xserver: Branch 'master'

Brian Paul brianp at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Sep 29 00:10:15 EEST 2006

 GL/symlink-mesa.sh |  384 ++++-------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 351 deletions(-)

New commits:
diff-tree 84eb2c0a06de60e88e14bb03fabe661d7cd8f1d3 (from 4bc5dc2854e33bf343cdea44a3c3b4c41f6f4145)
Author: Brian <brian at yutani.localnet.net>
Date:   Thu Sep 28 15:09:40 2006 -0600

    Replace hard-coded filesnames with loops (all .c and .h files).
    Should fix problems with Mesa adding/removing source files, for the most part.
    Patch by Dan Nicholson.

diff --git a/GL/symlink-mesa.sh b/GL/symlink-mesa.sh
index a836866..88dddfc 100755
--- a/GL/symlink-mesa.sh
+++ b/GL/symlink-mesa.sh
@@ -62,417 +62,99 @@ symlink_mesa_glapi() {
     src_dir src/mesa/glapi
     dst_dir mesa/glapi
-    action dispatch.h
-    action glapi.c
-    action glapi.h
-    action glapioffsets.h
-    action glapitable.h
-    action glapitemp.h
-    action glprocs.h
-    action glthread.c
-    action glthread.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_main() {
     src_dir src/mesa/main
     dst_dir mesa/main
-    action accum.c
-    action accum.h
-    action api_arrayelt.c
-    action api_arrayelt.h
-    action api_eval.h
-    action api_loopback.c
-    action api_loopback.h
-    action api_noop.c
-    action api_noop.h
-    action api_validate.c
-    action api_validate.h
-    action arrayobj.c
-    action arrayobj.h
-    action attrib.c
-    action attrib.h
-    action bitset.h
-    action blend.c
-    action blend.h
-    action bufferobj.c
-    action bufferobj.h
-    action buffers.c
-    action buffers.h
-    action clip.c
-    action clip.h
-    action colormac.h
-    action colortab.c
-    action colortab.h
-    action config.h
-    action context.c
-    action context.h
-    action convolve.c
-    action convolve.h
-    action dd.h
-    action debug.c
-    action debug.h
-    action depth.c
-    action depth.h
-    action depthstencil.c
-    action depthstencil.h
-    action dlist.c
-    action dlist.h
-    action drawpix.c
-    action drawpix.h
-    action enable.c
-    action enable.h
-    action enums.c
-    action enums.h
-    action eval.c
-    action eval.h
-    action execmem.c
-    action extensions.c
-    action extensions.h
-    action fbobject.c
-    action fbobject.h
-    action feedback.c
-    action feedback.h
-    action fog.c
-    action fog.h
-    action framebuffer.c
-    action framebuffer.h
-    action get.c
-    action get.h
-    action getstring.c
-    action glheader.h
-    action hash.c
-    action hash.h
-    action hint.c
-    action hint.h
-    action histogram.c
-    action histogram.h
-    action image.c
-    action image.h
-    action imports.c
-    action imports.h
-    action light.c
-    action light.h
-    action lines.c
-    action lines.h
-    action macros.h
-    action matrix.c
-    action matrix.h
-    action mm.c
-    action mm.h
-    action mtypes.h
-    action occlude.c
-    action occlude.h
-    action pixel.c
-    action pixel.h
-    action points.c
-    action points.h
-    action polygon.c
-    action polygon.h
-    action rastpos.c
-    action rastpos.h
-    action rbadaptors.c
-    action rbadaptors.h
-    action renderbuffer.c
-    action renderbuffer.h
-    action simple_list.h
-    action state.c
-    action state.h
-    action stencil.c
-    action stencil.h
-    action texcompress.c
-    action texcompress.h
-    action texcompress_fxt1.c
-    action texcompress_s3tc.c
-    action texenvprogram.c
-    action texenvprogram.h
-    action texformat.c
-    action texformat.h
-    action texformat_tmp.h
-    action teximage.c
-    action teximage.h
-    action texobj.c
-    action texobj.h
-    action texrender.c
-    action texrender.h
-    action texstate.c
-    action texstate.h
-    action texstore.c
-    action texstore.h
-    action varray.c
-    action varray.h
-    action version.h
-    action vsnprintf.c
-    action vtxfmt.c
-    action vtxfmt.h
-    action vtxfmt_tmp.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_math() {
     src_dir src/mesa/math
     dst_dir mesa/math
-    action m_clip_tmp.h
-    action m_copy_tmp.h
-    action m_debug.h
-    action m_debug_clip.c
-    action m_debug_norm.c
-    action m_debug_util.h
-    action m_debug_xform.c
-    action m_dotprod_tmp.h
-    action m_eval.c
-    action m_eval.h
-    action m_matrix.c
-    action m_matrix.h
-    action m_norm_tmp.h
-    action m_trans_tmp.h
-    action m_translate.c
-    action m_translate.h
-    action m_vector.c
-    action m_vector.h
-    action m_xform.c
-    action m_xform.h
-    action m_xform_tmp.h
-    action mathmod.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_ac() {
     src_dir src/mesa/array_cache
     dst_dir mesa/array_cache
-    action ac_context.c
-    action ac_context.h
-    action ac_import.c
-    action acache.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_swrast() {
     src_dir src/mesa/swrast
     dst_dir mesa/swrast
-    action s_aaline.c
-    action s_aaline.h
-    action s_aalinetemp.h
-    action s_aatriangle.c
-    action s_aatriangle.h
-    action s_aatritemp.h
-    action s_accum.c
-    action s_accum.h
-    action s_alpha.c
-    action s_alpha.h
-    action s_arbshader.c
-    action s_arbshader.h
-    action s_atifragshader.c
-    action s_atifragshader.h
-    action s_bitmap.c
-    action s_blend.c
-    action s_blend.h
-    action s_blit.c
-    action s_buffers.c
-    action s_context.c
-    action s_context.h
-    action s_copypix.c
-    action s_depth.c
-    action s_depth.h
-    action s_drawpix.c
-    action s_drawpix.h
-    action s_feedback.c
-    action s_feedback.h
-    action s_fog.c
-    action s_fog.h
-    action s_imaging.c
-    action s_lines.c
-    action s_lines.h
-    action s_linetemp.h
-    action s_logic.c
-    action s_logic.h
-    action s_masking.c
-    action s_masking.h
-    action s_nvfragprog.c
-    action s_nvfragprog.h
-    action s_points.c
-    action s_points.h
-    action s_pointtemp.h
-    action s_readpix.c
-    action s_span.c
-    action s_span.h
-    action s_spantemp.h
-    action s_stencil.c
-    action s_stencil.h
-    action s_texcombine.c
-    action s_texcombine.h
-    action s_texfilter.c
-    action s_texfilter.h
-    action s_texstore.c
-    action s_triangle.c
-    action s_triangle.h
-    action s_trispan.h
-    action s_tritemp.h
-    action s_zoom.c
-    action s_zoom.h
-    action swrast.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_ss() {
     src_dir src/mesa/swrast_setup
     dst_dir mesa/swrast_setup
-    action ss_context.c
-    action ss_context.h
-    action ss_triangle.c
-    action ss_triangle.h
-    action ss_tritmp.h
-    action ss_vb.h
-    action swrast_setup.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_tnl() {
     src_dir src/mesa/tnl
     dst_dir mesa/tnl
-    action t_array_api.c
-    action t_array_api.h
-    action t_array_import.c
-    action t_array_import.h
-    action t_context.c
-    action t_context.h
-    action t_pipeline.c
-    action t_pipeline.h
-    action t_save_api.c
-    action t_save_api.h
-    action t_save_loopback.c
-    action t_save_playback.c
-    action t_vb_arbprogram.c
-    action t_vb_arbprogram.h
-    action t_vb_arbprogram_sse.c
-    action t_vb_arbshader.c
-    action t_vb_cliptmp.h
-    action t_vb_cull.c
-    action t_vb_fog.c
-    action t_vb_light.c
-    action t_vb_lighttmp.h
-    action t_vb_normals.c
-    action t_vb_points.c
-    action t_vb_program.c
-    action t_vb_render.c
-    action t_vb_rendertmp.h
-    action t_vb_texgen.c
-    action t_vb_texmat.c
-    action t_vb_vertex.c
-    action t_vertex.c
-    action t_vertex.h
-    action t_vertex_generic.c
-    action t_vertex_sse.c
-    action t_vp_build.c
-    action t_vp_build.h
-    action t_vtx_api.c
-    action t_vtx_api.h
-    action t_vtx_eval.c
-    action t_vtx_exec.c
-    action t_vtx_generic.c
-    action t_vtx_x86.c
-    action tnl.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_shader() {
     src_dir src/mesa/shader
     dst_dir mesa/shader
-    action arbprogparse.c
-    action arbprogparse.h
-    action arbprogram.c
-    action arbprogram.h
-    action arbprogram_syn.h
-    action atifragshader.c
-    action atifragshader.h
-    action nvfragparse.c
-    action nvfragparse.h
-    action nvprogram.c
-    action nvprogram.h
-    action nvvertexec.c
-    action nvvertexec.h
-    action nvvertparse.c
-    action nvvertparse.h
-    action program.c
-    action program.h
-    action program_instruction.h
-    action shaderobjects.c
-    action shaderobjects.h
-    action shaderobjects_3dlabs.c
-    action shaderobjects_3dlabs.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_shader_grammar() {
     src_dir src/mesa/shader/grammar
     dst_dir mesa/shader/grammar
-    action grammar.c
-    action grammar.h
-    action grammar_syn.h
-    action grammar_mesa.c
-    action grammar_mesa.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_shader_slang() {
     src_dir src/mesa/shader/slang
     dst_dir mesa/shader/slang
-    action slang_analyse.c
-    action slang_analyse.h
-    action slang_assemble.c
-    action slang_assemble.h
-    action slang_assemble_assignment.c
-    action slang_assemble_assignment.h
-    action slang_assemble_conditional.c
-    action slang_assemble_conditional.h
-    action slang_assemble_constructor.c
-    action slang_assemble_constructor.h
-    action slang_assemble_typeinfo.c
-    action slang_assemble_typeinfo.h
-    action slang_compile.c
-    action slang_compile.h
-    action slang_compile_function.c
-    action slang_compile_function.h
-    action slang_compile_operation.c
-    action slang_compile_operation.h
-    action slang_compile_struct.c
-    action slang_compile_struct.h
-    action slang_compile_variable.c
-    action slang_compile_variable.h
-    action slang_execute.c
-    action slang_execute.h
-    action slang_execute_x86.c
-    action slang_export.c
-    action slang_export.h
-    action slang_library_noise.c
-    action slang_library_noise.h
-    action slang_library_texsample.c
-    action slang_library_texsample.h
-    action slang_link.c
-    action slang_link.h
-    action slang_mesa.h
-    action slang_preprocess.c
-    action slang_preprocess.h
-    action slang_storage.c
-    action slang_storage.h
-    action slang_utility.c
-    action slang_utility.h
-    action traverse_wrap.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_shader_slang_library() {
     src_dir src/mesa/shader/slang/library
     dst_dir mesa/shader/slang/library
-    action slang_builtin_vec4_gc.h
-    action slang_common_builtin_gc.h
-    action slang_core_gc.h
-    action slang_fragment_builtin_gc.h
-    action slang_shader_syn.h
-    action slang_pp_directives_syn.h
-    action slang_pp_expression_syn.h
-    action slang_pp_version_syn.h
-    action slang_vertex_builtin_gc.h
+    for src in $REAL_SRC_DIR/*.{c,h}; do
+        action `basename $src`
+    done
 symlink_mesa_x() {

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