BOX(box,pGC) { \
-        TRIM_BOX(box,pGC); \
-        _ADD_BOX(box,pGC); \
-    xxGCPriv(pGC); \
-    unwrap(pGCPriv, pGC, funcs); \
-    if (pGCPriv->ops) unwrap(pGCPriv, pGC, ops)
-    wrap(pGCPriv, pGC, funcs, &xxGCFuncs);  \
-    if (pGCPriv->ops) wrap(pGCPriv, pGC, ops, &xxGCOps)
-static Bool
-xxCreateGC(GCPtr pGC)
-    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pGC->pScreen;
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    xxGCPriv(pGC);
-    Bool ret;
-    unwrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, CreateGC);
-    if((ret = (*pScreen->CreateGC) (pGC))) {
-	pGCPriv->ops = NULL;
-	pGCPriv->funcs = pGC->funcs;
-	pGC->funcs = &xxGCFuncs;
-    }
-    wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, CreateGC, xxCreateGC);
-    return ret;
-static void
-   GCPtr         pGC,
-   unsigned long changes,
-   DrawablePtr   pDraw 
-    (*pGC->funcs->ValidateGC)(pGC, changes, pDraw);
-    if(pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
-	pGCPriv->ops = pGC->ops;  /* just so it's not NULL */
-    else 
-	pGCPriv->ops = NULL;
-static void
-xxDestroyGC(GCPtr pGC)
-    (*pGC->funcs->DestroyGC)(pGC);
-static void
-xxChangeGC (
-    GCPtr	    pGC,
-    unsigned long   mask
-    (*pGC->funcs->ChangeGC) (pGC, mask);
-static void
-xxCopyGC (
-    GCPtr	    pGCSrc, 
-    unsigned long   mask,
-    GCPtr	    pGCDst
-    (*pGCDst->funcs->CopyGC) (pGCSrc, mask, pGCDst);
-static void
-xxChangeClip (
-    GCPtr   pGC,
-    int		type,
-    pointer	pvalue,
-    int		nrects 
-    (*pGC->funcs->ChangeClip) (pGC, type, pvalue, nrects);
-static void
-xxCopyClip(GCPtr pgcDst, GCPtr pgcSrc)
-    XX_GC_FUNC_PROLOGUE (pgcDst);
-    (* pgcDst->funcs->CopyClip)(pgcDst, pgcSrc);
-    XX_GC_FUNC_EPILOGUE (pgcDst);
-static void
-xxDestroyClip(GCPtr pGC)
-    (* pGC->funcs->DestroyClip)(pGC);
-#define XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC,pDraw) \
-    xxScrPriv(pDraw->pScreen); \
-    xxGCPriv(pGC);  \
-    GCFuncs *oldFuncs = pGC->funcs; \
-    unwrap(pGCPriv, pGC, funcs);  \
-    unwrap(pGCPriv, pGC, ops); \
-#define XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC,pDraw) \
-    wrap(pGCPriv, pGC, funcs, oldFuncs); \
-    wrap(pGCPriv, pGC, ops, &xxGCOps)
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GC		*pGC,
-    int		nInit,	
-    DDXPointPtr pptInit,	
-    int 	*pwidthInit,		
-    int 	fSorted 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);    
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && nInit) {
-	DDXPointPtr ppt = pptInit;
-	int *pwidth = pwidthInit;
-	int i = nInit;
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("FillSpans\n");
-	box.x1 = ppt->x;
-	box.x2 = box.x1 + *pwidth;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 = ppt->y;
-	while(--i) {
-	   ppt++;
-	   pwidthInit++;
-	   if(box.x1 > ppt->x) box.x1 = ppt->x;
-	   if(box.x2 < (ppt->x + *pwidth)) 
-		box.x2 = ppt->x + *pwidth;
-	   if(box.y1 > ppt->y) box.y1 = ppt->y;
-	   else if(box.y2 < ppt->y) box.y2 = ppt->y;
-	}
-	box.y2++;
-	(*pGC->ops->FillSpans)(pDraw, pGC, nInit, pptInit, pwidthInit, fSorted);
-    } else
-	(*pGC->ops->FillSpans)(pDraw, pGC, nInit, pptInit, pwidthInit, fSorted);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr		pDraw,
-    GCPtr		pGC,
-    char		*pcharsrc,
-    DDXPointPtr 	pptInit,
-    int			*pwidthInit,
-    int			nspans,
-    int			fSorted 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && nspans) {
-	DDXPointPtr ppt = pptInit;
-	int *pwidth = pwidthInit;
-	int i = nspans;
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("SetSpans\n");
-	box.x1 = ppt->x;
-	box.x2 = box.x1 + *pwidth;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 = ppt->y;
-	while(--i) {
-	   ppt++;
-	   pwidth++;
-	   if(box.x1 > ppt->x) box.x1 = ppt->x;
-	   if(box.x2 < (ppt->x + *pwidth)) 
-		box.x2 = ppt->x + *pwidth;
-	   if(box.y1 > ppt->y) box.y1 = ppt->y;
-	   else if(box.y2 < ppt->y) box.y2 = ppt->y;
-	}
-	box.y2++;
-	(*pGC->ops->SetSpans)(pDraw, pGC, pcharsrc, pptInit, 
-				pwidthInit, nspans, fSorted);
-    } else
-	(*pGC->ops->SetSpans)(pDraw, pGC, pcharsrc, pptInit, 
-				pwidthInit, nspans, fSorted);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		depth, 
-    int x, int y, int w, int h,
-    int		leftPad,
-    int		format,
-    char 	*pImage 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->PutImage)(pDraw, pGC, depth, x, y, w, h, 
-		leftPad, format, pImage);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw)) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("PutImage\n");
-	box.x1 = x + pDraw->x;
-	box.x2 = box.x1 + w;
-	box.y1 = y + pDraw->y;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 + h;
-	ADD_BOX(box, pGC);
-    }
-static RegionPtr
-    DrawablePtr pSrc,
-    DrawablePtr pDst,
-    GC *pGC,
-    int srcx, int srcy,
-    int width, int height,
-    int dstx, int dsty 
-    RegionPtr ret;
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDst);
-    DBG("xxCopyArea\n");
-    ret = (*pGC->ops->CopyArea)(pSrc, pDst,
-            pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDst);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDst)) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("CopyArea\n");
-	box.x1 = dstx + pDst->x;
-	box.x2 = box.x1 + width;
-	box.y1 = dsty + pDst->y;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 + height;
-	ADD_BOX(box, pGC);
-    }
-    return ret;
-static RegionPtr
-    DrawablePtr	pSrc,
-    DrawablePtr	pDst,
-    GCPtr pGC,
-    int	srcx, int srcy,
-    int	width, int height,
-    int	dstx, int dsty,
-    unsigned long bitPlane 
-    RegionPtr ret;
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDst);
-    ret = (*pGC->ops->CopyPlane)(pSrc, pDst,
-	       pGC, srcx, srcy, width, height, dstx, dsty, bitPlane);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDst);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDst)) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("CopyPlane\n");
-	box.x1 = dstx + pDst->x;
-	box.x2 = box.x1 + width;
-	box.y1 = dsty + pDst->y;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 + height;
-	ADD_BOX(box, pGC);
-    }
-    return ret;
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr pGC,
-    int mode,
-    int npt,
-    xPoint *pptInit 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyPoint)(pDraw, pGC, mode, npt, pptInit);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && npt) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("PolyPoint\n");
-	box.x2 = box.x1 = pptInit->x;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 = pptInit->y;
-	/* this could be slow if the points were spread out */
-	while(--npt) {
-	   pptInit++;
-	   if(box.x1 > pptInit->x) box.x1 = pptInit->x;
-	   else if(box.x2 < pptInit->x) box.x2 = pptInit->x;
-	   if(box.y1 > pptInit->y) box.y1 = pptInit->y;
-	   else if(box.y2 < pptInit->y) box.y2 = pptInit->y;
-	}
-	box.x2++;
-	box.y2++;
-    }
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		mode,		
-    int		npt,		
-    DDXPointPtr pptInit 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->Polylines)(pDraw, pGC, mode, npt, pptInit);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && npt) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	int extra = pGC->lineWidth >> 1;
-	DBG("PolyLine\n");
-	box.x2 = box.x1 = pptInit->x;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 = pptInit->y;
-	if(npt > 1) {
-	   if(pGC->joinStyle == JoinMiter)
-		extra = 6 * pGC->lineWidth;
-	   else if(pGC->capStyle == CapProjecting)
-		extra = pGC->lineWidth;
-        }
-	if(mode == CoordModePrevious) {
-	   int x = box.x1;
-	   int y = box.y1;
-	   while(--npt) {
-		pptInit++;
-		x += pptInit->x;
-		y += pptInit->y;
-		if(box.x1 > x) box.x1 = x;
-		else if(box.x2 < x) box.x2 = x;
-		if(box.y1 > y) box.y1 = y;
-		else if(box.y2 < y) box.y2 = y;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	   while(--npt) {
-		pptInit++;
-		if(box.x1 > pptInit->x) box.x1 = pptInit->x;
-		else if(box.x2 < pptInit->x) box.x2 = pptInit->x;
-		if(box.y1 > pptInit->y) box.y1 = pptInit->y;
-		else if(box.y2 < pptInit->y) box.y2 = pptInit->y;
-	    }
-	}
-	box.x2++;
-	box.y2++;
-	if(extra) {
-	   box.x1 -= extra;
-	   box.x2 += extra;
-	   box.y1 -= extra;
-	   box.y2 += extra;
-        }
-    }
-static void 
-    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		nseg,
-    xSegment	*pSeg
-    ){
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->PolySegment)(pDraw, pGC, nseg, pSeg);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && nseg) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	int extra = pGC->lineWidth;
-	DBG("PolySegment\n");
-        if(pGC->capStyle != CapProjecting)	
-	   extra >>= 1;
-	if(pSeg->x2 > pSeg->x1) {
-	    box.x1 = pSeg->x1;
-	    box.x2 = pSeg->x2;
-	} else {
-	    box.x2 = pSeg->x1;
-	    box.x1 = pSeg->x2;
-	}
-	if(pSeg->y2 > pSeg->y1) {
-	    box.y1 = pSeg->y1;
-	    box.y2 = pSeg->y2;
-	} else {
-	    box.y2 = pSeg->y1;
-	    box.y1 = pSeg->y2;
-	}
-	while(--nseg) {
-	    pSeg++;
-	    if(pSeg->x2 > pSeg->x1) {
-		if(pSeg->x1 < box.x1) box.x1 = pSeg->x1;
-		if(pSeg->x2 > box.x2) box.x2 = pSeg->x2;
-	    } else {
-		if(pSeg->x2 < box.x1) box.x1 = pSeg->x2;
-		if(pSeg->x1 > box.x2) box.x2 = pSeg->x1;
-	    }
-	    if(pSeg->y2 > pSeg->y1) {
-		if(pSeg->y1 < box.y1) box.y1 = pSeg->y1;
-		if(pSeg->y2 > box.y2) box.y2 = pSeg->y2;
-	    } else {
-		if(pSeg->y2 < box.y1) box.y1 = pSeg->y2;
-		if(pSeg->y1 > box.y2) box.y2 = pSeg->y1;
-	    }
-	}
-	box.x2++;
-	box.y2++;
-	if(extra) {
-	   box.x1 -= extra;
-	   box.x2 += extra;
-	   box.y1 -= extra;
-	   box.y2 += extra;
-        }
-    }
-static void
-    DrawablePtr  pDraw,
-    GCPtr        pGC,
-    int	         nRects,
-    xRectangle  *pRects 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyRectangle)(pDraw, pGC, nRects, pRects);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && nRects) 
-    {
-	BoxRec box;
-	int offset1, offset2, offset3;
-	DBG("PolyRectangle\n");
-	offset2 = pGC->lineWidth;
-	if(!offset2) offset2 = 1;
-	offset1 = offset2 >> 1;
-	offset3 = offset2 - offset1;
-	while(nRects--) 
-	{
-	    box.x1 = pRects->x - offset1;
-	    box.y1 = pRects->y - offset1;
-	    box.x2 = box.x1 + pRects->width + offset2;
-	    box.y2 = box.y1 + offset2;		
-	    box.x1 = pRects->x - offset1;
-	    box.y1 = pRects->y + offset3;
-	    box.x2 = box.x1 + offset2;
-	    box.y2 = box.y1 + pRects->height - offset2;		
-	    box.x1 = pRects->x + pRects->width - offset1;
-	    box.y1 = pRects->y + offset3;
-	    box.x2 = box.x1 + offset2;
-	    box.y2 = box.y1 + pRects->height - offset2;		
-	    box.x1 = pRects->x - offset1;
-	    box.y1 = pRects->y + pRects->height - offset1;
-	    box.x2 = box.x1 + pRects->width + offset2;
-	    box.y2 = box.y1 + offset2;		
-	    pRects++;
-	}
-    }
-static void
-    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		narcs,
-    xArc	*parcs 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyArc)(pDraw, pGC, narcs, parcs);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && narcs) {
-	int extra = pGC->lineWidth >> 1;
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("PolyArc\n");
-	box.x1 = parcs->x;
-	box.x2 = box.x1 + parcs->width;
-	box.y1 = parcs->y;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 + parcs->height;
-	/* should I break these up instead ? */
-	while(--narcs) {
-	   parcs++;
-	   if(box.x1 > parcs->x) box.x1 = parcs->x;
-	   if(box.x2 < (parcs->x + parcs->width))
-		box.x2 = parcs->x + parcs->width;
-	   if(box.y1 > parcs->y) box.y1 = parcs->y;
-	   if(box.y2 < (parcs->y + parcs->height))
-		box.y2 = parcs->y + parcs->height;
-        }
-	if(extra) {
-	   box.x1 -= extra;
-	   box.x2 += extra;
-	   box.y1 -= extra;
-	   box.y2 += extra;
-        }
-	box.x2++;
-	box.y2++;
-    }
-static void
-    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		shape,
-    int		mode,
-    int		count,
-    DDXPointPtr	pptInit 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && (count > 2)) {
-	DDXPointPtr ppt = pptInit;
-	int i = count;
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("FillPolygon\n");
-	box.x2 = box.x1 = ppt->x;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 = ppt->y;
-	if(mode != CoordModeOrigin) {
-	   int x = box.x1;
-	   int y = box.y1;
-	   while(--i) {
-		ppt++;
-		x += ppt->x;
-		y += ppt->y;
-		if(box.x1 > x) box.x1 = x;
-		else if(box.x2 < x) box.x2 = x;
-		if(box.y1 > y) box.y1 = y;
-		else if(box.y2 < y) box.y2 = y;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	   while(--i) {
-		ppt++;
-		if(box.x1 > ppt->x) box.x1 = ppt->x;
-		else if(box.x2 < ppt->x) box.x2 = ppt->x;
-		if(box.y1 > ppt->y) box.y1 = ppt->y;
-		else if(box.y2 < ppt->y) box.y2 = ppt->y;
-	    }
-	}
-	box.x2++;
-	box.y2++;
-	(*pGC->ops->FillPolygon)(pDraw, pGC, shape, mode, count, pptInit);
-    } else
-	(*pGC->ops->FillPolygon)(pDraw, pGC, shape, mode, count, pptInit);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-static void 
-    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		nRectsInit, 
-    xRectangle	*pRectsInit 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && nRectsInit) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	xRectangle *pRects = pRectsInit;
-	int nRects = nRectsInit;
-	DBG("PolyFillRect\n");
-	box.x1 = pRects->x;
-	box.x2 = box.x1 + pRects->width;
-	box.y1 = pRects->y;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 + pRects->height;
-	while(--nRects) {
-	    pRects++;
-	    if(box.x1 > pRects->x) box.x1 = pRects->x;
-	    if(box.x2 < (pRects->x + pRects->width))
-		box.x2 = pRects->x + pRects->width;
-	    if(box.y1 > pRects->y) box.y1 = pRects->y;
-	    if(box.y2 < (pRects->y + pRects->height))
-		box.y2 = pRects->y + pRects->height;
-	}
-	/* cfb messes with the pRectsInit so we have to do our
-	   calculations first */
-	(*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect)(pDraw, pGC, nRectsInit, pRectsInit);
-    } else
-	(*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect)(pDraw, pGC, nRectsInit, pRectsInit);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr	pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		narcs,
-    xArc	*parcs 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyFillArc)(pDraw, pGC, narcs, parcs);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && narcs) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("PolyFillArc\n");
-	box.x1 = parcs->x;
-	box.x2 = box.x1 + parcs->width;
-	box.y1 = parcs->y;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 + parcs->height;
-	/* should I break these up instead ? */
-	while(--narcs) {
-	   parcs++;
-	   if(box.x1 > parcs->x) box.x1 = parcs->x;
-	   if(box.x2 < (parcs->x + parcs->width))
-		box.x2 = parcs->x + parcs->width;
-	   if(box.y1 > parcs->y) box.y1 = parcs->y;
-	   if(box.y2 < (parcs->y + parcs->height))
-		box.y2 = parcs->y + parcs->height;
-        }
-    }
-static int
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		x, 
-    int 	y,
-    int 	count,
-    char	*chars 
-    int width;
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    width = (*pGC->ops->PolyText8)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    width -= x;
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && (width > 0)) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("PolyText8\n");
-	/* ugh */
-	box.x1 = pDraw->x + x + FONTMINBOUNDS(pGC->font, leftSideBearing);
-	box.x2 = pDraw->x + x + FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, rightSideBearing);
-	if(count > 1) {
-	   if(width > 0) box.x2 += width;
-	   else box.x1 += width;
-	}
-	box.y1 = pDraw->y + y - FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, ascent);
-	box.y2 = pDraw->y + y + FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, descent);
-	ADD_BOX(box,  pGC);
-    }
-    return (width + x);
-static int
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		x,
-    int		y,
-    int 	count,
-    unsigned short *chars 
-    int width;
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    width = (*pGC->ops->PolyText16)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    width -= x;
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && (width > 0)) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("PolyText16\n");
-	/* ugh */
-	box.x1 = pDraw->x + x + FONTMINBOUNDS(pGC->font, leftSideBearing);
-	box.x2 = pDraw->x + x + FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, rightSideBearing);
-	if(count > 1) {
-	   if(width > 0) box.x2 += width;
-	   else box.x1 += width;
-	}
-	box.y1 = pDraw->y + y - FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, ascent);
-	box.y2 = pDraw->y + y + FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, descent);
-	ADD_BOX(box, pGC);
-    }
-    return (width + x);
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		x, 
-    int		y,
-    int 	count,
-    char	*chars 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->ImageText8)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && count) {
-	int top, bot, Min, Max;
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("ImageText8\n");
-	top = max(FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, ascent), FONTASCENT(pGC->font));
-	bot = max(FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, descent), FONTDESCENT(pGC->font));
-	Min = count * FONTMINBOUNDS(pGC->font, characterWidth);
-	if(Min > 0) Min = 0;
-	Max = count * FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, characterWidth);	
-	if(Max < 0) Max = 0;
-	/* ugh */
-	box.x1 = pDraw->x + x + Min +
-		FONTMINBOUNDS(pGC->font, leftSideBearing);
-	box.x2 = pDraw->x + x + Max + 
-		FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, rightSideBearing);
-	box.y1 = pDraw->y + y - top;
-	box.y2 = pDraw->y + y + bot;
-	ADD_BOX(box, pGC);
-    }
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    int		x,
-    int		y,
-    int 	count,
-    unsigned short *chars 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->ImageText16)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, count, chars);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && count) {
-	int top, bot, Min, Max;
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("ImageText16\n");
-	top = max(FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, ascent), FONTASCENT(pGC->font));
-	bot = max(FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, descent), FONTDESCENT(pGC->font));
-	Min = count * FONTMINBOUNDS(pGC->font, characterWidth);
-	if(Min > 0) Min = 0;
-	Max = count * FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, characterWidth);	
-	if(Max < 0) Max = 0;
-	/* ugh */
-	box.x1 = pDraw->x + x + Min +
-		FONTMINBOUNDS(pGC->font, leftSideBearing);
-	box.x2 = pDraw->x + x + Max + 
-		FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, rightSideBearing);
-	box.y1 = pDraw->y + y - top;
-	box.y2 = pDraw->y + y + bot;
-	ADD_BOX(box, pGC);
-    }
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr pGC,
-    int x, int y,
-    unsigned int nglyph,
-    CharInfoPtr *ppci,
-    pointer pglyphBase 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->ImageGlyphBlt)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, nglyph, 
-					ppci, pglyphBase);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && nglyph) {
-	int top, bot, width = 0;
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("ImageGlyphBlt\n");
-	top = max(FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, ascent), FONTASCENT(pGC->font));
-	bot = max(FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, descent), FONTDESCENT(pGC->font));
-	box.x1 = ppci[0]->metrics.leftSideBearing;
-	if(box.x1 > 0) box.x1 = 0;
-	box.x2 = ppci[nglyph - 1]->metrics.rightSideBearing - 
-		ppci[nglyph - 1]->metrics.characterWidth;
-	if(box.x2 < 0) box.x2 = 0;
-	box.x2 += pDraw->x + x;
-	box.x1 += pDraw->x + x;
-	while(nglyph--) {
-	    width += (*ppci)->metrics.characterWidth;
-	    ppci++;
-	}
-	if(width > 0) 
-	   box.x2 += width;
-	else 
-	   box.x1 += width;
-	box.y1 = pDraw->y + y - top;
-	box.y2 = pDraw->y + y + bot;
-	ADD_BOX(box, pGC);
-    }
-static void
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    GCPtr pGC,
-    int x, int y,
-    unsigned int nglyph,
-    CharInfoPtr *ppci,
-    pointer pglyphBase 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyGlyphBlt)(pDraw, pGC, x, y, nglyph, 
-				ppci, pglyphBase);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw) && nglyph) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("PolyGlyphBlt\n");
-	/* ugh */
-	box.x1 = pDraw->x + x + ppci[0]->metrics.leftSideBearing;
-	box.x2 = pDraw->x + x + ppci[nglyph - 1]->metrics.rightSideBearing;
-	if(nglyph > 1) {
-	    int width = 0;
-	    while(--nglyph) { 
-		width += (*ppci)->metrics.characterWidth;
-		ppci++;
-	    }
-	    if(width > 0) box.x2 += width;
-	    else box.x1 += width;
-	}
-	box.y1 = pDraw->y + y - FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, ascent);
-	box.y2 = pDraw->y + y + FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font, descent);
-	ADD_BOX(box, pGC);
-    }
-static void
-    GCPtr	pGC,
-    PixmapPtr	pBitMap,
-    DrawablePtr pDraw,
-    int	dx, int dy, int xOrg, int yOrg 
-    XX_GC_OP_PROLOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    (*pGC->ops->PushPixels)(pGC, pBitMap, pDraw, dx, dy, xOrg, yOrg);
-    XX_GC_OP_EPILOGUE(pGC, pDraw);
-    if(IS_VISIBLE(pDraw)) {
-	BoxRec box;
-	DBG("PushPixels\n");
-	box.x1 = xOrg + pDraw->x;
-	box.x2 = box.x1 + dx;
-	box.y1 = yOrg + pDraw->y;
-	box.y2 = box.y1 + dy;
-	ADD_BOX(box, pGC);
-    }
-#ifdef RENDER
-#define RENDER_MAKE_BOX(pDrawable,X,Y,W,H) { \
-    box.x1 = X + pDrawable->x; \
-    box.x2 = X + pDrawable->x + W; \
-    box.y1 = Y + pDrawable->y; \
-    box.y2 = Y + pDrawable->y + H; \
-#define RENDER_ADD_BOX(pScreen,box) {\
-    if (BOX_NOT_EMPTY(box)) { \
-       RegionRec region; \
-       xxScrPriv(pScreen);\
-       ScreenPtr pScreen = pScreen;\
-       REGION_INIT (pScreen, &region, &box, 1); \
-       PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);\
-       REGION_UNION(pScreen,&pScrPriv->region,&pScrPriv->region,&region);\
-       PRINT_RECTS(pScrPriv->region);\
-       REGION_UNINIT(pScreen,&region);\
-   }\
-static void
-xxComposite (CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pMask, PicturePtr pDst,
-	     INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, INT16 xMask, INT16 yMask,
-    INT16 xDst, INT16 yDst, CARD16 width, CARD16 height)
-    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
-    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    BoxRec		box;
-    unwrap (pScrPriv, ps, Composite);
-    (*ps->Composite) (op, pSrc, pMask, pDst, xSrc, ySrc, xMask, yMask,
-		      xDst, yDst, width, height);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, ps, Composite, xxComposite);
-    if (pDst->pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
-	RENDER_MAKE_BOX(pDst->pDrawable, xDst, yDst, width, height);
-	RENDER_ADD_BOX(pScreen,box);
-    }
-static void
-xxGlyphs (CARD8 op, PicturePtr pSrc, PicturePtr pDst,
-	  PictFormatPtr maskFormat, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, int nlist,
-	  GlyphListPtr list, GlyphPtr *glyphs)
-    ScreenPtr		pScreen = pDst->pDrawable->pScreen;
-    PictureScreenPtr	ps = GetPictureScreen(pScreen);
-    xxScrPriv(pScreen);
-    int			x, y;
-    int			n;
-    GlyphPtr		glyph;
-    BoxRec		box;
-    unwrap (pScrPriv, ps, Glyphs);
-    (*ps->Glyphs) (op, pSrc, pDst, maskFormat, xSrc, ySrc,
-		   nlist, list, glyphs);
-    wrap (pScrPriv, ps, Glyphs, xxGlyphs);
-    if (pDst->pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
-    {
-	x = xSrc;
-	y = ySrc;
-	while (nlist--)
-	{
-	    x += list->xOff;
-	    y += list->yOff;
-	    n = list->len;
-	    while (n--)
-	    {
-		glyph = *glyphs++;
-		RENDER_MAKE_BOX(pDst->pDrawable,
-				x - glyph->info.x, y - glyph->info.y,
-				glyph->info.width, glyph->info.height);
-		RENDER_ADD_BOX(pScreen,box);
-		x += glyph->info.xOff;
-		y += glyph->info.yOff;
-	    }
-	    list++;
-	}
-    }
-    int k,i,j;
-    DepthPtr pDepth;
-    VisualPtr pVisual;
-    for (k = 0; k < screenInfo.numScreens; k++) {
-	ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[k];
-	pDepth = pScreen->allowedDepths;
-	for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numDepths; i++, pDepth++)
-	    for (j = 0; j < pDepth->numVids; j++) {
-		ErrorF("depth: %i vid: 0x%lx\n",
-		       pDepth->depth, pDepth->vids[j]);
-	    }
-	pVisual = pScreen->visuals;
-	for (i = 0; i < pScreen->numVisuals; i++, pVisual++)
-	    ErrorF("vid: 0x%x rm: 0x%lx gm: 0x%lx bm: 0x%lx\n",
-		   (unsigned int)pVisual->vid,
-		   pVisual->redMask,
-		   pVisual->greenMask,
-		   pVisual->blueMask);
-    }
diff --git a/fb/fbpseudocolor.h b/fb/fbpseudocolor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 64de71d..0000000
--- a/fb/fbpseudocolor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _FB_XX_H_
-# define  _FB_XX_H_
-typedef void (*xxSyncFunc)(ScreenPtr);
-extern Bool xxSetup(ScreenPtr pScreen, int myDepth,
-		    int baseDepth, char *addr, xxSyncFunc sync);
-extern void xxPrintVisuals(void);
-#endif /* _FB_XX_H_ */
diff --git a/fb/wfbrename.h b/fb/wfbrename.h
index dc05285..73ee510 100644
--- a/fb/wfbrename.h
+++ b/fb/wfbrename.h
@@ -187,12 +187,4 @@
 #define fbZeroSegment wfbZeroSegment
 #define free_pixman_pict wfb_free_pixman_pict
 #define image_from_pict wfb_image_from_pict
-#define xxScrPrivateKey wfbxxScrPrivateKey
-#define xxGCPrivateKey wfbxxGCPrivateKey
-#define xxColormapPrivateKey wfbxxColormapPrivateKey
-#define xxGeneration wfbxxGeneration
-#define xxPrintVisuals wfbxxPrintVisuals
-#define xxGCFuncs wfbxxGCFuncs
-#define xxGCOps wfbxxGCOps
-#define xxSetup wfbxxSetup
 #define composeFunctions wfbComposeFunctions

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