CVS Update: xc (branch: trunk)

Eric Anholt xorg-commit at
Wed May 12 04:49:46 EEST 2004

CVSROOT:	/cvs/xorg
Module name:	xc
Changes by:	anholt at pdx.	04/05/11 18:49:46

Log message:
  Fix problems in render fb implementation found by rendercheck:
  - fbCombineSaturate was pointed at fbCombineDisjointOver, instead of
    fbCombineDisjointOverReverse as it should.  Instead, point
    fbCombineDisjointOverReverse at fbCombineSaturate (which is likely
    to be faster).
  - fix previously-unused fbCombineSaturate implementation.
  - fbCombineMaskAlphaC was just a copy of fbCombineMaskValueC.  Make
    it do what it's supposed to (return a cs.alpha).
  - fbCombineAtopC didn't invert the source alpha value.
  - fix copy'n'paste errors in fbCombine(Dis/Con)jointGeneralC, also
    source alpha wasn't treated in a component fashion.
  - fbCompositeSrc_8888* didn't handle when the source lacks an alpha
    channel.  Rather than adding that and possilby slowing down the
    (normal) alpha case, don't let x8r8g8b8/x8b8g8r8 Pictures be used
    in fbCompositeSrc_8888* because Over with one of these is just Src.

Modified files:
        fbcompose.c fbpict.c fbpict.h 
  Revision      Changes    Path
  1.24          +25 -1     xc/ChangeLog
  1.3           +63 -73    xc/programs/Xserver/fb/fbcompose.c
  1.3           +0 -2      xc/programs/Xserver/fb/fbpict.c
  1.3           +2 -9      xc/programs/Xserver/fb/fbpict.h

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