xserver: Branch 'master' - 2 commits

Ben Byer bbyer at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Mar 1 13:52:27 EET 2007

 GL/apple/indirect.c              | 2136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 hw/darwin/apple/X11Application.m | 1272 ++++++++++-------------
 hw/darwin/darwinEvents.c         |   67 -
 3 files changed, 2185 insertions(+), 1290 deletions(-)

New commits:
diff-tree 39ecd6fff4f946deebe310b4b26b171c842db223 (from ed7ccc481ad1caaa518cafe944c2327a5d0b6c65)
Author: Ben Byer <bbyer at bbyer.(none)>
Date:   Thu Mar 1 01:45:19 2007 -0800

    Rewrote parts of the Xquartz event-handling code (thanks daniels and whot!)
    It should still be considered a work in progress, but mouse events almost work.

diff --git a/hw/darwin/apple/X11Application.m b/hw/darwin/apple/X11Application.m
index 5da0574..3982d97 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/apple/X11Application.m
+++ b/hw/darwin/apple/X11Application.m
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 /* X11Application.m -- subclass of NSApplication to multiplex events
- $Id: X11Application.m,v 1.59 2006/09/06 21:19:32 jharper Exp $
- Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Apple Inc.
  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
  obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
@@ -35,12 +34,10 @@
 /* ouch! */
 #define BOOL X_BOOL
-//# include "Xproto.h"
 # include "darwin.h"
 # include "../quartz/quartz.h"
 # define _APPLEWM_SERVER_
 # include "X11/extensions/applewm.h"
-//# include "X.h"
 # include "micmap.h"
 #undef BOOL
@@ -55,15 +52,15 @@
 int X11EnableKeyEquivalents = TRUE;
 int quartzHasRoot = FALSE, quartzEnableRootless = TRUE;
-extern int darwinFakeButtons;
+extern int darwinFakeButtons, input_check_flag;
 // extern Bool enable_stereo; 
 Bool enable_stereo;  //<-- this needs to go back to being an extern once glxCGL is fixed
+static xEvent *quartzEvents;
 X11Application *X11App;
-#define ALL_KEY_MASKS (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask \
-| NSAlternateKeyMask | NSCommandKeyMask)
+#define ALL_KEY_MASKS (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask | NSCommandKeyMask)
 @implementation X11Application
@@ -82,27 +79,21 @@ static void send_nsevent (NSEventType ty
  but is statically linked into this X server. */
 extern Bool QuartzModeBundleInit(void);
-static void
-init_ports (void)
+static void init_ports (void) {
     kern_return_t r;
     NSPort *p;
-    if (_port != MACH_PORT_NULL)
-		return;
+    if (_port != MACH_PORT_NULL) return;
     r = mach_port_allocate (mach_task_self (), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &_port);
-    if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
-		return;
+    if (r != KERN_SUCCESS) return;
     p = [NSMachPort portWithMachPort:_port];
     [p setDelegate:NSApp];
     [p scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
-static void
-message_kit_thread (SEL selector, NSObject *arg)
+static void message_kit_thread (SEL selector, NSObject *arg) {
     message msg;
     kern_return_t r;
@@ -117,29 +108,24 @@ message_kit_thread (SEL selector, NSObje
     msg.arg = [arg retain];
     r = mach_msg (&msg.hdr, MACH_SEND_MSG, msg.hdr.msgh_size,
     if (r != KERN_SUCCESS)
-		fprintf (stderr, "%s: mach_msg failed: %x\n", __FUNCTION__, r);
+		ErrorF("%s: mach_msg failed: %x\n", __FUNCTION__, r);
-- (void) handleMachMessage:(void *)_msg
+- (void) handleMachMessage:(void *)_msg {
     message *msg = _msg;
     [self performSelector:msg->selector withObject:msg->arg];
     [msg->arg release];
-- (void) set_controller:obj
-    if (_controller == nil)
-		_controller = [obj retain];
+- (void) set_controller:obj {
+    if (_controller == nil) _controller = [obj retain];
-- (void) dealloc
-    if (_controller != nil)
-		[_controller release];
+- (void) dealloc {
+    if (_controller != nil) [_controller release];
     if (_port != MACH_PORT_NULL)
 		mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), _port);
@@ -147,8 +133,7 @@ message_kit_thread (SEL selector, NSObje
     [super dealloc];
-- (void) orderFrontStandardAboutPanel: (id) sender
+- (void) orderFrontStandardAboutPanel: (id) sender {
     NSMutableDictionary *dict;
     NSDictionary *infoDict;
     NSString *tem;
@@ -161,57 +146,45 @@ message_kit_thread (SEL selector, NSObje
     tem = [infoDict objectForKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"];
-    [dict setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"X11.app %@ - X.org X11R7.1",
-					 tem] forKey:@"ApplicationVersion"];
+    [dict setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"X11.app %@ - X.org X11R7.3", tem] 
+	  forKey:@"ApplicationVersion"];
     [self orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions: dict];
-- (void) activateX:(BOOL)state
+- (void) activateX:(BOOL)state {
     /* Create a TSM document that supports full Unicode input, and
 	 have it activated while X is active (unless using the old
 	 keymapping files) */
     static TSMDocumentID x11_document;
-    if (state)
-    {
-		QuartzMessageServerThread (kXDarwinActivate, 0);
-		if (!_x_active)
-		{
-			if (x11_document == 0 && darwinKeymapFile == NULL)
-			{
-				OSType types[1];
-				types[0] = kUnicodeDocument;
-				NewTSMDocument (1, types, &x11_document, 0);
-			}
-			if (x11_document != 0)
-				ActivateTSMDocument (x11_document);
-		}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-		QuartzMessageServerThread (kXDarwinDeactivate, 0);
-		if (_x_active)
-		{
-			if (x11_document != 0)
-				DeactivateTSMDocument (x11_document);
-		}
-    }
+    if (state) {
+      QuartzMessageServerThread (kXDarwinActivate, 0);
+      if (!_x_active) {
+	if (x11_document == 0 && darwinKeymapFile == NULL) {
+	  OSType types[1];
+	  types[0] = kUnicodeDocument;
+	  NewTSMDocument (1, types, &x11_document, 0);
+	}
+	if (x11_document != 0)	ActivateTSMDocument (x11_document);
+      }
+    } else {
+      QuartzMessageServerThread (kXDarwinDeactivate, 0);
+      if (_x_active && x11_document != 0)
+	DeactivateTSMDocument (x11_document);
+    }
     _x_active = state;
-- (void) became_key:(NSWindow *)win
+- (void) became_key:(NSWindow *)win {
     [self activateX:NO];
-- (void) sendEvent:(NSEvent *)e
+- (void) sendEvent:(NSEvent *)e {
     NSEventType type;
     BOOL for_appkit, for_x;
@@ -221,178 +194,140 @@ message_kit_thread (SEL selector, NSObje
     for_appkit = YES;
     for_x = YES;
-    switch (type)
-    {
+    switch (type) {
     case NSLeftMouseDown: case NSRightMouseDown: case NSOtherMouseDown:
     case NSLeftMouseUp: case NSRightMouseUp: case NSOtherMouseUp:
-		if ([e window] != nil)
-		{
-			/* Pointer event has a window. Probably something for the kit. */
-			for_x = NO;
-			if (_x_active)
-				[self activateX:NO];
-		}
-		else if ([self modalWindow] == nil)
-		{
-			/* Must be an X window. Tell appkit it doesn't have focus. */
-			for_appkit = NO;
-			if ([self isActive])
-			{
-				[self deactivate];
-				if (!_x_active && quartzProcs->IsX11Window([e window],
-														   [e windowNumber]))
-				[self activateX:YES];
-			}
-		}
-		break;
+      if ([e window] != nil) {
+	/* Pointer event has a window. Probably something for the kit. */
+	for_x = NO;
+	if (_x_active) [self activateX:NO];
+      } else if ([self modalWindow] == nil) {
+	/* Must be an X window. Tell appkit it doesn't have focus. */
+	for_appkit = NO;
+	if ([self isActive]) {
+	  [self deactivate];
+	  if (!_x_active && quartzProcs->IsX11Window([e window], [e windowNumber]))
+	    [self activateX:YES];
+	}
+      }
+      break;
     case NSKeyDown: case NSKeyUp:
-		if (_x_active)
-		{
-			static int swallow_up;
-			/* No kit window is focused, so send it to X. */
-			for_appkit = NO;
-			if (type == NSKeyDown)
-			{
-				/* Before that though, see if there are any global
-				 shortcuts bound to it. */
-				if (X11EnableKeyEquivalents
-					&& [[self mainMenu] performKeyEquivalent:e])
-				{
-					swallow_up = [e keyCode];
-					for_x = NO;
-				}
-				else if (!quartzEnableRootless
-						 && ([e modifierFlags] & ALL_KEY_MASKS)
-						 == (NSCommandKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask)
-						 && ([e keyCode] == 0 /*a*/
-							 || [e keyCode] == 53 /*Esc*/))
-				{
-					swallow_up = 0;
-					for_x = NO;
+      if (_x_active) {
+	static int swallow_up;
+	/* No kit window is focused, so send it to X. */
+	for_appkit = NO;
+	if (type == NSKeyDown) {
+	  /* Before that though, see if there are any global
+	     shortcuts bound to it. */
+	  if (X11EnableKeyEquivalents
+	      && [[self mainMenu] performKeyEquivalent:e]) {
+	    swallow_up = [e keyCode];
+	    for_x = NO;
+	  } else if (!quartzEnableRootless
+		   && ([e modifierFlags] & ALL_KEY_MASKS)
+		   == (NSCommandKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask)
+		   && ([e keyCode] == 0 /*a*/
+		       || [e keyCode] == 53 /*Esc*/)) {
+	    swallow_up = 0;
+	    for_x = NO;
-					QuartzMessageServerThread (kXDarwinToggleFullscreen, 0);
+	    QuartzMessageServerThread (kXDarwinToggleFullscreen, 0);
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				/* If we saw a key equivalent on the down, don't pass
-				 the up through to X. */
-				if (swallow_up != 0 && [e keyCode] == swallow_up)
-				{
-					swallow_up = 0;
-					for_x = NO;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			for_x = NO;
-		}
-		break;
+	  }
+	} else {
+	  /* If we saw a key equivalent on the down, don't pass
+	     the up through to X. */
+	  if (swallow_up != 0 && [e keyCode] == swallow_up) {
+	    swallow_up = 0;
+	    for_x = NO;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      else for_x = NO;
+      break;
     case NSFlagsChanged:
-		/* For the l33t X users who remap modifier keys to normal keysyms. */
-		if (!_x_active)
-			for_x = NO;
-		break;
+      /* For the l33t X users who remap modifier keys to normal keysyms. */
+      if (!_x_active)
+	for_x = NO;
+      break;
     case NSAppKitDefined:
-		switch ([e subtype])
-		{
-		case NSApplicationActivatedEventType:
-			for_x = NO;
-			if ([self modalWindow] == nil)
-			{
-				for_appkit = NO;
-				/* FIXME: hack to avoid having to pass the event to appkit,
-				 which would cause it to raise one of its windows. */
-				_appFlags._active = YES;
-				[self activateX:YES];
+      switch ([e subtype]) {
+      case NSApplicationActivatedEventType:
+	for_x = NO;
+	if ([self modalWindow] == nil) {
+	  for_appkit = NO;
+	  /* FIXME: hack to avoid having to pass the event to appkit,
+	     which would cause it to raise one of its windows. */
+	  _appFlags._active = YES;
+	  [self activateX:YES];
-				if ([e data2] & 0x10) QuartzMessageServerThread (kXDarwinBringAllToFront, 0);
+	  if ([e data2] & 0x10) QuartzMessageServerThread (kXDarwinBringAllToFront, 0);
-			}
-			break;
-		case 18: /* ApplicationDidReactivate */
-			if (quartzHasRoot)
-				for_appkit = NO;
-			break;
+	}
+	break;
-		case NSApplicationDeactivatedEventType:
-			for_x = NO;
-			[self activateX:NO];
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
+      case 18: /* ApplicationDidReactivate */
+	if (quartzHasRoot) for_appkit = NO;
+	break;
+      case NSApplicationDeactivatedEventType:
+	for_x = NO;
+	[self activateX:NO];
+	break;
+      }
+      break;
     default: break; /* for gcc */
-    if (for_appkit)
-    {
-		[super sendEvent:e];
-    }
-    if (for_x)
-    {
-		send_nsevent (type, e);
-    }
+    if (for_appkit) [super sendEvent:e];
+    if (for_x) send_nsevent (type, e);
-- (void) set_window_menu:(NSArray *)list
+- (void) set_window_menu:(NSArray *)list {
     [_controller set_window_menu:list];
-- (void) set_window_menu_check:(NSNumber *)n
+- (void) set_window_menu_check:(NSNumber *)n {
     [_controller set_window_menu_check:n];
-- (void) set_apps_menu:(NSArray *)list
+- (void) set_apps_menu:(NSArray *)list {
     [_controller set_apps_menu:list];
-- (void) set_front_process:unused
+- (void) set_front_process:unused {
     [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
-    if ([self modalWindow] == nil)
-		[self activateX:YES];
+    if ([self modalWindow] == nil) [self activateX:YES];
-- (void) set_can_quit:(NSNumber *)state
+- (void) set_can_quit:(NSNumber *)state {
     [_controller set_can_quit:[state boolValue]];
-- (void) server_ready:unused
+- (void) server_ready:unused {
     [_controller server_ready];
-- (void) show_hide_menubar:(NSNumber *)state
-    if ([state boolValue])
-		ShowMenuBar ();
-    else
-		HideMenuBar ();
+- (void) show_hide_menubar:(NSNumber *)state {
+    if ([state boolValue]) ShowMenuBar ();
+    else HideMenuBar ();
@@ -404,12 +339,12 @@ message_kit_thread (SEL selector, NSObje
 static const void *cfretain (CFAllocatorRef a, const void *b) {
     return CFRetain (b);
 static void cfrelease (CFAllocatorRef a, const void *b) {
     CFRelease (b);
-static CFMutableArrayRef
-nsarray_to_cfarray (NSArray *in)
+static CFMutableArrayRef nsarray_to_cfarray (NSArray *in) {
     CFMutableArrayRef out;
     CFArrayCallBacks cb;
     NSObject *ns;
@@ -424,24 +359,22 @@ nsarray_to_cfarray (NSArray *in)
     count = [in count];
     out = CFArrayCreateMutable (NULL, count, &cb);
-    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-    {
-		ns = [in objectAtIndex:i];
-		if ([ns isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
-			cf = (CFTypeRef) nsarray_to_cfarray ((NSArray *) ns);
-		else
-			cf = CFRetain ((CFTypeRef) ns);
-		CFArrayAppendValue (out, cf);
-		CFRelease (cf);
+    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+      ns = [in objectAtIndex:i];
+      if ([ns isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
+	cf = (CFTypeRef) nsarray_to_cfarray ((NSArray *) ns);
+      else
+	cf = CFRetain ((CFTypeRef) ns);
+      CFArrayAppendValue (out, cf);
+      CFRelease (cf);
     return out;
-static NSMutableArray *
-cfarray_to_nsarray (CFArrayRef in)
+static NSMutableArray * cfarray_to_nsarray (CFArrayRef in) {
     NSMutableArray *out;
     const CFTypeRef *cf;
     NSObject *ns;
@@ -450,320 +383,277 @@ cfarray_to_nsarray (CFArrayRef in)
     count = CFArrayGetCount (in);
     out = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:count];
-    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-    {
-		cf = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (in, i);
-		if (CFGetTypeID (cf) == CFArrayGetTypeID ())
-			ns = cfarray_to_nsarray ((CFArrayRef) cf);
-		else
-			ns = [(id)cf retain];
+    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+      cf = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (in, i);
-		[out addObject:ns];
-		[ns release];
+      if (CFGetTypeID (cf) == CFArrayGetTypeID ())
+	ns = cfarray_to_nsarray ((CFArrayRef) cf);
+      else
+	ns = [(id)cf retain];
+      [out addObject:ns];
+      [ns release];
     return out;
-- (CFPropertyListRef) prefs_get:(NSString *)key
+- (CFPropertyListRef) prefs_get:(NSString *)key {
     CFPropertyListRef value;
     value = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue ((CFStringRef) key, CFSTR (APP_PREFS));
-    if (value == NULL)
-    {
-		static CFDictionaryRef defaults;
-		if (defaults == NULL)
-		{
-			CFStringRef error = NULL;
-			CFDataRef data;
-			CFURLRef url;
-			SInt32 error_code;
-			url = (CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation
-				   (NULL, (unsigned char *)DEFAULTS_FILE, strlen (DEFAULTS_FILE), false));
-			if (CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource (NULL, url, &data,
-														  NULL, NULL,
-														  &error_code))
-			{
-				defaults = (CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData
-							(NULL, data, kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves, &error));
-				if (error != NULL)
-					CFRelease (error);
-				CFRelease (data);
-			}
-			CFRelease (url);
+    if (value == NULL) {
+      static CFDictionaryRef defaults;
+      if (defaults == NULL) {
+	CFStringRef error = NULL;
+	CFDataRef data;
+	CFURLRef url;
+	SInt32 error_code;
+	url = (CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation
+	       (NULL, (unsigned char *)DEFAULTS_FILE, strlen (DEFAULTS_FILE), false));
+	if (CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource (NULL, url, &data,
+						      NULL, NULL, &error_code)) {
+	  defaults = (CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData
+		      (NULL, data, kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves, &error));
+	  if (error != NULL) CFRelease (error);
+	  CFRelease (data);
+	}
+	CFRelease (url);
-			if (defaults != NULL)
-			{
-				NSMutableArray *apps, *elt;
-				int count, i;
-				NSString *name, *nname;
-				/* Localize the names in the default apps menu. */
-				apps = [(NSDictionary *)defaults objectForKey:@PREFS_APPSMENU];
-				if (apps != nil)
-				{
-					count = [apps count];
-					for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-					{
-						elt = [apps objectAtIndex:i];
-						if (elt != nil && [elt isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
-						{
-							name = [elt objectAtIndex:0];
-							if (name != nil)
-							{
-								nname = NSLocalizedString (name, nil);
-								if (nname != nil && nname != name)
-									[elt replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:nname];
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (defaults != NULL)
-			value = CFDictionaryGetValue (defaults, key);
+	if (defaults != NULL) {
+	  NSMutableArray *apps, *elt;
+	  int count, i;
+	  NSString *name, *nname;
+	  /* Localize the names in the default apps menu. */
+	  apps = [(NSDictionary *)defaults objectForKey:@PREFS_APPSMENU];
+	  if (apps != nil) {
+	    count = [apps count];
+	    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)	{
+	      elt = [apps objectAtIndex:i];
+	      if (elt != nil && [elt isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
+		name = [elt objectAtIndex:0];
+		if (name != nil) {
+		  nname = NSLocalizedString (name, nil);
+		  if (nname != nil && nname != name)
+		    [elt replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:nname];
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+      }
-		if (value != NULL)
-			CFRetain (value);
+      if (defaults != NULL) value = CFDictionaryGetValue (defaults, key);
+      if (value != NULL) CFRetain (value);
     return value;
-- (int) prefs_get_integer:(NSString *)key default:(int)def
-    CFPropertyListRef value;
-    int ret;
-    value = [self prefs_get:key];
-    if (value != NULL && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFNumberGetTypeID ())
-		CFNumberGetValue (value, kCFNumberIntType, &ret);
-    else if (value != NULL && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID ())
-		ret = CFStringGetIntValue (value);
-    else
-		ret = def;
-    if (value != NULL)
-		CFRelease (value);
-    return ret;
-- (const char *) prefs_get_string:(NSString *)key default:(const char *)def
-    CFPropertyListRef value;
-    const char *ret = NULL;
-    value = [self prefs_get:key];
-    if (value != NULL && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID ())
-    {
-		NSString *s = (NSString *) value;
-		ret = [s UTF8String];
-    }
-    if (value != NULL)
-		CFRelease (value);
-    return ret != NULL ? ret : def;
-- (float) prefs_get_float:(NSString *)key default:(float)def
-    CFPropertyListRef value;
-    float ret = def;
-    value = [self prefs_get:key];
-    if (value != NULL
-		&& CFGetTypeID (value) == CFNumberGetTypeID ()
-		&& CFNumberIsFloatType (value))
-    {
-		CFNumberGetValue (value, kCFNumberFloatType, &ret);
-    }
-    else if (value != NULL && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID ())
-    {
-		ret = CFStringGetDoubleValue (value);
-    }
-    if (value != NULL)
-		CFRelease (value);
-    return ret;
-- (int) prefs_get_boolean:(NSString *)key default:(int)def
-    CFPropertyListRef value;
-    int ret = def;
-    value = [self prefs_get:key];
-    if (value != NULL)
-    {
-		if (CFGetTypeID (value) == CFNumberGetTypeID ())
-			CFNumberGetValue (value, kCFNumberIntType, &ret);
-		else if (CFGetTypeID (value) == CFBooleanGetTypeID ())
-			ret = CFBooleanGetValue (value);
-		else if (CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID ())
-		{
-			const char *tem = [(NSString *) value lossyCString];
-			if (strcasecmp (tem, "true") == 0 || strcasecmp (tem, "yes") == 0)
-				ret = YES;
-			else
-				ret = NO;
-		}
-		CFRelease (value);
+- (int) prefs_get_integer:(NSString *)key default:(int)def {
+  CFPropertyListRef value;
+  int ret;
+  value = [self prefs_get:key];
+  if (value != NULL && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFNumberGetTypeID ())
+    CFNumberGetValue (value, kCFNumberIntType, &ret);
+  else if (value != NULL && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID ())
+    ret = CFStringGetIntValue (value);
+  else
+    ret = def;
+  if (value != NULL) CFRelease (value);
+  return ret;
+- (const char *) prefs_get_string:(NSString *)key default:(const char *)def {
+  CFPropertyListRef value;
+  const char *ret = NULL;
+  value = [self prefs_get:key];
+  if (value != NULL && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID ()) {
+    NSString *s = (NSString *) value;
+    ret = [s UTF8String];
+  }
+  if (value != NULL) CFRelease (value);
+  return ret != NULL ? ret : def;
+- (float) prefs_get_float:(NSString *)key default:(float)def {
+  CFPropertyListRef value;
+  float ret = def;
+  value = [self prefs_get:key];
+  if (value != NULL
+      && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFNumberGetTypeID ()
+      && CFNumberIsFloatType (value)) 
+    CFNumberGetValue (value, kCFNumberFloatType, &ret);
+  else if (value != NULL && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID ())
+    ret = CFStringGetDoubleValue (value);
+  if (value != NULL) CFRelease (value);
+  return ret;
+- (int) prefs_get_boolean:(NSString *)key default:(int)def {
+  CFPropertyListRef value;
+  int ret = def;
+  value = [self prefs_get:key];
+  if (value != NULL) {
+    if (CFGetTypeID (value) == CFNumberGetTypeID ())
+      CFNumberGetValue (value, kCFNumberIntType, &ret);
+    else if (CFGetTypeID (value) == CFBooleanGetTypeID ())
+      ret = CFBooleanGetValue (value);
+    else if (CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID ()) {
+      const char *tem = [(NSString *) value lossyCString];
+      if (strcasecmp (tem, "true") == 0 || strcasecmp (tem, "yes") == 0)
+	ret = YES;
+      else
+	ret = NO;
-    return ret;
+    CFRelease (value);
+  }
+  return ret;
-- (NSArray *) prefs_get_array:(NSString *)key
-    NSArray *ret = nil;
-    CFPropertyListRef value;
-    value = [self prefs_get:key];
-    if (value != NULL)
-    {
-		if (CFGetTypeID (value) == CFArrayGetTypeID ())
-			ret = [cfarray_to_nsarray (value) autorelease];
-		CFRelease (value);
-    }
-    return ret;
+- (NSArray *) prefs_get_array:(NSString *)key {
+  NSArray *ret = nil;
+  CFPropertyListRef value;
+  value = [self prefs_get:key];
+  if (value != NULL) {
+    if (CFGetTypeID (value) == CFArrayGetTypeID ())
+      ret = [cfarray_to_nsarray (value) autorelease];
+    CFRelease (value);
+  }
+  return ret;
-- (void) prefs_set_integer:(NSString *)key value:(int)value
+- (void) prefs_set_integer:(NSString *)key value:(int)value {
     CFNumberRef x;
     x = CFNumberCreate (NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &value);
     CFPreferencesSetValue ((CFStringRef) key, (CFTypeRef) x, CFSTR (APP_PREFS),
-						   kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
+			   kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
     CFRelease (x);
-- (void) prefs_set_float:(NSString *)key value:(float)value
+- (void) prefs_set_float:(NSString *)key value:(float)value {
     CFNumberRef x;
     x = CFNumberCreate (NULL, kCFNumberFloatType, &value);
     CFPreferencesSetValue ((CFStringRef) key, (CFTypeRef) x, CFSTR (APP_PREFS),
-						   kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
+			   kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
     CFRelease (x);
-- (void) prefs_set_boolean:(NSString *)key value:(int)value
-    CFPreferencesSetValue ((CFStringRef) key,
-						   (CFTypeRef) value ? kCFBooleanTrue
-						   : kCFBooleanFalse, CFSTR (APP_PREFS),
-						   kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
-- (void) prefs_set_array:(NSString *)key value:(NSArray *)value
-    CFArrayRef cfarray;
-    cfarray = nsarray_to_cfarray (value);
-    CFPreferencesSetValue ((CFStringRef) key,
-						   (CFTypeRef) cfarray,
-						   CFSTR (APP_PREFS),
-						   kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
-    CFRelease (cfarray);
-- (void) prefs_set_string:(NSString *)key value:(NSString *)value
-    CFPreferencesSetValue ((CFStringRef) key, (CFTypeRef) value,
-						   CFSTR (APP_PREFS), kCFPreferencesCurrentUser,
-						   kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
+- (void) prefs_set_boolean:(NSString *)key value:(int)value {
+  CFPreferencesSetValue ((CFStringRef) key,
+			 (CFTypeRef) value ? kCFBooleanTrue
+			 : kCFBooleanFalse, CFSTR (APP_PREFS),
+			 kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
+- (void) prefs_set_array:(NSString *)key value:(NSArray *)value {
+  CFArrayRef cfarray;
+  cfarray = nsarray_to_cfarray (value);
+  CFPreferencesSetValue ((CFStringRef) key,
+			 (CFTypeRef) cfarray,
+			 kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
+  CFRelease (cfarray);
+- (void) prefs_set_string:(NSString *)key value:(NSString *)value {
+  CFPreferencesSetValue ((CFStringRef) key, (CFTypeRef) value,
+			 CFSTR (APP_PREFS), kCFPreferencesCurrentUser,
+			 kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
-- (void) prefs_synchronize
+- (void) prefs_synchronize {
     CFPreferencesAppSynchronize (kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication);
-- (void) read_defaults
-    const char *tem;
-    quartzUseSysBeep = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYSBEEP
-									   default:quartzUseSysBeep];
-    quartzEnableRootless = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_ROOTLESS
-										   default:quartzEnableRootless];
+- (void) read_defaults {
+  const char *tem;
+  quartzUseSysBeep = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYSBEEP
+			   default:quartzUseSysBeep];
+  quartzEnableRootless = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_ROOTLESS
+			       default:quartzEnableRootless];
-    quartzFullscreenDisableHotkeys = ![self prefs_get_boolean:
-									   @PREFS_FULLSCREEN_HOTKEYS default:
-									   !quartzFullscreenDisableHotkeys];
-    quartzXpluginOptions = [self prefs_get_integer:@PREFS_XP_OPTIONS
-										   default:quartzXpluginOptions];
+  quartzFullscreenDisableHotkeys = ![self prefs_get_boolean:
+					    @PREFS_FULLSCREEN_HOTKEYS default:
+					    !quartzFullscreenDisableHotkeys];
+  quartzXpluginOptions = [self prefs_get_integer:@PREFS_XP_OPTIONS
+			       default:quartzXpluginOptions];
-    darwinSwapAltMeta = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SWAP_ALT_META
-										default:darwinSwapAltMeta];
-    darwinFakeButtons = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_FAKEBUTTONS
-										default:darwinFakeButtons];
-    if (darwinFakeButtons)
-    {
-        const char *fake2, *fake3;
-        fake2 = [self prefs_get_string:@PREFS_FAKE_BUTTON2 default:NULL];
-        fake3 = [self prefs_get_string:@PREFS_FAKE_BUTTON3 default:NULL];
-		if (fake2 != NULL) darwinFakeMouse2Mask = DarwinParseModifierList(fake2);
-		if (fake3 != NULL) darwinFakeMouse3Mask = DarwinParseModifierList(fake3);
+  darwinSwapAltMeta = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SWAP_ALT_META
+			    default:darwinSwapAltMeta];
+  darwinFakeButtons = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_FAKEBUTTONS
+			    default:darwinFakeButtons];
+  if (darwinFakeButtons) {
+    const char *fake2, *fake3;
+    fake2 = [self prefs_get_string:@PREFS_FAKE_BUTTON2 default:NULL];
+    fake3 = [self prefs_get_string:@PREFS_FAKE_BUTTON3 default:NULL];
+     if (fake2 != NULL) darwinFakeMouse2Mask = DarwinParseModifierList(fake2);
+     if (fake3 != NULL) darwinFakeMouse3Mask = DarwinParseModifierList(fake3);
-    }
+  }
-    X11EnableKeyEquivalents = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_KEYEQUIVS
-											  default:X11EnableKeyEquivalents];
+  X11EnableKeyEquivalents = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_KEYEQUIVS
+				  default:X11EnableKeyEquivalents];
-    darwinSyncKeymap = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_KEYMAP
-									   default:darwinSyncKeymap];
+  darwinSyncKeymap = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_KEYMAP
+			   default:darwinSyncKeymap];
-    tem = [self prefs_get_string:@PREFS_KEYMAP_FILE default:NULL];
-    if (tem != NULL)
-		darwinKeymapFile = strdup (tem);
-    else
-        darwinKeymapFile = NULL;
+  tem = [self prefs_get_string:@PREFS_KEYMAP_FILE default:NULL];
+  if (tem != NULL) darwinKeymapFile = strdup (tem);
+  else darwinKeymapFile = NULL;
-    darwinDesiredDepth = [self prefs_get_integer:@PREFS_DEPTH
-										 default:darwinDesiredDepth];
+  darwinDesiredDepth = [self prefs_get_integer:@PREFS_DEPTH
+			     default:darwinDesiredDepth];
-    enable_stereo = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_ENABLE_STEREO
-									default:false];
+  enable_stereo = [self prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_ENABLE_STEREO
+			default:false];
 /* This will end up at the end of the responder chain. */
-- (void) copy:sender
-    QuartzMessageServerThread (kXDarwinPasteboardNotify, 1,
-							   AppleWMCopyToPasteboard);
+- (void) copy:sender {
+  QuartzMessageServerThread (kXDarwinPasteboardNotify, 1,
+			     AppleWMCopyToPasteboard);
-- (BOOL) x_active
+- (BOOL) x_active {
     return _x_active;
@@ -771,75 +661,62 @@ cfarray_to_nsarray (CFArrayRef in)
 static NSArray *
 array_with_strings_and_numbers (int nitems, const char **items,
-								const char *numbers)
-    NSMutableArray *array, *subarray;
-    NSString *string;
-    NSString *number;
-    int i;
-    /* (Can't autorelease on the X server thread) */
-    array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:nitems];
-    for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
-    {
-		subarray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:2];
-		string = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:items[i]];
-		[subarray addObject:string];
-		[string release];
-		if (numbers[i] != 0)
-		{
-			number = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d", numbers[i]];
-			[subarray addObject:number];
-			[number release];
-		}
-		else
-			[subarray addObject:@""];
-		[array addObject:subarray];
-		[subarray release];
-    }
-    return array;
-X11ApplicationSetWindowMenu (int nitems, const char **items,
-							 const char *shortcuts)
-    NSArray *array;
-    array = array_with_strings_and_numbers (nitems, items, shortcuts);
-    /* Send the array of strings over to the appkit thread */
-    message_kit_thread (@selector (set_window_menu:), array);
-    [array release];
-X11ApplicationSetWindowMenuCheck (int idx)
-    NSNumber *n;
-    n = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:idx];
-    message_kit_thread (@selector (set_window_menu_check:), n);
-    [n release];
+				const char *numbers) {
+  NSMutableArray *array, *subarray;
+  NSString *string, *number;
+  int i;
+  /* (Can't autorelease on the X server thread) */
+  array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:nitems];
+  for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) {
+    subarray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:2];
+    string = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:items[i]];
+    [subarray addObject:string];
+    [string release];
+    if (numbers[i] != 0) {
+      number = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d", numbers[i]];
+      [subarray addObject:number];
+      [number release];
+    } else
+      [subarray addObject:@""];
+    [array addObject:subarray];
+    [subarray release];
+  }
+  return array;
+void X11ApplicationSetWindowMenu (int nitems, const char **items,
+				  const char *shortcuts) {
+  NSArray *array;
+  array = array_with_strings_and_numbers (nitems, items, shortcuts);
+  /* Send the array of strings over to the appkit thread */
+  message_kit_thread (@selector (set_window_menu:), array);
+  [array release];
+void X11ApplicationSetWindowMenuCheck (int idx) {
+  NSNumber *n;
+  n = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:idx];
+  message_kit_thread (@selector (set_window_menu_check:), n);
+  [n release];
-X11ApplicationSetFrontProcess (void)
+void X11ApplicationSetFrontProcess (void) {
     message_kit_thread (@selector (set_front_process:), nil);
-X11ApplicationSetCanQuit (int state)
+void X11ApplicationSetCanQuit (int state) {
     NSNumber *n;
     n = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:state];
@@ -849,15 +726,11 @@ X11ApplicationSetCanQuit (int state)
     [n release];
-X11ApplicationServerReady (void)
+void X11ApplicationServerReady (void) {
     message_kit_thread (@selector (server_ready:), nil);
-X11ApplicationShowHideMenubar (int state)
+void X11ApplicationShowHideMenubar (int state) {
     NSNumber *n;
     n = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:state];
@@ -867,27 +740,20 @@ X11ApplicationShowHideMenubar (int state
     [n release];
-static void *
-create_thread (void *func, void *arg)
+static void * create_thread (void *func, void *arg) {
     pthread_attr_t attr;
     pthread_t tid;
     pthread_attr_init (&attr);
     pthread_attr_setscope (&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
     pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
     pthread_create (&tid, &attr, func, arg);
     pthread_attr_destroy (&attr);
     return (void *) tid;
-static void
-check_xinitrc (void)
+static void check_xinitrc (void) {
     char *tem, buf[1024];
     NSString *msg;
@@ -895,8 +761,7 @@ check_xinitrc (void)
     tem = getenv ("HOME");
-    if (tem == NULL)
-		goto done;
+    if (tem == NULL) goto done;
     snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/.xinitrc", tem);
     if (access (buf, F_OK) != 0)
@@ -904,48 +769,44 @@ check_xinitrc (void)
     /* FIXME: put localized strings into Resources/English.lproj */
-    msg = NSLocalizedString (
-							 @"You have an existing ~/.xinitrc file.\n\n\
-							 Windows displayed by X11 applications may not have titlebars, or may look \
-							 different to windows displayed by native applications.\n\n\
-							 Would you like to move aside the existing file and use the standard X11 \
-							 environment?", @"Startup xinitrc dialog");
+    msg = NSLocalizedString (@"You have an existing ~/.xinitrc file.\n\n\
+Windows displayed by X11 applications may not have titlebars, or may look \
+different to windows displayed by native applications.\n\n\
+Would you like to move aside the existing file and use the standard X11 \
+environment?", @"Startup xinitrc dialog");
     if (NSRunAlertPanel (nil, msg, NSLocalizedString (@"Yes", @""),
-						 NSLocalizedString (@"No", @""), nil)
-		== NSAlertDefaultReturn)
-    {
-		char buf2[1024];
-		int i = -1;
-		snprintf (buf2, sizeof (buf2), "%s.old", buf);
-		for (i = 1; access (buf2, F_OK) == 0; i++)
-			snprintf (buf2, sizeof (buf2), "%s.old.%d", buf, i);
-		rename (buf, buf2);
+			 NSLocalizedString (@"No", @""), nil)
+	== NSAlertDefaultReturn) {
+      char buf2[1024];
+      int i = -1;
+      snprintf (buf2, sizeof (buf2), "%s.old", buf);
+      for (i = 1; access (buf2, F_OK) == 0; i++)
+	snprintf (buf2, sizeof (buf2), "%s.old.%d", buf, i);
+      rename (buf, buf2);
-	done:
+ done:
     [X11App prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_DONE_XINIT_CHECK value:YES];
     [X11App prefs_synchronize];
-X11ApplicationMain (int argc, const char *argv[],
-					void (*server_thread) (void *), void *server_arg)
+void X11ApplicationMain (int argc, const char *argv[],
+			 void (*server_thread) (void *), void *server_arg) {
     NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    while (access ("/tmp/x11-block", F_OK) == 0)
-		sleep (1);
+    while (access ("/tmp/x11-block", F_OK) == 0) sleep (1);
     pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
     X11App = (X11Application *) [X11Application sharedApplication];
+    quartzEvents = (xEvent *)malloc(sizeof(xEvent) * GetMaximumEventsNum());
     init_ports ();
     [NSApp read_defaults];
@@ -953,8 +814,8 @@ X11ApplicationMain (int argc, const char
     [NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"main" owner:NSApp];
     [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:NSApp
-											 selector:@selector (became_key:)
-												 name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification object:nil];
+					  selector:@selector (became_key:)
+					  name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification object:nil];
     check_xinitrc ();
@@ -966,173 +827,136 @@ X11ApplicationMain (int argc, const char
     /* Calculate the height of the menubar so we can avoid it. */
     aquaMenuBarHeight = NSHeight([[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]) -
-	NSMaxY([[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame]) - 1;
+      NSMaxY([[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame]) - 1;
-    if (!create_thread (server_thread, server_arg))
-    {
-		fprintf (stderr, "can't create secondary thread\n");
-		exit (1);
+    if (!create_thread (server_thread, server_arg)) {
+      ErrorF("can't create secondary thread\n");
+      exit(1);
     [NSApp run];
-    /* not reached */
 /* event conversion */
 static inline unsigned short
-convert_flags (unsigned int nsflags)
-    unsigned int xflags;
+convert_flags (unsigned int nsflags) {
+    unsigned int xflags = 0;
     if (nsflags == ~0) return 0xffff;
-    xflags = 0;
     if (nsflags & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask)	xflags |= LockMask;
-    if (nsflags & NSShiftKeyMask)		xflags |= ShiftMask;
-    if (nsflags & NSControlKeyMask)		xflags |= ControlMask;
+    if (nsflags & NSShiftKeyMask)	xflags |= ShiftMask;
+    if (nsflags & NSControlKeyMask)	xflags |= ControlMask;
     if (nsflags & NSAlternateKeyMask)	xflags |= Mod1Mask;
-    if (nsflags & NSCommandKeyMask)		xflags |= Mod2Mask;
+    if (nsflags & NSCommandKeyMask)	xflags |= Mod2Mask;
     /* FIXME: secondaryfn? */
     return xflags;
-static void
-send_nsevent (NSEventType type, NSEvent *e)
+// This code should probably be merged with that in XDarwin's XServer.m - BB
+static void send_nsevent (NSEventType type, NSEvent *e) {
     static unsigned int button_state = 0;
     NSRect screen;
     NSPoint location;
     NSWindow *window;
-    int pointer_x, pointer_y;
+    int pointer_x, pointer_y, ev_button, ev_type; 
+    int num_events=0, i=0, state;
+    int valuators[2];
+    float count;
     xEvent xe;
+    bzero(&xe, sizeof(xe));
+    input_check_flag++;
-    memset (&xe, 0, sizeof (xe));
-    /* This field should be filled in for every event */
-    xe.u.keyButtonPointer.time = GetTimeInMillis();
-	/* convert location to global top-left coordinates */
-	location = [e locationInWindow];
-	window = [e window];
-	screen = [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame];
-	if (window != nil)	{
-		NSRect frame = [window frame];
-		pointer_x = location.x + frame.origin.x;
-		pointer_y = (((screen.origin.y + screen.size.height)
-					  - location.y) - frame.origin.y);
-	} else {
-		pointer_x = location.x;
-		pointer_y = (screen.origin.y + screen.size.height) - location.y;
+    /* convert location to global top-left coordinates */
+    location = [e locationInWindow];
+    window = [e window];
+    screen = [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame];
+    if (window != nil)	{
+      NSRect frame = [window frame];
+      pointer_x = location.x + frame.origin.x;
+      pointer_y = (((screen.origin.y + screen.size.height)
+		    - location.y) - frame.origin.y);
+    } else {
+      pointer_x = location.x;
+      pointer_y = (screen.origin.y + screen.size.height) - location.y;
+    }
+    ErrorF("send_nsevent: type=%d pointer=(%d,%d)\n", type, pointer_x, pointer_y);
+    valuators[0] = pointer_x;
+    valuators[1] = pointer_y;
+    state = convert_flags ([e modifierFlags]);
+    switch (type) {
+    case NSLeftMouseDown:    ev_button=1; ev_type=ButtonPress; goto handle_mouse;
+    case NSOtherMouseDown:   ev_button=2; ev_type=ButtonPress; goto handle_mouse;
+    case NSRightMouseDown:   ev_button=3; ev_type=ButtonPress; goto handle_mouse;
+    case NSLeftMouseUp:      ev_button=1; ev_type=ButtonRelease; goto handle_mouse;
+    case NSOtherMouseUp:     ev_button=2; ev_type=ButtonRelease; goto handle_mouse;
+    case NSRightMouseUp:     ev_button=3; ev_type=ButtonRelease; goto handle_mouse;
+    case NSLeftMouseDragged:  ev_button=1; ev_type=MotionNotify; goto handle_mouse;
+    case NSOtherMouseDragged: ev_button=2; ev_type=MotionNotify; goto handle_mouse;
+    case NSRightMouseDragged: ev_button=3; ev_type=MotionNotify; goto handle_mouse;
+    case NSMouseMoved: ev_button=0; ev_type=MotionNotify; goto handle_mouse;
+    handle_mouse:
+      if(ev_type==ButtonPress) {
+	if (!quartzProcs->IsX11Window([e window], [e windowNumber])) {
+	  fprintf(stderr, "Dropping event because it's not a window\n");
+	  break;
-	xe.u.keyButtonPointer.rootX = pointer_x;
-	xe.u.keyButtonPointer.rootY = pointer_y;
-	switch (type) {
-		float count;
-    case NSLeftMouseDown:
-		xe.u.u.type = ButtonPress;
-		xe.u.u.detail = 1;
-		goto do_press_event;
-    case NSRightMouseDown:
-		xe.u.u.type = ButtonPress;
-		xe.u.u.detail = 3;
-		goto do_press_event;
-    case NSOtherMouseDown:
-		xe.u.u.type = ButtonPress;
-		xe.u.u.detail = 2; /* FIXME? */
-		goto do_press_event;
-		if (!quartzProcs->IsX11Window([e window], [e windowNumber])) {
-			/* X server doesn't grok this window, drop the event.
-			 Note: theoretically this isn't necessary, but if I click
-			 on the menubar, we get sent a LeftMouseDown when the
-			 release happens, but no LeftMouseUp is ever seen! */
-			break;
-		}
-		goto do_event;
-    case NSLeftMouseUp:
-		xe.u.u.type = ButtonRelease;
-		xe.u.u.detail = 1;
-		goto do_release_event;
-    case NSRightMouseUp:
-		xe.u.u.type = ButtonRelease;
-		xe.u.u.detail = 3;
-		goto do_release_event;
-    case NSOtherMouseUp:
-		xe.u.u.type = ButtonRelease;
-		xe.u.u.detail = 2; /* FIXME? */
-		goto do_release_event;
-		if ((button_state & (1 << xe.u.u.detail)) == 0)
-		{
-			/* X didn't see the button press for this release, so skip it */
-			break;
-		}
-		goto do_event;
-    case NSMouseMoved:
-    case NSLeftMouseDragged:
-    case NSRightMouseDragged:
-    case NSOtherMouseDragged:
-		xe.u.u.type = MotionNotify;
-		goto do_event;
+	button_state |= (1 << ev_button);
+      } else if (ev_type==ButtonRelease && (button_state & (1 << ev_button)) == 0) break;
+      num_events = GetPointerEvents(quartzEvents, darwinPointer, ev_type, ev_button, 
+				    POINTER_ABSOLUTE, 0, 2, valuators);
+      ErrorF("GetPointerEvents returned %d events\n", num_events);
+      for(i=0; i<num_events; i++) {
+	ErrorF("qe[%d].u.u.type=%d\n", i, quartzEvents[i].u.u.type);
+//				quartzEvents[i].u.keyButtonPointer.state = state;
+	mieqEnqueue (darwinPointer,&quartzEvents[i]);
+      }
+      break;
+    case NSScrollWheel: 
+      count = [e deltaY];
+      ev_button = count > 0.0f ? 4 : 5;
+      for (count = fabs(count); count > 0.0; count = count - 1.0f) {
+	num_events = GetPointerEvents(quartzEvents, darwinPointer, ButtonPress, ev_button, 
+				      POINTER_ABSOLUTE, 0, 2, valuators);
+	for(i=0; i<num_events; i++) {
+//						quartzEvents[i].u.keyButtonPointer.state = state;
+	  mieqEnqueue(darwinPointer,&quartzEvents[i]);
+	}
+	num_events = GetPointerEvents(quartzEvents, darwinPointer, ButtonRelease, ev_button, 
+				      POINTER_ABSOLUTE, 0, 2, valuators);
+	for(i=0; i<num_events; i++) {
+//						quartzEvents[i].u.keyButtonPointer.state = state;
+	  mieqEnqueue(darwinPointer,&quartzEvents[i]);
+	}
+      }
+      break;
     case NSKeyDown:
-		xe.u.u.type = KeyPress;
-		xe.u.u.detail = [e keyCode];
-		goto do_event;
     case NSKeyUp:
-		xe.u.u.type = KeyRelease;
-		xe.u.u.detail = [e keyCode];
-		goto do_event;
-    case NSScrollWheel:
-		xe.u.keyButtonPointer.state = convert_flags ([e modifierFlags]);
-		count = [e deltaY];
-		xe.u.u.detail = count > 0.0f ? 4 : 5;
-		for (count = fabs(count); count > 0.0; count = count - 1.0f) {
-			xe.u.u.type = ButtonPress;
-			DarwinEQEnqueue(&xe);
-			xe.u.u.type = ButtonRelease;
-			DarwinEQEnqueue(&xe);
-		}
-		xe.u.u.type = 0;
-		break;
+      num_events = GetKeyboardEvents(quartzEvents, darwinKeyboard, 
+				     (type == NSKeyDown)?KeyPress:KeyRelease, [e keyCode]);
+      for(i=0; i<num_events; i++) {
+//				quartzEvents[i].u.keyButtonPointer.state = state;
+	mieqEnqueue(darwinKeyboard,&quartzEvents[i]);
+      }
+      break;
     case NSFlagsChanged:
-        xe.u.u.type = kXDarwinUpdateModifiers;
-        xe.u.clientMessage.u.l.longs0 = [e modifierFlags];
-        DarwinEQEnqueue (&xe);
-        break;
-		//	xe.u.keyButtonPointer.state = convert_flags ([e modifierFlags]);
-		DarwinEQEnqueue (&xe);
-		break;
+      xe.u.u.type = kXDarwinUpdateModifiers;
+      xe.u.clientMessage.u.l.longs0 = [e modifierFlags];
+      DarwinEQEnqueue (&xe);
+      break;
     default: break; /* for gcc */
-    }
-    if (xe.u.u.type == ButtonPress)
-		button_state |= (1 << xe.u.u.detail);
-    else if (xe.u.u.type == ButtonRelease)
-		button_state &= ~(1 << xe.u.u.detail);
+    }	
+    //	UpdateCurrentTime();
diff --git a/hw/darwin/darwinEvents.c b/hw/darwin/darwinEvents.c
index 6b902df..2a27ac4 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/darwinEvents.c
+++ b/hw/darwin/darwinEvents.c
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- * Darwin event queue and event handling
- */
-Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Torrey T. Lyons. All Rights Reserved.
+Darwin event queue and event handling
+Copyright 2007 Apple Inc.
 Copyright 2004 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY. All Rights Reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Torrey T. Lyons. All Rights Reserved.
 This file is based on mieq.c by Keith Packard,
 which contains the following copyright:
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ typedef struct _Event {
     ScreenPtr   pScreen;
 } EventRec, *EventPtr;
+int input_check_zero, input_check_flag;
 typedef struct _EventQueue {
     HWEventQueueType    head, tail; /* long for SetInputCheck */
     CARD32      lastEventTime;      /* to avoid time running backwards */
@@ -73,7 +75,6 @@ typedef struct _EventQueue {
 static EventQueueRec darwinEventQueue;
  * DarwinPressModifierMask
  *  Press or release the given modifier key, specified by its mask.
@@ -177,18 +178,15 @@ static void DarwinSimulateMouseClick(
-    DevicePtr pKbd,
-    DevicePtr pPtr)
+Bool DarwinEQInit(DevicePtr pKbd, DevicePtr pPtr) { 
+    mieqInit();
     darwinEventQueue.head = darwinEventQueue.tail = 0;
     darwinEventQueue.lastEventTime = GetTimeInMillis ();
     darwinEventQueue.pKbd = pKbd;
     darwinEventQueue.pPtr = pPtr;
     darwinEventQueue.pEnqueueScreen = screenInfo.screens[0];
     darwinEventQueue.pDequeueScreen = darwinEventQueue.pEnqueueScreen;
-    SetInputCheck (&darwinEventQueue.head, &darwinEventQueue.tail);
+    SetInputCheck(&input_check_zero, &input_check_flag);
     return TRUE;
@@ -199,11 +197,10 @@ DarwinEQInit(
  *    DarwinEQEnqueue    - called from event gathering thread
  *    ProcessInputEvents - called from X server thread
  *  DarwinEQEnqueue should never be called from more than one thread.
+ * 
+ * This should be deprecated in favor of miEQEnqueue -- BB
-    const xEvent *e)
+void DarwinEQEnqueue(const xEvent *e) {
     HWEventQueueType oldtail, newtail;
     char byte = 0;
@@ -213,13 +210,12 @@ DarwinEQEnqueue(
     // This is difficult to do in a thread-safe way and rarely useful.
     newtail = oldtail + 1;
-    if (newtail == QUEUE_SIZE)
-        newtail = 0;
+    if (newtail == QUEUE_SIZE) newtail = 0;
     /* Toss events which come in late */
-    if (newtail == darwinEventQueue.head)
-        return;
+    if (newtail == darwinEventQueue.head) return;
     darwinEventQueue.events[oldtail].event = *e;
      * Make sure that event times don't go backwards - this
      * is "unnecessary", but very useful
@@ -244,20 +240,13 @@ DarwinEQEnqueue(
  * DarwinEQPointerPost
  *  Post a pointer event. Used by the mipointer.c routines.
-    xEvent *e)
+void DarwinEQPointerPost(xEvent *e) {
             (e, (DeviceIntPtr)darwinEventQueue.pPtr, 1);
-    ScreenPtr   pScreen,
-    Bool        fromDIX)
+void DarwinEQSwitchScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, Bool fromDIX) {
     darwinEventQueue.pEnqueueScreen = pScreen;
     if (fromDIX)
         darwinEventQueue.pDequeueScreen = pScreen;
@@ -268,8 +257,7 @@ DarwinEQSwitchScreen(
  * ProcessInputEvents
  *  Read and process events from the event queue until it is empty.
-void ProcessInputEvents(void)
+void ProcessInputEvents(void) {
     EventRec *e;
     int     x, y;
     xEvent  xe;
@@ -277,12 +265,15 @@ void ProcessInputEvents(void)
     // button number and modifier mask of currently pressed fake button
     static int darwinFakeMouseButtonDown = 0;
     static int darwinFakeMouseButtonMask = 0;
+    input_check_flag=0;
+    ErrorF("calling mieqProcessInputEvents\n");
+    mieqProcessInputEvents();
     // Empty the signaling pipe
     x = sizeof(xe);
-    while (x == sizeof(xe)) {
+    while (x == sizeof(xe)) 
         x = read(darwinEventReadFD, &xe, sizeof(xe));
-    }
     while (darwinEventQueue.head != darwinEventQueue.tail)
@@ -298,10 +289,16 @@ void ProcessInputEvents(void)
         xe.u.keyButtonPointer.rootY -= darwinMainScreenY +
+	ErrorF("old rootX = (%d,%d) darwinMainScreen = (%d,%d) dixScreenOrigins[%d]=(%d,%d)\n",
+	       xe.u.keyButtonPointer.rootX, xe.u.keyButtonPointer.rootY,
+	       darwinMainScreenX, darwinMainScreenY,
+	       miPointerCurrentScreen()->myNum,
+	       dixScreenOrigins[miPointerCurrentScreen()->myNum].x,
+	       dixScreenOrigins[miPointerCurrentScreen()->myNum].y);
+	//Assumption - screen switching can only occur on motion events
-        /*
-         * Assumption - screen switching can only occur on motion events
-         */
         if (e->pScreen != darwinEventQueue.pDequeueScreen)
             darwinEventQueue.pDequeueScreen = e->pScreen;
diff-tree ed7ccc481ad1caaa518cafe944c2327a5d0b6c65 (from 90ca76ba28fcd8bed945e33cf9674784fa2eb533)
Author: Ben Byer <bbyer at bbyer.(none)>
Date:   Thu Mar 1 00:51:10 2007 -0800

    AIGLX support for Darwin -- works well enough to run
    glxgears and glxinfo, but still needs more testing.

diff --git a/GL/apple/indirect.c b/GL/apple/indirect.c
index 8cba1c6..ba54186 100644
--- a/GL/apple/indirect.c
+++ b/GL/apple/indirect.c
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
  * GLX implementation that uses Apple's OpenGL.framework
  * (Indirect rendering path)
- */
- * Copyright (c) 2002 Greg Parker. All Rights Reserved.
- * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc.
  * Copyright (c) 2004 Torrey T. Lyons. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2002 Greg Parker. All Rights Reserved.
  * Portions of this file are copied from Mesa's xf86glx.c,
  * which contains the following copyright:
@@ -39,11 +38,12 @@
 #include "dri.h"
 #include "quartz.h"
-#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
+//#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
 #include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
 #include <OpenGL/CGLContext.h>
 // X11 and X11's glx
+#include <GL/gl.h>
 #include <miscstruct.h>
 #include <windowstr.h>
 #include <resource.h>
@@ -61,11 +61,16 @@
 #include "x-hash.h"
 #include "x-list.h"
+#include <dispatch.h>
 #include "glcontextmodes.h"
+#include <glapi.h>
+#include <glapitable.h>
 // ggs: needed to call back to glx with visual configs
 extern void GlxSetVisualConfigs(int nconfigs, __GLXvisualConfig *configs, void **configprivs);
+#define GLAQUA_DEBUG 1
 // Write debugging output, or not
@@ -74,182 +79,163 @@ extern void GlxSetVisualConfigs(int ncon
 #define GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG(a, ...)
-// The following GL functions don't have an EXT suffix in OpenGL.framework.
-GLboolean glAreTexturesResidentEXT(GLsizei a, const GLuint *b, GLboolean *c) {
-    return glAreTexturesResident(a, b, c);
-void glDeleteTexturesEXT(GLsizei d, const GLuint *e) {
-    glDeleteTextures(d, e);
-void glGenTexturesEXT(GLsizei f, GLuint *g) {
-    glGenTextures(f, g);
-GLboolean glIsTextureEXT(GLuint h) {
-    return glIsTexture(h);
+static void setup_dispatch_table(void);
 // some prototypes
-static Bool glAquaScreenProbe(int screen);
+static __GLXscreen * __glXAquaScreenProbe(ScreenPtr pScreen);
 static Bool glAquaInitVisuals(VisualPtr *visualp, DepthPtr *depthp,
                               int *nvisualp, int *ndepthp,
                               int *rootDepthp, VisualID *defaultVisp,
                               unsigned long sizes, int bitsPerRGB);
 static void glAquaSetVisualConfigs(int nconfigs, __GLXvisualConfig *configs,
                                    void **privates);
 static __GLinterface *glAquaCreateContext(__GLimports *imports,
                                           __GLcontextModes *mode,
                                           __GLinterface *shareGC);
-static void glAquaCreateBuffer(__GLXdrawablePrivate *glxPriv);
 static void glAquaResetExtension(void);
- * This structure is statically allocated in the __glXScreens[]
- * structure.  This struct is not used anywhere other than in
- * __glXScreenInit to initialize each of the active screens
- * (__glXActiveScreens[]).  Several of the fields must be initialized by
- * the screenProbe routine before they are copied to the active screens
- * struct.  In particular, the contextCreate, modes, numVisuals,
- * and numUsableVisuals fields must be initialized.
- */
-static __GLXscreenInfo __glDDXScreenInfo = {
-    glAquaScreenProbe,   /* Must be generic and handle all screens */
-    glAquaCreateContext, /* Substitute screen's createContext routine */
-    glAquaCreateBuffer,  /* Substitute screen's createBuffer routine */
-    NULL,                 /* Set up modes in probe */
-    NULL,                 /* Set up pVisualPriv in probe */
-    0,                    /* Set up numVisuals in probe */
-    0,                    /* Set up numUsableVisuals in probe */
-    "Vendor String",      /* GLXvendor is overwritten by __glXScreenInit */
-    "Version String",     /* GLXversion is overwritten by __glXScreenInit */
-    "Extensions String",  /* GLXextensions is overwritten by __glXScreenInit */
-    NULL                  /* WrappedPositionWindow is overwritten */
-void *__glXglDDXScreenInfo(void) {
-    return &__glDDXScreenInfo;
-static __GLXextensionInfo __glDDXExtensionInfo = {
-    glAquaResetExtension,
-    glAquaInitVisuals,
-    glAquaSetVisualConfigs
+static void __glXAquaContextDestroy(__GLXcontext *baseContext);
+static int __glXAquaContextMakeCurrent(__GLXcontext *baseContext);
+static int __glXAquaContextLoseCurrent(__GLXcontext *baseContext);
+static int __glXAquaContextForceCurrent(__GLXcontext *baseContext);
+static int __glXAquaContextCopy(__GLXcontext *baseDst, __GLXcontext *baseSrc, unsigned long mask);
+static __GLXdrawable * __glXAquaContextCreateDrawable(__GLXcontext *context, DrawablePtr pDraw, XID drawId);
+static CGLPixelFormatObj makeFormat(__GLcontextModes *mode);
+__GLXprovider __glXMesaProvider = {
+  __glXAquaScreenProbe,
+  "Core OpenGL",
+    NULL
-void *__glXglDDXExtensionInfo(void) {
-    return &__glDDXExtensionInfo;
+__GLXprovider *
+GlxGetMesaProvider (void)
+  ErrorF("GlxGetMesaProvider\n");
+  return &__glXMesaProvider;
-// prototypes
-static GLboolean glAquaDestroyContext(__GLcontext *gc);
-static GLboolean glAquaLoseCurrent(__GLcontext *gc);
-static GLboolean glAquaMakeCurrent(__GLcontext *gc);
-static GLboolean glAquaShareContext(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcontext *gcShare);
-static GLboolean glAquaCopyContext(__GLcontext *dst, const __GLcontext *src,
-                                    GLuint mask);
-static GLboolean glAquaForceCurrent(__GLcontext *gc);
-/* Drawing surface notification callbacks */
-static GLboolean glAquaNotifyResize(__GLcontext *gc);
-static void glAquaNotifyDestroy(__GLcontext *gc);
-static void glAquaNotifySwapBuffers(__GLcontext *gc);
-/* Dispatch table override control for external agents like libGLS */
-static struct __GLdispatchStateRec* glAquaDispatchExec(__GLcontext *gc);
-static void glAquaBeginDispatchOverride(__GLcontext *gc);
-static void glAquaEndDispatchOverride(__GLcontext *gc);
-static __GLexports glAquaExports = {
-    glAquaDestroyContext,
-    glAquaLoseCurrent,
-    glAquaMakeCurrent,
-    glAquaShareContext,
-    glAquaCopyContext,
-    glAquaForceCurrent,
-    glAquaNotifyResize,
-    glAquaNotifyDestroy,
-    glAquaNotifySwapBuffers,
-    glAquaDispatchExec,
-    glAquaBeginDispatchOverride,
-    glAquaEndDispatchOverride
+typedef struct __GLXAquaScreen   __GLXAquaScreen;
+typedef struct __GLXAquaContext  __GLXAquaContext;
+typedef struct __GLXAquaDrawable __GLXAquaDrawable;
-typedef struct {
+struct __GLXAquaScreen {
+  __GLXscreen   base;
+  int           index;
     int num_vis;
     __GLcontextModes *modes;
-    void **priv;
-    // wrapped screen functions
-    RealizeWindowProcPtr RealizeWindow;
-    UnrealizeWindowProcPtr UnrealizeWindow;
-} glAquaScreenRec;
+static __GLXAquaScreen glAquaScreens[MAXSCREENS];
-static glAquaScreenRec glAquaScreens[MAXSCREENS];
+struct __GLXAquaContext {
+  __GLXcontext base;
+  CGLContextObj ctx;
+  CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormat;
+  xp_surface_id sid;
+  unsigned isAttached :1;
-// __GLdrawablePrivate->private
-typedef struct {
+struct __GLXAquaDrawable {
+  __GLXdrawable base;
     DrawablePtr pDraw;
     xp_surface_id sid;
-} GLAquaDrawableRec;
-struct __GLcontextRec {
-    struct __GLinterfaceRec interface; // required to be first
-    CGLContextObj ctx;
-    CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormat;
+static __GLXcontext *
+__glXAquaScreenCreateContext(__GLXscreen *screen,
+			     __GLcontextModes *modes,
+			     __GLXcontext *baseShareContext)
+  __GLXAquaContext *context;
+  __GLXAquaContext *shareContext = (__GLXAquaContext *) baseShareContext;
+  CGLError gl_err;
+  GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glXAquaScreenCreateContext\n");
+  context = malloc (sizeof (__GLXAquaContext));
+  if (context == NULL) return NULL;
+  memset(context, 0, sizeof *context);
+  context->base.pGlxScreen = screen;
+  context->base.modes      = modes;
+  context->base.destroy        = __glXAquaContextDestroy;
+  context->base.makeCurrent    = __glXAquaContextMakeCurrent;
+  context->base.loseCurrent    = __glXAquaContextLoseCurrent;
+  context->base.copy           = __glXAquaContextCopy;
+  context->base.forceCurrent   = __glXAquaContextForceCurrent;
+  context->base.createDrawable = __glXAquaContextCreateDrawable;
+  context->pixelFormat = makeFormat(modes);
+  if (!context->pixelFormat) {
+        free(context);
+        return NULL;
+  }
-    /* set when attached */
-    xp_surface_id sid;
+  context->ctx = NULL;
+  gl_err = CGLCreateContext(context->pixelFormat,
+                            shareContext ? shareContext->ctx : NULL,
+                            &context->ctx);
+  if (gl_err != 0) {
+      ErrorF("CGLCreateContext error: %s\n", CGLErrorString(gl_err));
+      CGLDestroyPixelFormat(context->pixelFormat);
+      free(context);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+	setup_dispatch_table();
+    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaCreateContext done\n");
+  return &context->base;
-    unsigned isAttached :1;
+static __GLXextensionInfo __glDDXExtensionInfo = {
+    glAquaResetExtension,
+    glAquaInitVisuals,
+    glAquaSetVisualConfigs
+void *__glXglDDXExtensionInfo(void) {
+  GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glXAglDDXExtensionInfo\n");
+    return &__glDDXExtensionInfo;
 /* maps from surface id -> list of __GLcontext */
 static x_hash_table *surface_hash;
-// Context manipulation; return GL_FALSE on failure
-static GLboolean glAquaDestroyContext(__GLcontext *gc)
+static void __glXAquaContextDestroy(__GLXcontext *baseContext) {
     x_list *lst;
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaDestroyContext (ctx 0x%x)\n",
-                     (unsigned int) gc->ctx);
-    if (gc != NULL)
-    {
-        if (gc->sid != 0 && surface_hash != NULL)
-        {
-            lst = x_hash_table_lookup(surface_hash, (void *) gc->sid, NULL);
-            lst = x_list_remove(lst, gc);
-            x_hash_table_insert(surface_hash, (void *) gc->sid, lst);
-        }
+    __GLXAquaContext *context = (__GLXAquaContext *) baseContext;
-        if (gc->ctx != NULL)
-            CGLDestroyContext(gc->ctx);
+    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaContextDestroy (ctx 0x%x)\n",
+                     (unsigned int) baseContext);
+    if (context != NULL) {
+      if (context->sid != 0 && surface_hash != NULL) {
+		lst = x_hash_table_lookup(surface_hash, (void *) context->sid, NULL);
+		lst = x_list_remove(lst, context);
+		x_hash_table_insert(surface_hash, (void *) context->sid, lst);
+      }
-        if (gc->pixelFormat != NULL)
-            CGLDestroyPixelFormat(gc->pixelFormat);
+      if (context->ctx != NULL) CGLDestroyContext(context->ctx);
-        free(gc);
+      if (context->pixelFormat != NULL)	CGLDestroyPixelFormat(context->pixelFormat);
+      free(context);
-    return GL_TRUE;
-static GLboolean glAquaLoseCurrent(__GLcontext *gc)
+static int __glXAquaContextLoseCurrent(__GLXcontext *baseContext) {
     CGLError gl_err;
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaLoseCurrent (ctx 0x%x)\n", (unsigned int) gc->ctx);
+    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaLoseCurrent (ctx 0x%p)\n", baseContext);
     gl_err = CGLSetCurrentContext(NULL);
     if (gl_err != 0)
-        ErrorF("CGLSetCurrentContext error: %s\n", CGLErrorString(gl_err));
+      ErrorF("CGLSetCurrentContext error: %s\n", CGLErrorString(gl_err));
     __glXLastContext = NULL; // Mesa does this; why?
@@ -258,141 +244,139 @@ static GLboolean glAquaLoseCurrent(__GLc
 /* Called when a surface is destroyed as a side effect of destroying
    the window it's attached to. */
-static void surface_notify(void *_arg, void *data)
-    DRISurfaceNotifyArg *arg = _arg;
-    GLAquaDrawableRec *aquaPriv = data;
-    __GLcontext *gc;
+static void surface_notify(void *_arg, void *data) {
+    DRISurfaceNotifyArg *arg = (DRISurfaceNotifyArg *)_arg;
+    __GLXAquaDrawable *draw = (__GLXAquaDrawable *)data;
+    __GLXAquaContext *context;
     x_list *lst;
-    switch (arg->kind)
-    {
+	if(_arg == NULL || data == NULL) {
+		ErrorF("surface_notify called with bad params");
+		return;
+	}
+    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("surface_notify(%p, %p)\n", _arg, data);
+    switch (arg->kind) {
     case AppleDRISurfaceNotifyDestroyed:
         if (surface_hash != NULL)
             x_hash_table_remove(surface_hash, (void *) arg->id);
-        aquaPriv->pDraw = NULL;
-        aquaPriv->sid = 0;
+	        draw->base->pDraw = NULL;
+			draw->sid = 0;
     case AppleDRISurfaceNotifyChanged:
-        if (surface_hash != NULL)
-        {
+        if (surface_hash != NULL) {
             lst = x_hash_table_lookup(surface_hash, (void *) arg->id, NULL);
             for (; lst != NULL; lst = lst->next)
-                gc = lst->data;
-                xp_update_gl_context(gc->ctx);
+                context = lst->data;
+                xp_update_gl_context(context->ctx);
+	default:
+		ErrorF("surface_notify: unknown kind %d\n", arg->kind);
+		break;
-static void unattach(__GLcontext *gc)
-    x_list *lst;
-    if (gc->isAttached)
-    {
-        GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("unattaching\n");
-        if (surface_hash != NULL)
-        {
-            lst = x_hash_table_lookup(surface_hash, (void *) gc->sid, NULL);
-            lst = x_list_remove(lst, gc);
-            x_hash_table_insert(surface_hash, (void *) gc->sid, lst);
-        }
-        CGLClearDrawable(gc->ctx);
-        gc->isAttached = FALSE;
-        gc->sid = 0;
-    }
-static void attach(__GLcontext *gc, __GLdrawablePrivate *glPriv)
-    __GLXdrawablePrivate *glxPriv;
-    GLAquaDrawableRec *aquaPriv;
+static void attach(__GLXAquaContext *context, __GLXAquaDrawable *draw) {
     DrawablePtr pDraw;
+	GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("attach(%p, %p)\n", context, draw);
+    pDraw = draw->base.pDraw;
-    glxPriv = (__GLXdrawablePrivate *)glPriv->other;
-    aquaPriv = (GLAquaDrawableRec *)glPriv->private;
-    pDraw = glxPriv->pDraw;
-    if (aquaPriv->sid == 0)
-    {
-        if (!quartzProcs->CreateSurface(pDraw->pScreen, pDraw->id, pDraw,
-                                        0, &aquaPriv->sid, NULL,
-                                        surface_notify, aquaPriv))
-        {
+    if (draw->sid == 0) {
+//        if (!quartzProcs->CreateSurface(pDraw->pScreen, pDraw->id, pDraw,
+        if (!DRICreateSurface(pDraw->pScreen, pDraw->id, pDraw,
+                                        0, &draw->sid, NULL,
+                                        surface_notify, draw))
-        }
-        aquaPriv->pDraw = pDraw;
-    }
+        draw->pDraw = pDraw;
+	} 
-    if (!gc->isAttached || gc->sid != aquaPriv->sid)
-    {
+    if (!context->isAttached || context->sid != draw->sid) {
         x_list *lst;
-        if (xp_attach_gl_context(gc->ctx, aquaPriv->sid) != Success)
-        {
-            quartzProcs->DestroySurface(pDraw->pScreen, pDraw->id, pDraw,
-                                        surface_notify, aquaPriv);
+        if (xp_attach_gl_context(context->ctx, draw->sid) != Success) {
+//            quartzProcs->DestroySurface(pDraw->pScreen, pDraw->id, pDraw,
+            DRIDestroySurface(pDraw->pScreen, pDraw->id, pDraw,
+								surface_notify, draw);
             if (surface_hash != NULL)
-                x_hash_table_remove(surface_hash, (void *) aquaPriv->sid);
+                x_hash_table_remove(surface_hash, (void *) draw->sid);
-            aquaPriv->sid = 0;
+            draw->sid = 0;
-        gc->isAttached = TRUE;
-        gc->sid = aquaPriv->sid;
+        context->isAttached = TRUE;
+        context->sid = draw->sid;
         if (surface_hash == NULL)
             surface_hash = x_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-        lst = x_hash_table_lookup(surface_hash, (void *) gc->sid, NULL);
-        if (x_list_find(lst, gc) == NULL)
-        {
-            lst = x_list_prepend(lst, gc);
-            x_hash_table_insert(surface_hash, (void *) gc->sid, lst);
+        lst = x_hash_table_lookup(surface_hash, (void *) context->sid, NULL);
+        if (x_list_find(lst, context) == NULL) {
+            lst = x_list_prepend(lst, context);
+            x_hash_table_insert(surface_hash, (void *) context->sid, lst);
         GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("attached 0x%x to 0x%x\n", (unsigned int) pDraw->id,
-                         (unsigned int) aquaPriv->sid);
+                         (unsigned int) draw->sid);
+    } 
+static void unattach(__GLXAquaContext *context) {
+	x_list *lst;
+	GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("unattach\n");
+	if (context == NULL) {
+		ErrorF("Tried to unattach a null context\n");
+		return;
+	}
+    if (context->isAttached) {
+        GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("unattaching\n");
+        if (surface_hash != NULL) {
+            lst = x_hash_table_lookup(surface_hash, (void *) context->sid, NULL);
+            lst = x_list_remove(lst, context);
+            x_hash_table_insert(surface_hash, (void *) context->sid, lst);
+        }
+        CGLClearDrawable(context->ctx);
+        context->isAttached = FALSE;
+        context->sid = 0;
-static GLboolean glAquaMakeCurrent(__GLcontext *gc)
-    __GLdrawablePrivate *glPriv = gc->interface.imports.getDrawablePrivate(gc);
+static int __glXAquaContextMakeCurrent(__GLXcontext *baseContext) {
     CGLError gl_err;
+    __GLXAquaContext *context = (__GLXAquaContext *) baseContext;
+	__GLXAquaDrawable *drawPriv = (__GLXAquaDrawable *) context->base.drawPriv;
+    __GLXAquaDrawable *readPriv = (__GLXAquaDrawable *) context->base.readPriv;
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaMakeCurrent (ctx 0x%x)\n", (unsigned int) gc->ctx);
-    attach(gc, glPriv);
+    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaMakeCurrent (ctx 0x%p)\n", baseContext);
+    attach(context, drawPriv);
-    gl_err = CGLSetCurrentContext(gc->ctx);
+    gl_err = CGLSetCurrentContext(context->ctx);
     if (gl_err != 0)
         ErrorF("CGLSetCurrentContext error: %s\n", CGLErrorString(gl_err));
     return gl_err == 0;
 static GLboolean glAquaShareContext(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcontext *gcShare)
   GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaShareContext unimplemented\n");
   return GL_TRUE;
-static GLboolean glAquaCopyContext(__GLcontext *dst, const __GLcontext *src,
-                                   GLuint mask)
+static int __glXAquaContextCopy(__GLXcontext *baseDst, __GLXcontext *baseSrc, unsigned long mask)
     CGLError gl_err;
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaCopyContext\n");
+    __GLXAquaContext *dst = (__GLXAquaContext *) baseDst;
+    __GLXAquaContext *src = (__GLXAquaContext *) baseSrc;
+    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("GLXAquaContextCopy\n");
     gl_err = CGLCopyContext(src->ctx, dst->ctx, mask);
     if (gl_err != 0)
@@ -401,14 +385,13 @@ static GLboolean glAquaCopyContext(__GLc
     return gl_err == 0;
-static GLboolean glAquaForceCurrent(__GLcontext *gc)
+static int __glXAquaContextForceCurrent(__GLXcontext *baseContext)
     CGLError gl_err;
+    __GLXAquaContext *context = (__GLXAquaContext *) baseContext;
+    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaForceCurrent (ctx %p)\n", context->ctx);
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaForceCurrent (ctx 0x%x)\n",
-                     (unsigned int) gc->ctx);
-    gl_err = CGLSetCurrentContext(gc->ctx);
+    gl_err = CGLSetCurrentContext(context->ctx);
     if (gl_err != 0)
         ErrorF("CGLSetCurrentContext error: %s\n", CGLErrorString(gl_err));
@@ -417,45 +400,41 @@ static GLboolean glAquaForceCurrent(__GL
 /* Drawing surface notification callbacks */
-static GLboolean glAquaNotifyResize(__GLcontext *gc)
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("unimplemented glAquaNotifyResize");
+static GLboolean __glXAquaDrawableResize(__GLXdrawable *base)  {
+    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("unimplemented glAquaDrawableResize\n");
     return GL_TRUE;
-static void glAquaNotifyDestroy(__GLcontext *gc)
+static void glAquaNotifyDestroy(__GLcontext *gc) {
     GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("unimplemented glAquaNotifyDestroy");
-static void glAquaNotifySwapBuffers(__GLcontext *gc)
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("unimplemented glAquaNotifySwapBuffers");
-/* Dispatch table override control for external agents like libGLS */
-static struct __GLdispatchStateRec* glAquaDispatchExec(__GLcontext *gc)
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("unimplemented glAquaDispatchExec");
-    return NULL;
+static GLboolean __glXAquaDrawableSwapBuffers(__GLXdrawable *base) {
+    __GLXAquaDrawable *glxPriv = (__GLXAquaDrawable *) base;
+    CGLError gl_err;
+	__GLXAquaContext * drawableCtx;
+//    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaDrawableSwapBuffers(%p)\n",base);
+	if(!base) {
+		ErrorF("glXAquaDrawbleSwapBuffers passed NULL\n");
+	    return GL_FALSE;
+	}
-static void glAquaBeginDispatchOverride(__GLcontext *gc)
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("unimplemented glAquaBeginDispatchOverride");
+    drawableCtx = (__GLXAquaContext *)base->drawGlxc;
-static void glAquaEndDispatchOverride(__GLcontext *gc)
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("unimplemented glAquaEndDispatchOverride");
+    if (drawableCtx != NULL && drawableCtx->ctx != NULL) {
+        gl_err = CGLFlushDrawable(drawableCtx->ctx);
+        if (gl_err != 0)
+            ErrorF("CGLFlushDrawable error: %s\n", CGLErrorString(gl_err));
+    }
+    return GL_TRUE;
-static CGLPixelFormatObj makeFormat(__GLcontextModes *mode)
+static CGLPixelFormatObj makeFormat(__GLcontextModes *mode) {
     int i;
     CGLPixelFormatAttribute attr[64]; // currently uses max of 30
     CGLPixelFormatObj result;
-    long n_formats;
+    GLint n_formats;
     CGLError gl_err;
@@ -491,10 +470,12 @@ static CGLPixelFormatObj makeFormat(__GL
         attr[i++] = mode->accumRedBits + mode->accumGreenBits
                     + mode->accumBlueBits + mode->accumAlphaBits;
     if (mode->haveDepthBuffer) {
         attr[i++] = kCGLPFADepthSize;
         attr[i++] = mode->depthBits;
     if (mode->haveStencilBuffer) {
         attr[i++] = kCGLPFAStencilSize;
         attr[i++] = mode->stencilBits;
@@ -521,129 +502,6 @@ static CGLPixelFormatObj makeFormat(__GL
     return result;
-static __GLinterface *glAquaCreateContext(__GLimports *imports,
-                                          __GLcontextModes *mode,
-                                          __GLinterface *shareGC)
-    __GLcontext *result;
-    __GLcontext *sharectx = (__GLcontext *)shareGC;
-    CGLError gl_err;
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaCreateContext\n");
-    result = (__GLcontext *)calloc(1, sizeof(__GLcontext));
-    if (!result) return NULL;
-    result->interface.imports = *imports;
-    result->interface.exports = glAquaExports;
-    result->pixelFormat = makeFormat(mode);
-    if (!result->pixelFormat) {
-        free(result);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    result->ctx = NULL;
-    gl_err = CGLCreateContext(result->pixelFormat,
-                              sharectx ? sharectx->ctx : NULL,
-                              &result->ctx);
-    if (gl_err != 0) {
-        ErrorF("CGLCreateContext error: %s\n", CGLErrorString(gl_err));
-        CGLDestroyPixelFormat(result->pixelFormat);
-        free(result);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaCreateContext done\n");
-    return (__GLinterface *)result;
-glAquaRealizeWindow(WindowPtr pWin)
-    // If this window has GL contexts, tell them to reattach
-    Bool result;
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
-    glAquaScreenRec *screenPriv = &glAquaScreens[pScreen->myNum];
-    __GLXdrawablePrivate *glxPriv;
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaRealizeWindow\n");
-    // Allow the window to be created (RootlessRealizeWindow is inside our wrap)
-    pScreen->RealizeWindow = screenPriv->RealizeWindow;
-    result = pScreen->RealizeWindow(pWin);
-    pScreen->RealizeWindow = glAquaRealizeWindow;
-    // The Aqua window will already have been created (windows are
-    // realized from top down)
-    // Re-attach this window's GL contexts, if any.
-    glxPriv = __glXFindDrawablePrivate(pWin->drawable.id);
-    if (glxPriv) {
-        __GLXcontext *gx;
-        __GLcontext *gc;
-        __GLdrawablePrivate *glPriv = &glxPriv->glPriv;
-        GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaRealizeWindow is GL drawable!\n");
-        // GL contexts bound to this window for drawing
-        for (gx = glxPriv->drawGlxc; gx != NULL; gx = gx->next) {
-            gc = (__GLcontext *)gx->gc;
-            attach(gc, glPriv);
-        }
-        // GL contexts bound to this window for reading
-        for (gx = glxPriv->readGlxc; gx != NULL; gx = gx->next) {
-            gc = (__GLcontext *)gx->gc;
-            attach(gc, glPriv);
-        }
-    }
-    return result;
-glAquaUnrealizeWindow(WindowPtr pWin)
-    // If this window has GL contexts, tell them to unattach
-    Bool result;
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
-    glAquaScreenRec *screenPriv = &glAquaScreens[pScreen->myNum];
-    __GLXdrawablePrivate *glxPriv;
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaUnrealizeWindow\n");
-    // The Aqua window may have already been destroyed (windows
-    // are unrealized from top down)
-    // Unattach this window's GL contexts, if any.
-    glxPriv = __glXFindDrawablePrivate(pWin->drawable.id);
-    if (glxPriv) {
-        __GLXcontext *gx;
-        __GLcontext *gc;
-        GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaUnealizeWindow is GL drawable!\n");
-        // GL contexts bound to this window for drawing
-        for (gx = glxPriv->drawGlxc; gx != NULL; gx = gx->next) {
-            gc = (__GLcontext *)gx->gc;
-            unattach(gc);
-        }
-        // GL contexts bound to this window for reading
-        for (gx = glxPriv->readGlxc; gx != NULL; gx = gx->next) {
-            gc = (__GLcontext *)gx->gc;
-            unattach(gc);
-        }
-    }
-    pScreen->UnrealizeWindow = screenPriv->UnrealizeWindow;
-    result = pScreen->UnrealizeWindow(pWin);
-    pScreen->UnrealizeWindow = glAquaUnrealizeWindow;
-    return result;
 // Originally copied from Mesa
 static int                 numConfigs     = 0;
@@ -821,15 +679,15 @@ static Bool init_visuals(int *nvisualp, 
     /* Alloc space for the list of new GLX visuals */
     pNewVisualConfigs = (__GLXvisualConfig *)
-                     __glXMalloc(numNewConfigs * sizeof(__GLXvisualConfig));
+                     malloc(numNewConfigs * sizeof(__GLXvisualConfig));
     if (!pNewVisualConfigs) {
         return FALSE;
     /* Alloc space for the list of new GLX visual privates */
-    pNewVisualPriv = (void **) __glXMalloc(numNewConfigs * sizeof(void *));
+    pNewVisualPriv = (void **) malloc(numNewConfigs * sizeof(void *));
     if (!pNewVisualPriv) {
-        __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs);
+        free(pNewVisualConfigs);
         return FALSE;
@@ -879,40 +737,40 @@ static Bool init_visuals(int *nvisualp, 
     numConfigs = 0;
     /* Alloc temp space for the list of orig VisualIDs for each new visual */
-    orig_vid = (VisualID *)__glXMalloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(VisualID));
+    orig_vid = (VisualID *)malloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(VisualID));
     if (!orig_vid) {
-        __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv);
-        __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs);
+        free(pNewVisualPriv);
+        free(pNewVisualConfigs);
         return FALSE;
     /* Alloc space for the list of glXVisuals */
     modes = _gl_context_modes_create(numNewVisuals, sizeof(__GLcontextModes));
     if (modes == NULL) {
-        __glXFree(orig_vid);
-        __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv);
-        __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs);
+        free(orig_vid);
+        free(pNewVisualPriv);
+        free(pNewVisualConfigs);
         return FALSE;
     /* Alloc space for the list of glXVisualPrivates */
-    glXVisualPriv = (void **)__glXMalloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(void *));
+    glXVisualPriv = (void **)malloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(void *));
     if (!glXVisualPriv) {
         _gl_context_modes_destroy( modes );
-        __glXFree(orig_vid);
-        __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv);
-        __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs);
+        free(orig_vid);
+        free(pNewVisualPriv);
+        free(pNewVisualConfigs);
         return FALSE;
     /* Alloc space for the new list of the X server's visuals */
-    pVisualNew = (VisualPtr)__glXMalloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(VisualRec));
+    pVisualNew = (VisualPtr)malloc(numNewVisuals * sizeof(VisualRec));
     if (!pVisualNew) {
-        __glXFree(glXVisualPriv);
+        free(glXVisualPriv);
         _gl_context_modes_destroy( modes );
-        __glXFree(orig_vid);
-        __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv);
-        __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs);
+        free(orig_vid);
+        free(pNewVisualPriv);
+        free(pNewVisualConfigs);
         return FALSE;
@@ -1007,7 +865,7 @@ static Bool init_visuals(int *nvisualp, 
     /* Save the GLX visuals in the screen structure */
     glAquaScreens[screenInfo.numScreens-1].num_vis = numNewVisuals;
-    glAquaScreens[screenInfo.numScreens-1].priv = glXVisualPriv;
+    //    glAquaScreens[screenInfo.numScreens-1].priv = glXVisualPriv;
     /* Set up depth's VisualIDs */
     for (i = 0; i < ndepth; i++) {
@@ -1022,7 +880,7 @@ static Bool init_visuals(int *nvisualp, 
         /* Allocate a new list of VisualIDs for this depth */
-        pVids = (VisualID *)__glXMalloc(numVids * sizeof(VisualID));
+        pVids = (VisualID *)malloc(numVids * sizeof(VisualID));
         /* Initialize the new list of VisualIDs for this depth */
         for (j = 0; j < pdepth[i].numVids; j++)
@@ -1031,7 +889,7 @@ static Bool init_visuals(int *nvisualp, 
                 pVids[n++] = pVisualNew[k].vid;
         /* Update this depth's list of VisualIDs */
-        __glXFree(pdepth[i].vids);
+        free(pdepth[i].vids);
         pdepth[i].vids = pVids;
         pdepth[i].numVids = numVids;
@@ -1041,21 +899,22 @@ static Bool init_visuals(int *nvisualp, 
     *visualp = pVisualNew;
     /* Free the old list of the X server's visuals */
-    __glXFree(pVisual);
+    free(pVisual);
     /* Clean up temporary allocations */
-    __glXFree(orig_vid);
-    __glXFree(pNewVisualPriv);
-    __glXFree(pNewVisualConfigs);
+    free(orig_vid);
+    free(pNewVisualPriv);
+    free(pNewVisualConfigs);
     /* Free the private list created by DDX HW driver */
     if (visualPrivates)
-        xfree(visualPrivates);
+        free(visualPrivates);
     visualPrivates = NULL;
     return TRUE;
+Bool enable_stereo = FALSE;
 /* based on code in i830_dri.c
    This ends calling glAquaSetVisualConfigs to set the static
    numconfigs, etc. */
@@ -1066,20 +925,22 @@ glAquaInitVisualConfigs(void)
     __GLXvisualConfig  *lclVisualConfigs  = NULL;
     void              **lclVisualPrivates = NULL;
-    int depth, aux, buffers, stencil, accum;
+    int stereo, depth, aux, buffers, stencil, accum;
     int i = 0;
     GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaInitVisualConfigs ");
     /* count num configs:
+        2 stereo (on, off) (optional)
         2 Z buffer (0, 24 bit)
         2 AUX buffer (0, 2)
         2 buffers (single, double)
         2 stencil (0, 8 bit)
         2 accum (0, 64 bit)
-        = 32 configs */
+        = 64 configs with stereo, or 32 without */
-    lclNumConfigs = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2; /* 32 */
+    if (enable_stereo) lclNumConfigs = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2; /* 64 */
+    else               lclNumConfigs = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2; /* 32 */
     /* alloc */
     lclVisualConfigs = xcalloc(sizeof(__GLXvisualConfig), lclNumConfigs);
@@ -1088,54 +949,55 @@ glAquaInitVisualConfigs(void)
     /* fill in configs */
     if (NULL != lclVisualConfigs) {
         i = 0; /* current buffer */
-        for (depth = 0; depth < 2; depth++) {
+        for (stereo = 0; stereo < (enable_stereo ? 2 : 1); stereo++) {
+	  for (depth = 0; depth < 2; depth++) {
             for (aux = 0; aux < 2; aux++) {
-                for (buffers = 0; buffers < 2; buffers++) {
-                    for (stencil = 0; stencil < 2; stencil++) {
-                        for (accum = 0; accum < 2; accum++) {
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].vid = -1;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].class = -1;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].rgba = TRUE;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].redSize = -1;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].greenSize = -1;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].blueSize = -1;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].redMask = -1;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].greenMask = -1;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].blueMask = -1;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].alphaMask = 0;
-                            if (accum) {
-                                lclVisualConfigs[i].accumRedSize = 16;
-                                lclVisualConfigs[i].accumGreenSize = 16;
-                                lclVisualConfigs[i].accumBlueSize = 16;
-                                lclVisualConfigs[i].accumAlphaSize = 16;
-                            }
-                            else {
-                                lclVisualConfigs[i].accumRedSize = 0;
-                                lclVisualConfigs[i].accumGreenSize = 0;
-                                lclVisualConfigs[i].accumBlueSize = 0;
-                                lclVisualConfigs[i].accumAlphaSize = 0;
-                            }
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].doubleBuffer = buffers ? TRUE : FALSE;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].stereo = FALSE;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].bufferSize = -1;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].depthSize = depth? 24 : 0;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].stencilSize = stencil ? 8 : 0;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].auxBuffers = aux ? 2 : 0;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].level = 0;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].visualRating = GLX_NONE_EXT;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentPixel = 0;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentRed = 0;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentGreen = 0;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentBlue = 0;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentAlpha = 0;
-                            lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentIndex = 0;
-                            i++;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+	      for (buffers = 0; buffers < 2; buffers++) {
+		for (stencil = 0; stencil < 2; stencil++) {
+		  for (accum = 0; accum < 2; accum++) {
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].vid = -1;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].class = -1;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].rgba = TRUE;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].redSize = -1;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].greenSize = -1;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].blueSize = -1;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].redMask = -1;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].greenMask = -1;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].blueMask = -1;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].alphaMask = 0;
+		    if (accum) {
+		      lclVisualConfigs[i].accumRedSize = 16;
+		      lclVisualConfigs[i].accumGreenSize = 16;
+		      lclVisualConfigs[i].accumBlueSize = 16;
+		      lclVisualConfigs[i].accumAlphaSize = 16;
+		    } else {
+		      lclVisualConfigs[i].accumRedSize = 0;
+		      lclVisualConfigs[i].accumGreenSize = 0;
+		      lclVisualConfigs[i].accumBlueSize = 0;
+		      lclVisualConfigs[i].accumAlphaSize = 0;
+		    }
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].doubleBuffer = buffers ? TRUE : FALSE;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].stereo = stereo ? TRUE : FALSE;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].bufferSize = -1;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].depthSize = depth? 24 : 0;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].stencilSize = stencil ? 8 : 0;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].auxBuffers = aux ? 2 : 0;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].level = 0;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].visualRating = GLX_NONE_EXT;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentPixel = 0;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentRed = 0;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentGreen = 0;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentBlue = 0;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentAlpha = 0;
+		    lclVisualConfigs[i].transparentIndex = 0;
+		    i++;
+		  }
+		}
+	      }
-        }
+	  }
+	}
     if (i != lclNumConfigs)
         GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaInitVisualConfigs failed to alloc visual configs");
@@ -1171,7 +1033,7 @@ static Bool glAquaInitVisuals(VisualPtr 
                         *ndepthp, *depthp, *rootDepthp);
+#if 0
 static void fixup_visuals(int screen)
     ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[screen];
@@ -1204,27 +1066,35 @@ static void fixup_visuals(int screen)
+static void __glXAquaScreenDestroy(__GLXscreen *screen) {
-static void init_screen_visuals(int screen)
-    ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[screen];
-    __GLcontextModes *modes;
-    int *used;
-    int i, j;
+	GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glXAquaScreenDestroy(%p)\n", screen);
+  __glXScreenDestroy(screen);
+  free(screen);
+static void init_screen_visuals(__GLXAquaScreen *screen) {
+  ScreenPtr pScreen = screen->base.pScreen;
+  __GLcontextModes *modes;
+  int *used;
+  int i, j;
     /* FIXME: Change 'used' to be a array of bits (rather than of ints),
      * FIXME: create a stack array of 8 or 16 bytes.  If 'numVisuals' is less
      * FIXME: than 64 or 128 the stack array can be used instead of calling
-     * FIXME: __glXMalloc / __glXFree.  If nothing else, convert 'used' to
+     * FIXME: malloc / free.  If nothing else, convert 'used' to
      * FIXME: array of bytes instead of ints!
-    used = (int *)__glXMalloc(pScreen->numVisuals * sizeof(int));
-    __glXMemset(used, 0, pScreen->numVisuals * sizeof(int));
+    used = (int *)malloc(pScreen->numVisuals * sizeof(int));
+    memset(used, 0, pScreen->numVisuals * sizeof(int));
     i = 0;
-    for ( modes = glAquaScreens[screen].modes 
+    for ( modes = screen -> base.modes
           ; modes != NULL
           ; modes = modes->next ) {
         const int vis_class = _gl_convert_to_x_visual_type( modes->visualType );
@@ -1261,102 +1131,70 @@ static void init_screen_visuals(int scre
-    __glXFree(used);
+    free(used);
-static Bool glAquaScreenProbe(int screen)
-    ScreenPtr pScreen;
-    glAquaScreenRec *screenPriv;
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaScreenProbe\n");
-    /*
-     * Set up the current screen's visuals.
-     */
-    __glDDXScreenInfo.modes = glAquaScreens[screen].modes;
-    __glDDXScreenInfo.pVisualPriv = glAquaScreens[screen].priv;
-    __glDDXScreenInfo.numVisuals =
-        __glDDXScreenInfo.numUsableVisuals = glAquaScreens[screen].num_vis;
-    /*
-     * Set the current screen's createContext routine.  This could be
-     * wrapped by a DDX GLX context creation routine.
-     */
-    __glDDXScreenInfo.createContext = glAquaCreateContext;
-    /*
-     * The ordering of the rgb compenents might have been changed by the
-     * driver after mi initialized them.
-     */
-    fixup_visuals(screen);
-    /*
-     * Find the GLX visuals that are supported by this screen and create
-     * XMesa's visuals.
-     */
-    init_screen_visuals(screen);
-    /*
-     * Wrap RealizeWindow and UnrealizeWindow on this screen
-     */
-    pScreen = screenInfo.screens[screen];
-    screenPriv = &glAquaScreens[screen];
-    screenPriv->RealizeWindow = pScreen->RealizeWindow;
-    pScreen->RealizeWindow = glAquaRealizeWindow;
-    screenPriv->UnrealizeWindow = pScreen->UnrealizeWindow;
-    pScreen->UnrealizeWindow = glAquaUnrealizeWindow;
+static __GLXscreen * __glXAquaScreenProbe(ScreenPtr pScreen) {
+  __GLXAquaScreen *screen;
+  GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glXAquaScreenProbe\n");
+  if (screen == NULL) return NULL;
-    return TRUE;
+  screen = malloc(sizeof *screen);
-static GLboolean glAquaSwapBuffers(__GLXdrawablePrivate *glxPriv)
-    // swap buffers on only *one* of the contexts
-    // (e.g. the last one for drawing)
-    __GLcontext *gc = (__GLcontext *)glxPriv->drawGlxc->gc;
-    CGLError gl_err;
+  __glXScreenInit(&screen->base, pScreen);
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaSwapBuffers\n");
+  screen->base.destroy       = __glXAquaScreenDestroy;
+  screen->base.createContext = __glXAquaScreenCreateContext;
+  screen->base.pScreen       = pScreen;
-    if (gc != NULL && gc->ctx != NULL)
-    {
-        gl_err = CGLFlushDrawable(gc->ctx);
-        if (gl_err != 0)
-            ErrorF("CGLFlushDrawable error: %s\n", CGLErrorString(gl_err));
-    }
+  init_screen_visuals(screen);
-    return GL_TRUE;
+  return &screen->base;
-static void glAquaDestroyDrawablePrivate(__GLdrawablePrivate *glPriv)
+static void __glXAquaDrawableDestroy(__GLXdrawable *base) {
     /* It doesn't work to call DRIDestroySurface here, the drawable's
        already gone.. But dri.c notices the window destruction and
        frees the surface itself. */
-    free(glPriv->private);
-    glPriv->private = NULL;
+    free(base);
-static void glAquaCreateBuffer(__GLXdrawablePrivate *glxPriv)
+static __GLXdrawable *
+__glXAquaContextCreateDrawable(__GLXcontext *context,
+			       DrawablePtr pDraw,
+			       XID drawId)
-    GLAquaDrawableRec *aquaPriv = malloc(sizeof(GLAquaDrawableRec));
-    __GLdrawablePrivate *glPriv = &glxPriv->glPriv;
+  __GLXAquaDrawable *glxPriv;
+  __GLXscreen *pGlxScreen;
+  GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaContextCreateDrawable(%p,%p,%d)\n", context, pDraw, drawId);
+  if (glxPriv == NULL) return NULL;
+  glxPriv = xalloc(sizeof *glxPriv);
+  memset(glxPriv, 0, sizeof *glxPriv);
+  if (!__glXDrawableInit(&glxPriv->base, context, pDraw, drawId)) {
+    xfree(glxPriv);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  glxPriv->base.destroy       = __glXAquaDrawableDestroy;
+  glxPriv->base.resize        = __glXAquaDrawableResize;
+  glxPriv->base.swapBuffers   = __glXAquaDrawableSwapBuffers;
-    aquaPriv->sid = 0;
-    aquaPriv->pDraw = NULL;
+  pGlxScreen = __glXActiveScreens[pDraw->pScreen->myNum];
-    GLAQUA_DEBUG_MSG("glAquaCreateBuffer\n");
+  if (glxPriv->base.type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
+    VisualID vid = wVisual((WindowPtr)pDraw);
-    // replace swapBuffers (original is never called)
-    glxPriv->swapBuffers = glAquaSwapBuffers;
+    glxPriv->base.modes = _gl_context_modes_find_visual(pGlxScreen->modes, vid);
+  } else 
+    glxPriv->base.modes = glxPriv->base.pGlxPixmap->modes;
-    // stash private data
-    glPriv->private = aquaPriv;
-    glPriv->freePrivate = glAquaDestroyDrawablePrivate;
+    return &glxPriv->base;
 static void glAquaResetExtension(void)
@@ -1377,3 +1215,1239 @@ GLuint __glFloorLog2(GLuint val)
     return c;
+static void setup_dispatch_table(void) {
+	struct _glapi_table *disp=_glapi_get_dispatch();
+ SET_NewList(disp, glNewList);
+ SET_EndList(disp, glEndList);
+ SET_CallList(disp, glCallList);
+ SET_CallLists(disp, glCallLists);
+ SET_DeleteLists(disp, glDeleteLists);
+ SET_GenLists(disp, glGenLists);
+ SET_ListBase(disp, glListBase);
+ SET_Begin(disp, glBegin);
+ SET_Bitmap(disp, glBitmap);
+ SET_Color3b(disp, glColor3b);
+ SET_Color3bv(disp, glColor3bv);
+ SET_Color3d(disp, glColor3d);
+ SET_Color3dv(disp, glColor3dv);
+ SET_Color3f(disp, glColor3f);
+ SET_Color3fv(disp, glColor3fv);
+ SET_Color3i(disp, glColor3i);
+ SET_Color3iv(disp, glColor3iv);
+ SET_Color3s(disp, glColor3s);
+ SET_Color3sv(disp, glColor3sv);
+ SET_Color3ub(disp, glColor3ub);
+ SET_Color3ubv(disp, glColor3ubv);
+ SET_Color3ui(disp, glColor3ui);
+ SET_Color3uiv(disp, glColor3uiv);
+ SET_Color3us(disp, glColor3us);
+ SET_Color3usv(disp, glColor3usv);
+ SET_Color4b(disp, glColor4b);
+ SET_Color4bv(disp, glColor4bv);
+ SET_Color4d(disp, glColor4d);
+ SET_Color4dv(disp, glColor4dv);
+ SET_Color4f(disp, glColor4f);
+ SET_Color4fv(disp, glColor4fv);
+ SET_Color4i(disp, glColor4i);
+ SET_Color4iv(disp, glColor4iv);
+ SET_Color4s(disp, glColor4s);
+ SET_Color4sv(disp, glColor4sv);
+ SET_Color4ub(disp, glColor4ub);
+ SET_Color4ubv(disp, glColor4ubv);
+ SET_Color4ui(disp, glColor4ui);
+ SET_Color4uiv(disp, glColor4uiv);
+ SET_Color4us(disp, glColor4us);
+ SET_Color4usv(disp, glColor4usv);
+ SET_EdgeFlag(disp, glEdgeFlag);
+ SET_EdgeFlagv(disp, glEdgeFlagv);
+ SET_End(disp, glEnd);
+ SET_Indexd(disp, glIndexd);
+ SET_Indexdv(disp, glIndexdv);
+ SET_Indexf(disp, glIndexf);
+ SET_Indexfv(disp, glIndexfv);
+ SET_Indexi(disp, glIndexi);
+ SET_Indexiv(disp, glIndexiv);
+ SET_Indexs(disp, glIndexs);
+ SET_Indexsv(disp, glIndexsv);
+ SET_Normal3b(disp, glNormal3b);
+ SET_Normal3bv(disp, glNormal3bv);
+ SET_Normal3d(disp, glNormal3d);
+ SET_Normal3dv(disp, glNormal3dv);
+ SET_Normal3f(disp, glNormal3f);
+ SET_Normal3fv(disp, glNormal3fv);
+ SET_Normal3i(disp, glNormal3i);
+ SET_Normal3iv(disp, glNormal3iv);
+ SET_Normal3s(disp, glNormal3s);
+ SET_Normal3sv(disp, glNormal3sv);
+ SET_RasterPos2d(disp, glRasterPos2d);
+ SET_RasterPos2dv(disp, glRasterPos2dv);
+ SET_RasterPos2f(disp, glRasterPos2f);
+ SET_RasterPos2fv(disp, glRasterPos2fv);
+ SET_RasterPos2i(disp, glRasterPos2i);
+ SET_RasterPos2iv(disp, glRasterPos2iv);
+ SET_RasterPos2s(disp, glRasterPos2s);
+ SET_RasterPos2sv(disp, glRasterPos2sv);
+ SET_RasterPos3d(disp, glRasterPos3d);
+ SET_RasterPos3dv(disp, glRasterPos3dv);
+ SET_RasterPos3f(disp, glRasterPos3f);
+ SET_RasterPos3fv(disp, glRasterPos3fv);
+ SET_RasterPos3i(disp, glRasterPos3i);
+ SET_RasterPos3iv(disp, glRasterPos3iv);
+ SET_RasterPos3s(disp, glRasterPos3s);
+ SET_RasterPos3sv(disp, glRasterPos3sv);
+ SET_RasterPos4d(disp, glRasterPos4d);
+ SET_RasterPos4dv(disp, glRasterPos4dv);
+ SET_RasterPos4f(disp, glRasterPos4f);
+ SET_RasterPos4fv(disp, glRasterPos4fv);
+ SET_RasterPos4i(disp, glRasterPos4i);
+ SET_RasterPos4iv(disp, glRasterPos4iv);
+ SET_RasterPos4s(disp, glRasterPos4s);
+ SET_RasterPos4sv(disp, glRasterPos4sv);
+ SET_Rectd(disp, glRectd);
+ SET_Rectdv(disp, glRectdv);
+ SET_Rectf(disp, glRectf);
+ SET_Rectfv(disp, glRectfv);
+ SET_Recti(disp, glRecti);
+ SET_Rectiv(disp, glRectiv);
+ SET_Rects(disp, glRects);
+ SET_Rectsv(disp, glRectsv);
+ SET_TexCoord1d(disp, glTexCoord1d);
+ SET_TexCoord1dv(disp, glTexCoord1dv);
+ SET_TexCoord1f(disp, glTexCoord1f);
+ SET_TexCoord1fv(disp, glTexCoord1fv);
+ SET_TexCoord1i(disp, glTexCoord1i);
+ SET_TexCoord1iv(disp, glTexCoord1iv);
+ SET_TexCoord1s(disp, glTexCoord1s);
+ SET_TexCoord1sv(disp, glTexCoord1sv);
+ SET_TexCoord2d(disp, glTexCoord2d);
+ SET_TexCoord2dv(disp, glTexCoord2dv);
+ SET_TexCoord2f(disp, glTexCoord2f);
+ SET_TexCoord2fv(disp, glTexCoord2fv);
+ SET_TexCoord2i(disp, glTexCoord2i);
+ SET_TexCoord2iv(disp, glTexCoord2iv);
+ SET_TexCoord2s(disp, glTexCoord2s);
+ SET_TexCoord2sv(disp, glTexCoord2sv);
+ SET_TexCoord3d(disp, glTexCoord3d);
+ SET_TexCoord3dv(disp, glTexCoord3dv);
+ SET_TexCoord3f(disp, glTexCoord3f);
+ SET_TexCoord3fv(disp, glTexCoord3fv);
+ SET_TexCoord3i(disp, glTexCoord3i);
+ SET_TexCoord3iv(disp, glTexCoord3iv);
+ SET_TexCoord3s(disp, glTexCoord3s);
+ SET_TexCoord3sv(disp, glTexCoord3sv);
+ SET_TexCoord4d(disp, glTexCoord4d);
+ SET_TexCoord4dv(disp, glTexCoord4dv);
+ SET_TexCoord4f(disp, glTexCoord4f);
+ SET_TexCoord4fv(disp, glTexCoord4fv);
+ SET_TexCoord4i(disp, glTexCoord4i);
+ SET_TexCoord4iv(disp, glTexCoord4iv);
+ SET_TexCoord4s(disp, glTexCoord4s);
+ SET_TexCoord4sv(disp, glTexCoord4sv);
+ SET_Vertex2d(disp, glVertex2d);
+ SET_Vertex2dv(disp, glVertex2dv);
+ SET_Vertex2f(disp, glVertex2f);
+ SET_Vertex2fv(disp, glVertex2fv);
+ SET_Vertex2i(disp, glVertex2i);
+ SET_Vertex2iv(disp, glVertex2iv);
+ SET_Vertex2s(disp, glVertex2s);
+ SET_Vertex2sv(disp, glVertex2sv);
+ SET_Vertex3d(disp, glVertex3d);
+ SET_Vertex3dv(disp, glVertex3dv);
+ SET_Vertex3f(disp, glVertex3f);
+ SET_Vertex3fv(disp, glVertex3fv);
+ SET_Vertex3i(disp, glVertex3i);
+ SET_Vertex3iv(disp, glVertex3iv);
+ SET_Vertex3s(disp, glVertex3s);
+ SET_Vertex3sv(disp, glVertex3sv);
+ SET_Vertex4d(disp, glVertex4d);
+ SET_Vertex4dv(disp, glVertex4dv);
+ SET_Vertex4f(disp, glVertex4f);
+ SET_Vertex4fv(disp, glVertex4fv);
+ SET_Vertex4i(disp, glVertex4i);
+ SET_Vertex4iv(disp, glVertex4iv);
+ SET_Vertex4s(disp, glVertex4s);
+ SET_Vertex4sv(disp, glVertex4sv);
+ SET_ClipPlane(disp, glClipPlane);
+ SET_ColorMaterial(disp, glColorMaterial);
+ SET_CullFace(disp, glCullFace);
+ SET_Fogf(disp, glFogf);
+ SET_Fogfv(disp, glFogfv);
+ SET_Fogi(disp, glFogi);
+ SET_Fogiv(disp, glFogiv);
+ SET_FrontFace(disp, glFrontFace);
+ SET_Hint(disp, glHint);
+ SET_Lightf(disp, glLightf);
+ SET_Lightfv(disp, glLightfv);
+ SET_Lighti(disp, glLighti);
+ SET_Lightiv(disp, glLightiv);
+ SET_LightModelf(disp, glLightModelf);
+ SET_LightModelfv(disp, glLightModelfv);
+ SET_LightModeli(disp, glLightModeli);
+ SET_LightModeliv(disp, glLightModeliv);
+ SET_LineStipple(disp, glLineStipple);
+ SET_LineWidth(disp, glLineWidth);
+ SET_Materialf(disp, glMaterialf);
+ SET_Materialfv(disp, glMaterialfv);
+ SET_Materiali(disp, glMateriali);
+ SET_Materialiv(disp, glMaterialiv);
+ SET_PointSize(disp, glPointSize);
+ SET_PolygonMode(disp, glPolygonMode);
+ SET_PolygonStipple(disp, glPolygonStipple);
+ SET_Scissor(disp, glScissor);
+ SET_ShadeModel(disp, glShadeModel);
+ SET_TexParameterf(disp, glTexParameterf);
+ SET_TexParameterfv(disp, glTexParameterfv);
+ SET_TexParameteri(disp, glTexParameteri);
+ SET_TexParameteriv(disp, glTexParameteriv);
+ SET_TexImage1D(disp, glTexImage1D);
+ SET_TexImage2D(disp, glTexImage2D);
+ SET_TexEnvf(disp, glTexEnvf);
+ SET_TexEnvfv(disp, glTexEnvfv);
+ SET_TexEnvi(disp, glTexEnvi);
+ SET_TexEnviv(disp, glTexEnviv);
+ SET_TexGend(disp, glTexGend);
+ SET_TexGendv(disp, glTexGendv);
+ SET_TexGenf(disp, glTexGenf);
+ SET_TexGenfv(disp, glTexGenfv);
+ SET_TexGeni(disp, glTexGeni);
+ SET_TexGeniv(disp, glTexGeniv);
+ SET_FeedbackBuffer(disp, glFeedbackBuffer);
+ SET_SelectBuffer(disp, glSelectBuffer);
+ SET_RenderMode(disp, glRenderMode);
+ SET_InitNames(disp, glInitNames);
+ SET_LoadName(disp, glLoadName);
+ SET_PassThrough(disp, glPassThrough);
+ SET_PopName(disp, glPopName);
+ SET_PushName(disp, glPushName);
+ SET_DrawBuffer(disp, glDrawBuffer);
+ SET_Clear(disp, glClear);
+ SET_ClearAccum(disp, glClearAccum);
+ SET_ClearIndex(disp, glClearIndex);
+ SET_ClearColor(disp, glClearColor);
+ SET_ClearStencil(disp, glClearStencil);
+ SET_ClearDepth(disp, glClearDepth);
+ SET_StencilMask(disp, glStencilMask);
+ SET_ColorMask(disp, glColorMask);
+ SET_DepthMask(disp, glDepthMask);
+ SET_IndexMask(disp, glIndexMask);
+ SET_Accum(disp, glAccum);
+ SET_Disable(disp, glDisable);
+ SET_Enable(disp, glEnable);
+ SET_Finish(disp, glFinish);
+ SET_Flush(disp, glFlush);
+ SET_PopAttrib(disp, glPopAttrib);
+ SET_PushAttrib(disp, glPushAttrib);
+ SET_Map1d(disp, glMap1d);
+ SET_Map1f(disp, glMap1f);
+ SET_Map2d(disp, glMap2d);
+ SET_Map2f(disp, glMap2f);
+ SET_MapGrid1d(disp, glMapGrid1d);
+ SET_MapGrid1f(disp, glMapGrid1f);
+ SET_MapGrid2d(disp, glMapGrid2d);
+ SET_MapGrid2f(disp, glMapGrid2f);
+ SET_EvalCoord1d(disp, glEvalCoord1d);
+ SET_EvalCoord1dv(disp, glEvalCoord1dv);
+ SET_EvalCoord1f(disp, glEvalCoord1f);
+ SET_EvalCoord1fv(disp, glEvalCoord1fv);
+ SET_EvalCoord2d(disp, glEvalCoord2d);
+ SET_EvalCoord2dv(disp, glEvalCoord2dv);
+ SET_EvalCoord2f(disp, glEvalCoord2f);
+ SET_EvalCoord2fv(disp, glEvalCoord2fv);
+ SET_EvalMesh1(disp, glEvalMesh1);
+ SET_EvalPoint1(disp, glEvalPoint1);
+ SET_EvalMesh2(disp, glEvalMesh2);
+ SET_EvalPoint2(disp, glEvalPoint2);
+ SET_AlphaFunc(disp, glAlphaFunc);
+ SET_BlendFunc(disp, glBlendFunc);
+ SET_LogicOp(disp, glLogicOp);
+ SET_StencilFunc(disp, glStencilFunc);
+ SET_StencilOp(disp, glStencilOp);
+ SET_DepthFunc(disp, glDepthFunc);
+ SET_PixelZoom(disp, glPixelZoom);
+ SET_PixelTransferf(disp, glPixelTransferf);
+ SET_PixelTransferi(disp, glPixelTransferi);
+ SET_PixelStoref(disp, glPixelStoref);
+ SET_PixelStorei(disp, glPixelStorei);
+ SET_PixelMapfv(disp, glPixelMapfv);
+ SET_PixelMapuiv(disp, glPixelMapuiv);
+ SET_PixelMapusv(disp, glPixelMapusv);
+ SET_ReadBuffer(disp, glReadBuffer);
+ SET_CopyPixels(disp, glCopyPixels);
+ SET_ReadPixels(disp, glReadPixels);
+ SET_DrawPixels(disp, glDrawPixels);
+ SET_GetBooleanv(disp, glGetBooleanv);
+ SET_GetClipPlane(disp, glGetClipPlane);
+ SET_GetDoublev(disp, glGetDoublev);
+ SET_GetError(disp, glGetError);
+ SET_GetFloatv(disp, glGetFloatv);
+ SET_GetIntegerv(disp, glGetIntegerv);
+ SET_GetLightfv(disp, glGetLightfv);
+ SET_GetLightiv(disp, glGetLightiv);
+ SET_GetMapdv(disp, glGetMapdv);
+ SET_GetMapfv(disp, glGetMapfv);
+ SET_GetMapiv(disp, glGetMapiv);
+ SET_GetMaterialfv(disp, glGetMaterialfv);
+ SET_GetMaterialiv(disp, glGetMaterialiv);
+ SET_GetPixelMapfv(disp, glGetPixelMapfv);
+ SET_GetPixelMapuiv(disp, glGetPixelMapuiv);
+ SET_GetPixelMapusv(disp, glGetPixelMapusv);
+ SET_GetPolygonStipple(disp, glGetPolygonStipple);
+ SET_GetString(disp, glGetString);
+ SET_GetTexEnvfv(disp, glGetTexEnvfv);
+ SET_GetTexEnviv(disp, glGetTexEnviv);
+ SET_GetTexGendv(disp, glGetTexGendv);
+ SET_GetTexGenfv(disp, glGetTexGenfv);
+ SET_GetTexGeniv(disp, glGetTexGeniv);
+ SET_GetTexImage(disp, glGetTexImage);
+ SET_GetTexParameterfv(disp, glGetTexParameterfv);
+ SET_GetTexParameteriv(disp, glGetTexParameteriv);
+ SET_GetTexLevelParameterfv(disp, glGetTexLevelParameterfv);
+ SET_GetTexLevelParameteriv(disp, glGetTexLevelParameteriv);
+ SET_IsEnabled(disp, glIsEnabled);
+ SET_IsList(disp, glIsList);
+ SET_DepthRange(disp, glDepthRange);
+ SET_Frustum(disp, glFrustum);
+ SET_LoadIdentity(disp, glLoadIdentity);
+ SET_LoadMatrixf(disp, glLoadMatrixf);
+ SET_LoadMatrixd(disp, glLoadMatrixd);
+ SET_MatrixMode(disp, glMatrixMode);
+ SET_MultMatrixf(disp, glMultMatrixf);
+ SET_MultMatrixd(disp, glMultMatrixd);
+ SET_Ortho(disp, glOrtho);
+ SET_PopMatrix(disp, glPopMatrix);
+ SET_PushMatrix(disp, glPushMatrix);
+ SET_Rotated(disp, glRotated);
+ SET_Rotatef(disp, glRotatef);
+ SET_Scaled(disp, glScaled);
+ SET_Scalef(disp, glScalef);
+ SET_Translated(disp, glTranslated);
+ SET_Translatef(disp, glTranslatef);
+ SET_Viewport(disp, glViewport);
+ SET_ArrayElement(disp, glArrayElement);
+ SET_BindTexture(disp, glBindTexture);
+ SET_ColorPointer(disp, glColorPointer);
+ SET_DisableClientState(disp, glDisableClientState);
+ SET_DrawArrays(disp, glDrawArrays);
+ SET_DrawElements(disp, glDrawElements);
+ SET_EdgeFlagPointer(disp, glEdgeFlagPointer);
+ SET_EnableClientState(disp, glEnableClientState);
+ SET_IndexPointer(disp, glIndexPointer);
+ SET_Indexub(disp, glIndexub);
+ SET_Indexubv(disp, glIndexubv);
+ SET_InterleavedArrays(disp, glInterleavedArrays);
+ SET_NormalPointer(disp, glNormalPointer);
+ SET_PolygonOffset(disp, glPolygonOffset);
+ SET_TexCoordPointer(disp, glTexCoordPointer);
+ SET_VertexPointer(disp, glVertexPointer);
+ SET_AreTexturesResident(disp, glAreTexturesResident); 
+ SET_CopyTexImage1D(disp, glCopyTexImage1D);
+ SET_CopyTexImage2D(disp, glCopyTexImage2D);
+ SET_CopyTexSubImage1D(disp, glCopyTexSubImage1D);
+ SET_CopyTexSubImage2D(disp, glCopyTexSubImage2D);
+ SET_DeleteTextures(disp, glDeleteTextures);
+ SET_GenTextures(disp, glGenTextures);
+ SET_GetPointerv(disp, glGetPointerv);
+ SET_IsTexture(disp, glIsTexture);
+ SET_PrioritizeTextures(disp, glPrioritizeTextures);
+ SET_TexSubImage1D(disp, glTexSubImage1D);
+ SET_TexSubImage2D(disp, glTexSubImage2D);
+ SET_PopClientAttrib(disp, glPopClientAttrib);
+ SET_PushClientAttrib(disp, glPushClientAttrib);
+ SET_BlendColor(disp, glBlendColor);
+ SET_BlendEquation(disp, glBlendEquation);
+ SET_DrawRangeElements(disp, glDrawRangeElements);
+ SET_ColorTable(disp, glColorTable);
+ SET_ColorTableParameterfv(disp, glColorTableParameterfv);
+ SET_ColorTableParameteriv(disp, glColorTableParameteriv);
+ SET_CopyColorTable(disp, glCopyColorTable);
+ SET_GetColorTable(disp, glGetColorTable);
+ SET_GetColorTableParameterfv(disp, glGetColorTableParameterfv);
+ SET_GetColorTableParameteriv(disp, glGetColorTableParameteriv);
+ SET_ColorSubTable(disp, glColorSubTable);
+ SET_CopyColorSubTable(disp, glCopyColorSubTable);
+ SET_ConvolutionFilter1D(disp, glConvolutionFilter1D);
+ SET_ConvolutionFilter2D(disp, glConvolutionFilter2D);
+ SET_ConvolutionParameterf(disp, glConvolutionParameterf);
+ SET_ConvolutionParameterfv(disp, glConvolutionParameterfv);
+ SET_ConvolutionParameteri(disp, glConvolutionParameteri);
+ SET_ConvolutionParameteriv(disp, glConvolutionParameteriv);
+ SET_CopyConvolutionFilter1D(disp, glCopyConvolutionFilter1D);
+ SET_CopyConvolutionFilter2D(disp, glCopyConvolutionFilter2D);
+ SET_GetConvolutionFilter(disp, glGetConvolutionFilter);
+ SET_GetConvolutionParameterfv(disp, glGetConvolutionParameterfv);
+ SET_GetConvolutionParameteriv(disp, glGetConvolutionParameteriv);
+ SET_GetSeparableFilter(disp, glGetSeparableFilter);
+ SET_SeparableFilter2D(disp, glSeparableFilter2D);
+ SET_GetHistogram(disp, glGetHistogram);
+ SET_GetHistogramParameterfv(disp, glGetHistogramParameterfv);
+ SET_GetHistogramParameteriv(disp, glGetHistogramParameteriv);
+ SET_GetMinmax(disp, glGetMinmax);
+ SET_GetMinmaxParameterfv(disp, glGetMinmaxParameterfv);
+ SET_GetMinmaxParameteriv(disp, glGetMinmaxParameteriv);
+ SET_Histogram(disp, glHistogram);
+ SET_Minmax(disp, glMinmax);
+ SET_ResetHistogram(disp, glResetHistogram);
+ SET_ResetMinmax(disp, glResetMinmax);
+ SET_TexImage3D(disp, glTexImage3D);
+ SET_TexSubImage3D(disp, glTexSubImage3D);
+ SET_CopyTexSubImage3D(disp, glCopyTexSubImage3D);
+ SET_ActiveTextureARB(disp, glActiveTextureARB);
+ SET_ClientActiveTextureARB(disp, glClientActiveTextureARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord1dARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord1dARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord1dvARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord1dvARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord1fARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord1fARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord1fvARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord1fvARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord1iARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord1iARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord1ivARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord1ivARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord1sARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord1sARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord1svARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord1svARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord2dARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord2dARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord2dvARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord2dvARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord2fARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord2fARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord2fvARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord2fvARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord2iARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord2iARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord2ivARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord2ivARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord2sARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord2sARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord2svARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord2svARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord3dARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord3dARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord3dvARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord3dvARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord3fARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord3fARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord3fvARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord3fvARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord3iARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord3iARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord3ivARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord3ivARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord3sARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord3sARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord3svARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord3svARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord4dARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord4dARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord4dvARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord4dvARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord4fARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord4fARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord4fvARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord4fvARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord4iARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord4iARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord4ivARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord4ivARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord4sARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord4sARB);
+ SET_MultiTexCoord4svARB(disp, glMultiTexCoord4svARB);
+ SET_LoadTransposeMatrixfARB(disp, glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB);
+ SET_LoadTransposeMatrixdARB(disp, glLoadTransposeMatrixdARB);
+ SET_MultTransposeMatrixfARB(disp, glMultTransposeMatrixfARB);
+ SET_MultTransposeMatrixdARB(disp, glMultTransposeMatrixdARB);
+ SET_SampleCoverageARB(disp, glSampleCoverageARB);
+ SET_DrawBuffersARB(disp, glDrawBuffersARB);
+/* SET_PolygonOffsetEXT(disp, glPolygonOffsetEXT);
+ SET_GetTexFilterFuncSGIS(disp, glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS);
+ SET_TexFilterFuncSGIS(disp, glTexFilterFuncSGIS);
+ SET_GetHistogramEXT(disp, glGetHistogramEXT);
+ SET_GetHistogramParameterfvEXT(disp, glGetHistogramParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_GetHistogramParameterivEXT(disp, glGetHistogramParameterivEXT);
+ SET_GetMinmaxEXT(disp, glGetMinmaxEXT);
+ SET_GetMinmaxParameterfvEXT(disp, glGetMinmaxParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_GetMinmaxParameterivEXT(disp, glGetMinmaxParameterivEXT);
+ SET_GetConvolutionFilterEXT(disp, glGetConvolutionFilterEXT);
+ SET_GetConvolutionParameterfvEXT(disp, glGetConvolutionParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_GetConvolutionParameterivEXT(disp, glGetConvolutionParameterivEXT);
+ SET_GetSeparableFilterEXT(disp, glGetSeparableFilterEXT);
+ SET_GetColorTableSGI(disp, glGetColorTableSGI);
+ SET_GetColorTableParameterfvSGI(disp, glGetColorTableParameterfvSGI);
+ SET_GetColorTableParameterivSGI(disp, glGetColorTableParameterivSGI);
+ SET_PixelTexGenSGIX(disp, glPixelTexGenSGIX);
+ SET_PixelTexGenParameteriSGIS(disp, glPixelTexGenParameteriSGIS);
+ SET_PixelTexGenParameterivSGIS(disp, glPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS);
+ SET_PixelTexGenParameterfSGIS(disp, glPixelTexGenParameterfSGIS);
+ SET_PixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS(disp, glPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS);
+ SET_GetPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS(disp, glGetPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS);
+ SET_GetPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS(disp, glGetPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS);
+ SET_TexImage4DSGIS(disp, glTexImage4DSGIS);
+ SET_TexSubImage4DSGIS(disp, glTexSubImage4DSGIS); */
+ SET_AreTexturesResidentEXT(disp, glAreTexturesResident);
+ SET_GenTexturesEXT(disp, glGenTextures);
+ SET_IsTextureEXT(disp, glIsTexture);
+/* SET_DetailTexFuncSGIS(disp, glDetailTexFuncSGIS);
+ SET_GetDetailTexFuncSGIS(disp, glGetDetailTexFuncSGIS);
+ SET_SharpenTexFuncSGIS(disp, glSharpenTexFuncSGIS);
+ SET_GetSharpenTexFuncSGIS(disp, glGetSharpenTexFuncSGIS);
+ SET_SampleMaskSGIS(disp, glSampleMaskSGIS);
+ SET_SamplePatternSGIS(disp, glSamplePatternSGIS);
+ SET_ColorPointerEXT(disp, glColorPointerEXT);
+ SET_EdgeFlagPointerEXT(disp, glEdgeFlagPointerEXT);
+ SET_IndexPointerEXT(disp, glIndexPointerEXT);
+ SET_NormalPointerEXT(disp, glNormalPointerEXT);
+ SET_TexCoordPointerEXT(disp, glTexCoordPointerEXT);
+ SET_VertexPointerEXT(disp, glVertexPointerEXT);
+ SET_SpriteParameterfSGIX(disp, glSpriteParameterfSGIX);
+ SET_SpriteParameterfvSGIX(disp, glSpriteParameterfvSGIX);
+ SET_SpriteParameteriSGIX(disp, glSpriteParameteriSGIX);
+ SET_SpriteParameterivSGIX(disp, glSpriteParameterivSGIX);
+ SET_PointParameterfEXT(disp, glPointParameterfEXT);
+ SET_PointParameterfvEXT(disp, glPointParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_GetInstrumentsSGIX(disp, glGetInstrumentsSGIX);
+ SET_InstrumentsBufferSGIX(disp, glInstrumentsBufferSGIX);
+ SET_PollInstrumentsSGIX(disp, glPollInstrumentsSGIX);
+ SET_ReadInstrumentsSGIX(disp, glReadInstrumentsSGIX);
+ SET_StartInstrumentsSGIX(disp, glStartInstrumentsSGIX);
+ SET_StopInstrumentsSGIX(disp, glStopInstrumentsSGIX);
+ SET_FrameZoomSGIX(disp, glFrameZoomSGIX);
+ SET_TagSampleBufferSGIX(disp, glTagSampleBufferSGIX);
+ SET_ReferencePlaneSGIX(disp, glReferencePlaneSGIX);
+ SET_FlushRasterSGIX(disp, glFlushRasterSGIX);
+ SET_GetListParameterfvSGIX(disp, glGetListParameterfvSGIX);
+ SET_GetListParameterivSGIX(disp, glGetListParameterivSGIX);
+ SET_ListParameterfSGIX(disp, glListParameterfSGIX);
+ SET_ListParameterfvSGIX(disp, glListParameterfvSGIX);
+ SET_ListParameteriSGIX(disp, glListParameteriSGIX);
+ SET_ListParameterivSGIX(disp, glListParameterivSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentColorMaterialSGIX(disp, glFragmentColorMaterialSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightfSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightfSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightfvSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightfvSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightiSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightiSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightivSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightivSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightModelfSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightModelfSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightModelfvSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightModelfvSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightModeliSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightModeliSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightModelivSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightModelivSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentMaterialfSGIX(disp, glFragmentMaterialfSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentMaterialfvSGIX(disp, glFragmentMaterialfvSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentMaterialiSGIX(disp, glFragmentMaterialiSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentMaterialivSGIX(disp, glFragmentMaterialivSGIX);
+ SET_GetFragmentLightfvSGIX(disp, glGetFragmentLightfvSGIX);
+ SET_GetFragmentLightivSGIX(disp, glGetFragmentLightivSGIX);
+ SET_GetFragmentMaterialfvSGIX(disp, glGetFragmentMaterialfvSGIX);
+ SET_GetFragmentMaterialivSGIX(disp, glGetFragmentMaterialivSGIX);
+ SET_LightEnviSGIX(disp, glLightEnviSGIX); 
+ SET_VertexWeightfEXT(disp, glVertexWeightfEXT);
+ SET_VertexWeightfvEXT(disp, glVertexWeightfvEXT);
+ SET_VertexWeightPointerEXT(disp, glVertexWeightPointerEXT);
+ SET_FlushVertexArrayRangeNV(disp, glFlushVertexArrayRangeNV);
+ SET_VertexArrayRangeNV(disp, glVertexArrayRangeNV);
+ SET_CombinerParameterfvNV(disp, glCombinerParameterfvNV);
+ SET_CombinerParameterfNV(disp, glCombinerParameterfNV);
+ SET_CombinerParameterivNV(disp, glCombinerParameterivNV);
+ SET_CombinerParameteriNV(disp, glCombinerParameteriNV);
+ SET_CombinerInputNV(disp, glCombinerInputNV);
+ SET_CombinerOutputNV(disp, glCombinerOutputNV);
+ SET_FinalCombinerInputNV(disp, glFinalCombinerInputNV);
+ SET_GetCombinerInputParameterfvNV(disp, glGetCombinerInputParameterfvNV);
+ SET_GetCombinerInputParameterivNV(disp, glGetCombinerInputParameterivNV);
+ SET_GetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV(disp, glGetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV);
+ SET_GetCombinerOutputParameterivNV(disp, glGetCombinerOutputParameterivNV);
+ SET_GetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV(disp, glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV);
+ SET_GetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV(disp, glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV);
+ SET_ResizeBuffersMESA(disp, glResizeBuffersMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2dMESA(disp, glWindowPos2dMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2dvMESA(disp, glWindowPos2dvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2fMESA(disp, glWindowPos2fMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2fvMESA(disp, glWindowPos2fvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2iMESA(disp, glWindowPos2iMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2ivMESA(disp, glWindowPos2ivMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2sMESA(disp, glWindowPos2sMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2svMESA(disp, glWindowPos2svMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3dMESA(disp, glWindowPos3dMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3dvMESA(disp, glWindowPos3dvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3fMESA(disp, glWindowPos3fMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3fvMESA(disp, glWindowPos3fvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3iMESA(disp, glWindowPos3iMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3ivMESA(disp, glWindowPos3ivMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3sMESA(disp, glWindowPos3sMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3svMESA(disp, glWindowPos3svMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4dMESA(disp, glWindowPos4dMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4dvMESA(disp, glWindowPos4dvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4fMESA(disp, glWindowPos4fMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4fvMESA(disp, glWindowPos4fvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4iMESA(disp, glWindowPos4iMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4ivMESA(disp, glWindowPos4ivMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4sMESA(disp, glWindowPos4sMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4svMESA(disp, glWindowPos4svMESA);
+ SET_BlendFuncSeparateEXT(disp, glBlendFuncSeparateEXT);
+ SET_IndexMaterialEXT(disp, glIndexMaterialEXT);
+ SET_IndexFuncEXT(disp, glIndexFuncEXT);
+ SET_LockArraysEXT(disp, glLockArraysEXT);
+ SET_UnlockArraysEXT(disp, glUnlockArraysEXT);
+ SET_CullParameterdvEXT(disp, glCullParameterdvEXT);
+ SET_CullParameterfvEXT(disp, glCullParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_HintPGI(disp, glHintPGI);
+ SET_FogCoordfEXT(disp, glFogCoordfEXT);
+ SET_FogCoordfvEXT(disp, glFogCoordfvEXT);
+ SET_FogCoorddEXT(disp, glFogCoorddEXT);
+ SET_FogCoorddvEXT(disp, glFogCoorddvEXT);
+ SET_FogCoordPointerEXT(disp, glFogCoordPointerEXT);
+ SET_GetColorTableEXT(disp, glGetColorTableEXT);
+ SET_GetColorTableParameterivEXT(disp, glGetColorTableParameterivEXT);
+ SET_GetColorTableParameterfvEXT(disp, glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_TbufferMask3DFX(disp, glTbufferMask3DFX);
+ SET_CompressedTexImage3DARB(disp, glCompressedTexImage3DARB);
+ SET_CompressedTexImage2DARB(disp, glCompressedTexImage2DARB);
+ SET_CompressedTexImage1DARB(disp, glCompressedTexImage1DARB);
+ SET_CompressedTexSubImage3DARB(disp, glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB);
+ SET_CompressedTexSubImage2DARB(disp, glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB);
+ SET_CompressedTexSubImage1DARB(disp, glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB);
+ SET_GetCompressedTexImageARB(disp, glGetCompressedTexImageARB);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3bEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3bEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3bvEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3bvEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3dEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3dEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3dvEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3dvEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3fEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3fEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3fvEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3fvEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3iEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3iEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3ivEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3ivEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3sEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3sEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3svEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3svEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3ubEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3ubEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3ubvEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3ubvEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3uiEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3uiEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3uivEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3uivEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3usEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3usEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3usvEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3usvEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColorPointerEXT(disp, glSecondaryColorPointerEXT);
+ SET_AreProgramsResidentNV(disp, glAreProgramsResidentNV);
+ SET_BindProgramNV(disp, glBindProgramNV);
+ SET_DeleteProgramsNV(disp, glDeleteProgramsNV);
+ SET_ExecuteProgramNV(disp, glExecuteProgramNV);
+ SET_GenProgramsNV(disp, glGenProgramsNV);
+ SET_GetProgramParameterdvNV(disp, glGetProgramParameterdvNV);
+ SET_GetProgramParameterfvNV(disp, glGetProgramParameterfvNV);
+ SET_GetProgramivNV(disp, glGetProgramivNV);
+ SET_GetProgramStringNV(disp, glGetProgramStringNV);
+ SET_GetTrackMatrixivNV(disp, glGetTrackMatrixivNV);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribdvARB(disp, glGetVertexAttribdvARB);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribfvARB(disp, glGetVertexAttribfvARB);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribivARB(disp, glGetVertexAttribivARB);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribPointervNV(disp, glGetVertexAttribPointervNV);
+ SET_IsProgramNV(disp, glIsProgramNV);
+ SET_LoadProgramNV(disp, glLoadProgramNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameter4dNV(disp, glProgramParameter4dNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameter4dvNV(disp, glProgramParameter4dvNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameter4fNV(disp, glProgramParameter4fNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameter4fvNV(disp, glProgramParameter4fvNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameters4dvNV(disp, glProgramParameters4dvNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameters4fvNV(disp, glProgramParameters4fvNV);
+ SET_RequestResidentProgramsNV(disp, glRequestResidentProgramsNV);
+ SET_TrackMatrixNV(disp, glTrackMatrixNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribPointerNV(disp, glVertexAttribPointerNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1dARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1dARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1dvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1dvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1fARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1fARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1fvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1fvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1sARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1sARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1svARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1svARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2dARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2dARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2dvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2dvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2fARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2fARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2fvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2fvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2sARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2sARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2svARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2svARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3dARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3dARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3dvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3dvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3fARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3fARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3fvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3fvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3sARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3sARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3svARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3svARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4dARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4dARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4dvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4dvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4fARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4fARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4fvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4fvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4sARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4sARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4svARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4svARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NubARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NubARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NubvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NubvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttribs1dvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs1dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs1fvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs1fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs1svNV(disp, glVertexAttribs1svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs2dvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs2dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs2fvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs2fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs2svNV(disp, glVertexAttribs2svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs3dvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs3dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs3fvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs3fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs3svNV(disp, glVertexAttribs3svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs4dvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs4dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs4fvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs4fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs4svNV(disp, glVertexAttribs4svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs4ubvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs4ubvNV);
+ SET_PointParameteriNV(disp, glPointParameteriNV);
+ SET_PointParameterivNV(disp, glPointParameterivNV);
+ SET_MultiDrawArraysEXT(disp, glMultiDrawArraysEXT);
+ SET_MultiDrawElementsEXT(disp, glMultiDrawElementsEXT);
+ SET_ActiveStencilFaceEXT(disp, glActiveStencilFaceEXT);
+ SET_DeleteFencesNV(disp, glDeleteFencesNV);
+ SET_GenFencesNV(disp, glGenFencesNV);
+ SET_IsFenceNV(disp, glIsFenceNV);
+ SET_TestFenceNV(disp, glTestFenceNV);
+ SET_GetFenceivNV(disp, glGetFenceivNV);
+ SET_FinishFenceNV(disp, glFinishFenceNV);
+ SET_SetFenceNV(disp, glSetFenceNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4bvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4bvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4ivARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4ivARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4ubvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4ubvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4usvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4usvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4uivARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4uivARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NbvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NbvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NsvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NsvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NivARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NivARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NusvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NusvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NuivARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NuivARB);
+ SET_VertexAttribPointerARB(disp, glVertexAttribPointerARB);
+ SET_EnableVertexAttribArrayARB(disp, glEnableVertexAttribArrayARB);
+ SET_DisableVertexAttribArrayARB(disp, glDisableVertexAttribArrayARB);
+ SET_ProgramStringARB(disp, glProgramStringARB);
+ SET_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB(disp, glProgramEnvParameter4dARB);
+ SET_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(disp, glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB);
+ SET_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB(disp, glProgramEnvParameter4fARB);
+ SET_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(disp, glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB);
+ SET_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB(disp, glProgramLocalParameter4dARB);
+ SET_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(disp, glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB);
+ SET_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(disp, glProgramLocalParameter4fARB);
+ SET_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(disp, glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB);
+ SET_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(disp, glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB);
+ SET_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(disp, glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB);
+ SET_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(disp, glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB);
+ SET_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(disp, glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB);
+ SET_GetProgramivARB(disp, glGetProgramivARB);
+ SET_GetProgramStringARB(disp, glGetProgramStringARB);
+ SET_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV(disp, glProgramNamedParameter4fNV);
+ SET_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV(disp, glProgramNamedParameter4dNV);
+ SET_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(disp, glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV);
+ SET_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(disp, glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV);
+ SET_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV(disp, glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV);
+ SET_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(disp, glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV);
+ SET_BindBufferARB(disp, glBindBufferARB);
+ SET_BufferDataARB(disp, glBufferDataARB);
+ SET_BufferSubDataARB(disp, glBufferSubDataARB);
+ SET_DeleteBuffersARB(disp, glDeleteBuffersARB);
+ SET_GenBuffersARB(disp, glGenBuffersARB);
+ SET_GetBufferParameterivARB(disp, glGetBufferParameterivARB);
+ SET_GetBufferPointervARB(disp, glGetBufferPointervARB);
+ SET_GetBufferSubDataARB(disp, glGetBufferSubDataARB);
+ SET_IsBufferARB(disp, glIsBufferARB);
+ SET_MapBufferARB(disp, glMapBufferARB);
+ SET_UnmapBufferARB(disp, glUnmapBufferARB);
+ SET_DepthBoundsEXT(disp, glDepthBoundsEXT);
+ SET_GenQueriesARB(disp, glGenQueriesARB);
+ SET_DeleteQueriesARB(disp, glDeleteQueriesARB);
+ SET_IsQueryARB(disp, glIsQueryARB);
+ SET_BeginQueryARB(disp, glBeginQueryARB);
+ SET_EndQueryARB(disp, glEndQueryARB);
+ SET_GetQueryivARB(disp, glGetQueryivARB);
+ SET_GetQueryObjectivARB(disp, glGetQueryObjectivARB);
+ SET_GetQueryObjectuivARB(disp, glGetQueryObjectuivARB);
+ SET_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM(disp, glMultiModeDrawArraysIBM);
+ SET_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM(disp, glMultiModeDrawElementsIBM);
+ SET_BlendEquationSeparateEXT(disp, glBlendEquationSeparateEXT);
+ SET_DeleteObjectARB(disp, glDeleteObjectARB);
+ SET_GetHandleARB(disp, glGetHandleARB);
+ SET_DetachObjectARB(disp, glDetachObjectARB);
+ SET_CreateShaderObjectARB(disp, glCreateShaderObjectARB);
+ SET_ShaderSourceARB(disp, glShaderSourceARB);
+ SET_CompileShaderARB(disp, glCompileShaderARB);
+ SET_CreateProgramObjectARB(disp, glCreateProgramObjectARB);
+ SET_AttachObjectARB(disp, glAttachObjectARB);
+ SET_LinkProgramARB(disp, glLinkProgramARB);
+ SET_UseProgramObjectARB(disp, glUseProgramObjectARB);
+ SET_ValidateProgramARB(disp, glValidateProgramARB);
+ SET_Uniform1fARB(disp, glUniform1fARB);
+ SET_Uniform2fARB(disp, glUniform2fARB);
+ SET_Uniform3fARB(disp, glUniform3fARB);
+ SET_Uniform4fARB(disp, glUniform4fARB);
+ SET_Uniform1iARB(disp, glUniform1iARB);
+ SET_Uniform2iARB(disp, glUniform2iARB);
+ SET_Uniform3iARB(disp, glUniform3iARB);
+ SET_Uniform4iARB(disp, glUniform4iARB);
+ SET_Uniform1fvARB(disp, glUniform1fvARB);
+ SET_Uniform2fvARB(disp, glUniform2fvARB);
+ SET_Uniform3fvARB(disp, glUniform3fvARB);
+ SET_Uniform4fvARB(disp, glUniform4fvARB);
+ SET_Uniform1ivARB(disp, glUniform1ivARB);
+ SET_Uniform2ivARB(disp, glUniform2ivARB);
+ SET_Uniform3ivARB(disp, glUniform3ivARB);
+ SET_Uniform4ivARB(disp, glUniform4ivARB);
+ SET_UniformMatrix2fvARB(disp, glUniformMatrix2fvARB);
+ SET_UniformMatrix3fvARB(disp, glUniformMatrix3fvARB);
+ SET_UniformMatrix4fvARB(disp, glUniformMatrix4fvARB);
+ SET_GetObjectParameterfvARB(disp, glGetObjectParameterfvARB);
+ SET_GetObjectParameterivARB(disp, glGetObjectParameterivARB);
+ SET_GetInfoLogARB(disp, glGetInfoLogARB);
+ SET_GetAttachedObjectsARB(disp, glGetAttachedObjectsARB);
+ SET_GetUniformLocationARB(disp, glGetUniformLocationARB);
+ SET_GetActiveUniformARB(disp, glGetActiveUniformARB);
+ SET_GetUniformfvARB(disp, glGetUniformfvARB);
+ SET_GetUniformivARB(disp, glGetUniformivARB);
+ SET_GetShaderSourceARB(disp, glGetShaderSourceARB);
+ SET_BindAttribLocationARB(disp, glBindAttribLocationARB);
+ SET_GetActiveAttribARB(disp, glGetActiveAttribARB);
+ SET_GetAttribLocationARB(disp, glGetAttribLocationARB);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribdvNV(disp, glGetVertexAttribdvNV);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribfvNV(disp, glGetVertexAttribfvNV);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribivNV(disp, glGetVertexAttribivNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1dNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1dNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1dvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1fNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1fNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1fvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1sNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1sNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1svNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2dNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2dNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2dvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2fNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2fNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2fvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2sNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2sNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2svNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3dNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3dNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3dvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3fNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3fNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3fvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3sNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3sNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3svNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4dNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4dNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4dvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4fNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4fNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4fvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4sNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4sNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4svNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4ubNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4ubNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4ubvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4ubvNV);
+ SET_GenFragmentShadersATI(disp, glGenFragmentShadersATI);
+ SET_BindFragmentShaderATI(disp, glBindFragmentShaderATI);
+ SET_DeleteFragmentShaderATI(disp, glDeleteFragmentShaderATI);
+ SET_BeginFragmentShaderATI(disp, glBeginFragmentShaderATI);
+ SET_EndFragmentShaderATI(disp, glEndFragmentShaderATI);
+ SET_PassTexCoordATI(disp, glPassTexCoordATI);
+ SET_SampleMapATI(disp, glSampleMapATI);
+ SET_ColorFragmentOp1ATI(disp, glColorFragmentOp1ATI);
+ SET_ColorFragmentOp2ATI(disp, glColorFragmentOp2ATI);
+ SET_ColorFragmentOp3ATI(disp, glColorFragmentOp3ATI);
+ SET_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI(disp, glAlphaFragmentOp1ATI);
+ SET_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI(disp, glAlphaFragmentOp2ATI);
+ SET_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI(disp, glAlphaFragmentOp3ATI);
+ SET_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI(disp, glSetFragmentShaderConstantATI);
+ SET_IsRenderbufferEXT(disp, glIsRenderbufferEXT);
+ SET_BindRenderbufferEXT(disp, glBindRenderbufferEXT);
+ SET_DeleteRenderbuffersEXT(disp, glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT);
+ SET_GenRenderbuffersEXT(disp, glGenRenderbuffersEXT);
+ SET_RenderbufferStorageEXT(disp, glRenderbufferStorageEXT);
+ SET_GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT(disp, glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT);
+ SET_IsFramebufferEXT(disp, glIsFramebufferEXT);
+ SET_BindFramebufferEXT(disp, glBindFramebufferEXT);
+ SET_DeleteFramebuffersEXT(disp, glDeleteFramebuffersEXT);
+ SET_GenFramebuffersEXT(disp, glGenFramebuffersEXT);
+ SET_CheckFramebufferStatusEXT(disp, glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT);
+ SET_FramebufferTexture1DEXT(disp, glFramebufferTexture1DEXT);
+ SET_FramebufferTexture2DEXT(disp, glFramebufferTexture2DEXT);
+ SET_FramebufferTexture3DEXT(disp, glFramebufferTexture3DEXT);
+ SET_FramebufferRenderbufferEXT(disp, glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT);
+ SET_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT(disp, glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT);
+ SET_GenerateMipmapEXT(disp, glGenerateMipmapEXT);
+ SET_StencilFuncSeparate(disp, glStencilFuncSeparate);
+ SET_StencilOpSeparate(disp, glStencilOpSeparate);
+ SET_StencilMaskSeparate(disp, glStencilMaskSeparate);
+ SET_GetQueryObjecti64vEXT(disp, glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT);
+ SET_GetQueryObjectui64vEXT(disp, glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT);
+ SET_BlitFramebufferEXT(disp, glBlitFramebufferEXT);
+ SET_LoadTransposeMatrixfARB(disp, glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB);
+ SET_LoadTransposeMatrixdARB(disp, glLoadTransposeMatrixdARB);
+ SET_MultTransposeMatrixfARB(disp, glMultTransposeMatrixfARB);
+ SET_MultTransposeMatrixdARB(disp, glMultTransposeMatrixdARB);
+ SET_SampleCoverageARB(disp, glSampleCoverageARB);
+ SET_DrawBuffersARB(disp, glDrawBuffersARB);
+ SET_PolygonOffsetEXT(disp, glPolygonOffsetEXT);
+ SET_GetTexFilterFuncSGIS(disp, glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS);
+ SET_TexFilterFuncSGIS(disp, glTexFilterFuncSGIS);
+ SET_GetHistogramEXT(disp, glGetHistogramEXT);
+ SET_GetHistogramParameterfvEXT(disp, glGetHistogramParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_GetHistogramParameterivEXT(disp, glGetHistogramParameterivEXT);
+ SET_GetMinmaxEXT(disp, glGetMinmaxEXT);
+ SET_GetMinmaxParameterfvEXT(disp, glGetMinmaxParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_GetMinmaxParameterivEXT(disp, glGetMinmaxParameterivEXT);
+ SET_GetConvolutionFilterEXT(disp, glGetConvolutionFilterEXT);
+ SET_GetConvolutionParameterfvEXT(disp, glGetConvolutionParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_GetConvolutionParameterivEXT(disp, glGetConvolutionParameterivEXT);
+ SET_GetSeparableFilterEXT(disp, glGetSeparableFilterEXT);
+ SET_GetColorTableSGI(disp, glGetColorTableSGI);
+ SET_GetColorTableParameterfvSGI(disp, glGetColorTableParameterfvSGI);
+ SET_GetColorTableParameterivSGI(disp, glGetColorTableParameterivSGI);
+ SET_PixelTexGenSGIX(disp, glPixelTexGenSGIX);
+ SET_PixelTexGenParameteriSGIS(disp, glPixelTexGenParameteriSGIS);
+ SET_PixelTexGenParameterivSGIS(disp, glPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS);
+ SET_PixelTexGenParameterfSGIS(disp, glPixelTexGenParameterfSGIS);
+ SET_PixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS(disp, glPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS);
+ SET_GetPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS(disp, glGetPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS);
+ SET_GetPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS(disp, glGetPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS);
+ SET_TexImage4DSGIS(disp, glTexImage4DSGIS);
+ SET_TexSubImage4DSGIS(disp, glTexSubImage4DSGIS);
+ SET_AreTexturesResidentEXT(disp, glAreTexturesResidentEXT);
+ SET_GenTexturesEXT(disp, glGenTexturesEXT);
+ SET_IsTextureEXT(disp, glIsTextureEXT);
+ SET_DetailTexFuncSGIS(disp, glDetailTexFuncSGIS);
+ SET_GetDetailTexFuncSGIS(disp, glGetDetailTexFuncSGIS);
+ SET_SharpenTexFuncSGIS(disp, glSharpenTexFuncSGIS);
+ SET_GetSharpenTexFuncSGIS(disp, glGetSharpenTexFuncSGIS);
+ SET_SampleMaskSGIS(disp, glSampleMaskSGIS);
+ SET_SamplePatternSGIS(disp, glSamplePatternSGIS);
+ SET_ColorPointerEXT(disp, glColorPointerEXT);
+ SET_EdgeFlagPointerEXT(disp, glEdgeFlagPointerEXT);
+ SET_IndexPointerEXT(disp, glIndexPointerEXT);
+ SET_NormalPointerEXT(disp, glNormalPointerEXT);
+ SET_TexCoordPointerEXT(disp, glTexCoordPointerEXT);
+ SET_VertexPointerEXT(disp, glVertexPointerEXT);
+ SET_SpriteParameterfSGIX(disp, glSpriteParameterfSGIX);
+ SET_SpriteParameterfvSGIX(disp, glSpriteParameterfvSGIX);
+ SET_SpriteParameteriSGIX(disp, glSpriteParameteriSGIX);
+ SET_SpriteParameterivSGIX(disp, glSpriteParameterivSGIX);
+ SET_PointParameterfEXT(disp, glPointParameterfEXT);
+ SET_PointParameterfvEXT(disp, glPointParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_GetInstrumentsSGIX(disp, glGetInstrumentsSGIX);
+ SET_InstrumentsBufferSGIX(disp, glInstrumentsBufferSGIX);
+ SET_PollInstrumentsSGIX(disp, glPollInstrumentsSGIX);
+ SET_ReadInstrumentsSGIX(disp, glReadInstrumentsSGIX);
+ SET_StartInstrumentsSGIX(disp, glStartInstrumentsSGIX);
+ SET_StopInstrumentsSGIX(disp, glStopInstrumentsSGIX);
+ SET_FrameZoomSGIX(disp, glFrameZoomSGIX);
+ SET_TagSampleBufferSGIX(disp, glTagSampleBufferSGIX);
+ SET_ReferencePlaneSGIX(disp, glReferencePlaneSGIX);
+ SET_FlushRasterSGIX(disp, glFlushRasterSGIX);
+ SET_GetListParameterfvSGIX(disp, glGetListParameterfvSGIX);
+ SET_GetListParameterivSGIX(disp, glGetListParameterivSGIX);
+ SET_ListParameterfSGIX(disp, glListParameterfSGIX);
+ SET_ListParameterfvSGIX(disp, glListParameterfvSGIX);
+ SET_ListParameteriSGIX(disp, glListParameteriSGIX);
+ SET_ListParameterivSGIX(disp, glListParameterivSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentColorMaterialSGIX(disp, glFragmentColorMaterialSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightfSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightfSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightfvSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightfvSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightiSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightiSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightivSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightivSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightModelfSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightModelfSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightModelfvSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightModelfvSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightModeliSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightModeliSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentLightModelivSGIX(disp, glFragmentLightModelivSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentMaterialfSGIX(disp, glFragmentMaterialfSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentMaterialfvSGIX(disp, glFragmentMaterialfvSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentMaterialiSGIX(disp, glFragmentMaterialiSGIX);
+ SET_FragmentMaterialivSGIX(disp, glFragmentMaterialivSGIX);
+ SET_GetFragmentLightfvSGIX(disp, glGetFragmentLightfvSGIX);
+ SET_GetFragmentLightivSGIX(disp, glGetFragmentLightivSGIX);
+ SET_GetFragmentMaterialfvSGIX(disp, glGetFragmentMaterialfvSGIX);
+ SET_GetFragmentMaterialivSGIX(disp, glGetFragmentMaterialivSGIX);
+ SET_LightEnviSGIX(disp, glLightEnviSGIX);
+ SET_VertexWeightfEXT(disp, glVertexWeightfEXT);
+ SET_VertexWeightfvEXT(disp, glVertexWeightfvEXT);
+ SET_VertexWeightPointerEXT(disp, glVertexWeightPointerEXT);
+ SET_FlushVertexArrayRangeNV(disp, glFlushVertexArrayRangeNV);
+ SET_VertexArrayRangeNV(disp, glVertexArrayRangeNV);
+ SET_CombinerParameterfvNV(disp, glCombinerParameterfvNV);
+ SET_CombinerParameterfNV(disp, glCombinerParameterfNV);
+ SET_CombinerParameterivNV(disp, glCombinerParameterivNV);
+ SET_CombinerParameteriNV(disp, glCombinerParameteriNV);
+ SET_CombinerInputNV(disp, glCombinerInputNV);
+ SET_CombinerOutputNV(disp, glCombinerOutputNV);
+ SET_FinalCombinerInputNV(disp, glFinalCombinerInputNV);
+ SET_GetCombinerInputParameterfvNV(disp, glGetCombinerInputParameterfvNV);
+ SET_GetCombinerInputParameterivNV(disp, glGetCombinerInputParameterivNV);
+ SET_GetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV(disp, glGetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV);
+ SET_GetCombinerOutputParameterivNV(disp, glGetCombinerOutputParameterivNV);
+ SET_GetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV(disp, glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV);
+ SET_GetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV(disp, glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV);
+ SET_ResizeBuffersMESA(disp, glResizeBuffersMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2dMESA(disp, glWindowPos2dMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2dvMESA(disp, glWindowPos2dvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2fMESA(disp, glWindowPos2fMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2fvMESA(disp, glWindowPos2fvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2iMESA(disp, glWindowPos2iMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2ivMESA(disp, glWindowPos2ivMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2sMESA(disp, glWindowPos2sMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos2svMESA(disp, glWindowPos2svMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3dMESA(disp, glWindowPos3dMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3dvMESA(disp, glWindowPos3dvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3fMESA(disp, glWindowPos3fMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3fvMESA(disp, glWindowPos3fvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3iMESA(disp, glWindowPos3iMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3ivMESA(disp, glWindowPos3ivMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3sMESA(disp, glWindowPos3sMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos3svMESA(disp, glWindowPos3svMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4dMESA(disp, glWindowPos4dMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4dvMESA(disp, glWindowPos4dvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4fMESA(disp, glWindowPos4fMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4fvMESA(disp, glWindowPos4fvMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4iMESA(disp, glWindowPos4iMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4ivMESA(disp, glWindowPos4ivMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4sMESA(disp, glWindowPos4sMESA);
+ SET_WindowPos4svMESA(disp, glWindowPos4svMESA);
+ SET_BlendFuncSeparateEXT(disp, glBlendFuncSeparateEXT);
+ SET_IndexMaterialEXT(disp, glIndexMaterialEXT);
+ SET_IndexFuncEXT(disp, glIndexFuncEXT);
+ SET_LockArraysEXT(disp, glLockArraysEXT);
+ SET_UnlockArraysEXT(disp, glUnlockArraysEXT);
+ SET_CullParameterdvEXT(disp, glCullParameterdvEXT);
+ SET_CullParameterfvEXT(disp, glCullParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_HintPGI(disp, glHintPGI);
+ SET_FogCoordfEXT(disp, glFogCoordfEXT);
+ SET_FogCoordfvEXT(disp, glFogCoordfvEXT);
+ SET_FogCoorddEXT(disp, glFogCoorddEXT);
+ SET_FogCoorddvEXT(disp, glFogCoorddvEXT);
+ SET_FogCoordPointerEXT(disp, glFogCoordPointerEXT);
+ SET_GetColorTableEXT(disp, glGetColorTableEXT);
+ SET_GetColorTableParameterivEXT(disp, glGetColorTableParameterivEXT);
+ SET_GetColorTableParameterfvEXT(disp, glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT);
+ SET_TbufferMask3DFX(disp, glTbufferMask3DFX);
+ SET_CompressedTexImage3DARB(disp, glCompressedTexImage3DARB);
+ SET_CompressedTexImage2DARB(disp, glCompressedTexImage2DARB);
+ SET_CompressedTexImage1DARB(disp, glCompressedTexImage1DARB);
+ SET_CompressedTexSubImage3DARB(disp, glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB);
+ SET_CompressedTexSubImage2DARB(disp, glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB);
+ SET_CompressedTexSubImage1DARB(disp, glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB);
+ SET_GetCompressedTexImageARB(disp, glGetCompressedTexImageARB);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3bEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3bEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3bvEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3bvEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3dEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3dEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3dvEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3dvEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3fEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3fEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3fvEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3fvEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3iEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3iEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3ivEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3ivEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3sEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3sEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3svEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3svEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3ubEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3ubEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3ubvEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3ubvEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3uiEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3uiEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3uivEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3uivEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3usEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3usEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColor3usvEXT(disp, glSecondaryColor3usvEXT);
+ SET_SecondaryColorPointerEXT(disp, glSecondaryColorPointerEXT);
+ SET_AreProgramsResidentNV(disp, glAreProgramsResidentNV);
+ SET_BindProgramNV(disp, glBindProgramNV);
+ SET_DeleteProgramsNV(disp, glDeleteProgramsNV);
+ SET_ExecuteProgramNV(disp, glExecuteProgramNV);
+ SET_GenProgramsNV(disp, glGenProgramsNV);
+ SET_GetProgramParameterdvNV(disp, glGetProgramParameterdvNV);
+ SET_GetProgramParameterfvNV(disp, glGetProgramParameterfvNV);
+ SET_GetProgramivNV(disp, glGetProgramivNV);
+ SET_GetProgramStringNV(disp, glGetProgramStringNV);
+ SET_GetTrackMatrixivNV(disp, glGetTrackMatrixivNV);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribdvARB(disp, glGetVertexAttribdvARB);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribfvARB(disp, glGetVertexAttribfvARB);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribivARB(disp, glGetVertexAttribivARB);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribPointervNV(disp, glGetVertexAttribPointervNV);
+ SET_IsProgramNV(disp, glIsProgramNV);
+ SET_LoadProgramNV(disp, glLoadProgramNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameter4dNV(disp, glProgramParameter4dNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameter4dvNV(disp, glProgramParameter4dvNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameter4fNV(disp, glProgramParameter4fNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameter4fvNV(disp, glProgramParameter4fvNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameters4dvNV(disp, glProgramParameters4dvNV);
+ SET_ProgramParameters4fvNV(disp, glProgramParameters4fvNV);
+ SET_RequestResidentProgramsNV(disp, glRequestResidentProgramsNV);
+ SET_TrackMatrixNV(disp, glTrackMatrixNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribPointerNV(disp, glVertexAttribPointerNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1dARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1dARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1dvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1dvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1fARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1fARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1fvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1fvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1sARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1sARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1svARB(disp, glVertexAttrib1svARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2dARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2dARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2dvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2dvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2fARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2fARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2fvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2fvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2sARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2sARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2svARB(disp, glVertexAttrib2svARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3dARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3dARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3dvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3dvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3fARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3fARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3fvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3fvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3sARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3sARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3svARB(disp, glVertexAttrib3svARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4dARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4dARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4dvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4dvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4fARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4fARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4fvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4fvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4sARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4sARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4svARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4svARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NubARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NubARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NubvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NubvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttribs1dvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs1dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs1fvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs1fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs1svNV(disp, glVertexAttribs1svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs2dvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs2dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs2fvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs2fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs2svNV(disp, glVertexAttribs2svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs3dvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs3dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs3fvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs3fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs3svNV(disp, glVertexAttribs3svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs4dvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs4dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs4fvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs4fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs4svNV(disp, glVertexAttribs4svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttribs4ubvNV(disp, glVertexAttribs4ubvNV);
+ SET_PointParameteriNV(disp, glPointParameteriNV);
+ SET_PointParameterivNV(disp, glPointParameterivNV);
+ SET_MultiDrawArraysEXT(disp, glMultiDrawArraysEXT);
+ SET_MultiDrawElementsEXT(disp, glMultiDrawElementsEXT);
+ SET_ActiveStencilFaceEXT(disp, glActiveStencilFaceEXT);
+ SET_DeleteFencesNV(disp, glDeleteFencesNV);
+ SET_GenFencesNV(disp, glGenFencesNV);
+ SET_IsFenceNV(disp, glIsFenceNV);
+ SET_TestFenceNV(disp, glTestFenceNV);
+ SET_GetFenceivNV(disp, glGetFenceivNV);
+ SET_FinishFenceNV(disp, glFinishFenceNV);
+ SET_SetFenceNV(disp, glSetFenceNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4bvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4bvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4ivARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4ivARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4ubvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4ubvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4usvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4usvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4uivARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4uivARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NbvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NbvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NsvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NsvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NivARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NivARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NusvARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NusvARB);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4NuivARB(disp, glVertexAttrib4NuivARB);
+ SET_VertexAttribPointerARB(disp, glVertexAttribPointerARB);
+ SET_EnableVertexAttribArrayARB(disp, glEnableVertexAttribArrayARB);
+ SET_DisableVertexAttribArrayARB(disp, glDisableVertexAttribArrayARB);
+ SET_ProgramStringARB(disp, glProgramStringARB);
+ SET_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB(disp, glProgramEnvParameter4dARB);
+ SET_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(disp, glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB);
+ SET_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB(disp, glProgramEnvParameter4fARB);
+ SET_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(disp, glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB);
+ SET_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB(disp, glProgramLocalParameter4dARB);
+ SET_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(disp, glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB);
+ SET_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(disp, glProgramLocalParameter4fARB);
+ SET_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(disp, glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB);
+ SET_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(disp, glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB);
+ SET_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(disp, glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB);
+ SET_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(disp, glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB);
+ SET_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(disp, glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB);
+ SET_GetProgramivARB(disp, glGetProgramivARB);
+ SET_GetProgramStringARB(disp, glGetProgramStringARB);
+ SET_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV(disp, glProgramNamedParameter4fNV);
+ SET_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV(disp, glProgramNamedParameter4dNV);
+ SET_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(disp, glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV);
+ SET_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(disp, glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV);
+ SET_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV(disp, glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV);
+ SET_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(disp, glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV);
+ SET_BindBufferARB(disp, glBindBufferARB);
+ SET_BufferDataARB(disp, glBufferDataARB);
+ SET_BufferSubDataARB(disp, glBufferSubDataARB);
+ SET_DeleteBuffersARB(disp, glDeleteBuffersARB);
+ SET_GenBuffersARB(disp, glGenBuffersARB);
+ SET_GetBufferParameterivARB(disp, glGetBufferParameterivARB);
+ SET_GetBufferPointervARB(disp, glGetBufferPointervARB);
+ SET_GetBufferSubDataARB(disp, glGetBufferSubDataARB);
+ SET_IsBufferARB(disp, glIsBufferARB);
+ SET_MapBufferARB(disp, glMapBufferARB);
+ SET_UnmapBufferARB(disp, glUnmapBufferARB);
+ SET_DepthBoundsEXT(disp, glDepthBoundsEXT);
+ SET_GenQueriesARB(disp, glGenQueriesARB);
+ SET_DeleteQueriesARB(disp, glDeleteQueriesARB);
+ SET_IsQueryARB(disp, glIsQueryARB);
+ SET_BeginQueryARB(disp, glBeginQueryARB);
+ SET_EndQueryARB(disp, glEndQueryARB);
+ SET_GetQueryivARB(disp, glGetQueryivARB);
+ SET_GetQueryObjectivARB(disp, glGetQueryObjectivARB);
+ SET_GetQueryObjectuivARB(disp, glGetQueryObjectuivARB);
+ SET_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM(disp, glMultiModeDrawArraysIBM);
+ SET_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM(disp, glMultiModeDrawElementsIBM);
+ SET_BlendEquationSeparateEXT(disp, glBlendEquationSeparateEXT);
+ SET_DeleteObjectARB(disp, glDeleteObjectARB);
+ SET_GetHandleARB(disp, glGetHandleARB);
+ SET_DetachObjectARB(disp, glDetachObjectARB);
+ SET_CreateShaderObjectARB(disp, glCreateShaderObjectARB);
+ SET_ShaderSourceARB(disp, glShaderSourceARB);
+ SET_CompileShaderARB(disp, glCompileShaderARB);
+ SET_CreateProgramObjectARB(disp, glCreateProgramObjectARB);
+ SET_AttachObjectARB(disp, glAttachObjectARB);
+ SET_LinkProgramARB(disp, glLinkProgramARB);
+ SET_UseProgramObjectARB(disp, glUseProgramObjectARB);
+ SET_ValidateProgramARB(disp, glValidateProgramARB);
+ SET_Uniform1fARB(disp, glUniform1fARB);
+ SET_Uniform2fARB(disp, glUniform2fARB);
+ SET_Uniform3fARB(disp, glUniform3fARB);
+ SET_Uniform4fARB(disp, glUniform4fARB);
+ SET_Uniform1iARB(disp, glUniform1iARB);
+ SET_Uniform2iARB(disp, glUniform2iARB);
+ SET_Uniform3iARB(disp, glUniform3iARB);
+ SET_Uniform4iARB(disp, glUniform4iARB);
+ SET_Uniform1fvARB(disp, glUniform1fvARB);
+ SET_Uniform2fvARB(disp, glUniform2fvARB);
+ SET_Uniform3fvARB(disp, glUniform3fvARB);
+ SET_Uniform4fvARB(disp, glUniform4fvARB);
+ SET_Uniform1ivARB(disp, glUniform1ivARB);
+ SET_Uniform2ivARB(disp, glUniform2ivARB);
+ SET_Uniform3ivARB(disp, glUniform3ivARB);
+ SET_Uniform4ivARB(disp, glUniform4ivARB);
+ SET_UniformMatrix2fvARB(disp, glUniformMatrix2fvARB);
+ SET_UniformMatrix3fvARB(disp, glUniformMatrix3fvARB);
+ SET_UniformMatrix4fvARB(disp, glUniformMatrix4fvARB);
+ SET_GetObjectParameterfvARB(disp, glGetObjectParameterfvARB);
+ SET_GetObjectParameterivARB(disp, glGetObjectParameterivARB);
+ SET_GetInfoLogARB(disp, glGetInfoLogARB);
+ SET_GetAttachedObjectsARB(disp, glGetAttachedObjectsARB);
+ SET_GetUniformLocationARB(disp, glGetUniformLocationARB);
+ SET_GetActiveUniformARB(disp, glGetActiveUniformARB);
+ SET_GetUniformfvARB(disp, glGetUniformfvARB);
+ SET_GetUniformivARB(disp, glGetUniformivARB);
+ SET_GetShaderSourceARB(disp, glGetShaderSourceARB);
+ SET_BindAttribLocationARB(disp, glBindAttribLocationARB);
+ SET_GetActiveAttribARB(disp, glGetActiveAttribARB);
+ SET_GetAttribLocationARB(disp, glGetAttribLocationARB);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribdvNV(disp, glGetVertexAttribdvNV);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribfvNV(disp, glGetVertexAttribfvNV);
+ SET_GetVertexAttribivNV(disp, glGetVertexAttribivNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1dNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1dNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1dvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1fNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1fNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1fvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1sNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1sNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib1svNV(disp, glVertexAttrib1svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2dNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2dNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2dvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2fNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2fNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2fvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2sNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2sNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib2svNV(disp, glVertexAttrib2svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3dNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3dNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3dvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3fNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3fNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3fvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3sNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3sNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib3svNV(disp, glVertexAttrib3svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4dNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4dNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4dvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4dvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4fNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4fNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4fvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4fvNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4sNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4sNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4svNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4svNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4ubNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4ubNV);
+ SET_VertexAttrib4ubvNV(disp, glVertexAttrib4ubvNV);
+ SET_GenFragmentShadersATI(disp, glGenFragmentShadersATI);
+ SET_BindFragmentShaderATI(disp, glBindFragmentShaderATI);
+ SET_DeleteFragmentShaderATI(disp, glDeleteFragmentShaderATI);
+ SET_BeginFragmentShaderATI(disp, glBeginFragmentShaderATI);
+ SET_EndFragmentShaderATI(disp, glEndFragmentShaderATI);
+ SET_PassTexCoordATI(disp, glPassTexCoordATI);
+ SET_SampleMapATI(disp, glSampleMapATI);
+ SET_ColorFragmentOp1ATI(disp, glColorFragmentOp1ATI);
+ SET_ColorFragmentOp2ATI(disp, glColorFragmentOp2ATI);
+ SET_ColorFragmentOp3ATI(disp, glColorFragmentOp3ATI);
+ SET_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI(disp, glAlphaFragmentOp1ATI);
+ SET_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI(disp, glAlphaFragmentOp2ATI);
+ SET_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI(disp, glAlphaFragmentOp3ATI);
+ SET_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI(disp, glSetFragmentShaderConstantATI);
+ SET_IsRenderbufferEXT(disp, glIsRenderbufferEXT);
+ SET_BindRenderbufferEXT(disp, glBindRenderbufferEXT);
+ SET_DeleteRenderbuffersEXT(disp, glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT);
+ SET_GenRenderbuffersEXT(disp, glGenRenderbuffersEXT);
+ SET_RenderbufferStorageEXT(disp, glRenderbufferStorageEXT);
+ SET_GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT(disp, glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT);
+ SET_IsFramebufferEXT(disp, glIsFramebufferEXT);
+ SET_BindFramebufferEXT(disp, glBindFramebufferEXT);
+ SET_DeleteFramebuffersEXT(disp, glDeleteFramebuffersEXT);
+ SET_GenFramebuffersEXT(disp, glGenFramebuffersEXT);
+ SET_CheckFramebufferStatusEXT(disp, glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT);
+ SET_FramebufferTexture1DEXT(disp, glFramebufferTexture1DEXT);
+ SET_FramebufferTexture2DEXT(disp, glFramebufferTexture2DEXT);
+ SET_FramebufferTexture3DEXT(disp, glFramebufferTexture3DEXT);
+ SET_FramebufferRenderbufferEXT(disp, glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT);
+ SET_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT(disp, glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT);
+ SET_GenerateMipmapEXT(disp, glGenerateMipmapEXT);
+ SET_StencilFuncSeparate(disp, glStencilFuncSeparate);
+ SET_StencilOpSeparate(disp, glStencilOpSeparate);
+ SET_StencilMaskSeparate(disp, glStencilMaskSeparate);
+ SET_GetQueryObjecti64vEXT(disp, glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT);
+ SET_GetQueryObjectui64vEXT(disp, glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT);
+ SET_BlitFramebufferEXT(disp, glBlitFramebufferEXT); */

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