xserver: Branch 'xorg-server-1.2-apple'

Ben Byer bbyer at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Nov 2 15:20:52 PDT 2007

 fb/fbpict.c                                 |  117 +++++
 fb/fbpict.h                                 |   31 +
 miext/rootless/safeAlpha/safeAlphaPicture.c |  561 +++-------------------------
 3 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 511 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit d2766aeb85cdd80448d5fe4e1aa48e631fff6abc
Author: Ben Byer <bbyer at bbyer.local>
Date:   Fri Nov 2 15:19:39 2007 -0700

    Imported a fix from xserver/master which was part of a larger refactoring of fbComposite
    code. This part fixes a logic error in SafeAlphaComposite where some return paths resulted
    in the server changing the color depth of a Drawable out from under the client.
    This caused random crashes in many cairo/pango/gtk apps. Props to Guy Harris for tracking
    this down in WireShark, but it will probably solve problems in other apps (Inkscape, Gimp?)

diff --git a/fb/fbpict.c b/fb/fbpict.c
index 613e652..5f7289a 100644
--- a/fb/fbpict.c
+++ b/fb/fbpict.c
@@ -37,19 +37,6 @@
 #include "fbpict.h"
 #include "fbmmx.h"
-typedef void	(*CompositeFunc) (CARD8      op,
-				  PicturePtr pSrc,
-				  PicturePtr pMask,
-				  PicturePtr pDst,
-				  INT16      xSrc,
-				  INT16      ySrc,
-				  INT16      xMask,
-                                  INT16      yMask,
-				  INT16      xDst,
-				  INT16      yDst,
-				  CARD16     width,
-				  CARD16     height);
 fbOver (CARD32 x, CARD32 y)
@@ -826,6 +813,110 @@ fbCompositeSolidMask_nx1xn (CARD8      op,
 # define mod(a,b)	((b) == 1 ? 0 : (a) >= 0 ? (a) % (b) : (b) - (-a) % (b))
+fbWalkCompositeRegion (CARD8 op,
+                       PicturePtr pSrc,
+                       PicturePtr pMask,
+                       PicturePtr pDst,
+                       INT16 xSrc,
+                       INT16 ySrc,
+                       INT16 xMask,
+                       INT16 yMask,
+                       INT16 xDst,
+                       INT16 yDst,
+                       CARD16 width,
+                       CARD16 height,
+                       Bool srcRepeat,
+                       Bool maskRepeat,
+                       CompositeFunc compositeRect)
+  RegionRec       region;
+  int             n;
+  BoxPtr          pbox;
+  int             w, h, w_this, h_this;
+  int             x_msk, y_msk, x_src, y_src, x_dst, y_dst;
+  xDst += pDst->pDrawable->x;
+  yDst += pDst->pDrawable->y;
+  if (pSrc->pDrawable)
+    {
+      xSrc += pSrc->pDrawable->x;
+      ySrc += pSrc->pDrawable->y;
+    }
+  if (pMask && pMask->pDrawable)
+    {
+      xMask += pMask->pDrawable->x;
+      yMask += pMask->pDrawable->y;
+    }
+  if (!miComputeCompositeRegion (&region, pSrc, pMask, pDst, xSrc, ySrc,
+				 xMask, yMask, xDst, yDst, width, height))
+    return;
+  n = REGION_NUM_RECTS (&region);
+  pbox = REGION_RECTS (&region);
+  while (n--)
+    {
+      h = pbox->y2 - pbox->y1;
+      y_src = pbox->y1 - yDst + ySrc;
+      y_msk = pbox->y1 - yDst + yMask;
+      y_dst = pbox->y1;
+      while (h)
+        {
+	  h_this = h;
+	  w = pbox->x2 - pbox->x1;
+	  x_src = pbox->x1 - xDst + xSrc;
+	  x_msk = pbox->x1 - xDst + xMask;
+	  x_dst = pbox->x1;
+	  if (maskRepeat)
+            {
+	      y_msk = mod (y_msk - pMask->pDrawable->y, pMask->pDrawable->height);
+	      if (h_this > pMask->pDrawable->height - y_msk)
+		h_this = pMask->pDrawable->height - y_msk;
+	      y_msk += pMask->pDrawable->y;
+            }
+	  if (srcRepeat)
+            {
+	      y_src = mod (y_src - pSrc->pDrawable->y, pSrc->pDrawable->height);
+	      if (h_this > pSrc->pDrawable->height - y_src)
+		h_this = pSrc->pDrawable->height - y_src;
+	      y_src += pSrc->pDrawable->y;
+            }
+	  while (w)
+            {
+	      w_this = w;
+	      if (maskRepeat)
+                {
+		  x_msk = mod (x_msk - pMask->pDrawable->x, pMask->pDrawable->width);
+		  if (w_this > pMask->pDrawable->width - x_msk)
+		    w_this = pMask->pDrawable->width - x_msk;
+		  x_msk += pMask->pDrawable->x;
+                }
+	      if (srcRepeat)
+                {
+		  x_src = mod (x_src - pSrc->pDrawable->x, pSrc->pDrawable->width);
+		  if (w_this > pSrc->pDrawable->width - x_src)
+		    w_this = pSrc->pDrawable->width - x_src;
+		  x_src += pSrc->pDrawable->x;
+		}
+	      (*compositeRect) (op, pSrc, pMask, pDst,
+				x_src, y_src, x_msk, y_msk, x_dst, y_dst,
+				w_this, h_this);
+	      w -= w_this;
+	      x_src += w_this;
+	      x_msk += w_this;
+	      x_dst += w_this;
+            }
+	  h -= h_this;
+	  y_src += h_this;
+	  y_msk += h_this;
+	  y_dst += h_this;
+        }
+      pbox++;
+    }
+  REGION_UNINIT (pDst->pDrawable->pScreen, &region);
 fbComposite (CARD8      op,
 	     PicturePtr pSrc,
 	     PicturePtr pMask,
diff --git a/fb/fbpict.h b/fb/fbpict.h
index 179a07d..bf8813f 100644
--- a/fb/fbpict.h
+++ b/fb/fbpict.h
@@ -621,6 +621,37 @@ fbComposite (CARD8      op,
 	     CARD16     width,
 	     CARD16     height);
+typedef void    (*CompositeFunc) (CARD8      op,
+                                  PicturePtr pSrc,
+                                  PicturePtr pMask,
+                                  PicturePtr pDst,
+                                  INT16      xSrc,
+                                  INT16      ySrc,
+                                  INT16      xMask,
+                                  INT16      yMask,
+                                  INT16      xDst,
+                                  INT16      yDst,
+                                  CARD16     width,
+                                  CARD16     height);
+fbWalkCompositeRegion (CARD8 op,
+		       PicturePtr pSrc,
+		       PicturePtr pMask,
+		       PicturePtr pDst,
+		       INT16 xSrc,
+		       INT16 ySrc,
+		       INT16 xMask,
+		       INT16 yMask,
+		       INT16 xDst,
+		       INT16 yDst,
+		       CARD16 width,
+		       CARD16 height,
+		       Bool srcRepeat,
+		       Bool maskRepeat,
+		       CompositeFunc compositeRect);
 /* fbtrap.c */
diff --git a/miext/rootless/safeAlpha/safeAlphaPicture.c b/miext/rootless/safeAlpha/safeAlphaPicture.c
index 6ccc05a..8f66315 100644
--- a/miext/rootless/safeAlpha/safeAlphaPicture.c
+++ b/miext/rootless/safeAlpha/safeAlphaPicture.c
@@ -48,21 +48,6 @@
 #include "rootlessCommon.h"
 # define mod(a,b)	((b) == 1 ? 0 : (a) >= 0 ? (a) % (b) : (b) - (-a) % (b))
-typedef void	(*CompositeFunc) (CARD8      op,
-				  PicturePtr pSrc,
-				  PicturePtr pMask,
-				  PicturePtr pDst,
-				  INT16      xSrc,
-				  INT16      ySrc,
-				  INT16      xMask,
-                                  INT16      yMask,
-				  INT16      xDst,
-				  INT16      yDst,
-				  CARD16     width,
-				  CARD16     height);
 /* Optimized version of fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8x8888 */
@@ -148,499 +133,79 @@ SafeAlphaCompositeSolidMask_nx8x8888(
-SafeAlphaComposite (CARD8      op,
-    PicturePtr      pSrc,
-    PicturePtr      pMask,
-    PicturePtr      pDst,
-    INT16           xSrc,
-    INT16           ySrc,
-    INT16           xMask,
-    INT16           yMask,
-    INT16           xDst,
-    INT16           yDst,
-    CARD16          width,
-    CARD16          height)
+SafeAlphaComposite (CARD8           op,
+                    PicturePtr      pSrc,
+                    PicturePtr      pMask,
+                    PicturePtr      pDst,
+                    INT16           xSrc,
+                    INT16           ySrc,
+                    INT16           xMask,
+                    INT16           yMask,
+                    INT16           xDst,
+                    INT16           yDst,
+                    CARD16          width,
+                    CARD16          height)
-    RegionRec	    region;
-    int		    n;
-    BoxPtr	    pbox;
-    CompositeFunc   func = 0;
-    Bool	    srcRepeat = pSrc->repeat;
-    Bool	    maskRepeat = FALSE;
-    Bool            srcAlphaMap = pSrc->alphaMap != 0;
-    Bool	    maskAlphaMap = FALSE;
-    Bool            dstAlphaMap = pDst->alphaMap != 0;
-    int		    x_msk, y_msk, x_src, y_src, x_dst, y_dst;
-    int		    w, h, w_this, h_this;
-    int		    dstDepth = pDst->pDrawable->depth;
-    int		    oldFormat = pDst->format;
-    xDst += pDst->pDrawable->x;
-    yDst += pDst->pDrawable->y;
-    xSrc += pSrc->pDrawable->x;
-    ySrc += pSrc->pDrawable->y;
-    if (pMask)
+  if (!pSrc) {
+    ErrorF("SafeAlphaComposite: pSrc must not be null!\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!pDst) {
+    ErrorF("SafeAlphaComposite: pDst must not be null!\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  int oldDepth = pDst->pDrawable->depth;
+  int oldFormat = pDst->format;
+  /*
+   * We can use the more optimized fbpict code, but it sets bits above
+   * the depth to zero. Temporarily adjust destination depth if needed.
+   */
+  if (pDst->pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW
+        && pDst->pDrawable->depth == 24
+      && pDst->pDrawable->bitsPerPixel == 32)
-	xMask += pMask->pDrawable->x;
-	yMask += pMask->pDrawable->y;
-	maskRepeat = pMask->repeat;
-	maskAlphaMap = pMask->alphaMap != 0;
+      pDst->pDrawable->depth = 32;
-    /*
-     * We can use the more optimized fbpict code, but it sets bits above
-     * the depth to zero. Temporarily adjust destination depth if needed.
-     */
-    if (pDst->pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW
-	&& pDst->pDrawable->depth == 24
-	&& pDst->pDrawable->bitsPerPixel == 32)
+  /* For rootless preserve the alpha in x8r8g8b8 which really is
+   * a8r8g8b8
+   */
+  if (oldFormat == PICT_x8r8g8b8)
-	pDst->pDrawable->depth = 32;
+      pDst->format = PICT_a8r8g8b8;
-    /* For rootless preserve the alpha in x8r8g8b8 which really is
-     * a8r8g8b8
-     */
-    if (oldFormat == PICT_x8r8g8b8)
+  if (pSrc->pDrawable && pMask && pMask->pDrawable &&
+        !pSrc->transform && !pMask->transform &&
+        !pSrc->alphaMap && !pMask->alphaMap &&
+        !pMask->repeat && !pMask->componentAlpha && !pDst->alphaMap &&
+        pMask->format == PICT_a8 &&
+       pSrc->repeatType == RepeatNormal && 
+        pSrc->pDrawable->width == 1 &&
+        pSrc->pDrawable->height == 1 &&
+      (pDst->format == PICT_a8r8g8b8 ||
+         pDst->format == PICT_x8r8g8b8 ||
+         pDst->format == PICT_a8b8g8r8 ||
+       pDst->format == PICT_x8b8g8r8))
-        pDst->format = PICT_a8r8g8b8;
-    }
-    if (!pSrc->transform && !(pMask && pMask->transform))
-    if (!maskAlphaMap && !srcAlphaMap && !dstAlphaMap)
-    switch (op) {
-    case PictOpSrc:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-	if (!pMask && pSrc->format == pDst->format &&
-	    pSrc->pDrawable != pDst->pDrawable)
-	{
-	    func = fbCompositeCopyAreammx;
-	}
-	break;
-    case PictOpOver:
-	if (pMask)
-	{
-	    if (srcRepeat && 
-		pSrc->pDrawable->width == 1 &&
-		pSrc->pDrawable->height == 1)
-	    {
-		srcRepeat = FALSE;
-		if (PICT_FORMAT_COLOR(pSrc->format)) {
-		    switch (pMask->format) {
-		    case PICT_a8:
-			switch (pDst->format) {
-			case PICT_r5g6b5:
-			case PICT_b5g6r5:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-			    if (fbHaveMMX())
-				func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8x0565mmx;
-			    else
-			    func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8x0565;
-			    break;
-			case PICT_r8g8b8:
-			case PICT_b8g8r8:
-			    func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8x0888;
-			    break;
-			case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-			case PICT_x8r8g8b8:
-			case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-			case PICT_x8b8g8r8:
-			    func = SafeAlphaCompositeSolidMask_nx8x8888;
-			    break;
-			}
-			break;
-		    case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-			if (pMask->componentAlpha) {
-			    switch (pDst->format) {
-			    case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-			    case PICT_x8r8g8b8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-				if (fbHaveMMX())
-				    func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8888x8888Cmmx;
-				else
-				func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8888x8888C;
-				break;
-			    case PICT_r5g6b5:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-				if (fbHaveMMX())
-				    func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8888x0565Cmmx;
-				else
-				func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8888x0565C;
-				break;
-			    }
-			}
-			break;
-		    case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-			if (pMask->componentAlpha) {
-			    switch (pDst->format) {
-			    case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-			    case PICT_x8b8g8r8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-				if (fbHaveMMX())
-				    func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8888x8888Cmmx;
-				else
-				func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8888x8888C;
-				break;
-			    case PICT_b5g6r5:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-				if (fbHaveMMX())
-				    func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8888x0565Cmmx;
-				else
-				func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx8888x0565C;
-				break;
-			    }
-			}
-			break;
-		    case PICT_a1:
-			switch (pDst->format) {
-			case PICT_r5g6b5:
-			case PICT_b5g6r5:
-			case PICT_r8g8b8:
-			case PICT_b8g8r8:
-			case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-			case PICT_x8r8g8b8:
-			case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-			case PICT_x8b8g8r8:
-			    func = fbCompositeSolidMask_nx1xn;
-			    break;
-			}
-			break;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    else /* has mask and non-repeating source */
-	    {
-		if (pSrc->pDrawable == pMask->pDrawable &&
-		    xSrc == xMask && ySrc == yMask &&
-		    !pMask->componentAlpha)
-		{
-		    /* source == mask: non-premultiplied data */
-		    switch (pSrc->format) {
-		    case PICT_x8b8g8r8:
-			switch (pMask->format) {
-			case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-			case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-			    switch (pDst->format) {
-			    case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-			    case PICT_x8r8g8b8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-				if (fbHaveMMX())
-				    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888RevNPx8888mmx;
-				break;
-			    case PICT_r5g6b5:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-				if (fbHaveMMX())
-				    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888RevNPx0565mmx;
-				break;
-			    }
-			    break;
-			}
-			break;
-		    case PICT_x8r8g8b8:
-			switch (pMask->format) {
-			case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-			case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-			    switch (pDst->format) {
-			    case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-			    case PICT_x8b8g8r8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-				if (fbHaveMMX())
-				    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888RevNPx8888mmx;
-				break;
-			    case PICT_r5g6b5:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-				if (fbHaveMMX())
-				    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888RevNPx0565mmx;
-				break;
-			    }
-			    break;
-			}
-			break;
-		    }
-		    break;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		    /* non-repeating source, repeating mask => translucent window */
-		    if (maskRepeat &&
-			pMask->pDrawable->width == 1 &&
-			pMask->pDrawable->height == 1)
-		    {
-			if (pSrc->format == PICT_x8r8g8b8 &&
-			    pDst->format == PICT_x8r8g8b8 &&
-			    pMask->format == PICT_a8)
-			{
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-			    if (fbHaveMMX())
-				func = fbCompositeSrc_8888x8x8888mmx;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	else /* no mask */
-	{
-	    if (srcRepeat &&
-		pSrc->pDrawable->width == 1 &&
-		pSrc->pDrawable->height == 1)
-	    {
-		/* no mask and repeating source */
-	    switch (pSrc->format) {
-	    case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-		    switch (pDst->format) {
-		    case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-	    case PICT_x8r8g8b8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-			if (fbHaveMMX())
-			{
-			    srcRepeat = FALSE;
-			    func = fbCompositeSolid_nx8888mmx;
-			}
-			break;
-		    case PICT_r5g6b5:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-			if (fbHaveMMX())
-			{
-			    srcRepeat = FALSE;
-			    func = fbCompositeSolid_nx0565mmx;
-			}
-			break;
-		    }
-		    break;
-		}
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		switch (pSrc->format) {
-		case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-		switch (pDst->format) {
-		case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-		case PICT_x8r8g8b8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-			if (fbHaveMMX())
-			    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888x8888mmx;
-			else
-		    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888x8888;
-		    break;
-		case PICT_r8g8b8:
-		    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888x0888;
-		    break;
-		case PICT_r5g6b5:
-		    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888x0565;
-		    break;
-		}
-		break;
-		case PICT_x8r8g8b8:
-		    switch (pDst->format) {
-		    case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-		    case PICT_x8r8g8b8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-			if (fbHaveMMX())
-			    func = fbCompositeCopyAreammx;
-			break;
-		    }
-		case PICT_x8b8g8r8:
-		    switch (pDst->format) {
-	    case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-	    case PICT_x8b8g8r8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-			if (fbHaveMMX())
-			    func = fbCompositeCopyAreammx;
-			break;
-		    }
-		    break;
-		case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-		switch (pDst->format) {
-		case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-		case PICT_x8b8g8r8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-			if (fbHaveMMX())
-			    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888x8888mmx;
-			else
-		    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888x8888;
-		    break;
-		case PICT_b8g8r8:
-		    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888x0888;
-		    break;
-		case PICT_b5g6r5:
-		    func = fbCompositeSrc_8888x0565;
-		    break;
-		}
-		break;
-	    case PICT_r5g6b5:
-		switch (pDst->format) {
-		case PICT_r5g6b5:
-		    func = fbCompositeSrc_0565x0565;
-		    break;
-		}
-		break;
-	    case PICT_b5g6r5:
-		switch (pDst->format) {
-		case PICT_b5g6r5:
-		    func = fbCompositeSrc_0565x0565;
-		    break;
-		}
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	}
-	break;
-    case PictOpAdd:
-	if (pMask == 0)
-	{
-	    switch (pSrc->format) {
-	    case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-		switch (pDst->format) {
-		case PICT_a8r8g8b8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-		    if (fbHaveMMX())
-			func = fbCompositeSrcAdd_8888x8888mmx;
-		    else
-		    func = fbCompositeSrcAdd_8888x8888;
-		    break;
-		}
-		break;
-	    case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-		switch (pDst->format) {
-		case PICT_a8b8g8r8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-		    if (fbHaveMMX())
-			func = fbCompositeSrcAdd_8888x8888mmx;
-		    else
-		    func = fbCompositeSrcAdd_8888x8888;
-		    break;
-		}
-		break;
-	    case PICT_a8:
-		switch (pDst->format) {
-		case PICT_a8:
-#ifdef USE_MMX
-		    if (fbHaveMMX())
-			func = fbCompositeSrcAdd_8000x8000mmx;
-		    else
-		    func = fbCompositeSrcAdd_8000x8000;
-		    break;
-		}
-		break;
-	    case PICT_a1:
-		switch (pDst->format) {
-		case PICT_a1:
-		    func = fbCompositeSrcAdd_1000x1000;
-		    break;
-		}
-		break;
-	    }
-	}
-	break;
-    }
-    if (!func) {
-        /* no fast path, use the general code */
-        fbCompositeGeneral(op, pSrc, pMask, pDst, xSrc, ySrc, xMask, yMask, xDst, yDst, width, height);
-        // Reset destination depth and format to their true value
-        pDst->pDrawable->depth = dstDepth;
-        pDst->format = oldFormat;
-        return;
+      fbWalkCompositeRegion (op, pSrc, pMask, pDst,
+			     xSrc, ySrc, xMask, yMask, xDst, yDst,
+			     width, height,
+			     TRUE /* srcRepeat */,
+			     FALSE /* maskRepeat */,
+			     SafeAlphaCompositeSolidMask_nx8x8888);
-    if (!miComputeCompositeRegion (&region,
- 				   pSrc,
- 				   pMask,
- 				   pDst,
- 				   xSrc,
- 				   ySrc,
- 				   xMask,
- 				   yMask,
- 				   xDst,
- 				   yDst,
- 				   width,
-                                   height))
-        return;
-    n = REGION_NUM_RECTS (&region);
-    pbox = REGION_RECTS (&region);
-    while (n--)
+  else
-	h = pbox->y2 - pbox->y1;
-	y_src = pbox->y1 - yDst + ySrc;
-	y_msk = pbox->y1 - yDst + yMask;
-	y_dst = pbox->y1;
-	while (h)
-	{
-	    h_this = h;
-	    w = pbox->x2 - pbox->x1;
-	    x_src = pbox->x1 - xDst + xSrc;
-	    x_msk = pbox->x1 - xDst + xMask;
-	    x_dst = pbox->x1;
-	    if (maskRepeat)
-	    {
-		y_msk = mod (y_msk, pMask->pDrawable->height);
-		if (h_this > pMask->pDrawable->height - y_msk)
-		    h_this = pMask->pDrawable->height - y_msk;
-	    }
-	    if (srcRepeat)
-	    {
-		y_src = mod (y_src, pSrc->pDrawable->height);
-		if (h_this > pSrc->pDrawable->height - y_src)
-		    h_this = pSrc->pDrawable->height - y_src;
-	    }
-	    while (w)
-	    {
-		w_this = w;
-		if (maskRepeat)
-		{
-		    x_msk = mod (x_msk, pMask->pDrawable->width);
-		    if (w_this > pMask->pDrawable->width - x_msk)
-			w_this = pMask->pDrawable->width - x_msk;
-		}
-		if (srcRepeat)
-		{
-		    x_src = mod (x_src, pSrc->pDrawable->width);
-		    if (w_this > pSrc->pDrawable->width - x_src)
-			w_this = pSrc->pDrawable->width - x_src;
-		}
-		(*func) (op, pSrc, pMask, pDst,
-			 x_src, y_src, x_msk, y_msk, x_dst, y_dst,
-			 w_this, h_this);
-		w -= w_this;
-		x_src += w_this;
-		x_msk += w_this;
-		x_dst += w_this;
-	    }
-	    h -= h_this;
-	    y_src += h_this;
-	    y_msk += h_this;
-	    y_dst += h_this;
-	}
-	pbox++;
+      fbComposite (op, pSrc, pMask, pDst,
+		   xSrc, ySrc, xMask, yMask, xDst, yDst, width, height);
-    REGION_UNINIT (pDst->pDrawable->pScreen, &region);
-    // Reset destination depth/format to its true value
-    pDst->pDrawable->depth = dstDepth;
-    pDst->format = oldFormat;
+  pDst->pDrawable->depth = oldDepth;
+  pDst->format = oldFormat;
 #endif /* RENDER */

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