xserver: Branch 'XACE-SELINUX' - 3 commits

Eamon Walsh ewalsh at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Nov 8 14:05:44 PST 2007

 .gitignore                 |    2 
 Xext/Makefile.am           |    7 
 Xext/SecurityPolicy        |   86 --
 Xext/security.c            | 1344 ++++++++++-----------------------------------
 Xext/securitysrv.h         |    4 
 configure.ac               |    4 
 doc/Makefile.am            |    2 
 doc/SecurityPolicy.man.pre |  258 --------
 doc/Xserver.man.pre        |   13 
 os/utils.c                 |   12 
 10 files changed, 312 insertions(+), 1420 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 1c6cb353f77747c101ce47716ff1fa055fbf85a4
Author: Eamon Walsh <ewalsh at tycho.nsa.gov>
Date:   Thu Nov 8 16:46:49 2007 -0500

    Restore the XC-SECURITY option in configure.ac, but disabled by default.

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 278dcac..84b24cf 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(xf86vidmode,    AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-xf86vidmode], [Build XF8
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(xf86misc,       AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-xf86misc], [Build XF86Misc extension (default: auto)]), [XF86MISC=$enableval], [XF86MISC=auto])
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(xace,           AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-xace], [Build X-ACE extension (default: enabled)]), [XACE=$enableval], [XACE=yes])
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(xselinux,       AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-xselinux], [Build SELinux extension (default: disabled)]), [XSELINUX=$enableval], [XSELINUX=no])
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(xcsecurity,     AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-xcsecurity], [Build Security extension (TEMPORARILY DISABLED)]), [XCSECURITY=no], [XCSECURITY=no])
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(appgroup,       AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-appgroup], [Build XC-APPGROUP extension (default: enabled)]), [APPGROUP=$enableval], [APPGROUP=$XCSECURITY])
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(xcsecurity,     AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-xcsecurity], [Build Security extension (default: disabled)]), [XCSECURITY=$enableval], [XCSECURITY=no])
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(appgroup,       AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-appgroup], [Build XC-APPGROUP extension (default: disabled)]), [APPGROUP=$enableval], [APPGROUP=$XCSECURITY])
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(xcalibrate,     AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-xcalibrate], [Build XCalibrate extension (default: disabled)]), [XCALIBRATE=$enableval], [XCALIBRATE=no])
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(tslib,          AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-tslib], [Build kdrive tslib touchscreen support (default: disabled)]), [TSLIB=$enableval], [TSLIB=no])
 AC_ARG_ENABLE(xevie,          AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-xevie], [Build XEvIE extension (default: enabled)]), [XEVIE=$enableval], [XEVIE=yes])
commit 9d03cad1446c27b397c198cf6247e71e46bc9e6d
Author: Eamon Walsh <ewalsh at tycho.nsa.gov>
Date:   Thu Nov 8 16:41:47 2007 -0500

    Remove SecurityPolicy file and associated references in the manpages.

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 27132c0..1213d99 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -92,8 +92,6 @@ cfb32/cfbzerarcG.c
diff --git a/Xext/Makefile.am b/Xext/Makefile.am
index 6fe1c34..f57e599 100644
--- a/Xext/Makefile.am
+++ b/Xext/Makefile.am
@@ -33,9 +33,6 @@ MODULE_SRCS =			\
 	sync.c			\
-# Extra configuration files ship with some extensions
 # Optional sources included if extension enabled by configure.ac rules
 # MIT Shared Memory extension
@@ -86,9 +83,6 @@ endif
 XCSECURITY_SRCS = security.c securitysrv.h
-SERVERCONFIG_DATA += SecurityPolicy
 XCALIBRATE_SRCS = xcalibrate.c
@@ -166,7 +160,6 @@ libXextmodule_la_SOURCES =	$(MODULE_SRCS)
 	$(XV_SRCS) \
 	$(RES_SRCS) \
diff --git a/Xext/SecurityPolicy b/Xext/SecurityPolicy
deleted file mode 100644
index 04dfb0e..0000000
--- a/Xext/SecurityPolicy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# $Xorg: SecurityPolicy,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:47:56 cpqbld Exp $
-# Property access rules:
-# property <property> <window> <permissions>
-# <window> ::= any | root | <propertyselector>
-# <propertyselector> ::= <property> | <property>=<value>
-# <permissions> :== [ <operation> | <action> | <space> ]*
-# <operation> :== r | w | d
-#	r	read
-#	w	write
-#	d	delete
-# <action> :== a | i | e
-#	a	allow
-#	i	ignore
-#	e	error
-# Allow reading of application resources, but not writing.
-property RESOURCE_MANAGER	root	ar iw
-property SCREEN_RESOURCES	root	ar iw
-# Ignore attempts to use cut buffers.  Giving errors causes apps to crash,
-# and allowing access may give away too much information.
-property CUT_BUFFER0	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER1	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER2	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER3	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER4	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER5	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER6	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER7	root	irw
-# If you are using Motif, you probably want these.
-property _MOTIF_DEFAULT_BINDINGS	root	ar iw
-property _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW	root	ar iw
-property _MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS	any 	ar iw
-property _MOTIF_DRAG_ATOMS	any 	ar iw
-property _MOTIF_DRAG_ATOM_PAIRS	any 	ar iw
-# If you are running CDE you also need these
-property _MOTIF_WM_INFO		root	arw
-property TT_SESSION		root	irw
-property WM_ICON_SIZE		root	irw
-property "SDT Pixel Set"	any	irw
-# The next two rules let xwininfo -tree work when untrusted.
-property WM_NAME	any	ar
-# Allow read of WM_CLASS, but only for windows with WM_NAME.
-# This might be more restrictive than necessary, but demonstrates
-# the <required property> facility, and is also an attempt to
-# say "top level windows only."
-property WM_CLASS	WM_NAME	ar
-# These next three let xlsclients work untrusted.  Think carefully
-# before including these; giving away the client machine name and command
-# may be exposing too much.
-property WM_STATE	WM_NAME	ar
-property WM_COMMAND	WM_NAME	ar
-# To let untrusted clients use the standard colormaps created by
-# xstdcmap, include these lines.
-property RGB_DEFAULT_MAP	root	ar
-property RGB_BEST_MAP	root	ar
-property RGB_RED_MAP	root	ar
-property RGB_GREEN_MAP	root	ar
-property RGB_BLUE_MAP	root	ar
-property RGB_GRAY_MAP	root	ar
-# To let untrusted clients use the color management database created
-# by xcmsdb, include these lines.
-property XDCCC_GRAY_CORRECTION	root	ar
-# To let untrusted clients use the overlay visuals that many vendors
-# support, include this line.
-property SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS	root	ar
-# Only trusted extensions can be used by untrusted clients
-trust extension XC-MISC
-trust extension BIG-REQUESTS
-trust extension XpExtension
diff --git a/doc/Makefile.am b/doc/Makefile.am
index ce1979d..d3911c9 100644
--- a/doc/Makefile.am
+++ b/doc/Makefile.am
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ filemandir = $(FILE_MAN_DIR)
 # (i.e. those handled in the os/utils.c options processing instead of in
 #  the DDX-level options processing)
 appman_PRE = Xserver.man.pre
-fileman_PRE = SecurityPolicy.man.pre
+fileman_PRE =
 appman_PROCESSED = $(appman_PRE:man.pre=man)
 fileman_PROCESSED = $(fileman_PRE:man.pre=man)
diff --git a/doc/SecurityPolicy.man.pre b/doc/SecurityPolicy.man.pre
deleted file mode 100644
index f5aff0c..0000000
--- a/doc/SecurityPolicy.man.pre
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-.\" Split out of Xserver.man, which was covered by this notice:
-.\" Copyright 1984 - 1991, 1993, 1994, 1998  The Open Group
-.\" Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
-.\" documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
-.\" the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
-.\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
-.\" documentation.
-.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-.\" in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall
-.\" not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
-.\" other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
-.\" from The Open Group.
-.\" $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/Xserver.man,v 3.31 2004/01/10 22:27:46 dawes Exp $
-.\" shorthand for double quote that works everywhere.
-.ds q \N'34'
-.TH SecurityPolicy __filemansuffix__ __xorgversion__
-SecurityPolicy \- X Window System SECURITY Extension Policy file format
-The SECURITY extension to the X Window System uses a policy file to determine
-which operations should be allowed or denied.   The default location for this
-file is
-.IR __projectroot__/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy .
-The syntax of the security policy file is as follows.
-Notation: "*" means zero or more occurrences of the preceding element,
-and "+" means one or more occurrences.  To interpret <foo/bar>, ignore
-the text after the /; it is used to distinguish between instances of
-<foo> in the next section.
-<policy file> ::= <version line> <other line>*
-<version line> ::= <string/v> '\en'
-<other line > ::= <comment> | <access rule> | <site policy> | <blank line>
-<comment> ::= # <not newline>* '\en'
-<blank line> ::= <space> '\en'
-<site policy> ::= sitepolicy <string/sp> '\en'
-<access rule> ::= property <property/ar> <window> <perms> '\en'
-<property> ::= <string>
-<window> ::= any | root | <required property>
-<required property> ::= <property/rp> | <property with value>
-<property with value> ::= <property/rpv> = <string/rv>
-<perms> ::= [ <operation> | <action> | <space> ]*
-<operation> ::= r | w | d
-<action> ::= a | i | e
-<string> ::= <dbl quoted string> | <single quoted string> | <unquoted string>
-<dbl quoted string> ::= <space> " <not dquote>* " <space>
-<single quoted string> ::= <space> ' <not squote>* ' <space>
-<unquoted string> ::= <space> <not space>+ <space>
-<space> ::= [ ' ' | '\et' ]*
-Character sets:
-<not newline> ::= any character except '\en'
-<not dquote>  ::= any character except "
-<not squote>  ::= any character except '
-<not space>   ::= any character except those in <space>
-The semantics associated with the above syntax are as follows.
-<version line>, the first line in the file, specifies the file format
-version.  If the server does not recognize the version <string/v>, it
-ignores the rest of the file.  The version string for the file format
-described here is "version-1" .
-Once past the <version line>, lines that do not match the above syntax
-are ignored.
-<comment> lines are ignored.
-<sitepolicy> lines are currently ignored.  They are intended to
-specify the site policies used by the XC-QUERY-SECURITY-1
-authorization method.
-<access rule> lines specify how the server should react to untrusted
-client requests that affect the X Window property named <property/ar>.
-The rest of this section describes the interpretation of an
-<access rule>.
-For an <access rule> to apply to a given instance of <property/ar>,
-<property/ar> must be on a window that is in the set of windows
-specified by <window>.  If <window> is any, the rule applies to
-<property/ar> on any window.  If <window> is root, the rule applies to
-<property/ar> only on root windows.
-If <window> is <required property>, the following apply.  If <required
-property> is a <property/rp>, the rule applies when the window also
-has that <property/rp>, regardless of its value.  If <required
-property> is a <property with value>, <property/rpv> must also have
-the value specified by <string/rv>.  In this case, the property must
-have type STRING and format 8, and should contain one or more
-null-terminated strings.  If any of the strings match <string/rv>, the
-rule applies.
-The definition of string matching is simple case-sensitive string
-comparison with one elaboration: the occurrence of the character '*' in
-<string/rv> is a wildcard meaning "any string."  A <string/rv> can
-contain multiple wildcards anywhere in the string.  For example, "x*"
-matches strings that begin with x, "*x" matches strings that end with
-x, "*x*" matches strings containing x, and "x*y*" matches strings that
-start with x and subsequently contain y.
-There may be multiple <access rule> lines for a given <property/ar>.
-The rules are tested in the order that they appear in the file.  The
-first rule that applies is used.
-<perms> specify operations that untrusted clients may attempt, and
-the actions that the server should take in response to those operations.
-<operation> can be r (read), w (write), or d (delete).  The following
-table shows how X Protocol property requests map to these operations
-in the X.Org server implementation.
-GetProperty	r, or r and d if delete = True
-ChangeProperty	w
-RotateProperties	r and w
-DeleteProperty	d
-ListProperties	none, untrusted clients can always list all properties
-<action> can be a (allow), i (ignore), or e (error).  Allow means
-execute the request as if it had been issued by a trusted client.
-Ignore means treat the request as a no-op.  In the case of
-GetProperty, ignore means return an empty property value if the
-property exists, regardless of its actual value.  Error means do not
-execute the request and return a BadAtom error with the atom set to
-the property name.  Error is the default action for all properties,
-including those not listed in the security policy file.
-An <action> applies to all <operation>s that follow it, until the next
-<action> is encountered.  Thus, irwad  means ignore read and write,
-allow delete.
-GetProperty and RotateProperties may do multiple operations (r and d,
-or r and w).  If different actions apply to the operations, the most
-severe action is applied to the whole request; there is no partial
-request execution.  The severity ordering is: allow < ignore < error.
-Thus, if the <perms> for a property are ired (ignore read, error
-delete), and an untrusted client attempts GetProperty on that property
-with delete = True, an error is returned, but the property value is
-not.  Similarly, if any of the properties in a RotateProperties do not
-allow both read and write, an error is returned without changing any
-property values.
-Here is an example security policy file.
-.ta 3i 4i
-XCOMM Allow reading of application resources, but not writing.
-property RESOURCE_MANAGER	root	ar iw
-property SCREEN_RESOURCES	root	ar iw
-XCOMM Ignore attempts to use cut buffers.  Giving errors causes apps to crash,
-XCOMM and allowing access may give away too much information.
-property CUT_BUFFER0	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER1	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER2	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER3	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER4	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER5	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER6	root	irw
-property CUT_BUFFER7	root	irw
-XCOMM If you are using Motif, you probably want these.
-property _MOTIF_DEFAULT_BINDINGS	root	ar iw
-property _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW	root	ar iw
-property _MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS	any 	ar iw
-property _MOTIF_DRAG_ATOMS	any 	ar iw
-property _MOTIF_DRAG_ATOM_PAIRS	any 	ar iw
-XCOMM The next two rules let xwininfo -tree work when untrusted.
-property WM_NAME	any	ar
-XCOMM Allow read of WM_CLASS, but only for windows with WM_NAME.
-XCOMM This might be more restrictive than necessary, but demonstrates
-XCOMM the <required property> facility, and is also an attempt to
-XCOMM say "top level windows only."
-property WM_CLASS	WM_NAME	ar
-XCOMM These next three let xlsclients work untrusted.  Think carefully
-XCOMM before including these; giving away the client machine name and command
-XCOMM may be exposing too much.
-property WM_STATE	WM_NAME	ar
-property WM_COMMAND	WM_NAME	ar
-XCOMM To let untrusted clients use the standard colormaps created by
-XCOMM xstdcmap, include these lines.
-property RGB_DEFAULT_MAP	root	ar
-property RGB_BEST_MAP	root	ar
-property RGB_RED_MAP	root	ar
-property RGB_GREEN_MAP	root	ar
-property RGB_BLUE_MAP	root	ar
-property RGB_GRAY_MAP	root	ar
-XCOMM To let untrusted clients use the color management database created
-XCOMM by xcmsdb, include these lines.
-property XDCCC_GRAY_CORRECTION	root	ar
-XCOMM To let untrusted clients use the overlay visuals that many vendors
-XCOMM support, include this line.
-property SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS	root	ar
-XCOMM Dumb examples to show other capabilities.
-XCOMM oddball property names and explicit specification of error conditions
-property "property with spaces"	'property with "'	aw er ed
-XCOMM Allow deletion of Woo-Hoo if window also has property OhBoy with value
-XCOMM ending in "son".  Reads and writes will cause an error.
-property Woo-Hoo	OhBoy = "*son"	ad
-.TP 30
-.I __projectroot__/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy
-Default X server security policy
-.I "Security Extension Specification"
diff --git a/doc/Xserver.man.pre b/doc/Xserver.man.pre
index c9ee019..c47a396 100644
--- a/doc/Xserver.man.pre
+++ b/doc/Xserver.man.pre
@@ -407,15 +407,6 @@ elapse between autorepeat-generated keystrokes).
 .TP 8
 .B \-xkbmap \fIfilename\fP
 loads keyboard description in \fIfilename\fP on server startup.
-X servers that support the SECURITY extension accept the following option:
-.TP 8
-.B \-sp \fIfilename\fP
-causes the server to attempt to read and interpret filename as a security
-policy file with the format described below.  The file is read at server
-startup and reread at each server reset.
-The syntax of the security policy file is described in 
 The X server supports client connections via a platform-dependent subset of
 the following transport types: TCP\/IP, Unix Domain sockets, DECnet,
@@ -580,9 +571,6 @@ Error log file for display number \fBn\fP if run from \fIinit\fP(__adminmansuffi
 .TP 30
 .I __projectroot__/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-errors
 Default error log file if the server is run from \fIxdm\fP(1)
-.TP 30
-.I __projectroot__/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy
-Default X server security policy
 General information: \fIX\fP(__miscmansuffix__)
@@ -597,7 +585,6 @@ Fonts: \fIbdftopcf\fP(1), \fImkfontdir\fP(1), \fImkfontscale\fP(1),
 Security: \fIXsecurity\fP(__miscmansuffix__), \fIxauth\fP(1), \fIXau\fP(1), 
 \fIxdm\fP(1), \fIxhost\fP(1), \fIxfwp\fP(1),
 .I "Security Extension Specification"
 Starting the server: \fIxdm\fP(1), \fIxinit\fP(1)
commit 8b5d21cc1d1f4e9d20e5d5eca44cb1e60a419763
Author: Eamon Walsh <ewalsh at tycho.nsa.gov>
Date:   Thu Nov 8 16:32:42 2007 -0500

    Rework of the XC-SECURITY extension.  The gen-auth protocol has not changed,
    but the XC-QUERY-SECURITY-1 authorization method and the SecurityPolicy
    configuration file have been removed.  The semantics of the trusted vs.
    untrusted split have been changed.  This will be documented in a future

diff --git a/Xext/security.c b/Xext/security.c
index ec414a0..6aab3a3 100644
--- a/Xext/security.c
+++ b/Xext/security.c
@@ -31,53 +31,47 @@ in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
 #include "scrnintstr.h"
 #include "colormapst.h"
 #include "privates.h"
+#include "registry.h"
 #include "xacestr.h"
 #include "securitysrv.h"
 #include <X11/extensions/securstr.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
 #include "appgroup.h"
-#include <stdio.h>  /* for file reading operations */
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>  /* for XA_STRING */
-#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
-#include <X11/Xos.h>
-#undef index
 #include "modinit.h"
+/* Extension stuff */
 static int SecurityErrorBase;  /* first Security error number */
 static int SecurityEventBase;  /* first Security event number */
-static const DevPrivateKey stateKey = &stateKey;
-/* this is what we store as client security state */
+RESTYPE SecurityAuthorizationResType; /* resource type for authorizations */
+static RESTYPE RTEventClient;
+static CallbackListPtr SecurityValidateGroupCallback = NULL;
+/* Private state record */
+static DevPrivateKey stateKey = &stateKey;
+/* This is what we store as client security state */
 typedef struct {
     int haveState;
     unsigned int trustLevel;
     XID authId;
-} SecurityClientStateRec;
-#define HAVESTATE(client) (((SecurityClientStateRec *) \
-    dixLookupPrivate(DEVPRIV_PTR(client), stateKey))->haveState)
-#define TRUSTLEVEL(client) (((SecurityClientStateRec *) \
-    dixLookupPrivate(DEVPRIV_PTR(client), stateKey))->trustLevel)
-#define AUTHID(client)(((SecurityClientStateRec *) \
-    dixLookupPrivate(DEVPRIV_PTR(client), stateKey))->authId)
-static CallbackListPtr SecurityValidateGroupCallback = NULL;
-static char **SecurityTrustedExtensions = NULL;
-static int nSecurityTrustedExtensions = 0;
+} SecurityStateRec;
+/* Extensions that untrusted clients shouldn't have access to */
+static char *SecurityUntrustedExtensions[] = {
+    "RandR",
+    "SECURITY",
+    "XFree86-DGA",
+    NULL
-RESTYPE SecurityAuthorizationResType; /* resource type for authorizations */
+/* Access modes that untrusted clients can do to trusted stuff */
+static const Mask SecurityAllowedMask =
+    DixGetAttrAccess | DixListPropAccess | DixGetPropAccess |
+    DixGetFocusAccess | DixListAccess | DixReceiveAccess;
-static RESTYPE RTEventClient;
 /* SecurityAudit
@@ -103,6 +97,51 @@ SecurityAudit(char *format, ...)
 } /* SecurityAudit */
+ * Performs a Security permission check.
+ */
+static int
+SecurityDoCheck(SecurityStateRec *subj, SecurityStateRec *obj,
+		Mask requested, Mask allowed)
+    if (!subj->haveState || !obj->haveState)
+	return Success;
+    if (subj->trustLevel == XSecurityClientTrusted)
+	return Success;
+    if (obj->trustLevel != XSecurityClientTrusted)
+	return Success;
+    if ((requested | allowed) == allowed)
+	return Success;
+    return BadAccess;
+ * Labels initial server objects.
+ */
+static void
+    SecurityStateRec *state;
+    /* Do the serverClient */
+    state = dixLookupPrivate(&serverClient->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    state->trustLevel = XSecurityClientTrusted;
+    state->haveState = TRUE;
+ * Looks up a request name
+ */
+static _X_INLINE const char *
+SecurityLookupRequestName(ClientPtr client)
+    int major = ((xReq *)client->requestBuffer)->reqType;
+    int minor = MinorOpcodeOfRequest(client);
+    return LookupRequestName(major, minor);
 #define rClient(obj) (clients[CLIENT_ID((obj)->resource)])
 /* SecurityDeleteAuthorization
@@ -163,10 +202,12 @@ SecurityDeleteAuthorization(
     /* kill all clients using this auth */
     for (i = 1; i<currentMaxClients; i++)
-    {
-	if (clients[i] && (AUTHID(clients[i]) == pAuth->id))
-	    CloseDownClient(clients[i]);
-    }
+	if (clients[i]) {
+	    SecurityStateRec *state;
+	    state = dixLookupPrivate(&clients[i]->devPrivates, stateKey);
+	    if (state->haveState && state->authId == pAuth->id)
+		CloseDownClient(clients[i]);
+	}
     SecurityAudit("revoked authorization ID %d\n", pAuth->id);
@@ -315,12 +356,6 @@ ProcSecurityQueryVersion(
     /* REQUEST(xSecurityQueryVersionReq); */
     xSecurityQueryVersionReply 	rep;
-    /* paranoia: this "can't happen" because this extension is hidden
-     * from untrusted clients, but just in case...
-     */
-    if (TRUSTLEVEL(client) != XSecurityClientTrusted)
-	return BadRequest;
     rep.type        	= X_Reply;
     rep.sequenceNumber 	= client->sequence;
@@ -401,12 +436,6 @@ ProcSecurityGenerateAuthorization(
     char *pAuthdata;		/* generated auth data */
     Mask eventMask;		/* what events on this auth does client want */
-    /* paranoia: this "can't happen" because this extension is hidden
-     * from untrusted clients, but just in case...
-     */
-    if (TRUSTLEVEL(client) != XSecurityClientTrusted)
-	return BadRequest;
     /* check request length */
@@ -584,12 +613,6 @@ ProcSecurityRevokeAuthorization(
     SecurityAuthorizationPtr pAuth;
-    /* paranoia: this "can't happen" because this extension is hidden
-     * from untrusted clients, but just in case...
-     */
-    if (TRUSTLEVEL(client) != XSecurityClientTrusted)
-	return BadRequest;
     pAuth = (SecurityAuthorizationPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client,
@@ -703,59 +726,6 @@ SwapSecurityAuthorizationRevokedEvent(
     cpswapl(from->authId, to->authId);
-/* SecurityDetermineEventPropogationLimits
- *
- * This is a helper function for SecurityCheckDeviceAccess.
- *
- * Arguments:
- *	dev is the device for which the starting and stopping windows for
- *	event propogation should be determined.
- *	The values pointed to by ppWin and ppStopWin are not used.
- *
- * Returns:
- *	ppWin is filled in with a pointer to the window at which event
- *	propogation for the given device should start given the current
- *	state of the server (pointer position, window layout, etc.)
- *	ppStopWin is filled in with the window at which event propogation
- *	should stop; events should not go to ppStopWin.
- *
- * Side Effects: none.
- */
-static void
-    DeviceIntPtr dev,
-    WindowPtr *ppWin,
-    WindowPtr *ppStopWin)
-    WindowPtr pFocusWin = dev->focus ? dev->focus->win : NoneWin;
-    if (pFocusWin == NoneWin)
-    { /* no focus -- events don't go anywhere */
-	*ppWin = *ppStopWin = NULL;
-	return;
-    }
-    if (pFocusWin == PointerRootWin)
-    { /* focus follows the pointer */
-	*ppWin = GetSpriteWindow();
-	*ppStopWin = NULL; /* propogate all the way to the root */
-    }
-    else
-    { /* a real window is set for the focus */
-	WindowPtr pSpriteWin = GetSpriteWindow();
-	*ppStopWin = pFocusWin->parent; /* don't go past the focus window */
-	/* if the pointer is in a subwindow of the focus window, start
-	 * at that subwindow, else start at the focus window itself
-	 */
-	if (IsParent(pFocusWin, pSpriteWin))
-	     *ppWin = pSpriteWin;
-	else *ppWin = pFocusWin;
-    }
-} /* SecurityDetermineEventPropogationLimits */
 /* SecurityCheckDeviceAccess
  * Arguments:
@@ -773,163 +743,25 @@ SecurityDetermineEventPropogationLimits(
 static void
-SecurityCheckDeviceAccess(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused,
-			  pointer calldata)
+SecurityDevice(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata)
-    XaceDeviceAccessRec *rec = (XaceDeviceAccessRec*)calldata;
-    ClientPtr client = rec->client;
-    DeviceIntPtr dev = rec->dev;
-    Bool fromRequest = rec->fromRequest;
-    WindowPtr pWin, pStopWin;
-    Bool untrusted_got_event;
-    Bool found_event_window;
-    Mask eventmask;
-    int reqtype = 0;
-    /* trusted clients always allowed to do anything */
-    if (TRUSTLEVEL(client) == XSecurityClientTrusted)
-	return;
-    /* device security other than keyboard is not implemented yet */
-    if (dev != inputInfo.keyboard)
-	return;
-    /* some untrusted client wants access */
-    if (fromRequest)
-    {
-	reqtype = ((xReq *)client->requestBuffer)->reqType;
-	switch (reqtype)
-	{
-	    /* never allow these */
-	    case X_ChangeKeyboardMapping:
-	    case X_ChangeKeyboardControl:
-	    case X_SetModifierMapping:
-		SecurityAudit("client %d attempted request %d\n",
-			      client->index, reqtype);
-		rec->status = BadAccess;
-		return;
-	    default:
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-    untrusted_got_event = FALSE;
-    found_event_window = FALSE;
-    if (dev->grab)
-    {
-	untrusted_got_event =
-	    (TRUSTLEVEL(rClient(dev->grab)) != XSecurityClientTrusted);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	SecurityDetermineEventPropogationLimits(dev, &pWin, &pStopWin);
-	eventmask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask;
-	while ( (pWin != pStopWin) && !found_event_window)
-	{
-	    OtherClients *other;
-	    if (pWin->eventMask & eventmask)
-	    {
-		found_event_window = TRUE;
-		client = wClient(pWin);
-		if (TRUSTLEVEL(client) != XSecurityClientTrusted)
-		{
-		    untrusted_got_event = TRUE;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (wOtherEventMasks(pWin) & eventmask)
-	    {
-		found_event_window = TRUE;
-		for (other = wOtherClients(pWin); other; other = other->next)
-		{
-		    if (other->mask & eventmask)
-		    {
-			client = rClient(other);
-			if (TRUSTLEVEL(client) != XSecurityClientTrusted)
-			{
-			    untrusted_got_event = TRUE;
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (wDontPropagateMask(pWin) & eventmask)
-		break;
-	    pWin = pWin->parent;
-	} /* while propogating the event */
-    }
-    /* allow access by untrusted clients only if an event would have gone 
-     * to an untrusted client
-     */
-    if (!untrusted_got_event)
-    {
-	char *devname = dev->name;
-	if (!devname) devname = "unnamed";
-	if (fromRequest)
-	    SecurityAudit("client %d attempted request %d device %d (%s)\n",
-			  client->index, reqtype, dev->id, devname);
-	else
-	    SecurityAudit("client %d attempted to access device %d (%s)\n",
-			  client->index, dev->id, devname);
+    XaceDeviceAccessRec *rec = calldata;
+    SecurityStateRec *subj, *obj;
+    Mask requested = rec->access_mode;
+    Mask allowed = SecurityAllowedMask;
+    subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    obj = dixLookupPrivate(&serverClient->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    if (SecurityDoCheck(subj, obj, requested, allowed) != Success) {
+	SecurityAudit("Security denied client %d keyboard access on request "
+		      "%s\n", rec->client->index,
+		      SecurityLookupRequestName(rec->client));
 	rec->status = BadAccess;
-    return;
-} /* SecurityCheckDeviceAccess */
-/* SecurityAuditResourceIDAccess
- *
- * Arguments:
- *	client is the client doing the resource access.
- *	id is the resource id.
- *
- * Returns: NULL
- *
- * Side Effects:
- *	An audit message is generated with details of the denied
- *	resource access.
- */
-static pointer
-    ClientPtr client,
-    XID id)
-    int cid = CLIENT_ID(id);
-    int reqtype = ((xReq *)client->requestBuffer)->reqType;
-    switch (reqtype)
-    {
-	case X_ChangeProperty:
-	case X_DeleteProperty:
-	case X_GetProperty:
-	{
-	    xChangePropertyReq *req =
-		(xChangePropertyReq *)client->requestBuffer;
-	    int propertyatom = req->property;
-	    char *propertyname = NameForAtom(propertyatom);
-	    SecurityAudit("client %d attempted request %d with window 0x%x property %s of client %d\n",
-		   client->index, reqtype, id, propertyname, cid);
-	    break;
-	}
-	default:
-	{
-	    SecurityAudit("client %d attempted request %d with resource 0x%x of client %d\n",
-		   client->index, reqtype, id, cid);
-	    break;
-	}   
-    }
-    return NULL;
-} /* SecurityAuditResourceIDAccess */
-/* SecurityCheckResourceIDAccess
+/* SecurityResource
  * This function gets plugged into client->CheckAccess and is called from
  * SecurityLookupIDByType/Class to determine if the client can access the
@@ -951,803 +783,245 @@ SecurityAuditResourceIDAccess(
 static void
-SecurityCheckResourceIDAccess(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused,
-			      pointer calldata)
+SecurityResource(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata)
-    XaceResourceAccessRec *rec = (XaceResourceAccessRec*)calldata;
-    ClientPtr client = rec->client;
-    XID id = rec->id;
-    RESTYPE rtype = rec->rtype;
-    Mask access_mode = rec->access_mode;
-    pointer rval = rec->res;
-    int cid, reqtype;
-    if (TRUSTLEVEL(client) == XSecurityClientTrusted ||
-	DixUnknownAccess == access_mode)
-	return;       /* for compatibility, we have to allow access */
-    cid = CLIENT_ID(id);
-    reqtype = ((xReq *)client->requestBuffer)->reqType;
-    switch (reqtype)
-    { /* these are always allowed */
-	case X_QueryTree:
-        case X_TranslateCoords:
-        case X_GetGeometry:
-	/* property access is controlled in SecurityCheckPropertyAccess */
-	case X_GetProperty:
-	case X_ChangeProperty:
-	case X_DeleteProperty:
-	case X_RotateProperties:
-        case X_ListProperties:
-	    return;
-	default:
-	    break;
+    XaceResourceAccessRec *rec = calldata;
+    SecurityStateRec *subj, *obj;
+    int cid = CLIENT_ID(rec->id);
+    Mask requested = rec->access_mode;
+    Mask allowed = SecurityAllowedMask;
+    subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    obj = dixLookupPrivate(&clients[cid]->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    /* special checks for server-owned resources */
+    if (cid == 0) {
+	if (rec->rtype & RC_DRAWABLE)
+	    /* additional operations allowed on root windows */
+	    allowed |= DixReadAccess|DixSendAccess;
+	else if (rec->rtype == RT_COLORMAP)
+	    /* allow access to default colormaps */
+	    allowed = requested;
-    if (cid != 0)
-    { /* not a server-owned resource */
-     /*
-      * The following 'if' restricts clients to only access resources at
-      * the same trustLevel.  Since there are currently only two trust levels,
-      * and trusted clients never call this function, this degenerates into
-      * saying that untrusted clients can only access resources of other
-      * untrusted clients.  One way to add the notion of groups would be to
-      * allow values other than Trusted (0) and Untrusted (1) for this field.
-      * Clients at the same trust level would be able to use each other's
-      * resources, but not those of clients at other trust levels.  I haven't
-      * tried it, but this probably mostly works already.  The obvious
-      * competing alternative for grouping clients for security purposes is to
-      * use app groups.  dpw
-      */
-	if (TRUSTLEVEL(client) == TRUSTLEVEL(clients[cid])
+    if (SecurityDoCheck(subj, obj, requested, allowed) == Success)
+	return;
-	    || (RT_COLORMAP == rtype && 
-		XagDefaultColormap (client) == (Colormap) id)
+    if (rec->id == XagDefaultColormap(rec->client))
+	return;
-	)
-	    return;
-	else
-	    goto deny;
-    }
-    else /* server-owned resource - probably a default colormap or root window */
-    {
-	if (RT_WINDOW == rtype || RC_DRAWABLE == rtype)
-	{
-	    switch (reqtype)
-	    {   /* the following operations are allowed on root windows */
-	        case X_CreatePixmap:
-	        case X_CreateGC:
-	        case X_CreateWindow:
-	        case X_CreateColormap:
-		case X_ListProperties:
-		case X_GrabPointer:
-	        case X_UngrabButton:
-		case X_QueryBestSize:
-		case X_GetWindowAttributes:
-		    break;
-		case X_SendEvent:
-		{ /* see if it is an event specified by the ICCCM */
-		    xSendEventReq *req = (xSendEventReq *)
-						(client->requestBuffer);
-		    if (req->propagate == xTrue
-			||
-			  (req->eventMask != ColormapChangeMask &&
-			   req->eventMask != StructureNotifyMask &&
-			   req->eventMask !=
-			      (SubstructureRedirectMask|SubstructureNotifyMask)
-			  )
-			||
-			  (req->event.u.u.type != UnmapNotify &&
-			   req->event.u.u.type != ConfigureRequest &&
-			   req->event.u.u.type != ClientMessage
-			  )
-		       )
-		    { /* not an ICCCM event */
-			goto deny;
-		    }
-		    break;
-		} /* case X_SendEvent on root */
-		case X_ChangeWindowAttributes:
-		{ /* Allow selection of PropertyNotify and StructureNotify
-		   * events on the root.
-		   */
-		    xChangeWindowAttributesReq *req =
-			(xChangeWindowAttributesReq *)(client->requestBuffer);
-		    if (req->valueMask == CWEventMask)
-		    {
-			CARD32 value = *((CARD32 *)(req + 1));
-			if ( (value &
-			      ~(PropertyChangeMask|StructureNotifyMask)) == 0)
-			    break;
-		    }
-		    goto deny;
-		} /* case X_ChangeWindowAttributes on root */
-		default:
-		{
-		    /* others not allowed */
-		    goto deny;
-		}
-	    }
-	} /* end server-owned window or drawable */
-	else if (SecurityAuthorizationResType == rtype)
-	{
-	    SecurityAuthorizationPtr pAuth = (SecurityAuthorizationPtr)rval;
-	    if (pAuth->trustLevel != TRUSTLEVEL(client))
-		goto deny;
-	}
-	else if (RT_COLORMAP != rtype)
-	{ /* don't allow anything else besides colormaps */
-	    goto deny;
-	}
-    }
-    return;
-  deny:
-    SecurityAuditResourceIDAccess(client, id);
-    rec->status = BadAccess; /* deny access */
-} /* SecurityCheckResourceIDAccess */
+    SecurityAudit("Security: denied client %d access to resource 0x%x "
+		  "of client %d on request %s\n", rec->client->index, rec->id,
+		  cid, SecurityLookupRequestName(rec->client));
+    rec->status = BadAccess; /* deny access */
-/* SecurityClientStateCallback
- *
- * Arguments:
- *	pcbl is &ClientStateCallback.
- *	nullata is NULL.
- *	calldata is a pointer to a NewClientInfoRec (include/dixstruct.h)
- *	which contains information about client state changes.
- *
- * Returns: nothing.
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * 
- * If a new client is connecting, its authorization ID is copied to
- * client->authID.  If this is a generated authorization, its reference
- * count is bumped, its timer is cancelled if it was running, and its
- * trustlevel is copied to TRUSTLEVEL(client).
- * 
- * If a client is disconnecting and the client was using a generated
- * authorization, the authorization's reference count is decremented, and
- * if it is now zero, the timer for this authorization is started.
- */
 static void
-SecurityClientStateCallback(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused,
-			    pointer calldata)
+SecurityExtension(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata)
-    NewClientInfoRec *pci = (NewClientInfoRec *)calldata;
-    ClientPtr client = pci->client;
-    switch (client->clientState)
-    {
-    case ClientStateInitial:
-	TRUSTLEVEL(client) = XSecurityClientTrusted;
-	AUTHID(client) = None;
-	break;
-    case ClientStateRunning:
-	{ 
-	    XID authId = AuthorizationIDOfClient(client);
-	    SecurityAuthorizationPtr pAuth;
-	    TRUSTLEVEL(client) = XSecurityClientTrusted;
-	    AUTHID(client) = authId;
-	    pAuth = (SecurityAuthorizationPtr)LookupIDByType(authId,
-						SecurityAuthorizationResType);
-	    if (pAuth)
-	    { /* it is a generated authorization */
-		pAuth->refcnt++;
-		if (pAuth->refcnt == 1)
-		{
-		    if (pAuth->timer) TimerCancel(pAuth->timer);
-		}
-		TRUSTLEVEL(client) = pAuth->trustLevel;
+    XaceExtAccessRec *rec = calldata;
+    SecurityStateRec *subj;
+    int i = 0;
+    subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    if (subj->haveState && subj->trustLevel != XSecurityClientTrusted)
+	while (SecurityUntrustedExtensions[i])
+	    if (!strcmp(SecurityUntrustedExtensions[i++], rec->ext->name)) {
+		SecurityAudit("Security: denied client %d access to extension "
+			      "%s on request %s\n",
+			      rec->client->index, rec->ext->name,
+			      SecurityLookupRequestName(rec->client));
+		rec->status = BadAccess;
+		return;
-	    break;
-	}
-    case ClientStateGone:
-    case ClientStateRetained: /* client disconnected */
-	{
-	    SecurityAuthorizationPtr pAuth;
-	    /* client may not have any state (bad authorization) */
-	    if (!HAVESTATE(client))
-		break;
-	    pAuth = (SecurityAuthorizationPtr)LookupIDByType(AUTHID(client),
-						SecurityAuthorizationResType);
-	    if (pAuth)
-	    { /* it is a generated authorization */
-		pAuth->refcnt--;
-		if (pAuth->refcnt == 0)
-		{
-		    SecurityStartAuthorizationTimer(pAuth);
-		}
-	    }	    
-	    break;
-	}
-    default: break; 
-    }
-} /* SecurityClientStateCallback */
-static void
-SecurityCheckDrawableAccess(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused,
-			    pointer calldata)
-    XaceDrawableAccessRec *rec = (XaceDrawableAccessRec*)calldata;
-    if (TRUSTLEVEL(rec->client) != XSecurityClientTrusted)
-	rec->status = BadAccess;
 static void
-SecurityCheckMapAccess(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused,
-		       pointer calldata)
+SecurityServer(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata)
-    XaceMapAccessRec *rec = (XaceMapAccessRec*)calldata;
-    WindowPtr pWin = rec->pWin;
-    if (HAVESTATE(rec->client) &&
-	(TRUSTLEVEL(rec->client) != XSecurityClientTrusted) &&
-	(pWin->drawable.class == InputOnly) &&
-	pWin->parent && pWin->parent->parent &&
-	(TRUSTLEVEL(wClient(pWin->parent)) == XSecurityClientTrusted))
+    XaceServerAccessRec *rec = calldata;
+    SecurityStateRec *subj, *obj;
+    Mask requested = rec->access_mode;
+    Mask allowed = SecurityAllowedMask;
+    subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    obj = dixLookupPrivate(&serverClient->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    if (SecurityDoCheck(subj, obj, requested, allowed) != Success) {
+	SecurityAudit("Security: denied client %d access to server "
+		      "configuration request %s\n", rec->client->index,
+		      SecurityLookupRequestName(rec->client));
 	rec->status = BadAccess;
+    }
 static void
-SecurityCheckExtAccess(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused,
-		       pointer calldata)
+SecurityClient(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata)
-    XaceExtAccessRec *rec = (XaceExtAccessRec*)calldata;
-    int i, trusted = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < nSecurityTrustedExtensions; i++)
-	if (!strcmp(SecurityTrustedExtensions[i], rec->ext->name))
-	    trusted = 1;
-    if ((TRUSTLEVEL(rec->client) != XSecurityClientTrusted) && !trusted)
+    XaceClientAccessRec *rec = calldata;
+    SecurityStateRec *subj, *obj;
+    Mask requested = rec->access_mode;
+    Mask allowed = SecurityAllowedMask;
+    subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    obj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->target->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    if (SecurityDoCheck(subj, obj, requested, allowed) != Success) {
+	SecurityAudit("Security: denied client %d access to client %d on "
+		      "request %s\n", rec->client->index, rec->target->index,
+		      SecurityLookupRequestName(rec->client));
 	rec->status = BadAccess;
+    }
 static void
-SecurityCheckServerAccess(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused,
-			  pointer calldata)
-    XaceServerAccessRec *rec = (XaceServerAccessRec*)calldata;
-    if (TRUSTLEVEL(rec->client) != XSecurityClientTrusted)
-    {
+SecurityProperty(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata)
+    XacePropertyAccessRec *rec = calldata;
+    SecurityStateRec *subj, *obj;
+    ATOM name = rec->pProp->propertyName;
+    Mask requested = rec->access_mode;
+    Mask allowed = SecurityAllowedMask | DixReadAccess;
+    subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    obj = dixLookupPrivate(&wClient(rec->pWin)->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    if (SecurityDoCheck(subj, obj, requested, allowed) != Success) {
+	SecurityAudit("Security: denied client %d access to property %s "
+		      "(atom 0x%x) window 0x%x of client %d on request %s\n",
+		      rec->client->index, NameForAtom(name), name,
+		      rec->pWin->drawable.id, wClient(rec->pWin)->index,
+		      SecurityLookupRequestName(rec->client));
 	rec->status = BadAccess;
-	if (rec->access_mode == DixWriteAccess)
-	    SecurityAudit("client %d attempted to change host access\n",
-			  rec->client->index);
-	else
-	    SecurityAudit("client %d attempted to list hosts\n",
-			  rec->client->index);
-typedef struct _PropertyAccessRec {
-    ATOM name;
-    ATOM mustHaveProperty;
-    char *mustHaveValue;
-    char windowRestriction;
-#define SecurityAnyWindow          0
-#define SecurityRootWindow         1
-#define SecurityWindowWithProperty 2
-    int readAction;
-    int writeAction;
-    int destroyAction;
-    struct _PropertyAccessRec *next;
-} PropertyAccessRec, *PropertyAccessPtr;
-static PropertyAccessPtr PropertyAccessList = NULL;
-static int SecurityDefaultAction = BadAtom;
-static char *SecurityPolicyFile = DEFAULTPOLICYFILE;
-static ATOM SecurityMaxPropertyName = 0;
-static char *SecurityKeywords[] = {
-#define SecurityKeywordComment 0
-    "#",
-#define SecurityKeywordProperty 1
-    "property",
-#define SecurityKeywordSitePolicy 2
-    "sitepolicy",
-#define SecurityKeywordRoot 3
-    "root",
-#define SecurityKeywordAny 4
-    "any",
-#define SecurityKeywordExtension 5
-    "trust extension",
-#define NUMKEYWORDS (sizeof(SecurityKeywords) / sizeof(char *))
 static void
+SecuritySend(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata)
-    while (PropertyAccessList)
-    {
-	PropertyAccessPtr freeit = PropertyAccessList;
-	PropertyAccessList = PropertyAccessList->next;
-	xfree(freeit);
-    }
-} /* SecurityFreePropertyAccessList */
+    XaceSendAccessRec *rec = calldata;
+    SecurityStateRec *subj, *obj;
-#define SecurityIsWhitespace(c) ( (c == ' ') || (c == '\t') || (c == '\n') )
-static char *
-    char *p)
-    while (SecurityIsWhitespace(*p))
-	p++;
-    return p;
-} /* SecuritySkipWhitespace */
-static char *
-    char **rest)
-    char *startOfString;
-    char *s = *rest;
-    char endChar = 0;
-    s = SecuritySkipWhitespace(s);
-    if (*s == '"' || *s == '\'')
-    {
-	endChar = *s++;
-	startOfString = s;
-	while (*s && (*s != endChar))
-	    s++;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	startOfString = s;
-	while (*s && !SecurityIsWhitespace(*s))
-	    s++;
-    }
-    if (*s)
-    {
-	*s = '\0';
-	*rest = s + 1;
-	return startOfString;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	*rest = s;
-	return (endChar) ? NULL : startOfString;
-    }
-} /* SecurityParseString */
-static int
-    char **p)
-    int i;
-    char *s = *p;
-    s = SecuritySkipWhitespace(s);
-    for (i = 0; i < NUMKEYWORDS; i++)
-    {
-	int len = strlen(SecurityKeywords[i]);
-	if (strncmp(s, SecurityKeywords[i], len) == 0)
-	{
-	    *p = s + len;
-	    return (i);
-	}
-    }
-    *p = s;
-    return -1;
-} /* SecurityParseKeyword */
+    if (rec->client) {
+	int i;
+	subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey);
+	obj = dixLookupPrivate(&wClient(rec->pWin)->devPrivates, stateKey);
-static Bool
-    char *p)
-    char *propname;
-    char c;
-    int action = SecurityDefaultAction;
-    int readAction, writeAction, destroyAction;
-    PropertyAccessPtr pacl, prev, cur;
-    char *mustHaveProperty = NULL;
-    char *mustHaveValue = NULL;
-    Bool invalid;
-    char windowRestriction;
-    int size;
-    int keyword;
-    /* get property name */
-    propname = SecurityParseString(&p);
-    if (!propname || (strlen(propname) == 0))
-	return FALSE;
-    /* get window on which property must reside for rule to apply */
-    keyword = SecurityParseKeyword(&p);
-    if (keyword == SecurityKeywordRoot)
-	windowRestriction = SecurityRootWindow;
-    else if (keyword == SecurityKeywordAny) 
-	windowRestriction = SecurityAnyWindow;
-    else /* not root or any, must be a property name */
-    {
-	mustHaveProperty = SecurityParseString(&p);
-	if (!mustHaveProperty || (strlen(mustHaveProperty) == 0))
-	    return FALSE;
-	windowRestriction = SecurityWindowWithProperty;
-	p = SecuritySkipWhitespace(p);
-	if (*p == '=')
-	{ /* property value is specified too */
-	    p++; /* skip over '=' */
-	    mustHaveValue = SecurityParseString(&p);
-	    if (!mustHaveValue)
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-    /* get operations and actions */
-    invalid = FALSE;
-    readAction = writeAction = destroyAction = SecurityDefaultAction;
-    while ( (c = *p++) && !invalid)
-    {
-	switch (c)
-	{
-	    case 'i': action = XaceIgnoreError; break;
-	    case 'a': action = Success;  break;
-	    case 'e': action = BadAtom;  break;
-	    case 'r': readAction    = action; break;
-	    case 'w': writeAction   = action; break;
-	    case 'd': destroyAction = action; break;
-	    default :
-		if (!SecurityIsWhitespace(c))
-		    invalid = TRUE;
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-    if (invalid)
-	return FALSE;
-    /* We've successfully collected all the information needed for this
-     * property access rule.  Now record it in a PropertyAccessRec.
-     */
-    size = sizeof(PropertyAccessRec);
-    /* If there is a property value string, allocate space for it 
-     * right after the PropertyAccessRec.
-     */
-    if (mustHaveValue)
-	size += strlen(mustHaveValue) + 1;
-    pacl = (PropertyAccessPtr)Xalloc(size);
-    if (!pacl)
-	return FALSE;
-    pacl->name = MakeAtom(propname, strlen(propname), TRUE);
-    if (pacl->name == BAD_RESOURCE)
-    {
-	Xfree(pacl);
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-    if (mustHaveProperty)
-    {
-	pacl->mustHaveProperty = MakeAtom(mustHaveProperty,
-					  strlen(mustHaveProperty), TRUE);
-	if (pacl->mustHaveProperty == BAD_RESOURCE)
-	{
-	    Xfree(pacl);
-	    return FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-    else
-	pacl->mustHaveProperty = 0;
-    if (mustHaveValue)
-    {
-	pacl->mustHaveValue = (char *)(pacl + 1);
-	strcpy(pacl->mustHaveValue, mustHaveValue);
-    }
-    else
-	pacl->mustHaveValue = NULL;
-    SecurityMaxPropertyName = max(SecurityMaxPropertyName, pacl->name);
-    pacl->windowRestriction = windowRestriction;
-    pacl->readAction  = readAction;
-    pacl->writeAction = writeAction;
-    pacl->destroyAction = destroyAction;
+	if (SecurityDoCheck(subj, obj, DixSendAccess, 0) == Success)
+	    return;
-    /* link the new rule into the list of rules in order of increasing
-     * property name (atom) value to make searching easier
-     */
+	for (i = 0; i < rec->count; i++)
+	    if (rec->events[i].u.u.type != UnmapNotify &&
+		rec->events[i].u.u.type != ConfigureRequest &&
+		rec->events[i].u.u.type != ClientMessage) {
-    for (prev = NULL,  cur = PropertyAccessList;
-	 cur && cur->name <= pacl->name;
-	 prev = cur, cur = cur->next)
-	;
-    if (!prev)
-    {
-	pacl->next = cur;
-	PropertyAccessList = pacl;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	prev->next = pacl;
-	pacl->next = cur;
+		SecurityAudit("Security: denied client %d from sending event "
+			      "of type %s to window 0x%x of client %d\n",
+			      rec->client->index, rec->pWin->drawable.id,
+			      wClient(rec->pWin)->index,
+			      LookupEventName(rec->events[i].u.u.type));
+		rec->status = BadAccess;
+		return;
+	    }
-    return TRUE;
-} /* SecurityParsePropertyAccessRule */
-static Bool
-    char *p)
+static void
+SecurityReceive(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata)
-    char *extName = SecurityParseString(&p);
-    char *copyExtName;
-    char **newStrings;
-    if (!extName)
-	return FALSE;
-    copyExtName = (char *)Xalloc(strlen(extName) + 1);
-    if (!copyExtName)
-	return TRUE;
-    strcpy(copyExtName, extName);
-    newStrings = (char **)Xrealloc(SecurityTrustedExtensions,
-			  sizeof (char *) * (nSecurityTrustedExtensions + 1));
-    if (!newStrings)
-    {
-	Xfree(copyExtName);
-	return TRUE;
-    }
+    XaceReceiveAccessRec *rec = calldata;
+    SecurityStateRec *subj, *obj;
-    SecurityTrustedExtensions = newStrings;
-    SecurityTrustedExtensions[nSecurityTrustedExtensions++] = copyExtName;
+    subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey);
+    obj = dixLookupPrivate(&wClient(rec->pWin)->devPrivates, stateKey);
-    return TRUE;
+    if (SecurityDoCheck(subj, obj, DixReceiveAccess, 0) == Success)
+	return;
-} /* SecurityParseExtensionRule */
+    SecurityAudit("Security: denied client %d from receiving an event "
+		  "sent to window 0x%x of client %d\n",
+		  rec->client->index, rec->pWin->drawable.id,
+		  wClient(rec->pWin)->index);
+    rec->status = BadAccess;
-static void
-    if (SecurityTrustedExtensions)
-    {
-	assert(nSecurityTrustedExtensions);
-	while (nSecurityTrustedExtensions--)
-	{
-	    Xfree(SecurityTrustedExtensions[nSecurityTrustedExtensions]);
-	}
-	Xfree(SecurityTrustedExtensions);
-	SecurityTrustedExtensions = NULL;
-	nSecurityTrustedExtensions = 0;
-    }
-} /* SecurityFreeSiteTrustedExtensions */
+/* SecurityClientStateCallback
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ *	pcbl is &ClientStateCallback.
+ *	nullata is NULL.
+ *	calldata is a pointer to a NewClientInfoRec (include/dixstruct.h)
+ *	which contains information about client state changes.
+ *
+ * Returns: nothing.
+ *
+ * Side Effects:
+ * 
+ * If a new client is connecting, its authorization ID is copied to
+ * client->authID.  If this is a generated authorization, its reference
+ * count is bumped, its timer is cancelled if it was running, and its
+ * trustlevel is copied to TRUSTLEVEL(client).
+ * 
+ * If a client is disconnecting and the client was using a generated
+ * authorization, the authorization's reference count is decremented, and
+ * if it is now zero, the timer for this authorization is started.
+ */
 static void
+SecurityClientState(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata)
-    FILE *f;
-    int lineNumber = 0;
-    SecurityMaxPropertyName = 0;
-    if (!SecurityPolicyFile)
-	return;
-    f = fopen(SecurityPolicyFile, "r");
-    if (!f)
-    {
-	ErrorF("error opening security policy file %s\n",
-	       SecurityPolicyFile);
-	return;
-    }
+    NewClientInfoRec *pci = calldata;
+    SecurityStateRec *state;
+    SecurityAuthorizationPtr pAuth;
+    int rc;
-    while (!feof(f))
-    {
-	char buf[200];
-	Bool validLine;
-	char *p;
+    state = dixLookupPrivate(&pci->client->devPrivates, stateKey);
-	if (!(p = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)))
-	    break;
-	lineNumber++;
+    switch (pci->client->clientState) {
+    case ClientStateInitial:
+	state->trustLevel = XSecurityClientTrusted;
+	state->authId = None;
+	state->haveState = TRUE;
+	break;
-	/* if first line, check version number */
-	if (lineNumber == 1)
-	{
-	    char *v = SecurityParseString(&p);
-	    if (strcmp(v, SECURITY_POLICY_FILE_VERSION) != 0)
-	    {
-		ErrorF("%s: invalid security policy file version, ignoring file\n",
-		       SecurityPolicyFile);
-		break;
-	    }
-	    validLine = TRUE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    switch (SecurityParseKeyword(&p))
-	    {
-		case SecurityKeywordComment:
-		case SecurityKeywordSitePolicy:
-		    validLine = TRUE;
-		break;
-		case SecurityKeywordProperty:
-		    validLine = SecurityParsePropertyAccessRule(p);
-		break;
-		case SecurityKeywordExtension:
-		    validLine = SecurityParseExtensionRule(p);
-		break;
-		default:
-		    validLine = (*p == '\0'); /* blank lines OK, others not */
-		break;
-	    }
+    case ClientStateRunning:
+	state->authId = AuthorizationIDOfClient(pci->client);
+	rc = dixLookupResource((pointer *)&pAuth, state->authId,
+			       SecurityAuthorizationResType, serverClient,
+			       DixGetAttrAccess);
+	if (rc == Success) {
+	    /* it is a generated authorization */
+	    pAuth->refcnt++;
+	    if (pAuth->refcnt == 1 && pAuth->timer)
+		TimerCancel(pAuth->timer);
+	    state->trustLevel = pAuth->trustLevel;
+	break;
-	if (!validLine)
-	    ErrorF("Line %d of %s invalid, ignoring\n",
-		   lineNumber, SecurityPolicyFile);
-    } /* end while more input */
-    fclose(f);
-} /* SecurityLoadPropertyAccessList */
-static Bool
-    char *ws,
-    char *cs)
-    while (*ws && *cs)
-    {
-	if (*ws == '*')
-	{
-	    Bool match = FALSE;
-	    ws++;
-	    while (!(match = SecurityMatchString(ws, cs)) && *cs)
-	    {
-		cs++;
-	    }
-	    return match;
-	}
-	else if (*ws == *cs)
-	{
-	    ws++;
-	    cs++;
+    case ClientStateGone:
+    case ClientStateRetained:
+	rc = dixLookupResource((pointer *)&pAuth, state->authId,
+			       SecurityAuthorizationResType, serverClient,
+			       DixGetAttrAccess);
+	if (rc == Success) {
+	    /* it is a generated authorization */
+	    pAuth->refcnt--;
+	    if (pAuth->refcnt == 0)
+		SecurityStartAuthorizationTimer(pAuth);
-	else break;
-    }
-    return ( ( (*ws == '\0') || ((*ws == '*') && *(ws+1) == '\0') )
-	     && (*cs == '\0') );
-} /* SecurityMatchString */
-static void
-SecurityCheckPropertyAccess(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused,
-			    pointer calldata)
-    XacePropertyAccessRec *rec = (XacePropertyAccessRec*)calldata;
-    ClientPtr client = rec->client;
-    WindowPtr pWin = rec->pWin;
-    ATOM propertyName = rec->pProp->propertyName;
-    Mask access_mode = rec->access_mode;
-    PropertyAccessPtr pacl;
-    int action = SecurityDefaultAction;
-    /* if client trusted or window untrusted, allow operation */
-    if ((TRUSTLEVEL(client) == XSecurityClientTrusted) ||
-	 (TRUSTLEVEL(wClient(pWin)) != XSecurityClientTrusted) )
-	return;
-    /* If the property atom is bigger than any atoms on the list, 
-     * we know we won't find it, so don't even bother looking.
-     */
-    if (propertyName <= SecurityMaxPropertyName)
-    {
-	/* untrusted client operating on trusted window; see if it's allowed */
-	for (pacl = PropertyAccessList; pacl; pacl = pacl->next)
-	{
-	    if (pacl->name < propertyName)
-		continue;
-	    if (pacl->name > propertyName)
-		break;
-	    /* pacl->name == propertyName, so see if it applies to this window */
+	break;
-	    switch (pacl->windowRestriction)
-	    {
-		case SecurityAnyWindow: /* always applies */
-		    break;
-		case SecurityRootWindow:
-		{
-		    /* if not a root window, this rule doesn't apply */
-		    if (pWin->parent)
-			continue;
-		}
-		break;
-		case SecurityWindowWithProperty:
-		{
-		    PropertyPtr pProp = wUserProps (pWin);
-		    Bool match = FALSE;
-		    char *p;
-		    char *pEndData;
-		    while (pProp)
-		    {
-			if (pProp->propertyName == pacl->mustHaveProperty)
-			    break;
-			pProp = pProp->next;
-		    }
-		    if (!pProp)
-			continue;
-		    if (!pacl->mustHaveValue)
-			break;
-		    if (pProp->type != XA_STRING || pProp->format != 8)
-			continue;
-		    p = pProp->data;
-		    pEndData = ((char *)pProp->data) + pProp->size;
-		    while (!match && p < pEndData)
-		    {
-			 if (SecurityMatchString(pacl->mustHaveValue, p))
-			     match = TRUE;
-			 else
-			 { /* skip to the next string */
-			     while (*p++ && p < pEndData)
-				 ;
-			 }
-		    }
-		    if (!match)
-			continue;
-		}
-		break; /* end case SecurityWindowWithProperty */
-	    } /* end switch on windowRestriction */
-	    /* If we get here, the property access rule pacl applies.
-	     * If pacl doesn't apply, something above should have
-	     * executed a continue, which will skip the follwing code.
-	     */
-	    action = Success;
-	    if (access_mode & DixReadAccess)
-		action = max(action, pacl->readAction);
-	    if (access_mode & DixWriteAccess)
-		action = max(action, pacl->writeAction);
-	    if (access_mode & DixDestroyAccess)
-		action = max(action, pacl->destroyAction);
-	    break;
-	} /* end for each pacl */
-    } /* end if propertyName <= SecurityMaxPropertyName */
-    if (action != Success)
-    { /* audit the access violation */
-	int cid = CLIENT_ID(pWin->drawable.id);
-	int reqtype = ((xReq *)client->requestBuffer)->reqType;
-	char *actionstr = (XaceIgnoreError == action) ? "ignored" : "error";
-	SecurityAudit("client %d attempted request %d with window 0x%x property %s (atom 0x%x) of client %d, %s\n",
-		client->index, reqtype, pWin->drawable.id,
-		      NameForAtom(propertyName), propertyName, cid, actionstr);
+    default:
+	break; 
-    /* return codes increase with strictness */
-    if (action != Success)
-        rec->status = action;
-} /* SecurityCheckPropertyAccess */
 /* SecurityResetProc
@@ -1764,25 +1038,19 @@ static void
     ExtensionEntry *extEntry)
-    SecurityFreePropertyAccessList();
-    SecurityFreeTrustedExtensionStrings();
-} /* SecurityResetProc */
-XSecurityOptions(argc, argv, i)
-    int argc;
-    char **argv;
-    int i;
-    if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sp") == 0)
-    {
-	if (i < argc)
-	    SecurityPolicyFile = argv[++i];
-	return (i + 1);
-    }
-    return (i);
-} /* XSecurityOptions */
+    /* Unregister callbacks */
+    DeleteCallback(&ClientStateCallback, SecurityClientState, NULL);
+    XaceDeleteCallback(XACE_EXT_DISPATCH, SecurityExtension, NULL);
+    XaceDeleteCallback(XACE_RESOURCE_ACCESS, SecurityResource, NULL);
+    XaceDeleteCallback(XACE_DEVICE_ACCESS, SecurityDevice, NULL);
+    XaceDeleteCallback(XACE_PROPERTY_ACCESS, SecurityProperty, NULL);
+    XaceDeleteCallback(XACE_SEND_ACCESS, SecuritySend, NULL);
+    XaceDeleteCallback(XACE_RECEIVE_ACCESS, SecurityReceive, NULL);
+    XaceDeleteCallback(XACE_CLIENT_ACCESS, SecurityClient, NULL);
+    XaceDeleteCallback(XACE_EXT_ACCESS, SecurityExtension, NULL);
+    XaceDeleteCallback(XACE_SERVER_ACCESS, SecurityServer, NULL);
 /* SecurityExtensionInit
@@ -1799,6 +1067,7 @@ void
     ExtensionEntry	*extEntry;
+    int ret = TRUE;
     SecurityAuthorizationResType =
@@ -1812,12 +1081,26 @@ SecurityExtensionInit(INITARGS)
     RTEventClient |= RC_NEVERRETAIN;
     /* Allocate the private storage */
-    if (!dixRequestPrivate(stateKey, sizeof(SecurityClientStateRec)))
+    if (!dixRequestPrivate(stateKey, sizeof(SecurityStateRec)))
 	FatalError("SecurityExtensionSetup: Can't allocate client private.\n");
-    if (!AddCallback(&ClientStateCallback, SecurityClientStateCallback, NULL))
-	return;
+    /* Register callbacks */
+    ret &= AddCallback(&ClientStateCallback, SecurityClientState, NULL);
+    ret &= XaceRegisterCallback(XACE_EXT_DISPATCH, SecurityExtension, NULL);
+    ret &= XaceRegisterCallback(XACE_RESOURCE_ACCESS, SecurityResource, NULL);
+    ret &= XaceRegisterCallback(XACE_DEVICE_ACCESS, SecurityDevice, NULL);
+    ret &= XaceRegisterCallback(XACE_PROPERTY_ACCESS, SecurityProperty, NULL);
+    ret &= XaceRegisterCallback(XACE_SEND_ACCESS, SecuritySend, NULL);
+    ret &= XaceRegisterCallback(XACE_RECEIVE_ACCESS, SecurityReceive, NULL);
+    ret &= XaceRegisterCallback(XACE_CLIENT_ACCESS, SecurityClient, NULL);
+    ret &= XaceRegisterCallback(XACE_EXT_ACCESS, SecurityExtension, NULL);
+    ret &= XaceRegisterCallback(XACE_SERVER_ACCESS, SecurityServer, NULL);
+    if (!ret)
+	FatalError("SecurityExtensionSetup: Failed to register callbacks\n");
+    /* Add extension to server */
     extEntry = AddExtension(SECURITY_EXTENSION_NAME,
 			    XSecurityNumberEvents, XSecurityNumberErrors,
 			    ProcSecurityDispatch, SProcSecurityDispatch,
@@ -1829,15 +1112,6 @@ SecurityExtensionInit(INITARGS)
     EventSwapVector[SecurityEventBase + XSecurityAuthorizationRevoked] =
-    SecurityLoadPropertyAccessList();
-    /* register callbacks */
-#define XaceRC XaceRegisterCallback
-    XaceRC(XACE_RESOURCE_ACCESS, SecurityCheckResourceIDAccess, NULL);
-    XaceRC(XACE_DEVICE_ACCESS, SecurityCheckDeviceAccess, NULL);
-    XaceRC(XACE_PROPERTY_ACCESS, SecurityCheckPropertyAccess, NULL);
-    XaceRC(XACE_MAP_ACCESS, SecurityCheckMapAccess, NULL);
-    XaceRC(XACE_EXT_DISPATCH, SecurityCheckExtAccess, NULL);
-    XaceRC(XACE_EXT_ACCESS, SecurityCheckExtAccess, NULL);
-    XaceRC(XACE_SERVER_ACCESS, SecurityCheckServerAccess, NULL);
-} /* SecurityExtensionInit */
+    /* Label objects that were created before we could register ourself */
+    SecurityLabelInitial();
diff --git a/Xext/securitysrv.h b/Xext/securitysrv.h
index 7320ab7..f4f3e32 100644
--- a/Xext/securitysrv.h
+++ b/Xext/securitysrv.h
@@ -77,11 +77,7 @@ typedef struct {
     Bool valid; /* did anyone recognize it? if so, set to TRUE */
 } SecurityValidateGroupInfoRec;
-extern int XSecurityOptions(int argc, char **argv, int i);
 /* Give this value or higher to the -audit option to get security messages */
 #endif /* _SECURITY_SRV_H */
diff --git a/os/utils.c b/os/utils.c
index 3228146..d69936d 100644
--- a/os/utils.c
+++ b/os/utils.c
 #ifdef XKB
 #include <xkbsrv.h>
-#include "securitysrv.h"
 #ifdef RENDER
 #include "picture.h"
@@ -621,9 +618,6 @@ void UseMsg(void)
     ErrorF("-render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy\n");
     ErrorF("-s #                   screen-saver timeout (minutes)\n");
-    ErrorF("-sp file               security policy file\n");
 #ifdef XPRINT
@@ -1040,12 +1034,6 @@ ProcessCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[])
 	    i = skip - 1;
-	else if ((skip = XSecurityOptions(argc, argv, i)) != i)
-	{
-	    i = skip - 1;
-	}
 #ifdef AIXV3
         else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "-timeout") == 0)

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